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4) Assignment 6: Indigenous Science

Instruction: Identify five (5) Filipino indigenous knowledge and research on the
connection of these indigenous knowledge to science and technology. Place your
answers on this template.
Due Date: November 26 (Thursday) 11:59 PM. (25 points)
 Muyong system in Ifugao

- The muyong system can be viewed from different perspectives, either as a forest
conservation strategy, a watershed rehabilitation technique, a farming system or an
assisted natural regeneration (ANR) strategy. Muyong are traditionally inherited
properties and are privately owned, although owners do not possess title deeds.
Ownership is simply defined by inheritance and this mode of ownership transfer is
highly respected and recognized by everybody within the cultural vein. The muyong
plays an important role within the tribal economy. It is the primary source of
fuelwood, construction materials, food and medicines. The muyong is living proof of
the Ifugao’s knowledge of silviculture, agroforestry, horticulture and soil and water
conservation. The Ifugao successfully practiced ANR before its recognition in the
forestry sector as a strategy for forest regeneration. The Ifugao attribute value to the
forest on the basis of their cultural ways and practices.

 Terracing

- It is a method of shaping land to control erosion on slopes of rolling land used for
cropping and other purposes. In early practice the land was shaped into a series of
nearly level benches or step like formations. Terraced fields decrease both erosion
and surface runoff, and may be used to support growing crops that require irrigation,
such as rice. The Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras have been designated
as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the significance of this technique.

 Atchara (pickled papaya)

- It is a pickle made from grated unripe papaya popular in the Philippines. This dish is
often served as a side dish for fried or grilled foods such as pork barbecue. Next to
long strips of unripe papaya, it can employ a variety of other vegetables such as
carrots, onions, daikon radish, and bell peppers or chili peppers. Its connection to
science and technology is the way of preserving food without any microorganisms.
Sanitation plays a key role in making atchara.

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 Charcoal burning

- The black residue of wood produced by smothered burning, it was used since the
cave man period. Charcoals are also used as an ink for tattoos. Moreover, in the past
charcoals are usually used in cooking and for removing unnecessary odor. Its
connection to science and technology is the unending trend for charcoal. It does not
end but evolve through time. Charcoals are studied to be used as an electricity
source of this time.

 Philippine Traditional and Alternative Medicine

- Traditional medicine has been practiced since ancient times in every culture
throughout the world and has been an integral part of human evolution and
development. The evolution of Philippine traditional medicine is an interesting study
that is influenced by religion, mysticism, magic, superstition, folkloric herbalism and
western medicine. Medicinal plants can be used by anyone, for example as part of a
salad, an herbal tea or supplement. Many herbalists, both professional and amateur,
often grow or wildcraft their own herbs. Making your own herbal medicine
preparation is not only fun, but can be cost-effective. In using herbal medicines,
some may require degree of skill, you have to use your own judgement if you decide
to use one.


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