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7ENG - BTN Rubric

Descriptor Outstanding/Excellent Very Good/Good Competent/Satisfactory Below Standard/ND

VicCURR 7.5 7.0 - 6.5 6.0 5.5 - 4.5

(5 marks) (4-3 marks) (2 marks ) (1-0 marks)

Reading: Develops content around the components to Explores interconnection between Explains components of the issue. Lists components of issue.
Demonstrates an understanding of the examine the significance of the issue. components of the issue.
issue and its context (who, what, when,
where, why & how)

Reading: Interprets reputable evidence to enhance the Incorporates selected evidence to deepen Selects evidence to explain the issue. Mentions details from the research.
Relevant and appropriate use of selected newsworthiness of the article or recorded piece. discussion and credibility.
evidence through research (statistics,
data, anecdotes, stakeholder opinion

VicCURR 7.5 7.0 - 6.5 6.0 5.5 - 4.5

(5 marks) (4-3 marks) (2 marks ) (1-0 marks)

Writing: Sustains the conventions of the form to enhance the Applies conventions of each form to Follows conventions of each form Includes some features of each
Logical progression of ideas according to article and piece-to-camera. communicate information on the issue. (persuasive in the letter and form (persuasive in the letter and
the chosen form. Skillfully selects a range of persuasive techniques to Uses persuasive language effectively to informative in the recorded piece) informative in the recorded piece)
Uses Language techniques appropriate position the audience to agree with the point of view manipulate readers point of view. Includes some persuasive language
to the form presented. techniques. Presents multiple ideas.
Organises and develops each piece with a clear Sequences ideas to form a logical discussion.
and cohesive structure. Uses paragraphing to separate ideas.

Writing: Shapes text through expressive and purposeful Selects a variety of language appropriate to Varies language to convey particular Follows conventions of Australian
Expression and mechanics of language to position readers. the media form. meaning. Standard English.
language(spelling, grammar, vocab) Uses vocabulary with purpose to create an intended
effect for target audiences.
Expression is highly sophisticated.

VicCURR 7.5 7.0 - 6.5 6.0 5.5 - 4.5

(5 marks) (4-3 marks) (2 marks ) (1-0 marks)

Speaking and listening: Delivery is confident and fluent employing body Voice is loud and clear with some effective Some rehearsal evident. Some Delivery suggests limited
Creation of a rehearsed presentation language, facial expression and intonation that variation in intonation, pace or volume to effective eye contact and variation in rehearsal.
using body language, voice qualities and enhances the meaning. create meaning. Some use of body language. intonation. Minimal eye contact/largely read
other elements to add interest and Maintains constant eye contact with the camera. Good eye contact with the camera. from a script. Could be largely
meaning appropriate to the form. monotone. Little to no body
language used.

.21st Century Skills: Generates plan to guide a unique perspective. Plans texts to address issue and context. Develops plan through research. Dot points ideas.
Creativity &
Critical Reflection Planning shows a clear understanding of the Uses feedback to inform the draft. Identifies areas for improvement Submits a planning template.
context, form, and structure. based on feedback.

Applies feedback to enhance the quality of article

and piece to camera.


30-28 27-25 24-22 21-19 18-17 16-14 13-11 10 <

VicCURR 7.5 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 6.0 5.5/5.0 4.5

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