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Questions on Phase and Diffusions in solids

Short answer questions

Qu1. Define the following terms as applied to equilibrium phase diagrams.

i) System
ii) Component
iii) Phase
iv) Structural constituents

Qu2 .State Gibb’s Phase rule. What is its importance and objectives.

Qu3. What is an equilibrium diagram ? State its importance and objectives.

Qu 4. How are equilibrium diagram are classified ?

Qu 5. Explain in detail zone refining ?

Qu 6.What is Diffusion and explain its engineering importance ?

Qu 7. Ste and Explain Fick’s first law and Second Law ?

Qu 8. Explain Kirkendall Effect ?

Long answer questions

Qu. 1 State and Derive Fick’s Second law and state how it is different from first law ?

Explain case Hardening and Doping of Semiconductor in details ?

Qu 2. Derive the degrees of Freedom for a system, which has equal number of components and

Qu 3. Explain Magnesia-Alumina System phase diagram ?

Qu 4. What is mean by Invariant Reaction and Expalin each invariant reaction in details. Sketch Pahse
boundary for each invariant reaction ?

Qu 5. Explain different mechanism of diffusion in detail ?

Qu 6. Explain and sketch Micro structural changes during cooling and formation of Dendritic structure

Qu 7. If an impurity raises the melting point of a pure component, how will the zone refining process
be affected ?

Qu 1. A diffusion couple of 95% Cu-5% Zn and pure copper is annealed at 900 0C for 50 Hr. The zinc
concentration at a depth of 2mm inside the copper bar was found to be 0.3 % after the anneal.
Determine the diffusion coefficient of Zinc in copper ?

Qu 2.At 950 0C,0.8 % carbon steel is getting decarburized for a duration of 4 hr in an atmosphere
equivalent to 0 % carbon at the surface of the steel. Determine the depth up to which post machining
is to done, if the carbon content at the surface after machining should not be below 0.6%.

Qu 3. The diffusion coefficient for copper in aluminium at 500 0C and 600 0C are 4.8x10-14 and 5.3x 10-13
m2/s, respectively. Determine the approximate time at 500 0C that will produce the same diffusion
result (in terms of concentration of Cu at some specific point in Al) as a 9.8 Hr heat treatement at 600

Qu 4. From the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram for a 0.2% C steel, name the phases and their fractions at
equilibrium at the following temperatures:

a) Just above 1493 0C

b) Just below 1493 0C
c) Just above 725 0C
d) Just below 725 0C

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