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HOPEX Solutions for Enterprise Architecture

Accelerate transformation with a business-outcome-driven

Enterprise Architecture tool
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Focus IT Resources to Support Business Innovation

Drive innovation and ensure your digital transformation is successful with a business-outcome Enterprise
Architecture tool. Capture and connect information, data, processes, and technology and provide context
to make better, more informed decisions. Get a comprehensive view of the impacts caused by constant
business changes and align IT with the business strategy.

Drive business transformation

• Capture business objectives and strategy
• Describe business capabilities and connects them to your company’s objectives.
• Plan business capabilities and transformation stages to create the enterprise roadmap
• Improve end-to-end customer experience by connecting customer journeys and business processes

Strategically plan IT in line with business goals

• Create an inventory of all your IT assets
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• Assess IT assets based on business value and technical efficiency

• Identify and prioritize IT Transformation initiatives based on business objectives
• Design IT and data architecture models aligned to strategy
Accelerate Capture strategy Architect data Transform Transform IT rationalize it Design
business business portfolio applications

Get actionable Capture future Anticipate data Design new Identify and assess IT Streamline the Define, document
deliverables through direction by governance processes by Transformation application portfolio and share software
dashboards and assessing drivers of requirements by integrating initiatives based on and increase the requirements
reports change and planning architecting business end-to-end customer business needs agility of IT systems
business data and metadata experience
capabilities capabilities

CIO and Business Information Business Analyst IT Architect IT Portfolio Solution Architect
Business Users Architect Architect Process Owner Manager



Reports and Business Information Business Process IT Architecture IT Portfolio Application Design
dashboards Architecture Architecture Analysis Management


Use a business-outcome-driven Enterprise Architecture approach to tackle digital transformation

An outcome-driven EA program follows a methodology based on real use cases rather than lengthy
frameworks, ensuring repeatable and tangible results. It enables architects to add new use cases as the
practice grows, building value step-by-step.
Our enterprise architecture solutions are specifically designed with four main objectives:

Automated data population

Our solutions offer many out-of-the-box integrations, including ServiceNow and Technopedia to quickly
populate the repository with enterprise data and accelerate the delivery of your project. The HOPEX
platform easily integrates into your enterprise ecosystem and connects to any third-party services. It allows
integration developers and system administrators to quickly develop custom integrations using open and
powerful REST and GraphQL APIs.

Best-in-class web-based UX and extensive collaborative features

Our solution uses the latest technologies and best practices of web design It relies on an intuitive and
simple UX that drives stronger adoption and democratization of your EA enterprise architecture program.
It fosters collaboration and creates a single source of truth that aligns business and IT stakeholders towards
the same business goals.

Out-of-the-box business-outcome reports

The solution embeds multiple reports and dashboards that enable you to improve decision-making and
deliver value to your organization. The solution also avoids the pitfalls of labor-intensive models while
providing a full visibility into business, IT and risks.
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Deliverables based on real use cases

The solution provides a use case approach so that deliverables and dashboards are specifically designed
for each use case. The solution ensures to produce key deliverables after few weeks only. It is also flexible
and lets you implement new use cases as you grow. For example, you can start by the inventory of your IT
assets. Based on the application inventory, you can then assess applications and rationalize the application
portfolio. With the technology inventory, you can mitigate technology obsolescence risks.
HOPEX Business Architecture

Bridge the strategy to execution gap

Business architecture bridges the gap between a company’s strategy and its successful execution. Business
architecture helps you describe your business capabilities and connects it to your company’s objectives. With
business architecture software, you can simply build and communicate your business transformation roadmap.


Get visibility into your business strategy

Capture your company’s objectives
and strategy and connect to your
business capabilities to illustrate how
your company is planning to achieve its
business transformation strategy

Create a business transformation

Create a business roadmap that
integrates objectives, strategy and
business capabilities to ensure
investment decisions are aligned to
business objectives

Align IT investments to strategy

Ensure future IT investments match
business objectives by tying IT assets to
business capabilities

Capture the company’s strategy to get a concise view of the business

Work with enterprise leaders to identify transformation drivers and perform a SWOT analysis. Based on this
analysis, define the company’s vision, objectives, strategy and tactics.
Model the business using business capability maps and value streams
Map business capabilities to create a comprehensive view of the business, and subsequently ensure IT
investments are properly aligned with business objectives. Create value streams, that depict an end-to-end
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flow of activities including the required stages necessary to satisfy customers. Tie business capabilities to value
streams and get a true customer centric approach.
Design a business roadmap aligned to strategic objectives
Create a business roadmap that aligns business capabilities with business objectives. The roadmap is broken
down into different transformation stages. For each stage, the planned business capabilities are positioned
along with vision, objectives, strategy, and tactics, ensuring the roadmap is focused on strategic objectives. The
planned IT architecture is tied to each stage so that business operations are supported as the company evolves
to meet new challenges.
HOPEX Business Process Analysis

Optimize and transform your business processes

A Business Process Analysis tool helps you understand how your company runs and the best way to optimize
or transform your processes. Use a BPA tool to boost your business efficiency, deliver a superior customer
experience, and support new business initiatives. Generate process diagrams, map customer journeys or model
current and future states to design effective processes that deliver increased value.


Improve business efficiency

Model, analyze and standardize your
business processes to improve business
efficiency and support new business

Deliver superior customer experience

Map customer journeys to design optimal
processes and deliver superior customer

Ensure compliance with policies and

Maintain business process models in
a single repository, identify areas of
concerns, and improve operations to drive
compliance initiatives

Design business processes

Save time and improve efficiency by automatically generating diagrams and entering data into a table. Use
collaborative workflows to streamline the creation of processes. Several roles are available to seamlessly
collaborate through out-of-the-box workflows. The solution fully supports BPMN notation and provides
enhanced decision support through the use of multiple diagram types.
Optimize business processes
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Design and improve the end-to-end customer experience by mapping touchpoints between the customer
and the organization. Rate the customer experience on different touchpoints, identify where to improve the
experience, and enhance the corresponding internal processes tied to the customer journey.
Transform business processes
Model what if scenarios to understand the effects of change—before making either small or sweeping
modifications to business operations. Analyze processes and resources together to aid with cost-effective
consolidation and successful business transformation. Enrich process models with risk and control information.
Identify risks and conduct risk assessment directly from the process diagrams to understand their impact on
processes within your organization.
HOPEX Information Architecture

Turn your enterprise data into a trusted asset

Trust your enterprise data with information architecture that organizes, structures, and labels content in
a systematic and sustainable way. An information architecture tool helps you to govern data, and manage
compliance rules to enable quicker, more intelligent decisions.


Get visibility into your data

Build and leverage a data dictionary and
a business glossary to improve business
efficiency and ensure everybody shares a
common understanding

Ensure data integrity

Ensure data integrity by understanding
how data is used and transformed thanks
to a clear data lineage

Ensure data compliance

Define rules, link them to business
processes and make sure your data
comply to internal policies and

Automatically generate a data inventory and architect data

Automatically generate a business glossary and a data dictionary based on the data used in your organization.
Model the three layers of data including physical, logical and conceptual to get a clearer picture into your data.
Create and link corresponding business concepts to logical and physical data and generate SQL code for most
relational databases.
Trace data from source to origin
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Ensure data integrity by understanding how data is used and transformed with a clear data lineage. Link data
to business processes and applications to understand data usage.
Govern data and demonstrate compliance to regulators
To accelerate compliance, view regulatory requirements and link actions to each requirement through the
collaborative platform and supports various data governance roles including data owner, data steward, and
data chef officer roles. A set of rules can be defined and linked to business processes, to enforce them in your
organization. Use widgets to build custom dashboards and monitor KPIs such as the level of compliance and
the percentage of completion of data maps, data lineage and business glossary.
HOPEX IT Portfolio Management

Optimize your IT budget to enable investments in growth and innovation, and create a distinct competitive
advantage with an IT Portfolio Management tool. Inventory your technology and application assets, monitor
technology obsolescence, manage IT projects, and prioritize them based on strategic alignment.


Rationalize your IT landscape and cut

Inventory and assess your IT assets
through various criteria using a
collaborative approach, identify the
applications to eliminate or modernize
and mitigate technology obsolescence

Align IT projects with strategic business

Prioritize IT transformation projects based
on strategic alignment and communicate
business alignment

Deliver quick time to value

Quickly realize value using out-of-the-box
integrations and APIs, reports, and

Inventory IT assets to get visibility into the IT landscape

Accelerate the process of collecting IT assets through pre-defined templates and out-of-the-box integrations.
Characterize each IT asset using various parameters including business scope, lifecycle, costs, and risks. Use a
collaborative platform that helps crowdsource activities to ensure information stays up-to-date.
Assess IT assets to streamline the IT portfolio
Rank and categorize applications to decide which to eliminate, modernize, invest, or tolerate. Get insights into the
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business value and the technical fitness of your applications using assessment campaigns targeting business and
IT owners. Define technology standards and mitigate technology obsolescence risks by tracking and monitoring
technology components that support applications.
Transform the IT landscape
Conduct an assessment of your IT landscape, identify how projects are tied to business capabilities, and
understand how they align to business strategy. Prioritize projects using what-if scenarios and various
out-of-the-box indicators such as costs, benefits and risks. To identify new other projects, various stakeholders
can also submit ideas through ideation campaigns. Once approved, ideas are turned into demands, then
HOPEX IT Architecture

Model reference architecture

Use IT architecture software to keep your architecture current with changing market strategies, emerging
technologies and agile developments. Map applications and technologies and precisely pinpoint areas of


Get a clear picture of your IT systems

Map applications and technologies, and
how they interact with one another to
identify efficiencies and avoid disruptions

Tackle continuous business changes

Keep current with agile developments
and design future IT systems. Ensure that
your IT stays ahead of the needs of the

Speed up application deployments

Precisely describe how technical
components of an application can be
deployed to avoid potential pitfalls

Design application diagrams to document and design applications

Document the IT landscape and support the continuous software developments of agile environments with
scenario and structure diagrams. Scenario diagrams enable application architects to depict the same application
in multiple contexts or scenarios. Structure diagrams enable them to model architecture using a service-oriented
approach. They rationalize data flows to deal with complex exchanges in a simple and structured manner.
Map technical infrastructure to ensure effective deployments
Use application technical architecture diagrams to describe how technical components of an application are
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deployed, including the technical structure of an application, technologies and communication protocols.
Create 3D infrastructure diagrams to describe the infrastructure requirements to support deployed applications.
These diagrams include IT concepts such as servers, workstations, IOT devices and other peripherals, along with
communication items such as network and exchange protocols.
Model system processes to understand how applications operate
Design how applications operate with system processes. Describe the sequence of tasks performed by applications
and IT services and make sure they effectively meet technical requirements. These models can be continuously
updated in agile environments while providing the ability to model multiple scenarios.
Frameworks & Industry Standards

Our solutions support the standards and frameworks of renowned international standard bodies and
professional associations such as BPMN, UML, TOGAF®, ArchiMate®, and defense and security systems like
NAF and DoDAF.

We are actively engaged in the modernization of these modeling standards, both on the side of industrial
consortiums as well as at the level of standard bodies. We play a proactive role in this international
organizations, especially within the OMG (Object Management Group) and The Open Group.

TOGAF®, developed by The Open Group, provides a common vocabulary and methodology for all architects
and key stakeholders. Our solution HOPEX Enterprise Architecture for TOGAF supports the TOGAF
Architecture Development Method (ADM) and complies with the TOGAF Architecture Content Framework

ArchiMate® is an open and independent enterprise architecture modeling language from The Open Group.
HOPEX for the ArchiMate® Framework gives enterprise architects a full web implementation of The Open
Group’s framework, while remaining compatible with other HOPEX products and standards.

BPMN, the standard Business Process Model and Notation is a graphical representation for specifying
business processes. It provides businesses with the capability of understanding and communicating
their internal business procedures in a standard manner. HOPEX Business Process Analysis provides a full
compatibility with the BPMN notation.

UML, the Unified Modeling Language is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field
of software engineering, that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
HOPEX Application Design supports UML 2.3 including all static and behavioral UML diagrams.

DoDAF, The Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) is an architecture framework for the
United States Department of Defense (DoD). HOPEX DoDAF provides a repository-based tool for describing
and documenting all DoDAF views addressing the complementary aspects of enterprise architecture
(overall, operational, system, and technical views).

NAF, the NATO Architecture Framework is an Enterprise Architecture framework by the NATO. HOPEX NAF
implements all NAF views including capability views, operational views, service-oriented views, system views,
technical views, and program views. The underlying platform is based on a powerful collaborative working
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Make Smarter Decisions Faster with a Pragmatic Approach​


Risk Enterprise
Management Architecture


• Get faster time-to-value: with open APIs and out-of-box integrations, quickly onboard and start
realizing benefits from the HOPEX platform’s powerful workflows, reports, and dashboards.

• Work just as you want: use a scalable and customizable platform, perfectly suited to your business
needs and your security imperatives, including SOC2.

• Foster collaboration and create a single source of truth: build a complete digital representation of
your enterprise that acts as a single source of truth and aligns business and IT stakeholders towards the
same business goals.

HOPEX Platform
The HOPEX platform enables you to build a digital representation of your enterprise
by connecting business, IT, data, and risk perspectives in a single platform. You can
select which connections you need to integrate and analyze immediately, while
having the option to build upon this knowledge and scale over time on a single
source of truth. With the HOPEX Platform, get actionable insights to collaborate with
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all stakeholders to align on your company’s business objectives and demonstrate

the immediate business value of your projects. Finally, the HOPEX Platform can be
seamlessly integrated into your digital ecosystem for a faster time-to-value.

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