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AMISTAD, Maria Luisa

BRAVO, Thea Marie

DIVINA, Daniel
PONCE, Liezle
RAGASA, John Carlo
REPOTOLA, Angelika
SOBERANO, Catherine Piel
I. Introduction to Simulation
Simulation is the imitation of the operation of real-world
process or system with the use of models. It represents how
the model evolves under different conditions over time.

Model construct a conceptual framework that describes a

system. It represents the key behaviors and characteristics
of the selected process or system.

The behavior of a system that evolves over time is studied

by developing a simulation model. The model takes a set of
expressed assumptions:

Mathematical, logical
Symbolic relationship between the entities

Simulation Model Systems Simulation

A mathematical business model which combines The process of experimenting with, and
both mathematical and logical concepts that studying how changes to characteristics of a
tries to emulate a real-life system through use of complex system (or sub-system) impact the
computer software. It mimics the operation of an system as a whole. It includes discrete event
existing or proposed system, providing evidence simulation, process simulation and dynamic
for decision-making by being able to test simulation.
different scenarios or process changes. This can
be coupled with virtual reality technologies for a
more immersive experience
A model that can be used to investigate a wide verity of
“what if” questions about real-world system.
·Potential changes to the system can be simulated and predicate their
impact on the system.
·Find adequate parameters before implementation
·It provides an important method of analysis which is easily verified,
communicated, and understood.
·Across industries and disciplines, simulation modeling provides valuable
solutions by giving clear insights into complex systems.

Analysis tool for predicating the effect of changes

·Evaluate the effect of process changes, new procedures and capital

investment in equipment.

Design tool to predicate the performance of new system

·Unlike physical modeling, such as making a scale copy of a building,
simulation modeling is computer based and uses algorithms and
equations. Simulation software provides a dynamic environment for the
analysis of computer models while they are running, including the
possibility to view them in 2D or 3D.
·Ex. Engineers can use simulation to assess the performance of an
existing system or predict the performance of a planned system,
comparing alternative solutions and designs.
How a model can be developed?

Mathematical Methods
Probability theory, algebraic method
Their results are accurate
They have a few number of parameters
It is impossible for complex systems

Numerical computer-based simulation

It is simple

It is useful for complex system

Following are the steps to develop a simulation model.

Step 1 Step 5
Identify the problem with an existing Validate the model by comparing its
system or set requirements of a proposed performance under various conditions
system. with the real system.

Step 2 Step 6
Design the problem while taking care of Create a document of the model for future
the existing system factors and use, which includes objectives,
limitations. assumptions, input variables and
performance in detail.

Step 3 Step 7
Collect and start processing the system Select an appropriate experimental
data, observing its performance and design as per requirement.

Step 4 Step 8
Develop the model using network Induce experimental conditions on the
diagrams and verify it using various model and observe the result.
verifications techniques.
When is Simulation the Appropriate Tool?
Study of and experimentation with the internal interactions of a complex
system, or of a subsystem within a complex system.
Informational, organizational and environmental changes can be
simulated and the model’s behavior can be observer.
The knowledge gained in designing a simulation model can be of great
value toward suggesting improvement in the system under investigation.
By changing simulation inputs and observing the resulting outputs,
valuable insight may be obtained into which variables are most important
and how variables interact.
Simulation can be used as a pedagogical (teaching) device to reinforce
analytic solution methodologies.
Can be used to experiment with new designs or policies prior to
implementation, so as to prepare for what may happen.
Can be used to verify analytic solutions.
By simulating different capabilities for a machine, requirements can be
Simulation models designed for training, allow learning without the cost
and disruption of on-the-job instructions.
Animation shows a system in simulated operation so that the plan can be
The modern system (factory, water fabrication plant, service organization,
etc) is so complex that the interactions can be treated only through
When is Simulation is Not Appropriate?
Simulation should not be used when the problem can be solved using
common sense.
Simulation should not be used if the problem can be solved analytically.
Simulation should not be used if it is easier to perform direct experiments.
Simulation should not be used, if the costs exceeds savings.
Simulation should not be used if the resources or time are not available.
No data is available, not even estimate simulation is not advised.
If there is not enough time or the people are not available, simulation is
not appropriate.
If managers have unreasonable expectation say, too much soon – or the
power of simulation is over estimated, simulation may not be appropriate.
If system behavior is too complex or cannot be defined, simulation is not

New policies, operating procedures, decision rules, information Model building requires special training. It is an art that is
flow, etc. can be explored without disrupting the ongoing learned over time and through experience.
operations of the real system. If two models are constructed by two competent
New hardware designs, physical layouts, transportation systems individuals, they may have similarities, but it is highly
can be tested without committing resources for their acquisition. unlikely that they will be the same.
Hypotheses about how or why certain phenomena occur can be esults may be difficult to interpret. Since most simulation
tested for feasibility. outputs are essentially random variables (they are usually
Time can be compressed or expanded allowing for a speedup or based on random inputs), it may be hard to determine
slowdown of the phenomena under investigation.
whether an observation is a result of system
Insight can be obtained about the interaction of variables.
Insight can be obtained about the importance of variables to the
interrelationships or randomness.
performance of the system. Simulation modeling and analysis can be time consuming
Bottleneck analysis can be performed indication where work-in and expensive. Skimping on resources for modeling and
process, information materials and so on are being excessively analysis may result in a simulation model or analysis that is
delayed. not sufficient for the task.
A simulation study can help in understanding how the system Used in some cases when an analytical solution is possible,
operates rather than how individuals think the system operates. or even preferable. This might be particularly true in the
“What-if” questions can be answered. Useful in the design of new simulation of some waiting lines where closed-form
systems. queueing models are available.
Areas of
Application Manufacturing Applications

Semiconductor Manufacturing

Construction Engineering and Project


Military Application

Logistics, Supply Chain and

Distribution Application

Management is Intangible
Areas of
Application Business Process Simulation

Automated Material Handling System


Construction Engineering and Project


Risk Analysis

Computer Simulation

Network Simulation
Discrete Event Continuous
Mixed Simulation
Simulation (DES) Simulation (CS)
Model Model
In a discrete event simulation In a continuous simulation model, Mixed simulation models combine
model, the system is modeled as a the system is modeled as a both discrete event and continuous
sequence of discrete events that continuous function of time, where simulation models. These models are
occur over time. Each event occurs the system's state changes used to simulate systems that have
at a specific point in time and is continuously over time. The state of both discrete and continuous
the system is determined by a set behavior. The discrete event part of
associated with a change in the
of differential equations that the model is used to simulate the
system's state. The state of the
describe the behavior of the discrete events, while the continuous
system is updated after each event,
system's variables. The simulation part of the model is used to simulate
and the simulation continues until a
is performed by numerically solving the continuous behavior. Mixed
specific termination condition is
these equations over a time simulation models are commonly
met. DES is commonly used to
interval. CS is commonly used to used to model complex systems,
model systems with a finite number
model systems with continuous such as transportation systems,
of discrete events, such as queuing power grids, and communication
systems, supply chain networks, and behavior, such as chemical
processes, fluid flow systems, and networks.
manufacturing processes.
electrical circuits.
The overall process flow and its associated resources: A clear understanding of the overall process flow is essential to
01. develop a simulation model. This includes identifying the sequence of steps in the process, the resources required for
each step, and the interdependencies between different steps. Understanding the overall process flow is critical to
identify bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and improve efficiency.

What is being produced, served, or acted upon by the process (entities): Entities refer to the objects, people, or events
02. that move through the process. It is essential to identify the type of entities that move through the system to develop
a simulation model accurately. For example, in a hospital, entities could be patients, doctors, nurses, or equipment.
Understanding the entities' behavior is critical to identify process inefficiencies, optimize resource allocation, and
improve overall performance.
Frequency at which the entities arrive in the process: The frequency at which entities arrive in the process is another
03. critical factor in developing a simulation model. This helps identify the system's capacity, which is the maximum
number of entities the system can handle without causing delays or bottlenecks.
How long do individual steps in the process take: To develop an accurate simulation model, it is essential to identify
04. how long each step in the process takes. This includes both the processing time (the time required to complete a step)
and the waiting time (the time entities spend waiting for a resource to become available). Understanding the time
required for each step is critical to identify bottlenecks and improve overall efficiency.
Probability distributions that characterize real-life uncertainties and variations in the process: Real-life processes are
05. subject to uncertainties and variations. To develop an accurate simulation model, it is essential to identify the
probability distributions that characterize these uncertainties and variations. For example, the time required to
complete a step in the process may follow a normal distribution or a Poisson distribution. Understanding these
probability distributions is critical to develop an accurate simulation model.
A system is defined as a groups of objects that are joined
together in some regular interaction toward the accomplishment
of some purpose.
An automobile factory: Machines, components parts and
workers operate jointly along assembly line
A system is often affected by changes occurring outside the
system: system environment
Factory: Arrival orders
Effect of supply on demand: relationship between
factory output and arrival (activity of system)
Banks: arrival of customers
COMPONENTS It is defined as the collection of variables

necessary to describe a system at any time,
relative to the objective of study.

An entity is an object of interest in a It is defined as an instantaneous
system. For example, departments, orders, occurrence that may change the state of
parts and products in the factory system. the system.


An attribute denotes the property of an The term endogenous is used to describe
entity. activities and events occurring within a


Any process causing changes in a system. The term exogenous is used to describe
activities and events in the environment
that affect the system.

Simulation is a concept that involves building a model,
which mimics reality. The term simulation was derived
from the Latin simulare, which means to pretend.
Simulation can be defined as an experiment performed on
a model. Besides that, Simulation can be defined as a tool
that evaluates the performance of a system, existing or
proposed, under different configurations of interest and
over long periods of real time.

A model is defined as a representation of a system for the

purpose of studying the system
Model Levels, Verification vs. Validation, Steps in Simulation
Three Model Levels

Very high level
How comprehensive should the model be?
What are the state variables, which are dynamic, and which are important?

On paper
May involve equations, pseudocode, etc.
How will the model receive input?

A computer program
General-purpose PL or simulation language?
Verification vs. Validation

Verification is the process of comparing two or more Validation is the process of comparing two
results to ensure its accuracy. results. In this process, there is a need to compare
Computational model should be consistent with the the representation of a conceptual model to the
system being analyzed real system. If the comparison is true, then it is
Interactive graphics can prove valuable valid, else invalid.
Computational model should be consistent with
In the validation, the following questions should be specification model
Did we build the right model? In the verification, the following question should
Can an expert distinguish simulation output be answered:
from system output? Did we build the model right?

The application of simulation

involves specific steps in order for
the simulation study to be
successful. Regardless of the type
of problem and the objective of the
study, the process by which the
simulation is performed remains
constant. The flow chart briefly
describes the basic steps in the
simulation process.
Law, A. M., & Kelton, W. D. (2014). Simulation modeling and analysis. McGraw-Hill Education.
Banks, J. (2010). Handbook of simulation: principles, methodology, advances, applications, and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Santos, H. Unit 1: Introduction to Simulation. Weebly. Retrieved March 8, 2023
National Institutes of Health. Computer Modeling and Simulation. Retrieved March 8, 2023
Wmich. Chapter 1: Introduction to Simulation. Retrieved March 8, 2023
Robinson, S. (2015). Simulation: the practice of model development and use. John Wiley & Sons.
Simulation steps and criteria. (n.d.).
Verification & Validation. (n.d.-a).
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