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Student name: Student number:

Teacher name:

Date handed out:

21 May 2021 (3rd lesson W5) Date due: 18 June 2021 (3rd lesson W9)

Subject Business Instrument no. FIA2

Technique Investigation – business report

Unit 2. Business Growth

Topic 1. Establishment of a business

Duration 4 weeks, including 8 hours class time

Mode Written Length 1500 - 2000 words

Individual/ Individual Other -

Resources Technology


Franchising is a business model and strategy to grow and build a business network without having to
provide all the necessary capital. In addition, franchising enables people with limited business expertise or
experience to establish and run a business.
A good friend has approached you for advice about the viability of forming a business partnership to
purchase a handyman franchise called “Hire a Hubby”. Your friend is a Manual Arts teacher and is
considering leaving the teaching profession and starting a business with a colleague. They have limited
knowledge or experience in running a business.


Investigate the Hire-A-Hubby franchise model to identify the franchise structure, financial costs, legal
requirements and the current internal, operating and macro environmental factors that may impact on a
decision to start a Hire-A-Hubby business.

Create a business report that communicates the Hire-A-Hubby franchise model and evaluates the viability
of buying a Hire-A-Hubby franchise to potential franchisees, including visual representations and in-text

To complete this task, you must:

• describe business facts and characteristics of the Hire-a-Hubby business:
- franchise structure
- size and distribution in Queensland or Australia
- organisational culture

• explain the Hire-a-hubby franchise model:

- the role of the franchisor and franchisee
- the financial costs and legal requirements of entering into the franchise agreement as a partnership

• select data and information from primary and secondary sources relating to the:
- internal and operating environmental factors of the Hire-a-Hubby franchise structure and agreement to
analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis)
- external environment of the franchise business to analyse the political, economic, socio-cultural,
technological, legal and environmental forces (PESTLE analysis)

• interpret the relationships, patterns and trends in the SWOT and PESTLE analyses to draw conclusions
about the implications of entering into the franchise agreement

• Using criteria (stakeholder satisfaction and competitiveness) evaluate the suitability of the franchise option to
make a decision and propose recommendations.

• create an extended response (written) to communicate the viability of buying a franchise to potential
franchisees, including visual representations and in-text referencing.

☐ Week 6: 28 May: Progress check – gathering data, information and sources;

☐ Week 7: 4 June: Progress check – analysing and evaluating

☐ Week 8: 11 June: Submit Draft/Monitoring – hard copy to teacher and soft copy via Turn-it-in

☐ Week 9: 18 June: Submit final copy – hard copy to library and soft copy via Turn-it-in
Criterion Marks allocated Result
Assessment objective 1 3

Assessment objective 2 3

Assessment objective 3 5

Assessment objective 4 4

Assessment objective 5 5

Assessment objective 6 5


Authentication strategies

• Your teacher will collect your draft and complete a draft feedback sheet.

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• The teacher will ensure class cross-marking occurs.

• You will submit your response via Turnitin

• Students must submit a declaration of authenticity:

I declare that the work submitted is my own original work and that all sources have been acknowledged:

Student signature: ________________________ Date: _________

• cite sources using in-text referencing in the body of the response (APA)
• provide a Works Cited of primary and secondary sources
• sequence and organise ideas, supported by visual representations
• use tables and graphs to effectively summarise financial information or statistical data
• use language conventions to communicate establishment of a franchise business

Report Cover Page Appropriate report title, your name, teacher name, due date,
appropriate graphic
Format your headings (using Styles on the Home Ribbon) so that Word
Table of Contents
will create your Table of Contents for you.
Provide an outline and overview of the purpose of your report and
overall structure.
• Describe business facts and characteristics of the Hire-a-Hubby
Business description - franchise structure
- size and distribution in Queensland or Australia
- organisational culture
• Explain the Hire-a-Hubby Franchise model:
- the role of the franchisor and franchisee
Franchise model
- the financial costs and legal requirements of entering into the
franchise agreement as a partnership
Analytical tools • SWOT – insert SWOT table, use bullet pts, identify sources
(use Primary and • PESTLE - insert PESTLE table, use bullet pts, identify sources
Secondary sources)
• Paragraph – interpretation/conclusion based on SWOT and PESTLE
Impact & Findings
- What key findings can be observed from the presented
information (consider trends, relationships, patterns)?
of analytical tools - What impact (effects) could these have on the business idea?
- Draw conclusions

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Evaluation Criteria: Stakeholder satisfaction
(Credible use of criteria  Identify stakeholder (franchisee/s) and consider their
to make appropriate motives and needs
judgements for  Viability of Franchise –
proceeding with the o assess the strengths, implications and limitations
franchise) o link to relevant business goals – eg profit, growth, market
 Make a judgement (decision) about viability in terms of
Criteria: stakeholder satisfaction
• Stakeholder Satisfact.  Justify the decision – why/why not the franchise option
• Competitiveness viable

Competitive Factors: Criteria: Competitiveness

o Market share,  Viability of Franchise

o Performance o Consider the competitive factors (listed on left panel) and
(profit, turnover),  assess the strengths, implications and limitations
o Growth plans,  link to relevant business goals – eg profit, growth,
o Resources market share
 Make a judgement (decision) about viability in terms of
(human and
facilities), competitiveness
o Strategies (to be  Justify the decision – why/why not the franchise option
more competitive,
o Technology,
o stability

Propose a course of actions most suitable for the situation or

Recommendations context.

Works cited • Adhere to school guidelines relating to Works Cited – see M21
student handbook
• APA in-text referencing
Appendix • primary research – ie interview questions and responses
• Use third person ie do not refer to you, they, I
• No contractions eg hasn’t = has not
• 1 ½ line spacing
Mechanics • Justified margins
• page number on footer
• appropriate headings and sub-headings
• business report format

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Instrument-specific marking guide (ISMG)
Criterion: Describing

Assessment objective
1. describe business environments and situations relating to the Hire-a-hubby franchise as a
business start-up.

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• accurate recognition of significant and relevant business facts, features and characteristics
• comprehensive descriptions of the business environment and situation relating to the
franchise business in the start-up stage 3
• purposeful use of business terminology

• accurate recognition of relevant business facts, features and characteristics

• adequate descriptions of the business environment and situation relating to the franchise
business in the start-up stage 2
• appropriate use of business terminology

• inaccurate or irrelevant recognition of business facts or characteristics

• rudimentary descriptions of the business environment and/or situation relating to the
franchise business in the start-up stage 1
• inappropriate use of business terminology.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above 0

Criterion: Explaining

Assessment objective
2. explain business concepts, strategies and processes relating to the Hire-a-hubby franchise as
a business start-up.

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• accurate identification of the significant and relevant elements of business concepts,

strategies and processes relating to the franchise business in the start-up stage
• comprehensive explanation of the significant and relevant relationships associated with 3
business concepts, strategies and processes relating to the franchise business in the start-up
• purposeful use of business terminology.
• accurate identification of the relevant elements of business concepts, strategies and
processes relating to the franchise business in the start-up stage
• adequate explanation of the basic relationships associated with business concepts,
strategies and processes to the franchise business in the start-up stage 2
• appropriate use of business terminology.

• inaccurate identification of the basic elements of business concepts, strategies or processes

relating to the franchise business in the start-up stage
• rudimentary explanation of the basic relationships associated with business concepts,
strategies or processes relating to the franchise business in the start-up stage 1
• inappropriate use of business terminology.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

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Criterion: Analysing
Assessment objective
3. select data and information relating to the Hire-a-hubby franchise model’s business situation
and environment to analyse the implications of establishing a business using a SWOT and

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• discerning selection of significant and relevant data and information from primary and
secondary sources relating to the franchise structure and agreement
• discerning use of data and information to support the analysis
• insightful analysis of the business situation.
• familiar selection of relevant data and information from primary and/or secondary sources
relating to the franchise structure and agreement
• adequate use of data and information to support analysis
• appropriate analysis of the business situation.

• inconsistent selection of irrelevant data or information

• narrow use of data or information
• irrelevant analysis or partial statements of the business situation.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Synthesising
Assessment objective
4. interpret relationships and patterns and trends in the SWOT and PESTLE analyses to draw
conclusions about entering into the franchise agreement.

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• insightful recognition of relevant relationships, patterns and trends in the analysis

• discriminating interpretation of the effects on the business situation
• purposeful synthesis of implications of establishing a franchise to draw conclusions for the 3–4
business situation.

• adequate recognition of obvious relationships, patterns and trends in the analysis

• basic interpretation of the effects on the business situation
• narrow synthesis of implications of establishing a franchise to draw conclusions for the 2
business situation.
• partial recognition of irrelevant or superficial relationships, patterns or trends in analysis
• inconsistent or partial interpretation of the business situation
• irrelevant synthesis or partial statement of the business situation.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above.

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Criterion: Evaluating
Assessment objective
5. evaluate the suitability of the franchise option to make a decision and propose
recommendations, using the criteria of stakeholder satisfaction and competitiveness.

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• proficient use of criteria to make perceptive judgments relating to the franchise model
• thoroughly justified decisions for the business situation 4–5
• appropriate recommendations significant for the business situation.

• credible use of criteria to make appropriate judgments for the business

• justified decisions for the business situation 2–3
• plausible recommendations for the business situation.

• superficial or inconsistent judgments for the business

• unresolved or partial decision for the business situation
• unrelated or partial recommendation for the business situation.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Communicating
Assessment objective
6. create a business report that communicates meaning to suit purpose and audience

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• concise and logical sequencing and organisation of ideas in the business report
• features of the business report genre and recognised referencing conventions are 4-5
consistently adhered to
• minimal errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and referencing.

• clear sequencing and organisation of ideas in the business report

• features of the business report genre and recognised referencing conventions are adhered to 2-3
• some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and referencing.

• unresolved or partial sequencing and organisation of ideas

• features of the business report genre and/or referencing conventions are inconsistently
• frequent errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation impede communication.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

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