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é Tie Crawford Small Parts Denterity Test (CSPDT) | performance teat designed to measure fine eyehand coondis pation, Part L Pins and Collars, measures dexterity in using teevvers to insert amall ping in elnsesfitting holes in plate and to place small collars over the protruding pins. Part Il, Serews\ measures dexterity in starting small screws in threaded holes in a plate and serewing them down with « serewdtiver, Separate scores are o'tained for each part. For probebly offere a more re iétic indication of dexterity in ‘handling emall parts than do tests involving the use of one toot of fingers only. Y oe ‘Performance on the CSPDT is expected to be related to success in such jobs of intricate devices, radio tube / Athe CSPDT materials are pictured on the front cover of this Manual, They consist of: A wooden hoard, about 10” x 10” x 1” with sepa: rate wells for the pins, collars and screw A metal plate which fits over # portion of the bored. The plate contains 7 rows of small holes * for tie pins and 7 rows of threaded holes for the arrews. The first row of each series of holes ix for practice. Two metal pans which are placed beneath the plate ‘The romm in. which the test is administered should be welliphted and Sree from oulsjde distractions, A table and Guair are to Ie provided for the examinee, A stop wajch muet be used during the administration. Be sure that each circular well contains at east 45 pins, The test should he placed before the ex- Aa} plate toward him, about three inches fiom the edpe of the table, The yine and pinholes shoald Jeft, the screws and serewholes at hin jown in the ge in posi Ive et thr examinee right, and the collare in the middle well, Photographs on the cover, Do not suggest « ch CRAWFORD SMALL PARTS DEXTERITY TEST INTRODUCTION practical personnel selection and guidence work, the tert . ‘+ manufacture, engraving afid etching, and the assembly and ~ adjustment of other instfimeni tend to support this assumption. It is that users of the test siudy its validity in their own. \ ye CSPOT was developed ax it tests iat sy 1¢ subject completes the entire task and his sore is the time requited. Practically all of the normative data for the CSPDT have been based on individual administration of the test under work:limit conditions, The average sibject¢ be tested in about 15. minutes. One pair of inve studied the possibility of administering the Cravifond frat Parts Dexterity Test as a timesimit test, allowing. th minutes for Ping and Collars and fiv> minutes for Serwas The data gathered in the course of thi Sn the Norma section. re eecented DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST to receive the pins and screws. ~ Tweerers and a small eerewilriver. c ‘The test is specially designed to make quick awl oy the resetting of the pins, collare and acrews for tots the next person, When the metal plat lifted, the pins screws fall into the two pans and the eallare remain «tie plate, All paris may then he returned tothe wells‘ board and the test is ready far the next subject. : cover fits over the entire hoard and keeps the arts in place when the tet is not in use. | fie * ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING : tion, but if the examinee moves the text fuurd to comfortable working position, alluw from their slot hefore starting the ud When the examinee is seated comfortably ath with the test in front of him, 4. This test is to. show how sell simple tools to asscmble «val! po Pick up the tweezers and semmonstrate by Psy OL Scanned with CamScanner oe eee * ne SAND COLLARS TALE 1 . v Pracestits Noaus on Pane for rie Cuswrono SMatt Pants Duxteniry Test Test Scores Given in Minutes and Seconds * MALES: FEMALES Aouers Micu Sentoot. SrUpENTs Anuurs : ee . : plisnce War Veterane, 5 tagek neler on yar Veterana Jenene sir Sos | Fatiory Movrly Fmplored evcenite Applicants Applicaae —uecteitlco Corel Uaiet Asudemlc || AxSoliogata’ .- Appiicante — Employces Assemblers Percratit 2 fi 240" 3°30" sag" 20" 50" x0" x00" x10" yur 99 95 yan" 340" 350” x50" 350" ~4 ofr, 350” 330” 320" sar 93 0. 80 roy” 400" aro" voor aw! a 00" 340” x40" ys” on 80 ¥ 20" 420" a0" a0 aio" 20" war 7+ ssor x00" vor 80 13 sor 430" 420" aus vis, 430" 425" 355" #05" vie 78. 7-70 440" a So 430" 420" wo. aa 430” * arog" 410” 420" 70 oO s0 450” 440" 430" 430" #50 aay wor 420" v3" 68 50. S10” s*00" wo" a ior ad tio | sroce 420" a0" 440" 50. 5130" 520" 500" #50" 4°50" 20” sto" 4307" stor 450" 40 sao" sou" s'2y” soy" 510" san" v2 wage sg" yor 308 5°50" ero" say" stor 520" 550” say 509” 29" gio as 600” ow sean” 5/30" st 30” oor 550” S10” 830” Ss’ 20” “20 ow" rw ow wor ow. ow" 620" S30” 00" sso” 18 rw arly” os” oan osm v0" Tov 620" oso” o40" Ss loan vw zw "10" hau + ahhor v0" To" 1 wm 1st i" “s4 x wie vom v0 a cu Sen ver vive yy pe ee Scanned with CamScanner TABLE 2 oF THE Crawrono Swate P. ants Dexrenty Test Pencestite Nonws on Pant I Test ‘Scores Given in Minutes and Seconds SMES + FEMALES Avett « . Mien Senoot SeevENTS OE : Tretesmt e— Howe Employed | ae 7 me sembly Job Factory fouely mploycd cent Percent me owevggam EST. “arene || peta” anette emlorewr__ Aventiny_ Deven 99 way" v0" silo” 5/30” og oo" 600" sa’ nt a i car yer a sate wr 710" 700" 10! sao" 5 90 00" v 20" e10" rio" ra0" 130" 20" soy 90 80 v0", so” oso” 640" so" - Boor 8°30” roo” 6 20" 80 8 ri" 600" ro00" ro soo" 20" 850” ro" 630" 75 0 * 730" o 10" rao". rio" ar 207% 840" 9 00” v 20" 700” 70 60 oc” ow" rae" 720" 40" 900" 920" 750" 150" 60 50 30” ~~ 700" sor rar 700" -9°30" 19°00" #20" a 10" 50 40 x00" 730” 820" 8°00" 9 30” 10 10” 1 30” wS0” ¥ 10" 40 30 40” 00" #50” 8°30" 19/00" 10 40” 1100" v2" 1010” 30 i 25. 950” 620” 00” 8’ S50” qo 10” 1vo0" 11’ 10” 930" 10’ 30” 25 | 20 10110" wa" 920” 00" 1030” n20" avs} gs” 1040" 20 4! 16 noo" 30" avo" 930” nso 1740" 1430” 10's0” 120" 10 5 12°00" 1020” 12 00" av oy" 140" 13°50" 1609" 150” 1320" 5 1 140" ayoy" 13" 30” 12°50” 1340" 16"s0" 1120" 1a 40” 1750" 1 ae 7 10 1 16 a 157 Tat 138 TN *< wave 16" es Avaie vs" vs" ose" wie" v0" wae Mean zw va6e et Avcilable yest yaar zie 230" 38" 26" 2 Steed on siggy, 7 A cua from this pi Data for competing Mean end SD fo elie group were not | Scanned with CamScanner : PART I—PINS AND COLL : TAULE 1A . My oN Vaar Lor tir Crawrono Swace Pears Deere j | | d Tenths of a Minw | Peneestits : Test Scores Given in Minutes MALES FEMALES j Avvurs Ave EE en a Appliance Wer Veterang j - Unectected eters wt a Veteran Mewrty — Fmentema } Percentile Applicants Applicante —tMertwitice Coren Cate Stoutents Enmpiccere — Anomilore Prmonnd 4 9 ar ar ast ar Peg ae ar ao ar as wt 9s ar ar as a ae “ ar as a as 3 80 ww so +. ww «or ay ww ar ao 7 Cm 30 ay as a ar ar ay a as so a 2 7s as “ase ay 74x ast ast ast sor ar ar 73 | an) ar ar ast as ay ar, tor av ar ay Tok o so as ar as as as “ var ar as « : : ‘ so sy so as a ar oy cr ay ar -— os 40 ss sx so 48" as sy fsx as’ so a 40 30 sr se sx sor sy sv sy ar sz sv 3 25 3st CO ef sv sv sr so sv sy 20 6o or st ss ss er ss . 8? ss se 60" on ry ss or se yw 10 oy os 6s s ce ow ao ww “ys we ast a nts w sv as aw Sa avis as 1 a we ss 40 44 foe eeomputing oi 0 SD fo Scanned with CamScanner a NORMS Doventile nore baeed on the of he CSPDT as a workslimit test popelations in Tables Pan 1A vm Tablee 2 an S data hoes not a standard administration Rte pesented forever for Pine aud Collare and crews. The availability of theee Hility of accumulating specie instance where the testis used fer em, section. The published norma may be of ao talve than Local norms to guidance workers using the test 4a cal nor may also be usefal when bused on aXe population, Nes 1 and 2 give the time score equivalents, in minutes and seconds, of selected percentile points for te The sores have been rounded, with a few exeg wate ten seconds, To accommodate these’ whe Sing in minutes and decimals, Tables 1A and 2A sive ike same percentile information for scores recorded in'ahis fashion to the nearest tenth of a minute, Desetiptions of the groups Follow, : ach gro to the prefer Mates The Unselected Applicants were tested in guidance cen ters in Trenton, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Penney! ania. They were unselected with respect to age, educa Previous experience, and type of job specified es. the first choi The Appi Applicants were tested in x large cay in Pennsylvania with Part I of the CSPDT. The test as auministered as part of a screening procedure in staff. ing 9 new faciory for an electrical appliance manufacturer, The types of jobs for which the men’ sere applicants in. luted assembler, drill press operator, automatic bufing hine attendant, field coil winder. patis inspector, repair sellerer, riveting machine operator, suppresot coil winder, ete, The War Veterans, University of Puerto Rico, were tested of Puerto Rico Guidance Center. The Rroup was unselected as to education and previous occupa. tional experience. The age range was typical of discharged a clustering around the lower twenties.” “TSF tar Veterans, Cornell University, were tested at the Cornel! University Veteran: e Center, They were unselected as to education ahd previqus experience, ul standard deviations for the Cornell group were rot available, The Trade and Technical Students were tested in the Saunders Trade School, Yonkers.sNew York, They were in ‘Brades 10 and 11 at the time of testing. The Academic Students inclkded hoya in grades_9_ throuph 12 at_Yonkers, New York and in grade 10 at Denijr-Colorndo.t All students were enrolled in the aca: demic curriculim. The samples from each grade were not relenough to establish whether or not scores change nificantly. with age in the high school years. However, “comparison was made of the medians for atudents in grades 9 and 10 with the medians of stuilents tn grate, nN and 12, It wan foind thatthe alder oye Fe aioe yp Shout tall nat Othe Sevens a4 Dy «lil nr), _ Minute on the Pine and Callas. yy Fenaurs “The Assembly Job Applicants were women stirs Ths ind 40 years of age, applying for assembly and inspection | n an electrical appliance (clock) plant, The Factory Applicants were seching employs plant which manafactuces and assembles parts for heaving ‘ids and electeonie tubes, The applicants haat been serene with a vision test and the people who had obtained a {hoe ing on the Keystone Telebinncular were teste with nt ina the CSNDT, ly Employees, were women hited for unskilled illed jobs in the manufacturing of electrical measuring devices The Employed Assemblers were engaceil in the assembly of radio receiver anil transmiticr equipment in two plants of a large corporation, These women were tested at the time of hiring and were employed by the company for at least two months after being hired. Comparisons among the norms columns inlicate that several generalizations may be warranted, On both pants of the CSPDT the veterans tested at two widely» University guidance centers score somewhat heiter that the general run of adult male applicants, The norins fur high fchool boys attending trade and technieal courses sre sim lar to the norms for veterans, while the senres of lurve in academic courses are mote like those of unselevted i! applicants, Norms for the male appliauce fartory. appli cants were available for Part I only; theve closely resemble the Part I norms of the unsclected applicants Time-Limt Norus 4 Timestimit norms on the CSPOT were developed by-ten inventigators! who use the test as part uf @ haters ta ete Women for assembling, witing end adju ing devices. The test was given tinier ondltions but at the end of three minutes on Past Tifa number of Pins and Collars completed was rventeh at tt the end of five miuntes on Par HL the muadaee of cnn Bited was noted. The subjects were not in gral of sith time interval and were permitted ca both pans of the tet. Time-limit date were then for 177 female applicants for ssemilyjele, N ranged in age from 18 to $2 ¥ Years; the educational level 1 trical tin. dard washetiuit with a mea 8d Frosa grate 6 he first lege, with 1 the Bist year of college, with an average grade ol centile norms for this group are shown in Table Part of the test, 3 "Osborne, R. T. and Sander "i Sole Desterity Tea aos edit ice ine Deh Scanned with CamScanner tertupted gt the Of timesdimit admi CSPOT is that groups of subjects may be t time, However. since the examiner must ey avs performance to make sure he either the Eroup tested at one time mm (25) oF proctors must he used when OF course, when the directions are examinee rust be able to see the exami ration of the ted at the same ‘ atch each ub. . ironing direction Tyageasmte Nonas Fon Tue CRAWFORD SHALL Panny vst be relatively smal Deggeery Testy 7 testing larger groupe, : é ly given, every Female Applicants for Assembly Jobs Fs demonstrations, ald i voted thatthe stand : warnsino 8 Wal i wt that the stndard method of alanis No. oF Pins 4 rONeGATT ig the GOUT sete used in the study which yelden ae Pereentle "i Sanures Bannetes he subjects were not told they had“ 0 bh to work. Conceivably, the dave might * 99 30 Bs Nicets were informed of a definite Vere 95 8 a lint for each patt. Table 3 is therefore. an appropr 90 27 ah rome table if irecti i 80 26 2 | tutniner stops the testing afte a: tod ve minutes on Pan I, | a 20 Some users of the CSPOT may ve interested in telling 60. 23 ud le etaminees the amount of time they have. This could 2e j . dere by these changes in the directions: For Port Yn, ( = 2 de wince "40 2 7 You will ave three minntes, i 3 B 5 afer the statement “Put pins in these holes and collars over . J the ins, as fast as you ean.” For Part Il, add the someones, 0 0 i ’ You will have five minutes, 5 = 6 ie 10 ser “Now ut acces in all these holes as fst as you ean,” y = N 7 17 it Eatered under there chanied directions should ben. gag 20 183 ‘lied separately. The publisher would weleome repeke ‘sD 39 44 slouch research. = STATISTICAL INFORMATION Reuiamierry high schools, coeficients of correlation were enn aay tween the time for the first, thied and fifth fone am! ine For a group of war veterans tested at Trenton, New ‘ - time forthe second, fourth godt ca i The correlation bres. the rehubility of each part of the CSPDT wes ent cotficient, corrected hy the Spearmancthown formula a ach BY correlating.the time required to complete the fist Presented in Table 4 foreach ofthe four pepe, : 3e.t0m2 With the time for Zhe lasthiee rows, For trade, In the Osborne Sander le on she CSPDT as a tinoee ‘elnical and academic students in the Yonkers, New York tiit tet, emus of eiaois reported for Pass | eC ee TARLE 4 i Resaamurty Corrrictents* ron Wonk-tintr Scones ous THE Cnawrono Smart. Parts Dextentry Test Selinal Students 93 80 449" rag” ot 1 Seliool Students 56 AL WS" Osi le Hi Technieal I Scanned with CamScanner eM te fivesminute test. Ty, suired to complete ay + feride Part3The setsbite pepreand standard dev lents, and the time 119 Female Applicants for Assembly Jot, * riven in Table wh workslimit and i mash) cock ceviely sector) Test Part ' Meant SDt I 90 219 BR 1 8 83°48, oe | Yauorre FSEAES im geo pew oe Row . tS Nits” 8f the Cranford Smal ‘nit completed ta time Hk that of other deaternn ariel Parts Des. ve the extent that fe ake tivity — the opera Be success oF fay Thile face validity set alation studies Study A — This study was based om 56 women employed in the burling and mending of woolen goods. When the 3 Torkers were divided into two group oh the basi ef theie & Se eGee Fates, it was found that eritical scores of desirable, for specif eoupas Fear on the Pins and Collars anil 12°10" on the Serene F ere Seger atch ads ering nat ets high and low eamnere ee indfated ya amnye helow. The fret of these Suse ae nie, & Orme" eh and aed ce of concurrent va i y sting. The other three studies ere validity of the SPDT. ible 6. OF those who met the standards on heh parts of 3 ihe test 8876 were high earners. Among those why Taee the standard on either or both paris of the 725% were low Mle at the time of ‘ports on the predict Totals 31 (0055) 25 (a00¢2) Doth parts of the ten 0 Took or er MEET time on either Study B—When it was ‘desired to improve the feciener "Following this, 31 applicants weer of the hand tooling and etching deporiment of « ree ene made scores on Both paris equalling: 6 cents frm in the East by replacing the poorer men, the rat’ One of these was not hired Tee neieany first administered the CSPOT to the nine hand Se mental ability test also used, Ing Nels ard ctchers then emyfloyed, and independently were employed The lover ort i the men as Good, Fair or Poor on the basis of er patiment wereronch tierd and accuracy of work output of the pean Fevmination of the seures of these nine employees showed tet standards, ts {8 critical score of 4° 15” on the Pins and Collars would, lav pased the three men rated good and one of the four Reed fair, but would have rejected the other three men tied fair and both of the men raied poor. A cutting score CT tested. of wha seven © exeelin IN ps Fred to a consisting ent was reported and cylinde Study i the results are encour “18” on the Screws gave the same pattern, ugh on ‘Ulls are encoursé Gifereot one of the four men rated fai met this standard, case ” With caution, ei ‘he requirement had heen that the scores on both parts ation, cock ear Bein two plant ots of , | * requie pase the critical scores, only the three poration, In, euch study the subjects were females ome 4 ied pon would have been neeped tnd tae isin a ana a eis oe ware td transmiter equipmen feral oor joe rear em Ute of hiring: atte : selection decisions, - Fy alg 7 yw Study € the Firet of the twee atu it wan y y, theee two atudien it creme clear that Mart ik C wv the fitet plant, Ratings of onthejoh 1 CSPOT in a betier predictor than Part f, The diltorn fron foremes and after between the twa validity corffcients for Part I ran 1 * pmypleted from three to six monthe of ably he explained by the differences inv standayil levitra ve Cooficiente of roreetation between the parte of the of Part Tf scores and ratings in the plants, Pine Part Fi. the Tae ae a el the Hest tow of Table 7. standard de Wl plant was teow than feslf Nudy 1) This was a tepeat et validate the that in the first plant; for the ratings. the SD in the erennd He assem» plant wae about 15 per cent lower thai that in the fie wes meen sod ant, The tatines terre piven by fates The preater restriction in lth seorce soul sat | sw anal ioailers after the women fad heen employed at Feat It i a lower sulstirs two montis, The eoreetations between sentee and seouite of Siody The subjects inched 70 fen for Part I of the teat? tow of Table 7, The studies suggest the pos of using. the CSPDT ent for Part 1 of the GSHDT was as one of the instruments in the sclection of a-seinblers, ange tow in Sturdy G Cr 17) hut it improved somewhat Specific cutoff acores should be determined on the hasie of in Sindy Dt YA Girly high relation local di ‘art Hand ratings (r == 19) ot the conesponding eoefivient in Study D AThe validay es 2 For» more complete explanation of th Dalletin No. 40, “The Three Lereed Cael from The Paychologieal Corporation. ee ) TABLE 7 Conneation BETWEEN CSPDT Scones ano Sureavisons’ Ratincs Female Assembly Workers in Electronics Divisions of Two Plants i Rarines went csror z Surenvisons’ ; > Parti Pant It Pane Pane N r * Mean SD Mean SD t Plant Yee 47 oe lor 2 aT 13 Sevond Plant Wei 2. 30 Oo 0G a is so) E THE Pants of CSPDT 40. The:means and standard deviations were 21.9 ond 3.2 / for Part 1; 18.3 and 45 for Part Il. f Connriation merwi the scores on Part I (Pins and Collars) and Part IL (Screws) were cornputed for five male The correlation between the parts of the CST is we female groups. The cocticients are shown ciently low to indicate the advisability af using Table £ For the Last croup in the table. Assembly Appli- of the:test in guidance situations and af cavetclly mit scores were also availalile, These were gating the validity of each past separately in rim hire minuies for Part Land five minutes for sclection-programs, in some selection sitiutions, one port ‘one may he as effective tuatio elimi 1¢ Assembly Applicants wa Hart I, The cowflcient of correlation hetween the ti is hoth used together: in ether total score obtained by sumining the two parls + Land II for . TABLE 8 Connevation netween Pants I-anp I,or CSPDT —- De ait : Nein 7 cn 448" 0°50" Page M 56 35 4°55" OSI” grag rool Studenta Md Me, 42 S29" 14 grag an Vetrea Mt m9 37 SOW" O'S9" Fr IGe _Lnseictrd Applicants : M 6 50 8°20" 119" grape Lang tijed Avsemblers . > F 154 0 #48" 0°50" Br goer Veatecwst Avplicante F 48 50 S45" 130" peg | Teter 004 Atendary F 33 As #52" 6” ayia “hase! P raya 'y Applicants _ ne 46 S08" ogy \yeighe? No E Scanned with CamScanner

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