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A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty Members of
Junior High School Department
Datu Panas, Buug, Zamboanga SIbugay

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for Requirements of
the Applied Subject



Chapter 1


Background of the Study

According to Shramana Biswa (2021), “Finding the right school for your

kids is very important for parents. A good school will not only ensure academic success

but also teach their students values and emotions”. (01)

A school where your child finds one particular factor that meets their

individual needs that will correspond to the childrens different interests. In selecting a

place to learn you’re going to want to consider a broad range of factors, including

quality of teaching, location, cost, campus safety, as well as other factors that are

important to you personally.(U.S. Department of Education)

Saint Paul School of Buug, Inc. is a good and the right institution for your

children to study at. That will give your child’s specific needs and will be free to

express their talents and skills.

 Students retention is a huge part at this institution, in which students are

influenced to stay at Saint Paul School of Buug. The school has experienced a hard

time in retaining the students from the last few years because of the COVID - 19

Pandemic that affected the people and specially the students learning system. A lot of

students transferred to public schools because of being financially unstable and not

having a stable internet connection that will be used for virtual learning. It was

understandable also because of what's happening around. Not only the students were

affected but also the school. 

The school needs to  enhance to sustain the students' retention in studying

from Junior High School to Senior High School. Making improvements to the different

programs/activities that the school has to offer such as the DASIG Program to better fit

the students' learning capabilities. In order to address the issue of students retention, the

school needs to prioritize the needs and interests of the students. This can be achieved

by creating a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes academic excellence,

personal growth, and social development. Also, the school can implement effective

communication strategies with parents and guardians to encourage their involvement in

their children's education. By improving the quality of education and student

engagement, the school can retain its students and continue to provide them with the

best possible learning.

Moving to a different school is a hustle. As well as thinking about

transferring to another school. The effect this has on students are social difficulties,

child disruption, emotional and behavioral  problems. It has advantages furthermore

finding happiness and opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. But

remaining in one institution until you finish your Senior year is a less struggle and is

more preferable. .

Statement of the Problem

                     The purpose of this study is to find out the strategies applied by the school

to enhance students retention from Junior High School to Senior High School.

Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

What are the strategies that the school can implement to enhance the students retention of

Saint Paul School of Buug?

What are the common reasons why the school cannot maintain the number of enrollees

from Grades 7 to Grade 12?

How can the school offer adequate quality programs that align with the interests and

needs of the students to enhance their learning experience and retain them?

Significance of the Study 

This study will be benificial to the students, teachers, and researchers. To let

the students and teachers of Saint Paul School of Buug, Inc. informed how will the school

enhance the retention of the students from Grades 7 to 12. Affecting students decision to

continue studying at Saint Paul School of Buug, Inc..

Therefore, the following can benefit specifically from this study:

To the students. The students perspectives to alter their choice in staying at this

institution until they graduate to Senior High School. To build on their learning abilities

and show charism. By highlighting the advantages of staying in one institution, such as

greater stability, continuity of learning, and opportunities for extracurricular activities,

this study can help students make informed decisions about their education and ensure

that they are getting the most out of their schooling.

To the teachers. This study will alter the teachers perspectives, particularly when it

comes to their teaching strategies and skills.By identifying and addressing the challenges

that students face and providing appropriate support and resources, the school can create
a more conducive learning environment, which will benefit both the students and the


To the administration. This study helps the administration to determine what can be

improved in schools learning programs, helping the students achieve their goals, upgrade

the academic performances.

To the future researchers. This study will act as a reference and guide for future

researchers and for their future study as well. This will help them in picking up ideas to

retain the students of the school.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


                 This case study has several limitations that should be acknowledged. First, the

study only focuses on a single school and specifically covers students from Grade 7,

which may limit the generalizability of the findings. This research will be conducted only

at Sain Paul School of Buug, Inc this Academic School Year 2022 – 2023. Moreover, the

study relies on self-reported data from teachers, school administrators, and students,

which may be subject to bias. Lastly, the study only explores strategies to enhance

student retention and does not delve into other factors that may impact student

achievement, such as teaching quality, school facilities, and curriculum design.

Research Methodology
The methodology used in this study is descriptive-quantitative research. Quantitative

research is a method of inquiry that involves the collection and analysis of numerical

data. The goal of quantitative research is to uncover patterns and relationships between

variables and to make generalizations about a population based on a sample.

In this study, data were collected through a survey/questionnaire of students from Grade

7 at the Saint Paul School of Buug. The survey asked students about their academic

performance, satisfaction with school facilities and services, social and economic

background, and reasons for considering transferring to another school. The open-ended

questions allowed respondents to provide more detailed and personal responses to the

study's objectives. They are asked to give their opinions, suggestions, and feedback

regarding the school's current programs and activities and how these can be improved to

retain more students.The researchers will ask a approval at the School’s Principal/School

Directress before gathering any data. A date will be set once the permission has been

approved. The questionnaires will be given by the researchers to Grade 7 students.

Researchers will provide and use hand-out questionnaire using closed-ended and open-

ended questions. The data collected from the survey will be analyzed using statistical

software to identify patterns and relationships between variables.

Operational Definition of Terms

Student retention - For the purpose of this study, student retention is defined as the

percentage of students who continue to attend Saint Paul School of Buug, Inc. from grade

7 to grade 12 without dropping out or transferring to another school.

Strategies - Strategies are defined as the specific actions or interventions that the school

implements to enhance student retention. These strategies may include academic support

programs, counseling services, extracurricular activities, and teacher training, among


Academic performance - Academic performance is defined as the level of achievement

of students in their academic subjects. This includes grades, test scores, and other

measures of academic achievement.

School facilities and services - School facilities and services refer to the physical

environment and resources of the school, including classrooms, laboratories, libraries,

computer rooms, sports facilities, and other amenities. It also includes the support

services provided by the school, such as counseling, health services, and student


Social and economic background - Social and economic background refers to the

family background, socio-economic status, and cultural background of the students. This

includes factors such as parents' occupation, income, education level, and family


Dropping out - Dropping out is defined as the act of leaving school before completing

the required curriculum for a specific level of education. This includes students who

transfer to another school or those who discontinue their education.

Chapter 2

Review of

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