Essay Philippine History

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History is concern about a man time.

History is all about our past people in the present are greatful to
know what is in the past because people in present learn what happened before and what's the
improvement from their time to our time also people in present learn from the old generation mistake.
Historians are making history because they dont know what is in the future they are just hoping that the
future knows their life in their generation and also hoping to not repeat their mistake and to continue
improve what they are trying to improve in their time... They are concerned about the future... History is
where present people will know the difference between the old generation and new generation...
People now in present know what old generation can do or their capacity to do. People before are lack
of knowledge also lack of high technology... Unlike people in the present they are improved and also
upgraded... Peoples life i. The future is slowly become easy as time goes by people now in the present
will become a history too... People now in the present will also record the biggest event that happened
now in the present and the future people will know what kind of people now in the present like what
people in the present culture, tradition, talents l, technology. People in the future will also be upgraded
and they will know what is people now in the present's problem and in the future it is already been
solve or it become worse than people now in the present their is only 2 possible things that can be
happen it's either future comes in good hand or bad hand but people in the present will only have 1 job
fur the future people in the present or historian in the present will continue to make history because
history is concerned about the man time

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