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 Juliana de Dios, Basilio's girlfriend and Kabesang Tales' youngest daughter.

 Juli, like Maria Clara, represents the purity and innocence of Rizal's time's lower-class women. She would rather
make a sacrifice than give up her ideals.
 When Kabesang Tales' daughter and Basilio's sweetheart's family falls into debt, she decides to become a
 Basilio's sweetheart.
 Death was preferred over the loss of honor and dignity.
 She represents the Philippines, which would rather suffer with pride and honor than suffer in silence.


Juli, full name Juliana de Dios, was a San Diego resident and Cabesang Tales' daughter. She did everything she could to
raise enough ransom money after her father was kidnapped by bandits.


Juli was born into the De Dios family, along with her older siblings Lucia and Tano. When her grandfather Selo took in
the injured Basilio in November of 1881, Juli became playmates with the young boy. Later, when her father Cabesang
Tales cultivated some land in the forest, Juli became ill along with the rest of her family; both her mother and Lucia died
soon after. She also witnessed Tano's enlistment in the Guardia Civil. She eventually reunited with Basilio, and the two
became sweethearts.

For Her Family

Tales was kidnapped by bandits a few days before Christmas in 1894. Juli sold all of her jewelry except for the golden
locket given to her as a keepsake by Basilio, which was originally Maria Clara's, when she was given two days to come up
with the ransom money. Juli, on the advice of Hermana Bali, asked for a loan from the wealthy Hermana Penchang, who
gave her the money in exchange for taking her on as a maid. The following year, Juli learned of Basilio's subsequent
imprisonment when he was arrested on the charge of sedition. Desperate, she sought the assistance of Padre Camorra,
Tiani's parish priest. He assaulted her while she was there, causing her to jump off the church tower and commit suicide.


Juli was born and raised in San Diego by her father Telesforo (Tales) and his wife, along with two older siblings (Lucia and
Tano) (unnamed). Juli's older sister and mother died of illness after Juli's father became a farmer and maintained his
own lands. Tales became more successful as Juli grew older, and the family eventually relocated to the Sagpang barrio.
Tales promised Juli that she would attend school, but she became too busy. Juli became ill but recovered. Juli met Basilio
while living in Sagpang barrio, and the two began dating.

Tales has been kidnapped by tulisanes at the start of El Filibusterismo (El Fili), and Juli and her grandfather Tandange
Selo have been ordered by the tulisanes to pay a ransom of 500 pesos in order for Tales to be released.


Chapter 4: Juli is first introduced as Telesforo's youngest daughter ("Cabesang Tales"). She and her family relocate to the
house Cabesang Tales built in Sagpang, and Cabesang Tales promises to send Juli to school. The friars, on the other
hand, keep raising the rent on the house. The rent rises inexorably until Tales is unable to pay. Juli is unable to attend
school as a result of this. Cabesang Tales refuses to give up his land to the friars, and Juli becomes ill as a result.

Cabesang Tales patrols the lands and is kidnapped by the tulisanes. They demand a ransom of 500 pesos, but Juli only
has 200 pesos in savings. Sister Bali is enlisted to assist her. Juli earns 50 pesos by selling all of her jewels (except the
locket from Basilio).

Juli borrows the rest of the money from Sister Penchang, who becomes Juli's new employer and mistress, one day
before Cabesang Tales' ransom is due. Juli is set to begin her service on Christmas Day. Juli's grandfather, Tandang Selo,
is upset by her decision, but Juli tells him it was necessary. Juli spends her final night of freedom crying and thinking
about Basilio, who will most likely be unable to marry her now that she is poor.

Juli has a dream in which she and her siblings are bathing in a stream. Under the water, she sees Basilio, but he has the
face of her brother Tano. Sister Penchang is standing on the riverbank, watching them.

Chapter 8: Juli gets up early and does her chores. She promises herself that she will go to the house every two days. She
kisses her locket (and wipes it because it was given to her by a leper) before kissing her Tandang Selo's hand. Sister
Penchang speaks Spanish, so she tells him to tell Cabesang Tales that she is finally going to school. Juli walks out of the
house and sobs by the road.

Chapter 9: Juli is seen serving Sister Penchang, who regards Juli as a sinner for failing to pray. Sister Penchang forbids Juli
from visiting Tandang Selo, instead forcing her to work and pray. Sister Penchang learns that Basilio traveled to Manila
to retrieve his savings in order to free Juli.

Sister Penchang makes Juli reread the tandang Basio Macunat booklet and then visit the priest at the convent.

Cabesang Tales returns later and discovers that Tandang Selo is deaf and Juli has become a maid. There is a three-day
deadline for them to leave their home. Cabesang Tales, who sits beside him without saying anything, is taken aback.

Physical Description

Juli has been described as "the most beautiful in the barrio and possibly in the town" (Chapter 4). She has unusually fair
skin for an Indio, and it is said that she is not allowed to walk in the sun to avoid burning her skin.

Juli is reserved and quiet, with simple desires such as attending school, keeping her family safe, and marrying Basilio. She
is kind to her loved ones and courteous to everyone she meets, but she only expresses her emotions to people she
knows well. Juanito Pelaez describes her as "unsociable" as a result of this. She was described as "trim and composed"
prior to the events of El Filibusterismo (El Fili) (Chapter 30). She can be naive, and due to her lack of education, she does
not speak Spanish and appears to know little about Catholicism.

Juli exhibits signs of depression throughout the novel as a result of the tragedies that befall her family members and
Basilio. She frequently cries and suffers from nightmares, panic attacks, and suicidal ideation. After seeing Padre
Camorra, she makes plans to kill herself in Chapter 30, and by the end of the chapter, her plans have been carried out.



Juli is extremely selfless, willing to give up her possessions, her future, and her body in order to save her loved ones. She
raises money to free her father Cabesang Tales by becoming Sister Penchang's maid (Chapter 4), petitions Capitan
General to release her grandfather Tandang Selo (Chapter 11), and later goes to see Padre Camorra to ask for help in
freeing Basilio (Chapter 30), despite knowing that Padre Camorra will abuse her. Everything she does in El Filibusterismo
(El Fili) is to save her loved ones, even if it means putting herself in danger.


On Religion

Juli, like most Indios, is a Catholic, but her understanding of the practices is limited. She is never seen attending mass,
and she does not pray, according to Sister Penchang (Chapter 9). Many of Juli's responsibilities as a maid include praying,
fasting, and reading religious books, but Sister Penchang criticizes her for failing to remember them. Despite Juli's lack of
religious practices, she appears to believe in the concept of hell because she asks Sister Bali if people who commit
suicide go there (Chapter 30). Juli kills herself at the end of the chapter despite being told yes.


She is thought to be the daughter of Capitan Tiago and the goddaughter of Father Dámaso, a woman of high social
standing. She is actually Father Dámaso's biological daughter, the result of a scandalous relationship between the old
priest and Capitan Tiago's wife. Mara Clara grew up with Ibarra and planned to marry him, but Father Dámaso opposed
the marriage.

After Ibarra is excommunicated from the church, her guardians arrange for her to marry Linares, a wealthy young man of
Spanish descent, and she tries to comply in order to avoid upsetting her father, the weak-willed Capitan Tiago. When
Ibarra is put on trial for sedition, she is coerced into handing over the letters he sent her as proof of his guilt. After
learning of Ibarra's apparent death, she refuses to marry Linares and enters a convent.

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