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Date:24th August 2020 Project No: A00001

BU: Red Funnel Pvt.Ltd

Project Description: Creation of new field VAT Reg.No in Invoice-output.

Sponsor: U A Naik Project Manager : Sagar Ghorpade

Description of Enhancement:

As per the clients requirement, we need to create a new field VAT Reg.No of the sold to party
customer and also the same should populate at the invoice output document below the customers
address space in the Invoice Output.

Functional Solution: Create the new output type RD00 & add the same into the existing output
routines. Also with the help of ABAP person write the program to add the VAT Reg.No so that it
populates in Invoice Output.

Technical solution:

1.VAT Reg.No should populate for sold to party customer only.

2. Addition should be made only for RD00 output type.

3. Processing Routine program for adding VAT Reg.No is SD_SDOC_PRINT01

4. VAT of sold to party will be got from KNA1 table i.e KNA1-STCEG

5. VAT should populate below address of customer at the invoice output.

Logic : VBRK-VBELN , VBFA – VBELN Also KNA1 – STCEG we get the VAT .

Now verify the above information in RD00 output type.


Project Management and requirement gathering: 8 hours.

Applying Solution: 24 hrs

Creating functional document: 2hrs

Total Hrs : 34hrs


25th August: Functional Analysis completed

27th August: Addition of code by ABAP consutant in Processing Routine.

28th August: UAT completed

29th August: Go live.

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