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Assignment 5

1. Chills are --------------------used in moulds to help in-----------------------------

a) Metallic pieces, achieving directional solidification
b) Metallic pieces, reducing possibility of blow holes
c) Wooden pieces, achieving directional solidification
d) Sand cores, Smoothen the metal for reducing spatter

2. Most preferred shape of riser is

a) Cylindrical
b) Cubical
c) Rectangular
d) Hexagonal

3. A ------------- value of modulus for riser (as compared to casting) ensures that its
freezing time is ------------ than that of casting.
a) Lower, more
b) Higher, more
c) Lower, less
d) Higher, less

4. Chaplets are placed between moulds in order to

a) Promote directional solidification
b) Help alloying the metal
c) Facilitate easy removal of core from casting
d) Prevent core movement due to buoyancy

5. A cast steel slab of dimension 30×20×5 cm is poured horizontally using a side riser.
The riser is cylindrical in shape with diameter and height, both equal to D. The freezing
ratio of the mould is
a) 8D/75
b) 4D/75
c) 75/8D
d) 75/4D

Solution: Freezing ratio (FR) = (Ac / Vc) / (Ar / Vr

Ac = Area of cast = 2× [(30×20) +(20×5) +(5×30)] cm2
Vc = Volume of cast = 30×20×5 cm3
2 2
Ar ), Here L =D
Where L = Height of cylinder
D = Diameter of cylinder
Vr /4) though L = D

Putting all values in equation (1), we get that FR = (8D/ 75)

6. A mould having dimensions 100 mm × 90 mm × 20 mm is filled with molten metal

cross-sectional area A, the mould filling time is t1.
The height is now quadrupled and the cross-sectional area is halved. The corresponding
filling time is t2. The ratio t2/t1 is
a) 3
b) 1
c) 4
d) 5

Solution: T1 = (V) / (A × )

Now, for T2 we have h2 = 4 h, A2 = A/2

T2 = (V) / [(A/2) × ]

So T2 / T1 = 1

7. A casting of size 100 mm × 100 mm × 50 mm is required. Assume volume shrinkage

of casting as 2.6%. If the height of the riser is 80 mm and the riser volume desired is 4
times the shrinkage in casting, the appropriate riser diameter in mm will be
a) 14.38
b) 20.34
c) 28.76
d) 57.52

Solution: Shrinkage volume of casting = (2.6/100) × (100 × 100 × 50) = 13000 mm3
Volume of riser = Vr = 4 × 13000 = 52000 mm3
Height of riser = h = 80 mm

From equation (1) diameter of riser, d = 28.76 mm

But we know that solidification of riser should be more than or equal to that of
(V/A) riser casting

(V/A) casting
2 2
(V/A) riser

Hence taking the limiting case d = 57.52 mm

8. In a typical cooling curve of metals/alloys, during solidification, the correct sequence

of different kind of shrinkages that is encountered is
a) Solid shrinkage, Liquid shrinkage & Solidification shrinkage
b) Solidification shrinkage, Liquid shrinkage & Solid shrinkage
c) Liquid shrinkage, Solidification shrinkage & Solid shrinkage
d) Solidification shrinkage, solid shrinkage & Liquid shrinkage.

9. Which types of shrinkages are normally taken care of by riser?

a) Solidification shrinkage only
b) Liquid shrinkage and Solidification shrinkage only
c) Solidification shrinkage and solid shrinkage only
d) Liquid shrinkage, Solidification shrinkage and solid shrinkage

10. The efficiency of riser will be more if

a) exothermic compounds are added at the top of riser.
b) The size of riser is made larger.
c) Riser is covered by insulating material.
d) all of the above

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