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Name: Nickolas J.

Section: BC2

Theories of Personality and Social Deviance

1. According to Freud's theory of personality, which part of the mind is responsible for
conscious thoughts and rational decision-making?
a) The id
b) The ego
c) The superego
d) The unconscious mind

2. What is the term Freud used to describe the childhood stage during which children focus
on the pleasure of the mouth, such as sucking and biting?
a) Anal stage
b) Phallic stage
c) Oral stage
d) Genital stage

3. Which of the following defense mechanisms involves unconsciously attributing one's

own unacceptable feelings or impulses onto another person?
a) Repression
b) Denial
c) Projection
d) Rationalization

4. According to Freud's psychosexual stages of development, which stage occurs during

adolescence and involves the sexual energy being reawakened and directed towards
a) Oral stage
b) Anal stage
c) Phallic stage
d) Latency stage

5. In Freud's theory, what is the term used to describe the process of expressing
unconscious thoughts and emotions through free association and dream analysis?
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Behaviorism
c) Humanistic psychology
d) Cognitive therapy

6. Emily is a homeless person who spends most of her day trying to find food and shelter.
Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is Emily currently struggling to meet?
a) Safety needs
b) Esteem needs
c) Self-actualization needs
d) Belongingness and love needs

7. Juanita is a successful businesswoman who has a high-paying job and a lot of respect
from her colleagues. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which level of needs is
Juanita currently focused on?
a) Esteem needs
b) Self-actualization needs
c) Safety needs
d) Physiological needs

8. Michael is a retired professor who has recently taken up painting. He spends most of his
days working on his artwork and feels a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose from it.
Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is Michael currently fulfilling?
a) Self-actualization needs
b) Esteem needs
c) Belongingness and love needs
d) Safety needs

9. Maria is a single mother who works two jobs to support her children. She has a few close
friends and enjoys spending time with them whenever she can. According to Maslow's
hierarchy of needs, which level of needs is Maria currently fulfilling?
a) Belongingness and love needs
b) Esteem needs
c) Safety needs
d) Self-actualization needs

10. Mark is a student who is struggling to pay his tuition fees and doesn't have enough
money to buy food. Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is Mark currently focused
a) Physiological needs
b) Esteem needs
c) Self-actualization needs
d) Safety needs

11. Amy is a young girl who is always seeking approval from her parents and teachers.
According to Rogers' theory of the self, what is Amy likely to experience if her parents
and teachers give her conditional positive regard?
a) Self-actualization
b) Congruence
c) Positive self-regard
d) Incongruence
12. John is a college student who is considering changing his major. According to Rogers'
theory of the self, what would be the best way for John to make this decision?
a) By seeking the advice of his parents and friends
b) By analyzing the pros and cons of each major
c) By listening to his own feelings and desires
d) By choosing the major that has the highest earning potential

13. Susan is a therapist who works with clients to help them become more congruent.
According to Rogers' theory of the self, what is the most important factor in creating a
therapeutic environment that fosters congruence?
a) Giving unconditional positive regard to the client
b) Telling the client what they should do to change
c) Challenging the client's beliefs and values
d) Providing solutions to the client's problems

14. Mike is a high school student who is struggling with low self-esteem. According to
Rogers' theory of the self, what is the most important thing Mike can do to improve his
a) Surround himself with people who give him conditional positive regard
b) Focus on achieving external goals, such as getting good grades or winning awards
c) Learn to accept and value himself for who he is, without needing approval from others
d) Seek out feedback and criticism from others to improve his weaknesses

15. Sarah is a teacher who wants to create a classroom environment that fosters
self-actualization in her students. According to Rogers' theory of the self, what should
Sarah do to achieve this goal?
a) Encourage her students to follow strict rules and guidelines
b) Provide her students with specific goals and objectives to achieve
c) Give her students the freedom to explore their interests and passions
d) Criticize and punish her students for making mistakes

16. According to Jung's theory of the psyche, what is the collective unconscious?
a) The part of the unconscious mind that contains repressed memories and desires
b) The part of the psyche that contains the individual's personal experiences and memories
c) The part of the psyche that contains universal, inherited, and shared memories and
d) The part of the psyche that contains the individual's conscious thoughts and perceptions

17. What is the main concept behind Jung's theory of archetypes?

a) That humans are controlled by their unconscious mind and that repressed memories shape
their behavior
b) That humans are driven by a desire for power and domination over others
c) That humans have inherited universal and symbolic images and ideas that influence
their behavior and perceptions
d) That humans are primarily motivated by their sexual and aggressive impulses

18. According to Jung, what is the role of the ego in the psyche?
a) To mediate between the unconscious and the conscious mind
b) To control and repress the unconscious mind
c) To maintain the individual's sense of identity and self-esteem
d) To serve as a repository for repressed memories and desires

19. What is the shadow in Jung's theory of the psyche?

a) The part of the psyche that contains repressed memories and desires
b) The part of the psyche that represents the individual's conscious thoughts and perceptions
c) The part of the psyche that contains universal and inherited memories and experiences
d) The part of the psyche that represents the individual's darker, primitive, and repressed

20. According to Jung's theory, what is the purpose of individuation?

a) To achieve a sense of social belonging and acceptance
b) To integrate the shadow and the persona into a more complete and authentic self
c) To achieve sexual satisfaction and fulfillment
d) To suppress the individual's primitive and irrational impulses

21. According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, what is the primary task of
the adolescent stage?
a) Developing trust and autonomy
b) Establishing intimacy and forming relationships
c) Achieving a sense of identity and discovering one's purpose
d) Finding meaning and purpose in life

22. What is the concept of "ego identity" in Erikson's theory of individual psychology?
a) The sense of oneself as a separate individual, with a distinct personality and unique
b) The ability to trust and depend on others, and to feel confident in one's own abilities
c) The sense of oneself as a part of a larger social group, with shared values and beliefs
d) The sense of oneself as a constantly evolving and changing individual, shaped by
experiences and relationships

23. According to Adler's theory of individual psychology, what is the primary motivation for
human behavior?
a) The desire for power and domination over others
b) The need for social belonging and acceptance
c) The pursuit of pleasure and gratification
d) The drive to overcome feelings of inferiority and achieve personal goals

24. What is the concept of "social interest" in Adler's theory of individual psychology?
a) The innate drive to pursue pleasure and avoid pain
b) The belief that human behavior is determined by unconscious conflicts and repressed desires
c) The sense of responsibility and concern for the well-being of others and society as a
d) The desire for power and control over one's environment and other people

25. According to Horney's theory of personality, what is the main cause of neurosis?
a) Unconscious conflicts and repressed desires
b) Unmet basic needs and inadequate nurturing in childhood
c) Overemphasis on the individual's biological drives and instincts
d) Overreliance on social norms and cultural standards

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