PR 1 Dinamika 2018

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Kel :

N a m a : 1.
Dinamika Fluida & Perpindahan Kalor Lanjut

Pekerjaan Rumah No. 1 Tanggal : 05 September 2018

Dikumpulkan: 12 September 2018
Kel. 1.

1. (a) Write the relation for shear stress for an ideal Bingham plastic as a function of the time rate of
deformation. (b) An ideal Bingham plastic is placed between two parallel closely spaced flat plates.
One plate is moved in a direction parallel to its face at 10 ft/sec when the spacing is 0.01 ft. If the
shear stress which develops is 0.075 lb/ft 2 and yield stress is 0.05 lb/ft 2, find the rate at which the stress
increases with rate deformation. (c) What would be the dynamic viscosity if the fluid were Newtonian
instead of non-Newtonian?

2. Develop the proof for the statement that a liquid of variable density can stand in equilibrium in a
gravity field only if the specific weight is constant in each horizontal layer. Show that the equilibrium
will be stable only if the more dense portions of the liquid lie below the less dense.
Kel. 2.

1. A Newtonian fluid is contained between parallel plates 0.04 in. apart (a) Find the rate of angular
deformation in radians/sec if one plate is moving relative to the other at a linear velocity of 4 ft/sec. (b)
Find the dynamic viscosity if the shear stress on one plate is 0.50 lb/in 2.

2. A cylinder 2 ft in diameter, 4 ft long, and weighing 75 lb (Fig. 2-1) floats in water with its axis
vertical. An anchor weighing 150 lb/ft 3 is hanging from the lower end. Determine the total weight of
the anchor, given that the bottom of the cylinder is submerged 3 ft below the water surface.

Fig. 2 - 1 Fig. 4 - 1
Kel. 3

1. Compute the change in specific internal energy of standard air is given in Table 3-1for an
altitude increase from zero to 37,000 ft. Assume air behaves as a perfect gas.
Table 3 -1 Properties of standard Atmosphere

2. A 1 foot by 1 foot square open tank holds water to a depth of 1 ft. it is placed on a platform weighing
scale. A 6-in. x 6-in. wooden timber is lowered into the tank to a depth of 6 in. The upper end of this 6
in. x 6 in. timber is rigidly attached to the ceiling above the tank and scale. Determine the reading of
the platform scale. Neglect the weight of the tank.

Kel. 4

1. The specifics heats for chlorine gas in the temperature range of T = 60 – 3600F are cp = 0.124 Btu/lbm-
R and cv = 0.094 Btu/lbm-0R. Consider a mass of the gas at p = 14.7 psia, T = 3000F. Assume that
chlorine behaves as a perfect gas. (a) Compute the gas constant Rlbm. (b) Compute the change in
specific internal energy when the temperature drops from T = 3000F to 1000F. (c) Compute the specific
enthalpy change for the same change of conditions.

2. Determine the moment per foot of the length of the gate shown in Fig. 4 - 1 which must be applied to
hold the gate closed.
Kel. 5

1. Compare the internal energy release of the same masses of bromine gas and methane gas each
undergoing a temperature drop of 2500F, given the specific heat data below.

cp Btu/lbm-0R  cp/cv
Bromine  0.056 1.29
Methane 0.593 1.32

2. Determine the total force on the end wall A of the cylindrical tank (Fig. 5-2). Find the
location of the center of pressure.

Kel. 6

1. Compute and compare the velocity of sound in air at 59 0F and 14.7 psia with that at 500 0F and 100

2. Refer to Fig. 6-2. (a) Determine the circumferential stress (hoop stress) at the level A for circular steel
water tank given that the wall thickness is ½ in. (b) Determine the longitudinal stress at A.

Fig.5 - 2 Fig. 6 - 2


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