Critique Paper About K To 12

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Critique Paper About K to 12

Introducing the K-12 program and understanding the advantages/benefits that

will help students on their future.

One of the purposes of the K-12 Curriculum is to help students get a job right
after graduating high school. It gives students the time to learn and master new skills
that will help to prepare them for employment. It was not effective, companies still
preferred college graduates over K-12 program graduates. And the K to 12 program
promotes global competency by accelerating mutual recognition of Filipino graduates
and professionals in other countries. The new curriculum allows students to choose
between three tracks which are the Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the
Sports and Arts strand. Because my knowledge won’t improve just like that just because
they added more years to it and it would be more costly now to send their kids to
school. The best way to widen their knowledge is for them, to search and experience
what the outside world has to offer, like come on. Did they seriously think that they can
use everything they learned from school? If one day they have a job? I’ve seen drop
outs lead better lives than their counterparts who was more intelligent than them when
they are still studying at their respective schools. For me school is just a guideline, it
doesn’t make you successful in life, of course if studied to become a Engineer and a
Doctor, then yes but it would still take them a couple of years to get back all the money
they spent studying their degrees. All I can say is, go out and experience what the world
has to offer. Only when you experienced myself, would I know on how I improve myself
in this harsh reality.

Therefore, I conclude that K-12 program will give each students great opportunity
in the future in which they will enhanced more the learnings and experienced they have.

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