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It is a marketing strategy that helps companies target and meet the need of a specific group of
customers. It helps build the relationships with the customers and creating Value for Target Customers.
These are well-planned and have a direct impact on the company's sales and profits. For EG: Companies
like Starbucks, Amazon, Bestbuy are known to be customer centric.

In Manufacturing and Services industries too we can apply the tactical marketing tools, the four Ps by
which marketers we can bring these strategies to life. (product, price, place, promotion)

In Canada, companies like Best Buy must identify the parts of the market that it can serve best and be
profitable. It must design customer-driven marketing strategies building the right relationships with the
right customers. It is not about mass marketing but more about target marketing and identifying market
segments. That is why these companies focus on market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and

Niagara College – Marketing Mix strategy

consists of direct marketing, sales promotion, advertising, internet and sponsorships


1. Kotler & Fox (1995) developed a version of the marketing mix designed specifically for the
educational institutions, addressing the limitation of the marketing mix of products. Programs
are the first basic elements of the marketing mix of HE institutions. The most basic decision that
the Niagara College has to make are to develop programs that satisfy the students wants and
2. An innovative curriculum with a variety of programs, quality teachers can be an excellent selling
point for Niagara College


1. Price here refers to tuition fees to be paid by students.

2. Students are cost conscious, they will tend to maximise the investment of their tuition fees,
while maximizing returns or value (Eckel, 2007). Student will normally judge the price, when
comparing universities, as more expensive or affordably priced (Kotler & Fox, 1995). Niagara
college offers scholarships for deferral, discounts and also an option for fees payment in
installments which is quite attractive to the students.


1. Any tangible item Niagara college as an institution makes available to students are included
here. We can include the 3 locations/campus that Niagara college is using for its
activities( Lower Jarvis st, College st, Eglington campus)
2. The first impression about the university usually is the building and facilities. (Gibss and
Knapp,2002) add that the condition of the physical location contributes greatly on the image of
the institution. The brand new campus at Mirvish village is supposedly going to be attractive and
will attract more students in future.


1. Niagara College constantly analyses, plan, and manages the promotional activities. But the main
promotion Niagara College follows is the ONLINE marketing. Web advertising, social media
promotions on various platforms like linkedin Instagram, Tiktok etc., search engine
optimizations, direct mailing are just to name a few. All social media posts show
campus/facilities, courses/ programs, friendly staff, and happy students.
2. Partnerships are yet another way to promoting the college. Clubs and events not only promote
the college but also gives it an upperhand in creating job opportunities for students


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