2022 Y9 Tk3 Scaffold - Part 2

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Part 2: Scientific Report (18 marks)

Due: Friday 12 August 2022

Name: __________________________ Class: ______

Your responses must be hand written on the attached pages

Investigation chosen: Indicate option below.

☐ Does the ground surface affect how fast a person can run?
☐ Does the amount of light affect the longevity of cut flowers?
☐ Do household fluid substances (that can be frozen at home) melt at the same rate?

Background Research on your topic. (must be dot point format in the space provided)
Results: (Table). This must be hand drawn.

Results: (graph). This must be hand drawn.

Describe your results:

Explain your results. (Use your research).

Assess the validity of your experiment. (Make a judgement and support the judgement).

Assess the reliability of your experiment. (Make a judgement and support the judgement).

Part 2: Scientific Report Marking Criteria (18 marks)
Student Name: ________________________________ Class: ________

Marking Criteria: Background information (Knowledge and Understanding)

A student demonstrates an extensive level of ability to: 5

● Summarises correct, succinct and relevant scientific information within the word limit in dot point format

A student demonstrates a thorough level of ability to: 4

● Summarises correct and relevant scientific information within the word limit in dot point format

A student demonstrates a sound level of ability to: 3

● Summarises and researches some relevant information within the word limit

A student demonstrates a basic level of ability to: 2

● Some relevant information

A student demonstrates a limited level of ability to: 1

● Some information

No relevant information 0

Marking Criteria: Results (Communication) Marks

A student demonstrates an extensive level of ability to:
● Makes and records observations and/or measurements accurately in a table over at least three trials using the
appropriate units
● Graphs data correctly with units
A student demonstrates a thorough level of ability to:
● Makes and records observations and/or measurements accurately over three trials 4
● Graphs data correctly with an error
A student demonstrates a sound level of ability to:
● Makes and records observations OR measurements 3
● Attempts graph
A student demonstrates a basic level of ability to:
● Makes and records some observations OR measurements
A student demonstrates a limited level of ability to:
● Attempts to write some of the observations
No relevant information 0

Marking Criteria: Discussion (Problem Solving) Marks

A student demonstrates an extensive level of ability to:

● Uses scientific understanding to draw logical and scientific explanations for their results (clearly uses the 8-7
background research) and draw conclusions
● Reflects on the investigation, assessing the validity and reliability of their experiment correctly in detail.
A student demonstrates a thorough level of ability to:
● Uses scientific understanding to draw explanations for their results and conclusions
● Reflects on the investigation, assessing the validity and reliability of their experiment correctly.
A student demonstrates a sound level of ability to:
● Identifies a trend gathered in the experimental data 4-3
● Reflects on the investigation, assessing the validity OR reliability of their experiment correctly.
A student demonstrates a basic level of ability to: 2
● Attempts to identify a trend and assessment.
A student demonstrates a limited level of ability to: 1
● Attempts to identify a trend OR feature of reliability or validity.
No relevant information 0

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