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Republic of the Philippines

University of Science and Technology

of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

Date: December 12, 2022 Class Schedule: 9:30 – 10:30 AM

Year & Section: BSA –AgEd - 4A School Year: 2022 – 2023
Period: Final Term Students: 23

Detailed Lesson Plan in Globalization

I. Objectives
At the end of the session, at least 75% of the students should have:
a) Defined Globalization;
b) Constructed a graphic organizer depicting globalization and its related concepts;
c) Valued the importance of Globalization through writing an essay and making a
II. Subject Matter

Topic References Materials

Chapter 7 – Nature Cajigal, R. & Montuano, M.L. (2021) Assessment Power point
of Portfolio of Learning 2. Adriana Publishing Co. Inc. presentation,
Assessment DLP

III. Procedures/Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
A.1 Prayer

“Good morning class!” “Good afternoon, sir!”

“May I request everyone to please rise for

our prayer. Archie, can you lead the prayer?” “Okay sir!”

A.2 Classroom Management

“Before you settle down, kindly pick up

Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

some pieces of papers under your chairs,

then arrange your chairs properly.”

A.3 Checking of Attendance

“Marilyn, have you checked the attendance

“Yes sir”
for today?”
“None sir”
“Is anybody absent?”
“Very good! So, we have a perfect
attendance this afternoon.”

A.4 House rules

“Good morning, sir!”

“Good morning?!”

“Before we proceed to our proper lesson. I

have a request, please do not just listen,
comprehend each topic that I will be
discussing and I encourage you to ask
questions and/or clarifications if you have.
But be mindful do not just listen!”

B. Lesson Proper

B.1 Motivation

Students were listening.

“Okay, I want to make learning enjoyable for
you, hence we will start off our lesson with a
The students expressed their
fun activity.”
“To avoid confusion, allow me to explain the

(The teacher explained the mechanics.)

“Guess the logo”
1. The class will be divided in to two
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

2. Teams has to guess the name of the

logo that will be shown in the screen.
3. Each team will race to guess the
name of the logo by writing in a
paper provided by the teacher.
4. Every right answer will credit 1
5. The team who will get the highest
“None so far sir”
score will be declared the winner and
will receive a prize. Students proceeded to their group.

“Do you have any clarifications?”

“Okay then, you may now proceed to your

respective group.”

“Alright! That a tough competition! Thank

you for your participation, you may now go
back to your seats and arrange your chairs
properly.” “Students raised their hands.”

B.2 Presentation
“I have observed that these are well-

“Okay, based on the game the you just had known company logos sir”
earlier, what have you observed? Anyone?

Yes Rose Marie?

“Students are listening carefully”

“Thank you so much Rose Marie.”

“I think that some of you has the same
observation, that these logos are from well-
known companies around world. Then,
what’s the connection of these companies to
our topic this afternoon?”
Well, let’s explore!
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

“Our topic for this session is all about


The students are listening

B.3 Discussion Proper

“Allow me to present to our objectives.”

(The teacher reads the objectives.)

Students raise their hands

“Alright! Let’s define first what is

“The Interconnection of the people
around the world.”

“Anyone from the class that can give an idea

what is globalization?”

“Yes, Maria Theresa?”

“Globalization is the expansion and

“Very Good!”
intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world-time and
“Well, let’s see what’s the meaning of
across world space.”

“Everyone, please read.”

“Let’s highlight the first phrase, which is the

The students are listening
expansion and intensification of social
The students are listening
“For an instance you have a business, and
you want your business to further expand not
just in your own country but in another
country as well, so you need to have a
partnership with other nationality out there,
you need to build a social relationship with
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

other people in order for your business to

grow further.
None so far sir!
(The Teacher explained further)

“According to Arjun Appadurai, the different

kind of globalization occur on multiple and
intersecting dimensions of integration.”
Globalization occurs in different ways; it is
like a tree that has many branches. So, what
are those multiple and intersecting
dimensions? Those are called the scapes or
flows of Globalization.”

There are five scapes of Globalization

namely; Ethnoscape, Technoscape,
Idioscape, Finanscape, and Mediascape.

Okay, anyone from the class that can give an

idea what Ethnoscape is all about?
Remember that these are the ways or the
path, why globalization happened.

None so far sir!

You have the point! Thank you so much
Students proceeded to their group

Ethnoscape represent the movement of

people around the world.
Students started doing their activity
(The Teacher explained further)

Let’s Proceed to the second one which is the Students raised their pens
From the world tech which technology.
Technoscape refers to the ways technologies Group 1 discussed their answers
help speed up cross-border movements.
(The teacher explain further)
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

Alright, let’s move on to 3rd one which is the

Anyone from the class that can give an idea Group 2 discussed their answers
what is Ideoscape is all about?

Yes, Alman?
Very good! Thank you so much Alman!
Okay, let’s see what is Ideoscape is all

“The students are clapping”

Ideoscapes refers to the ideas, symbols and
narratives that have spread around the globe.

(The Teacher explained further) “Okay sir”

Well, let’s proceed to the 4th one which is the

Everyone please read.

Thank you. An example for is the exchange

rate of dollar to peso.
A higher-valued currency makes a country’s
imports less expensive and its exports more The student answers
expensive in foreign markets. A lower-
valued currency makes a country’s imports
Students answer in chorus
more expensive and its exports less
expensive in foreign markets

The students raise their hand

Student answers
“I have a picture here that depicts

Student raise a hand

(The teacher showed the picture in the
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

Student answers
Based on this picture. Why do you think that
this picture depicts globalization?
Some student raises their hand

Student answers

The practice of developing portfolio has

been widely used in the number of fields for
many years such as in architecture,
advertising, art, and photography.

Classroom assessment begins with the

question, “Why are you assessing?” and
followed with “What do you want to
assess?” and lastly with “How are you going
to assess?” this leads to the answer that
assessment tools should be parallel to the
learning targets or outcomes to provide
learners deep understanding.

“Chapter 3 deals with the second and third

assessment standards. It covers learning
outcomes and assessment methods, and how
they are aligned.

“Now we will proceed to our first topic

which is the learning outcomes”

Apple? “Can you read what learning

outcome is?”
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

“Thank you so much for that apple”

(The teacher continues to discussed more
about learning outcomes)

(Need to introduce Taxonomy of learning


For today, we are going to discuss about

Cognitive (Knowledge-based)
(Teacher continues to discuss about
Cognitive learning).

Are you familiar of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

Can anyone give me some of their ideas
about Bloom’s Taxonomy?

YES! Exactly thank you for your idea.

(Teacher acknowledged the student’s

(The teacher continues to discuss.)

(Teacher Ryan Paul)

“Thank you so much teacher Earljude!”

“I think that you have learned so much about

the first domain of learning (Cognitive
domain) discussed by teacher Earljude”

Now we will move on to the second domain

of learning which is “Psychomotor domain”

When you heard about the word

Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

“Psychomotor?” What comes to your mind?


“Yes Marian?!”

Very good! Thank you so much Marian.

The Psychomotor domain focuses on

physical and mechanical skills involving
coordination of the brain and muscular
activity. It answers the question, “What
actions do I want learners to be able to
(The teacher continues to discussed about
psychomotor domain)

Several taxonomists created their own levels

of psychomotor domain. In 1970, Dave
identified the five levels of behavior; In
1972, Simpson laid down her seven
progressive levels. Meanwhile, in the same
year (1972) Harrow developed her own
taxonomy with six categories organized
according to degree of coordination.
(The teacher presents the table)

“Everyone! Can you read the first level”

Thank you so much!

(The teacher continues to discuss about the
first level of psychomotor domain)

Okay, lets now move on to the second one

which is Imitating – Attempted copying of a
physical behavior
(The teacher continues to discuss about the
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

second level)

Do you have any questions about the first

and the second level?

Very well! Then let’s proceed to the third

level which is Practicing – Trying a specific
physical activity over and over.

Can anybody give an example of learning

outcomes using one of those action verbs
under the third level which is the practicing

Yes, Marian!

Very good, Thank you so much for that

answer, Marian.

Let’s now move on to the fourth level of

psychomotor domain which is Adapting.
“Can you read what is adapting all about
Mary Grace?”

Thank you, Mary Grace!

(The teacher continues his discussion)

“Ok class, do you have any questions or

clarifications about this topic?” (Taxonomy
of psychomotor domain)

“Okay, then let’s now move on to the third

learning domain which is the affective
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

The affective domain emphasizes the manner

in which we deal with things emotionally,
such as feelings, values, appreciation,
enthusiasms, motivations and attitudes.

(The teacher shows the table)

In this table, the five major categories of
affective domain are listed from the simplest
behavior to the most complex

Now, we will start on the simplest one.

Can you read the first category Benjon?

Thank you Benjon!

(The teacher continues his discussion about
the first category)

Let’s proceed to the second one which is

Responding to phenomena – Showing some
new behaviors as a result of experience.
(The teacher continues his discussion about
the second category)

Do you have any questions and clarifications

regarding the first and the second category?

Okay, and then let’s proceed to the third one.

Alman, can you read what valuing is?
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

“Thank you Alman!”

(The teacher expands his discussion about

Okay, let’s proceed to fourth category of

affective domain which is Organizing –
Integrating a new value into one’s general set
of values, giving it some ranking among
one’s general priorities.
(The teacher continues his discussion about

Now, let us move on to the last category of

affective domain which is Internalizing
values – Has a value system that controls
their behavior. The behavior is pervasive,
consistent, predictable, and most
importantly, characteristic of the learner.

Do you have any questions and clarifications

regarding the third, fourth and fifth category
of affective domain?

B.4 Generalization

“This time, I am giving you the opportunity

to voice out your thoughts. Let’s have an
activity. Let me read the mechanics.”

(The teacher read the mechanics.)

Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

The class will be group into two.

The first group will be assigned as a teacher.
While, the second group will be assigned as
a student.
Each group will answer the question “What
are the importance of the learning domains
(cognitive, affective, psychomotor) for you
as a teacher/student?
(The question will be brainstorm in the
Each of the group will choose a one
representative to present their idea as a

“Any questions and clarifications?”

“Now bring your chair and form a circle with

your group.”

“Your 3 minutes starts now.”

“2 more minutes left.”

“Okay times up. Pens up!”

“We will start the reporting with group 1.
Kindly paste your cartolina at the front.”

“Thank you group 1. Let us give group 1 a

round of applause.

Now let’s proceed with the group 2. Kindly

paste your cartolina at the front.”

“Thank you group 2.”

Good job everyone! for a wonderful

presentation! It is good to hear that you
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

delivered your thoughts clearly and


With that, lets’ give a round of applause for


“Before you settle down, kindly arrange your

chairs properly. By the way, that group will
be your permanent group which means in our
next activity, you will be in the same group.”

The teacher added additional explanation.

Now, lets’ have a brief review on our topic

“Again, what are the difference between
Learning outcomes and Objectives?”
“Yes Chen?”

“Very good! Then what are those three

learning domains?

That’s correct! Can you enumerate the six

levels under the cognitive domain?

Yes, Regina?

Excellent! What about the four levels under

the psychomotor domain? Anyone?

Yes, Marilyn?

Very well! In affective domain what are

those six levels under on it?

Yes, Marian?
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental


“Very good everyone. Now, tap the people

beside you and tell them, “You did a great

“I think you are all ready for another activity

this afternoon.”

IV. Evaluation
A. Role-play (30pts)


1. With the same group, perform a short role-play using one of the levels of
psychomotor domain. (Randomized)
2. The students will be given 3 minutes to prepare.
3. They should make their presentation short and direct to the point.
4. They will be graded according to the following criteria:

Criteria Very Good Good (8pts) Fair (5pts)

Content Has clearly Has clearly shown Has not clearly
shown the the content but shown the
expertise of needs a little content.
content. improvement.
Creativity Creativity was Creative and well- There is a lack
shown and the acted. of concept and
acting was lack of
excellent. creativity.
Team Work All members All members have There are
have participated participated but members of the
and have their some members group who have
roles to play. have confusion in not seen
Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology
of Southern Philippines - Claveria
MOSCAT, Claveria 9004, Misamis Oriental

their role. performed.

B. Identification

The students shall answer the following:

Identify what learning domains does this level belong (Cognitive, Psychomotor,

1. Creating
2. Organizing
3. Valuing
4. Adapting
5. Observing
6. Remembering
7. Practicing
8. Evaluating
9. Responding/Responding to phenomena
10. Understanding

V. Assignment

The students should research on the types of assessment methods.

Values Integration
The session above allowed the students to develop the following: first, their cognitive
skill in which they were able to use critical thinking; second, affective skill in which they
expressed their appreciation together with their classmates; lastly, they were able to perform the
given tasks in which they have developed cooperation among each other, teamwork,
collaboration of ideas, and camaraderie.

Prepared by:
Teacher Presenter

Approved by:

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