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TITLE: Real Life Heroes in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic

Jordan Jugo, a nurse “It seems (the government) doesn’t really value our
contributions. It hurts”, he said. In this time of COVID-19 Pandemic, and despite
the very real danger to themselves, medical front liners and other personnel do
their very best and part everyday since the beginning of this virus, dealing with
challenges arising form corona virus disease.

As we continue to fight against COVID-19, our front liners who constantly

put their lives at risk for our safety and protection. Although there are many
medical front liners dying everyday. Doctors, nurses and other personnel still
striving to continue to fight and take necessary actions for us to heal and recover
as one Nation. As we commemorated the National Heroes Day on Monday,
August 31, 2020, the government recognizes the front liners against corona virus
disease 2019 as ‘modern day heroes’.

“For the past six months, our doctors, nurses, military and police personnel
and civil servants have been at the forefront of our nation’s battle against the
deadly disease. We know how your jobs have taken a heavy toll on your physical
and mental well-being”, the National Task Force Against COVID-19 said in a

The National Task Force Against COVID-19 honored the medical front
liners as a modern day heroes for every conceivable sacrifice to ensure the health
and safety of the Filipino against corona virus disease.

“The selflessness, dedication and bravery you have shown during this health
crisis puts you in the same league as our national heroes who made the ultimate
sacrifice in order to free our nation from foreign oppressor”, the NTF said.

Despite the danger they face, where their lives are at high risk, medical front
liners continue to provide life saving support and protection to people most in
need. COVID-19 might be today’s super villain, but it does not stop our real life
heroes from doing their job and tirelessly working to find ways to combat the
threat and eventually beat the invisible enemies.

“We will forever be indebted to all of you. May this occasion be our way of
showing our heartfelt gratitude, recognition, and support for all the things you
have done for our beloved nation and the Filipino people”, the NTF said. “You
are all heroes in the truest sense of the world. We, your countrymen, will make
sure that your contributions will be appreciated, remembered, and honored”.

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