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Direction :
Learning objectives after studying this chapter, it is
expected that students can communicate verbally and
writing with correct spelling at the level of simple words
related to the theme of things in the bedroom.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas III Semester Genap 1

Let’s study the vocabulary !

bed mattress pillow

blanket bolster doll

clock cupboard mirror

curtain hanger comb

desk desk lamp sofa

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas III Semester Genap 2

Speaking Corner

Listen and practice the dialogues below!

(Dengar dan ulangi dialog ini setelah gurumu!)
Bima : “What is this ?”
Tio : “This is a clock.”
Bima : “What is it used for?”
Tio : “It is for knowing time.”

, Tika : “Is this a cupboard ?”
Dila : “Yes, this is.”
Tika : “What is it for?”
Dila : “It is for keeping our dress.”

Tika : “What is this ?”
Dila : “This is a mirror.”
Tika : “What is it for?”
Dila : “It is for looking our self.”

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas III Semester Genap 3

Reading Corner

Read the text carefully!

(Bacalah teks berikut dengan seksama!)

My Bed Room
This is my bedroom
Its wall is pink and purple
It is not big
My bedroom is very clean
Because I clean it after wake up every day
I open the curtain and window
Then I tidy up my blanket, bolster and pillow
The last I sweep the floor
So, I feel so comfortable in my bedroom

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas III Semester Genap 4

Independent Evaluation

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menyilang a, b, atau c!)

1. My sister has many …………...

a. bolster b. doll c. pillow

2. Turn on the ………………. When you study.

a. window b. fan c. desk lamp
3. I open the ………………. every morning.
a. curtain b. fan c. cupboard

4. Rina sleeps on the ……………….

a. carpet b. bed c. chair

5. This is my ……………….
a. blanket b. mattress c. pillow

II. Fill the missing letter with the correct answer!

(Isilah huruf yang hilang berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)

6 7 8


B_A__E_ H_N_E_ P_L_O_

9 10

M_RR_R C _ RT _ _ N

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas III Semester Genap 5

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