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1. Construct a singleton class

2. Initial steps before pushing project-GIT
3. How u deploy app
4. array list & linked list
5. get load method in hibernate
6. idempotent
7. daemon method in java
8. AEM
9. UDP
10. JPA
11. hibernate
12. metaspace
13. Rest Template
14. Why copy?
15. mongoDB
16. TED
17. service factory
18. spring bean life cycle
19. joint point, end point
20. list to set
21. spring security
22. microservices architecture
23. yield(), join()
24. stack()
25. load balancer
26. circuit breaker pattern
27. service discovery pattern
28. solid principles in java
29. aggregation, composition
30. concurrent modification exception
31. docker-more
32. API gateway
33. service registry
34. components of microservices
35. life cycle of docker


36. predicate, consumer

37. default method
38. adapter design
39. truncate, delete
40. IOC
41. thread cycle
42. transactional management
43. sonar quebe, sonar lint
44. custom exception
45. custom query
46. array={1,2,3,4}->split {1,4} &{3,2}
47. Java app calls another app
48. CLI
49. @exclude
50. @required
51. spring configuration file
52. nested class
53. dead lock
54. static variable, method , block which will be first
55. spring cloud
56. difference between mock and spy
57. equals to , == difference
58. string new string difference
59. why we use lambda
60. sql command second largest salary
61. sort by salary
62. autowired
63. inner class
64. connection pool
65. same request again
66. Jaxp
67. @transactional within one app only
68. integer list-> remove even number
69. list to map
70. where to mention spring of jwt token


71. how to sort based on first name of object

72. Split the string-number,string& letters
73. final constructor
74. default constructor
75. instance metod
76. static method in main method, other restrictions of static method
77. Entity manager framework
78. Abstract-static-why
79. Changing database from d2 for minimal change in coding
80. How to persist data from database
81. Static method calling
82. List to map
83. CI/CD Pipeline
84. types of autowired
85. view resolver
86. 4 parts of HTTP
87. Hashcode and equals methos
88. Spring cloud
89. java app calls url of another app how?
90. static variable, method and block which is executed first
91. what is idempotent
92. Api gateway
93. Service Registry
94. component of microservice
95. Life cycle of docker
96. DELETE & TRUNCATE method
97. IOC
98. thread cycle
99. transactional management
100. sonarlint, sonar quebe
101. caching
102. custom exception
103. default method
104. Observer design
105. Adaptor design\


106. executor framework

107. predicate, consumer
108. web services
109. solid principle in java
110. aggregation,composition
111. concurrent modification
112. docker
113. PLSQL
114. Dcoker more
115. Spring container
116. Executor framework
117. curd operation
118. Load Balancer
119. Circuit Breaker Patter
120. Service Discovery Patter
121. Api Gateway
122. Custom queries JPA
123. SonarLint
124. Intern()
125. What is the question mark and percentage symbol in url
126. for(Character cg:st) try to understand this type of for each statements
127. Arrays.asList
128. JPA
129. Hibernate
130. sql query to find second highest salary in DB
131. arrayList and linked list
132. Rest template
133. Join method
134. Cloud tech
135. Metaspace
136. Predicate
137. Jenkins
138. Get and Load method in hibernate
139. Lambda expression 140.
141. Enum 142.


143. toString Method 144.

145. Upcasting downcasting 146.
147. Queues 148.
149. Sorting Lists 150.
151. Sorted Maps 152.
153. Implementing Iterable 154.
155. Using Iterators 156.
157. Linked List 158.
159. Response Entity 160.
161. Serialization 162.
163. String Builder 164.
165. What is agile technology 166.
1. Docker
2. Kubernates
3. Api gateway patter
4. Web service vs microservice
5. Rest template
6. CI-CD pipeline
7. Kafka


1. Angle brackets in java
2. Final keyword in java
3. Spring boot starter
4. if @Component is there then why do you need to define @service @reository? does it
make difference
5. @Enableasych
6. thread life cycle
7. AllArgsConstructor&NoArgsConstructor
8. What is Swagger? Have you implemented it using Spring Boot?
9. What is DevTools in Spring Boot?
10. difference between procedure and function in
11. transient keyword in Java
12. What is size() and capacity in Collections ?
13. What are the mehods in java.lang.obj
14. To String method
15. Statement & Prepared Statement
16. How to connect Spring boot to the database using JPA
17. Static keyword
18. why we override toString method?
19. Methods & Constructor


20. How to find duplicate strings in a list of string?

21. what is Producer and Consumer
22. If we call run method directly what is the impact
23. Can we start thread two times what is the impact.
24. when we start thread internally what will happen.
25. difference between jparepository and crudrepository
26. Hibernet session
27. Sprind data JPA:
28. @qualifier
29. @autowired and its types
30. How to exclude the autoconfigured dependency in spring boot
31. Explain structure of your previously worked project.
32. Scopes of spring bean
33. CascadeType.ALL in hibernate
34. Mapping in hibernate
35. Spring stereotype annotations
36. Supplier Functional Interface and when & how to use it
37. what is the use of declaring this in properties file
38. static keyword , why can't we override static method?
39. Basic Unix commands.

40. @CrossOrigin why and how it is useful? when to use it?

41. Garbage Collection - When and what gets eligible for GC? How it happens (behoind the
scene how GC work )
42. What is REST (in detail)? why use REST why not SOAP ?
43. Capacity and load factor significance and how does size changes size
44. what is Transient, persistent, detached
45. save persist
46. Initial steps before pushing project-GIT
47. how a thymleaf action works?
48. classloader in java
49. linked list and array list difference
50. Tree map,tree set
51. why we use @responsebody
52. Capacity and load factor significance and how does size changes size

array={1,2,3,4} -> split{1,4} & {3,2}
java program for UPPERcase
java program for !

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