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Research Cluster
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023


Practical Research 1 – Qualitative Research

PT Members:
(Family Names only, Date Accomplished

Grade and Section Teacher’s Name

The following are the list of most essential learning competencies (MELCS) the learners will perform:
LC1. Nature of Inquiry and Research
(CS_RS11-llla-5: Provide examples of research in areas of interest);
LC2. Nature of Inquiry and Research
(CS_RS11-lllb-2: Illustrate the importance of qualitative research across fields);
LC3. Identifying Inquiry and Statement of the Problem
(CS_RS11-lllc-e-3: Provide the justifications/reasons for conducting the research);
LC4. Identifying Inquiry and Statement of the Problem
(CS_RS11-lllc-e-6: Cite benefits and beneficiaries of research); and
LC5. Identifying Inquiry and Statement of the Problem
(CS_RS11-lllc-e-7: Present written statement of the problem).

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This exam will serve as your quarterly assessment on the third quarter. You are
expected to finish the exam within thirteen (13) days. Remember, there are many heads in the team. Utilize your
members and designate academic tasks well. Teacher’s upload time will be this February 21, 2023 (Tuesday) on
or before 11:59 PM, while Students’ submission time should be on or before 6:00 PM this March 6, 2023
(Monday). Deductions of 1 point per minute will be given for delays and late submissions. The first file sent will
be considered. Do not send multiple submissions. Submit ONE OUTPUT per team by choosing a team
representative to submit. All answers must be written in CAPITAL LETTERS. Make sure to follow instructions, for
each instruction not followed will be a considered a deduction of 1 point from the total score.

Nota Bene: You can include citations of authors and other relevant documents as supporting references with
your answers. Do great as expected!

TEST I: KNOWLEDGE (5 points per number) [LC1, LC3]

Read the research problems below. Answer the guide questions to the space provided.


HEALTH: What activities does a

1 drug rehabilitation facility
conduct to help its patients? *Determine what qualitative
research according to its
ENVIRONMENT: How is climate purpose (Exploratory,
change awareness among Descriptive, or Explanatory)
Josenians influence the would be best in discovering
university’s disaster risk the answers to the given
reduction and management problem. Explain your reason
programs? for choosing one over the
GOVERNANCE. What are the *Why do you think that there is
people’s reactions towards a NEED for focus and
Presidential candidates during attention in tackling the given
the 2022 PH National Elections? problem? Justify.

4 ECONOMY: What factors led to

the increasing prices in the
CULTURE: How do traditions,
5 norms, and practices continue to
be passed on in the family?

TEST II: PROCESS (5 points per number) [LC1, LC2, LC3]

Read the qualitative research sample given and answer the questions below.

Jusay, J. L. A., Lababit, J. A. S., Moralina, L. O. M., & Ancheta, J. R. (2022). We Are Cancelled: Exploring Victims’
Experiences of Cancel Culture on Social Media in the Philippines.
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 14 (4). https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.04

The study "We Are Cancelled: Exploring Victims' Experiences of Cancel Culture on Social Media in the
Philippines" investigates the phenomenon of cancel culture and its impact on individuals in the Philippines. Cancel culture
is defined as the practice of calling out or ostracizing individuals who have expressed controversial or unpopular opinions
or behaviors. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 14 participants who had been cancelled on social media
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The interviews explored the participants' experiences of cancel
culture, the reasons why they were cancelled, and the impact of cancel culture on their personal and professional lives.
The study found that cancel culture in the Philippines is often driven by political and ideological differences. Individuals are
cancelled for expressing opinions that go against prevailing beliefs or for criticizing public figures. Cancelled individuals
experienced various forms of harm, including emotional distress, reputational damage, and social exclusion. They also
faced online harassment, including cyberbullying and doxing.
The study highlights the negative impact of cancel culture on individuals, particularly on their mental health and
well-being. The participants reported feeling anxious, depressed, and traumatized as a result of being cancelled. They
also reported negative effects on their personal relationships and career opportunities. The study calls for a more nuanced
approach to public discourse and online interaction. The researchers suggest that cancel culture may stifle free speech
and discourage people from expressing their opinions, which could limit the diversity of ideas and perspectives in public
discourse. The study also highlights the need for due process in cancel culture, where individuals are given the
opportunity to defend themselves and have their perspectives heard. Overall, the study sheds light on the negative impact
of cancel culture on individuals and the importance of balancing the need for accountability with the protection of free
speech and individual rights.

1. Give at least one characteristic of good research which is best highlighted in the example above? Explain
your answers briefly.
One characteristic of good research highlighted in the example above is the use of in-depth interviews to gather
data. In-depth interviews are a qualitative research method that allows researchers to obtain detailed information
from participants. The study's use of in-depth interviews with individuals who have experienced cancel culture in
the Philippines provided a comprehensive understanding of the impact of cancel culture on their lives. The
researchers were able to gather nuanced data and identify the complex factors that contribute to cancel culture in
the Philippines by exploring the participants' experiences and perspectives in their own words. Overall, the use of
in-depth interviews in the study is a good example of how qualitative research can provide detailed and
comprehensive data to shed light on complex social phenomena.

2. When conducting this research, what characteristics of a good researcher are highlighted in the example
above? Explain your answers briefly.
The example highlights several characteristics of a good researcher. Firstly, the researchers demonstrate a
thorough understanding of the phenomenon they are studying, cancel culture, and its various manifestations
in the Philippines. This is evident in their clear definition of cancel culture, as well as their identification of the
political and ideological factors that often drive it in the country. Secondly, the researchers exhibit sensitivity and
empathy towards the participants in their study. This is reflected in their use of in-depth interviews, which
allowed them to gather rich and detailed data about the participants' experiences and perspectives. It is also
evident in their acknowledgement of the harm and trauma that cancelled individuals may experience as a result of
being ostracized on social media. Thirdly, the researchers demonstrate a commitment to ethical research
practices. This is apparent in their use of informed consent procedures, which ensured that participants were fully
aware of the aims and methods of the study and had the opportunity to withdraw at any time. The researchers
also took steps to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of participants, which is particularly important given the
sensitive nature of the topic. Finally, the researchers show a critical and reflective approach to their research
findings. They recognize the limitations of their study, such as the small sample size and the fact that their
findings may not be generalizable to other contexts. They also offer thoughtful recommendations for future
research and for addressing the negative impacts of cancel culture while also upholding free speech and
individual rights.

Reflect and answer this question: With your progressive experience in your team’s performance task this
quarter, what are your significant takeaways that made you appreciate the research process even more?
Explain your answers briefly.
TEST IV: Attached on this file is the documentary report video. After watching the research documentary, supply the needed details in accordance to the following
content and guide questions. Use 1 paragraph only with 3-5 sentences, on all items. [LC4, LC5]

YOUTUBE LINK: (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZZ9Hfmv5oE


1. Provide at least 2-3 literature or
studies of the background of the videos
K 10
watched that will be related to research if

2. Present at least 2-3 literature or

studies of circumstances surrounding the
P 10
immediate problem situation in the
videos watched.
3. Research at least 2-3 literature or
studies that will show comparison to the
U circumstances surrounding the 15
immediate problem situation in the
videos watched.
4. Depending on the videos watched,
give at least 2-3 literature and studies
P 15
that critic to the situations presented in
the videos.

5. Discuss the gap of the circumstances

U surrounding the immediate problem 10
situation in the videos watched.
Scoring Rubric for Test I, Test II, Test III, and Test IV
Knowledge, Process and Understanding

Points Per Item

Level of Achievement General Presentation
5 points 10 points 15 points
Provides a clear and thorough introduction and background
Addresses the question
Exemplary 5 10 15
Presents arguments in a logical and organized manner
Uses acceptable style and grammar (no errors)
Combination of above traits, but less consistently represented (1-2 errors)
Substantial 4 8 12
Same as above but less thorough, still accurate
Does not address the question explicitly, though does so tangentially
States a somewhat relevant argument
Adequate 3 6 9
Presents some arguments in a logical order
Uses adequate style and grammar (more than 2 errors)
Does not address the question
States no relevant arguments
Needs improvement 1 3 5
It’s not clearly or logically organized
Fails to use acceptable style and grammar
0 0 0 0 No answer

Summary of maximum score per item and per test number

Test Number
Item Number
T1 (K) T2 (P) T3 (U) (K-10, P-25, SCORE
1 5 5 10 K-10 -
2 5 5 - P-10 -
3 5 - - U-15 -
4 5 - - P-15 -
5 5 - - U-10 -
Total Score per
25 10 10 60 105
Test Number

“The more that you read, the more people and places you’ll know.
The more that you’ll know, the more people and places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss

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