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Department of BES-1
22SC1203-Computational Thinking for Object Oriented Design
A.C.Y:2022-23 Even Semester

1. What is an interface? How it is different from abstract class and calss?

2. Declare an abstract class, called Instrument, containing a field name and a method
called play, that must be implemented by a sub-class. Define a sub-class called
StringedInstrument that extends the Instrument class and adds an extra field called
numberofStrings add two more classes that implement the functionality of a
StringedInstrument, called ElectricGuitar and ElectricBassGuitar accordingly. The
definition of these newly added classes. Create two different instances of an
ElectricGuitar and an ElectricBassGuitar classes and we call their play methods as
below. Finally, we create a new class called Execution that contains a single main
3. What is multiple inheritance? How does java supports multiple inheritance ?
4. Develop a student registration from that takes Student ID,name,DOB,Email and
mobile number using swing components.
5. What is design pattern? Explain the process of using factory design pattern with your
own example?
6. Develop a java application to find out average of all elements stored in vector using
7. What is difference between Comparable and Comparator?

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