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Wr o c l a w u niv e r s it y o f s c ie n c e a n d t e c h no l o g y

Topic: Internal communication platform of companies

Submitted to: DR. Yash Chawla

Submitted by: Shazad Mansur Bisal

Student ID: 270127

Course: S Communication in Social Media

1. Sketch the selected workstation (top view): the room, the workplace, the
visual task area and the surrounding area. Apply a grid to measure illuminance
(Fig. 1)
2. Describe the light sources used in the room (e.g. light bulbs, light luminaires,
windows), their arrangement and features (i.e. possibilities of lighting adjustments
and windows covering, the colour aspects of light); describe the features of a user
important for the project, e.g. vision problems, age, etc.

The room has 2 ceiling LED lamps with very strong white light. Additionally there is
one floor lamp and one desk lamp that is placed on the desk. There are 4 windows that
cover almost whole area of one wall. Additionally there are balcony glass doors.

The user is 31 years old woman without any vision problems. She is not wearing any
glasses and has no physical disabilities.

3. Characterize the lighting conditions (daylight, artificial light, mixed light etc.)
and the subjective user’s opinion about them

As the windows in the room face the south side, large amounts of daylight enter the room
from the early morning hours until dusk. For this reason, it is also necessary to provide
additional lighting to the room only after sunset. At the time of using the workplace, the
most common lamp used is the one standing on the desk or the ceiling lamp located
behind the user's back (depending on the lightning needs). During the day, it is sometimes
necessary to close the window blinds in order to limit the sunlight from entering the room,
at some point directly intouser’s eyes.

Theuser is satisfied with the lighting, as the large amount of natural light during the day
improves the quality of work. Sunlight directed towards the user's room is useful during
video conferences by illuminating the face in a natural way. Depending on the season,it is
not until the afternoon hours that the sun's rays make it impossible to work. There are a lot
of plants in pots on the windowsill, which can interfere with the flow of sunlight into the

4. Measure the illuminance at chosen grid nodes. You can use a lux meter or a
mobile application, e.g. LUX Meter. When using the application please, include
the application name in the report.

The application used is: LIGHT METER.

The conditions in which the measurements have been
performed: 9:00 am, sunny day, no clouds, natural light
only. The sun at that time is not visible from the window

The condition in which the measurements

have been performed: 11:00 am, mixed
lightning- as it was a cloudy day it required
some artificial lightning.
The conditions in which the measurements have been
performed: 8:00 pm, artificial lightning only, coming
from a desk lamp and one center ceiling lamp.

5. Based on the measurements count in the visual task area

and in the surrounding area of visual task:

1. The average values of illuminance

a) Naturallight: 309,5 for visual task area and 71 for the surrounding area
b) Mixed light: 106 for the visual task area and 33,83 for the surrounding area
c) Artificial light: 69 for the visual task area and 57.67 for the surrounding area.

I have to admit I am surprised that the values for artificial light are that low. I know the lamps
used are not the perfect one for working conditions however the visibility is pretty good and
sufficient for easier tasks like working on a computer or handwriting. I suspect (if it is not an
error in measurements) it might be connected with the fact, that the lamps are not directed
straight to the measurement points of the grid nodes so the app does not catch it that easily as
a source of light.

2. The uniformity of illuminance

a) Naturallight: 0,96 for visual task area and 0,90 for the surrounding area
b) Mixed light: 0,92 for the visual task area and 0,18 for the surrounding area
c) Artificial light: 0,74 for the visual task area and 0,54 for the surrounding area.

Uniformity of illuminance is correct for visual task area in all three cases. However, in case
of mixed light the value of uniformity is 0.18, which is significantly lower than 0,5 required,
so this should be fixed by providing some additional lightning source at the point of the
lowest measurement in the surrounding area.
6. Measure the direct and indirect illuminance of room surfaces (walls, floor
work plane).

Count the reflectance factors for all the surfaces. Compare the obtained results
with the results estimated on the basis of table 3.

7. Specify other factors that may affect the quality of lighting, such as:

1. Risk of glare

The great risk of glare appears in the afternoon, as the sun is directed towards the windows
and cause a discomfort as sun's rays fall into the room and go directly to the person sitting at
the workstation. In most of the cases curtains are used, as the roller blinds that are mounted
on the windows do not let the light in so using them would decrease the visibility. Those
blinds are used mostly once the residents are out of home during a sunny day to avoid
overheating of the apartment.

2. Lighting sources orientation

The orientation of lighting coming from the floor lamp does not affect the workstation, as the
distance between those two points is too high and the power of the lightning of this lamp is
too weak. Similarly, with the further ceiling lamp, it’s purpose is not to light the workstation.
From three lighting sources that are directed towards the working station there is a sunlight
coming from the windows, a desk lamp standing on the desk on the left side and the ceiling
lamp located above and little behind the back of the working person. The desk lamp is not too
strong to avoid too much glare, it does not have a sharp orientation but rather blurry one, so it
is pleasant to the eye, not blinding. As the ceiling lamp is pretty wide the risk of interrupting
the orientation of the light by the shadow of a working person is pretty low.

3. Colour aspects of light (based on the characteristics of the light source and
user’s preferences)

Two ceiling lamps are LED lamps with pretty strong lightning power and it’s colour is white.
They are not being used during everyday duties, as users prefer to use more warm sources of
light on a daily basis, like the floor lamp or the desk lamp, however for working purposes
ceiling lamps are very helpful.

8. Assess the compliance of lighting on the tested workstation with the PN-EN
12464-1: 2012standard

Unfortunately the workspace does not comply with the requirements of the PNEN
12464-1: 2012 standard in most of the situations. The only acceptable situation is
working during a sunny day with natural light, as the average value of illuminance is
higher than 300 (acceptable for filing, copying but not necessarily for handwriting).

9. Design an improved workplace.

It is required to use some additional source of lightning, especially during cloudy days and
in the evening, while working with artificial light only. As the currently used lamps are
not professional lamps adapted tothe needs of the workplace, it is recommended to
consider purchasing a lamp that is designed for such purposes. As the workspace is at the
same time a part of a living room I would not use typical office LED lamp that could ruin
the generalroom décor. I would use one of the LED desk lamps that could be moved and
adjusted to the needs of the working person. Here’s an example of such a lamp:

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