Akhillesh Project Digital Marketing

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The world of business has undergone a significant shift towards digital channels, and digital marketing
has become an essential component of modern marketing strategies. With the rise of social media, search
engines, and other online platforms, companies are now able to reach their target audience more efficiently
and effectively than ever before. Digital marketing is not just a buzzword, but a powerful tool that can drive
growth and success for businesses of all sizes . This study aims to explore the impact of digital marketing on
companies and the ways in which it has changed the business landscape. The study will delve into the various
digital marketing strategies used by companies, such as search engine optimization, social media marketing,
email marketing, and content marketing, and their effectiveness in reaching and engaging with target
audiences. Additionally, the study will examine the impact of digital marketing on brand awareness, customer
acquisition, and customer retention

Influencer marketing is now an established form of online marketing. It has been a buzzword for
a while now, and the mainstream media regularly refers to it. Yet, there are still people who don't
really understand what influencer marketing is all about. Indeed, some people come across the
phrase for the first time and instantly ponder,
“What is influencer marketing?”

The Influencer Marketing Hub is now an established website with hundreds of articles explaining
the intricacies of influencer marketing, along with other types of online marketing. The original
version of this post was the first article we wrote for the site. We know, however, that there are
still people who come here for the first time, wondering what influencer marketing is all about.
we have updated this article to focus on the basics of influencer marketing in 2020.

Influencer Marketing is a hybrid of old and new marketing tools. It takes the idea of celebrity
endorsement and places it into a modern-day content-driven marketing campaign. The main
differentiator in the case of influencer marketing is that the results of the campaign are
collaborations between brands and influencers.

But influencer marketing doesn’t just involve celebrities. Instead, it revolves around influencers,
many of whom would never consider themselves famous in an offline setting.

we defined an influencer as being someone who has:

• the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority,
knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience.
• a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she actively engages. The size of the
following depends on the size of his/her topic of the niche.

Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one of its
products or services. Some influencer marketing collaborations are less tangible than that –
brands simply work with influencers to improve brand recognition. An early example of
influencer marketing involved YouTube celebrity PewDiePie. He teamed up with the makers of a
horror film set in the French catacombs under Paris, in which he underwent challenges in the
catacombs. It was pitch-perfect content for PewDiePie's 27 million subscribers and received
nearly double the views as the movie's trailer. Everybody won.
That’s a simple example. It's easy to imagine a celebrity teaming with a company to pitch a
product—even if the pitch is a series of 10-minute videos instead of a 30-second television ad.
But people wouldn’t be talking about influencer marketing—you wouldn’t be at a website called
the Influencer Marketing Hub reading about it, either—if it didn't have a much broader set of
applications. And the key is in that word, influencer.
Influencers, unlike celebrities, can be anywhere. They can be anyone. What makes them
influential is their large followings on the web and social media. An influencer can be a popular
fashion photographer on Instagram, or a well-read cybersecurity blogger who tweets, or a
respected marketing executive on LinkedIn. Within any industry, there are influential people—
you just have to find them. Some will have hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of followers.
But many will seem more like ordinary people. They may only have 10,000 followers, less in
some cases. Yet they will have developed a reputation for being the experts in their field. They
are the go-to people that provide the answers to people's questions. Depending on their sphere of
expertise, they are the people who make the most engaging social posts on their specialist topic.
They share the best pictures, make the most entertaining videos, and run the most informative
online discussions.

Email Marketing
Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy based on sending emails

and developing relationships with prospects and customers. ... Based on 2018 data,
email marketing is still ranked as the most effective marketing channel, beating
out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing. Types -

• Information Emails.

• Digital Newsletter.

• Product Update.

• Transactional Emails.

Information Emails

Transactional emails are messages that businesses need to send in order to facilitate a
transaction or provide a product or service, as requested by the customer. For this reason,
companies don't need to obtain consent from the customer to send transactional emails.

Short for electronic mail, e-mail or email is information stored on a computer that is exchanged
between two users over telecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain
text, files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group
of individuals.

Digital Newsletter
A digital newsletter is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with your audience to drive
engagement and sales. And it's also an effective way of building brand awareness and affinity.
Newsletters can effectively leverage your email list into sales. But you need to have a great
newsletter to do so.

Product Update

Product update and new feature emails act as announcement emails that catch the audience's
attention. These emails showcase an exclusive look at introducing an updated product or feature.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing

valuable , relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience
— and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
A content marketer is responsible for the planning, creating, and sharing of valuable content to
attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers.
Content is defined as what is inside or included in something. An example of content is beans
inside of a jar. An example of content is the words inside a book. Contentment.

Internet also helped content marketing become a mainstream form of marketing.

Traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, radio and TV started to lose
their power in the marketplace. Companies started to promote and sell their products digitally.

The phrase "content marketing" was used as early as 1996, when John F. Oppedahl led a
roundtable for journalists at the American Society for Newspaper Editors.
• In 1998, Jerrell Jimerson held the title of "director of online and content marketing"
at Netscape.
• In 1999, author Jeff Cannon wrote, “In content marketing, content is created to
provide consumers with the information they seek.”

By the late 2000s, when social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube were born, online
content marketing was accessible, shareable and on-demand anytime worldwide.

By 2014, Forbes Magazine's website had written about the seven most popular ways companies
use content marketing. In it, the columnist points out that by 2013, use of content marketing had
jumped across corporations from 60% a year or so before, to 93% as part of their overall
marketing strategy. Despite the fact that 70% of organizations are creating more content, only
21% of marketers think they are successful at tracking return on investment.

Today, content marketing has become a powerful model for

marketers. Storytelling is part of it, and they must convey the companies’ messages or goal to
their desired audience without pushing them to just buy the product or service.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing

To understand the true meaning of SEO, let's break that definition down and look at the parts:

I. Quality of traffic. You can attract all the visitors in the world, but if they're coming to
your site because Google tells them you're a resource for Apple computers when really
you're a farmer selling apples, that is not quality traffic. Instead, you want to attract
visitors who are genuinely interested in the products that you offer

II. Quantity of traffic. Once you have the right people clicking through from those search
engine results pages (SERPs), more traffic is better.
III. Organic results. Ads make up a significant portion of many SERPs. Organic traffic is
any traffic that you don't have to pay for.

You might think of search engine as a website you visit to type (or speak) a question into a
box and Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or whatever search engine you're using magically replies
with a long list of links to webpages that could potentially answer your question.

That's true. But have you ever stopped to consider what's behind those magical lists of links?

Here's how it works: Google (or any search engine you're using) has a crawler that goes out
and gathers information about all the content they can find on the Internet. The crawlers bring
all those 1s and 0s back to the search engine to build an index. That index is then fed through
an algorithm that tries to match all that data with your query.

Content and related markup

A site isn't really a site until you have content. But SEO for content has enough specific
variables that we've given it its own section. Start here if you're curious about keyword
research, how to write SEO-friendly copy, and the kind of markup that helps search engines
understand just what your content is really about.

On-site topi

You've already learned a lot about on-site topics by delving into content and related markup.
Now it's time to get technical with information about robots.txt.

Dig deep into everything you ever needed to know about links from anchor text to
redirection. Read this series of pages to understand how and when to use no follow and
whether guest blogging is actually dead. If you're more into the link building side of things
(working to improve the rankings on your site by earning links), go straight to the Beginner's
Guide to Link Building.

Other optimization

Congratulations! You've mastered the ins and outs of daily SEO and are now ready for some
advanced topics. Make sure all that traffic has the easiest time possible converting with
conversion rate optimization (CRO), then go micro level with local SEO or take that site
global with international SEO.

The evolution of SEO

Search engine algorithms change frequently and SEO tactics evolve in response to those
changes. So if someone is offering you SEO advice that doesn't feel quite right, check in with
the specific topic page.

pay-per-click (ppc)

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee
each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it's a way of buying visits to your site,
rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. Search engine advertising is one
of the most popular forms of PPC

On average, businesses should expect to pay $1-$2 per click to advertise on the Google
search network. On a monthly basis, the average small and medium-sized businesses
spend between $9,000 and $10,000 on PPC. This equates to approximately $108,000 to
$120,000 per year.

PPC Keyword Research

Keyword research for PPC can be incredibly time-consuming, but it is also incredibly important.
Your entire PPC campaign is built around keywords, and the most successful Google Ads
advertisers continuously grow and refine their PPC keyword list. If you only do keyword
research once, when you create your first campaign, you are probably missing out on hundreds of
thousands of valuable, long-tail, low-cost and highly relevant keywords that could be driving
traffic to your site.

An effective PPC keyword list should be:

• Relevant – Of course, you don't want to be paying for Web traffic that has nothing to do
with your business. You want to find targeted keywords that will lead to a higher PPC
click-through rate, effective cost per click, and increased profits. That means the
keywords you bid on should be closely related to the offerings you sell.
• Exhaustive – Your keyword research should include not only the most popular and
frequently searched terms in your niche, but also to the long tail of search. Long-tail
keywords are more specific and less common, but they add up to account for the majority
of search-driven traffic. In addition, they are less competitive, and therefore less
• Expansive - PPC is iterative. You want to constantly refine and expand your campaigns,
and create an environment in which your keyword list is constantly growing and

If you want to find high-volume, industry-specific keywords to use in your PPC campaigns,
be sure to check out our popular keywords.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing
another person's or company's products.
The affiliate simply searches for a product they enjoy, then promotes that product and
earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make.

According to the survey, 9% of publishers produced more than

$50,000 in affiliate income in 2016. The majority of merchants (65) said they were
making between 5% and 20% of their annual revenue from affiliate marketing. The
survey also showed a link between experience and revenues.

Smart entrepreneurs running a thriving business know there’s always more they can do to
make that business grow. One way of taking things to the next level is by finding an alternate
stream of income. That doesn’t mean starting a second business but finding ways to
complement and grow the business you have by offering more value to your customers and

If you aren’t participating in affiliate marketing, it’s time to consider taking advantage of
this lucrative revenue stream.

Affiliate marketing is an online sales tactic that lets a product owner increase sales by
allowing others targeting the same audience—“affiliates”—to earn a commission by
recommending the product to others. At the same time, it makes it possible for affiliates
to earn money on product sales without creating products of their own.

Simply put, affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a

blog, social media platforms, or website. The affiliate earns a commission each time
someone makes a purchase through the unique link associated with their
recommendation. Done well, this performance-based opportunity can become an
important part of your business by netting you a healthy income.

video marketing

Video marketing is the strategy designed by marketing teams to create, curate, and utilize
videos as a means of marketing their products or services to their target audience. The
idea is to keep audience members engaged with the brand in a way that's simple and easy
to digest.
4 Major Types of Video Marketing

*Educational videos

*Company culture videos

*Product videos
*Testimonial videos

Educational videos:

Using video in education creates a personalized learning experience, allowing the individual to
learn at their own pace. With video, you can watch and rewatch a video as many times as needed
to grasp a topic. Moreover, you can pause whenever you need to.

Company culture videos:

The best company culture videos really capture the employee experience. Company culture
videos give real insight to candidates actively considering you as an employer. When you are
honest about what it's like to work at your company, candidates can make better, more
informed career decisions.

Product videos:

A product video is an explainer video that effectively demonstrates the benefits of a

product. ... People are more likely to retain information received through video because the
information is presented through audio and visual channels.

Testimonial videos:
In short, a video testimonial is a video of a customer or client praising a company. In most
cases, they talk about how that company's product or service has helped them solve a problem.
They might discuss who they are, how they use the product or service, and what they like about
the company.
10 Benefits of Video Marketing

Apart from being a rich, visual medium, there are a lot of perks to making online video marketing
part of your digital strategy.

Simply put, the numbers tell a compelling story. These video marketing statistics highlight
precisely why so many companies, in industries across the B2B and B2C spectrum, are taking
advantage of this medium—and why video marketing should be part of your business, too.

1. Grow Revenue

Marketers who use video are growing company revenue 49% faster year-over-year than those
who don’t, according to research from Aberdeen Group.

2. Influence Buying Decisions

A whopping 90% of customers say that product video helps them make buying decisions, says
Forbes, and 64% say that watching a video makes them more likely to buy, according to

Plus, 97% of marketers say that video has helped increase user understanding of their product or
service, according to HubSpot.

3. Give the People What They Want

From brands, people prefer video content over emails, newsletters, social images, social videos,
blog posts, and downloadable content (like PDFs), according to data from HubSpot.
When they’re considering buying something and want to research their options, consumers use a
variety of methods. Some of the top tactics include using a search engine, visiting a company or
product’s official website, looking at review websites, and watching videos. Video could easily
be incorporated into every one of those places, giving your brand a better chance of convincing
the consumer.

4. Rank Higher in Search

Video can help improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The
amount of time a visitor spends on your page after arriving from a Google search can impact how
high you appear in results. Known as dwell time, this is an important Google ranking factor,
according to Backlinko.

Video is an incredibly effective way to bump up this metric, with 80% of marketers saying that
video has increased dwell time on their sites, according to HubSpot.

But you don’t have to take their word for it. The average internet user spends 88% more time on a
website that contains video, according to data from Mist Media. And, on average, websites that
include video have a two minute longer dwell time compared to those that don’t, says HighIQ.

Websites that make effective use of video increase their likelihood of being ranked on the first
page of Google results by as much as 53 times, as stated in research from Forrester.

Finally, 55% of search results for keyword searches in the U.S. contain at least one video, as
reported by Search Metrics. So, apart from the increase in time spent on your site, simply having
a video increases your chances of appearing in the SERPs and can make you a more desirable
5. Increase Traffic

Video users enjoy 41% more web traffic from search than non-users, according to
research from Aberdeen Group.

6. Get More Backlinks

Embedding a video into a page or post nearly triples the average number of linking domains, as
stated in research from Moz.

7. Bump Up Conversions

Video users have 27% higher click-through rates and 34% higher web conversion rates, says
research from Aberdeen Group.

Plus, using video on a landing page can increase conversion by 86%, according to Eye View

8. Reach Decision Makers

Three-quarters of business executives watch work-related videos weekly, according to High

IQ. Plus, 54% of senior executives share work-related videos with colleagues every week.

Furthermore, 59% of senior execs agree that if text and video are available on the same topic on
the same page, they would prefer to watch the video.

They’re not the only ones, though: 72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product
or service, according to HubSpot.

9. Crush Email Sends

Using the word video in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19%, click-through rates by
65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%, according to Syndacast.
Adding video to email can boost click rates by up to 300%, according to MarTech Advisor.

Basically, video is a powerful addition to your email marketing.

10. Rack Up Shares

Social video generates 1,200% more shares than text and images combined, according to Small
Business Trends.

If your brand creates video content that the intended audience enjoys, 83% of consumers say they
would consider sharing it with their friends, according to HubSpot.

Chapter 2: Review of
Digital marketing is cost effective and having a great commercial impact on the business.
Based on this study, it can further be argued that knowing which social media sites a
company's target market utilizes is another key factor in guaranteeing that
online marketing will be successful

A number of research papers and articles provide a detailed insight on digital Marketing.
The findings from the literature are presented in the next slide:

In the developed world, companies have realized the importance of digital marketing. In order
for businesses to be successful they will have to merge online with
traditional methods for meeting the needs of customers more precisely (Parsons, Zeisser ,
Waitman 1996)

Internet marketing has been described simply as ‘achieving marketing objectives through
applying digital technologies’ (Chaffey et al., 2009).

Digital marketing is the use of technologies

to help marketing activities in order to improve customer knowledge by matching their needs
(Chaffey, 2013)
Expectations in terms of producing results and
measuring success for advertisement money spent, digital marketing is more costefficient for
measuring ROI on advertisement (Pepelnjak, 2008)

Introduction of new technologies has creating new business opportunities for marketers to
manage their websites and achieve their business objectives (Kiani, 1998)

monotonous advertising and marketing techniques have given way to digital marketing. In
addition, it is so powerful that it can help revive the economy and can create tremendous
opportunities for governments to function (Munshi, 2012)

Online advertising is a powerful marketing vehicle for building brands and increasing traffic for
companies to achieve success (Song, 2001)

Firms in Singapore have tested the success of digital marketing tools as being effective and
useful for achieving results. (Teo, 2005)

growth in digital marketing has been due to the rapid advances in technologies and changing
market dynamics (Mort, Sullivan, Drennan, Judy, 2002)

In order for digital marketing to deliver result for businesses, digital content such as
accessibility, navigation and speed are defined as the key characteristics for marketing
(Kanttila, 2004).

Others tried and tested tool for achieving success through digital marketing is the use of word-of-
WOM on social media and for making the site popular (Trusov, 2009) In addition, WOM is
linked with creating new members and increasing traffic on the website which in return
increases the visibility in terms of marketing.

Social media with an extra ordinary example Facebook has opened the door for businesses to
communicate with millions of people about products and services and has opened new
marketing opportunities in the market. This is possible only if the managers are fully aware of
using the communication strategies to engage the customers and enhancing their experience
(Mangold, 2009).

Marketing professional must truly understand online social marketing campaigns and programs
and understand how to do it effectively with performance measurement indicators.

As the market dynamics all over the world are changing in relation to the young audience
accessibility to social media and usage. It is important that strategic integration approaches are
adopted in organization’s marketing communication plan (Rohm & Hanna, 2011).

Chaffey, D. (2002). “Achieving marketing objectives through use of electronic communications


Chaffey, D. (2011). E-business & e-commerce management. Pearson Education.

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Fournier, Susan. (1998). Consumers and Their Brands: Developing

Relationship Theory in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer
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G. T. Waghmare, 2012). E-commerce; A Business Review and Future Prospects in Indian

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Krishnamurthy, S. (2006). Introducing E-MARKPLAN: A practical methodology to plan e-

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Mangles, C. a. (2003). Relationship marketing in online business-tobusiness Markets: a pilot

investigation of small UK manufacturing firms. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 5/6,
pp. 753-773.
Merisavo, M. and R. Mika . (2004). The Impact of Email Marketing on
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Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School

Reinartz, Werner J. and V. Kumar. (2003). The Impact of Customer

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Roberts, R. R., and J. Kraynak. (2008). Walk like a giant, sell like a madman. Hoboken,NJ:

Rowley, Jennifer. (2004). Online branding: the case of McDonald’s. British Food Journal 106
(3): 228-237. Crossref
Salehi M., Mirzaei H., Aghaei M., and Milad A. (2012). Dissimilarity of
E-marketing VS traditional marketing. International Journal of
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Watson, R.P., Leyland, F.P., Berthon, P. and Zinkham, G. (2002). Ucommerce: expanding the
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Chapter 3: (Research Methodology) Introduction

This research concentrates on collecting and thereby analyzing the collected data systems to re
solve problems that are selected by the researcher. In a way, this research has got wider
meanings. For some people reading books or surfing the internet for information is research. As a
matter of fact these activities are just some part of the entire job. Basic research structures are
related to the sense of collecting authentic and original data and in the same way analyzing these
data thoroughly as well methodically to derive the result that lay underneath. Here, data does not
necessary mean any numerical. Words too are data.

he function of marketing research is to connect the target consumer to the seller or the marketers.
The modes of this connectivity are through information that is specifically used for the purpose
of to identifying and relevantly defining the aspects of marketing. Elements of generating refined
modes of marketing action; dealings with opportunities and problems, monitoring the recent and
past marketing performance; and above all improving marketing as a process are integral to it.
Marketing research uses the sources of information to address selective issues; like those of
designs that helps in collection information and thereby implements and manages entire data
collection process. It further analyses the results along with the communication for deriving the
findings and their ways of implication. (Yin, 2003)

The process of study adopted by this research illustrated here. Factors like, research objective,
research plan, methodology of research, compilation of data, assessment of data and quality
standards are focused in the entire process. The figure under the sketch is the approach of the
chapter and thereby has been depicted predominantly. (Allen, 2008)


One of the biggest digital marketing concerns for businesses is how to stand out against bigger
competitors without a commensurate digital marketing budget. This concern is commonly paired
with the feeling that Google's search algorithm is slightly biased towards brands.


Using digital marketing, you can reach an enormous audience in a way that is both cost-effective
and measurable. Other benefits of online marketing include: The ability to interact with your
prospects and learn exactly what they are looking for. The ability to reach a global marketplace.


o Increase revenue. The primary goal of any

marketing strategy is ultimately to increase revenue, and Internet
marketing is no exception.
o This is another digital marketing objective that can be tracked in Google
Analytics. By setting up goal tracking in Analytics, you will have reports on
conversions for your traffic sources, campaigns, keywords, landing pages,
locations and so on.

o The New vs Returning visitors is a metric that is available in Analytics and it is

easy to track. Knowing how many visitors return is an important objective
because it helps you see how effective your business is at visitor and customer

o Bounce rate in analytics is defined as people who enter your site and leave
(bounce) rather than continue viewing other pages. This is an important measure
of the quality of your website, because almost all businesses want their visitors to
complete an action like purchase, contact or download on their websites.

Data Collection:

The present study is of analytical and exploratory nature. Accordingly, the use is made of
primary data. The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaires from a sample of
respondents. The key intention of the study is to analyse the uses and mechanism of digital

Primary sources:

Primary source is a source from where we collect first-hand information or original data on a
topic. Interview technique was used with structured questionnaire for the collection of primary

Secondary sources:

Secondary source is a source from where we collect data that has already been collected by
someone. We have collected secondary data from the published financial statements of the firms,
newspaper and articles. For the purpose of this study, we have selected one hundred fifty firms
randomly which are using digital marketing system to sell their products to customers.
Additionally, we also collected data from 50 executives from sample and other different firms to
know their opinion on the effectiveness of digital marketing

Collected data and information has been organized, explained and analyzed by using different
statistical tools and techniques. This study shows results both in descriptive and analytical way.


Sample size is the number of completed responses your survey receives. It’s called a sample
because it only represents part of the group of people (or target population) whose opinions or
behaviour you care about
In this research the researcher used 58 sample sizes for the data analyse.


The statistical tool used here is “RANDOM SAMPLING”.


A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other types of

prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questionnaire was
invented by the Statistical Society of London in 1838.
Although questionnaires are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not
always the case.
Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not
require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have
standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However, such standardized answers
may frustrate users. Questionnaires are also sharply limited by the fact that respondents must be
able to read the questions and respond to them. Thus, for some demographic groups conducting a
survey by questionnaire may not be concrete.



No Gender No of Respondents %

1 male 34 57.9
2 female 24 42.1
3 others - -
4 total 58 100

Source: primary data

From the above table, we can find that 34 of the respondents are male while 24 of them female .
From the above graph we can interpret that most of the respondents are male compared to the
female respondent.


Age No of %
Below 20 22 38.6
21 - 30 34 57.9
31 - 40 1 1.8
Above 40 1 1.8
total 58 100

Source: primary data


From the above table, we can find that 22 of the respondents are of the age group of below 20, 34
of them are in the age group of 21-30years, 1 of them are in the age group of 31-40 years and 1
of them are in the age group of above 40.We can interpret that most of the respondents are of the
age group of 21-30 years
occupation No of Respondents %
student 48 84.2
Business 6 10.5
medical 1 1.8
Home maker 1 1.8
faculty 1 1.8
Event management 1 1.8
total 58 100

Source: primary data

INTERPRETATION: From the above table, we can find that 48 of the are students ,6 of them
are business ,1 medical ,1 home maker , 1 faculty and 1 in event management.
Marital Status

Marital Status No of %
Single 51 87.7
married 3 5.3
Prefer not to say 4 7

total 58 100
Source: primary data

INTERPRETATION: From the above table, we can find that 51 are single ,3 are married and 4
prefer not to say about their marital status.

Are you aware of digital marketing?

Are you aware of No of %
digital marketing Respondents

Yes 50 86
No 3 5.3
Maybe 5 8.8
Total 58 100

Source: primary data

INTERPRETATION: From the above table, we can find that 50 chose yes , 3 chose no and 5
chose maybe when they where asked if they where aware of digital marketing.
do you use digital marketing?

Do you use digital No of %

marketing? Respondents

Yes 37 64.9

No 21 35.1

Total 58 100

primary data

From the above table, we can find that 37 of them use digital marketing and 21 of them doesn’t
use it.
Have you ever purchased over internet?

Have you ever purchased over internet. No of %


Yes 54 93

No 4 7

Total 54 100

primary data

From the above table, we can find that 54 of them have purchased over the internet and 4 of them
have not purchased over the internet.

Are you aware of PPC marketing?

Are you aware of PPC No of %
marketing Respondents

Yes 16 26.3

No 31 52.6

Maybe 12 21.1

Total 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 16 of them said yes that they are aware of PPC marketing
and 31 of them said they are not and 12 of them chose maybe.
Are you interested in retargeting your customers who don’t convert the first time?

Are you interested in retargeting your customers who No of %

don’t convert the first time? Respondents

Yes 24 39.3
Maybe 27 48.2

Not interested 7 12.5

Total 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 24 said yes they are interested in retargeting your

customers who don’t convert the first time and 27 said maybe and 7 said not interested.
Are you interested in advertising your business?

Are you interested in advertising your No of %

business? Respondents

Yes 38 63.2

No 9 17.5

Maybe 11 19.3

Total 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 38 are interested to advertise their business, 10 does not
want to and 10 said maybe.
do you use social media for making your business more established?

do you use social media for making your business more No of %

established Respondents

Yes 41 68.4

No 10 19.3

Maybe 7 12.3

total 58 100
primary data
INTERPRETATION: From the above table, we can find that 41 have chose yes they would
use social media to establish their business and 10 chose no and 7 chose maybe.
Are you interested in bundling service?

are you interested in bundling service No of %


Yes 28 47.4

No 12 22.8

Maybe 18 29.8

Total1 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 28 chose yes when the where asked if they are interested
in bundling service and 12 chose no and 18 chose maybe they would consider it.
Ever thought of using video marketing

ever thought of using No of %

video marketing Respondents

Yes 30 49.1

No 15 28.1
Maybe 13 22.8

Total 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 30 of them chose yes they had the thought of using video
marketing ad 15 chose no and 13 chose maybe.
What’s your total budget for each month

What’s your total budget for each month No of Respondents %


10000 - 20000 29 50.9

20000 - 30000 13 21.8

30000 - 40000 4 7.3

Above 40000 10 20

Total 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 29 chose amount between 10000 to 20000 budget for each
month for their business and 13 chose 20000 to 30000 and 4 chose 30000 to 40000 and 10 chose
above 40000.
Do you have a clear image and branding that pleases you?

Do you have a clear image and branding No of %

that pleases you? Respondents

Yes 27 49.1

No 17 30.9

Maybe 12 20

Total 58 100
primary data

From the above table, we can find that 27 chose yes who has a clear image and branding that

pleases them and 17chose no and 12 chose maybe.

Do you have a specific marketing plan that is currently driving your marketing efforts?

Do you have a specific marketing plan that is currently No of %

driving your marketing efforts? Respondents

Yes 22 38

No 18 31

Maybe 18 31

Total 58 100

primary data


From the above table, we can find that 22 chose yes when they where asked if they have a
specific marketing plan that is currently driving their marketing efforts and 18 chose no and 18
chose maybe.

• Majority of the respondent are belonging to male category

• Majority of the respondent are belonging to 21 - 30 age


• Most of the respondent are students

• Most of the respondent marital status was single

• Majority of the respondents where aware of digital marketing

• Most of the respondents have been using digital marketing

• Majority of the respondents purchase over internet

• Most of the respondents are aware of PPC

• Majority of the respondents are interested in retargeting your customers who don't
convert the first time

• Majority of the people are interested in advertising your business

• Many respondents use social media for making your business more established

• Most respondents are interested in bundling service (package plan)

• Most respondents thought of using video marketing

• Majority of the peoples total budget in digital marketing is 10000 to 20000

• Most respondents think that they have a clear image and branding that pleases them.

• Most respondent have a specific marketing plan that is currently driving your marketing


• To know the budget which can be investing without any downfall

• To optimize your SEO (sales cycle optimization)

• By measuring the content reach.

• By tracking the social channels.

• By improving the advertising method.

• To make a content interactive among the people who are active on the internet.
• Mainly improvising search engine marketing ad content strategies.


The conclusion on this topic is that digital marketing is the major need for the young generation
who is interested in marketing and the improvement is on daily basis the only trouble with digital
marketing in the investment which is high but if all the strategy and every type of establishment is
expressed in the right time and in proper method it will be one of the best way to earn profit in
most of the fields in multiple organizations.


• https://researchleap.com/effectiveness-ofdigital-marketing-in-the-challenging-

• https://www.o8.agency/blog/marketingteam/perfect-digital-marketing-teamstructure

• https://www.upgrad.com/blog/digitalmarketing-project-ideas-topics-



1.Gender: *

2.AGE: *
Below 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
Above 40

3.Occupation: *
Business Owner / Self Employed
Medical / Healthcare Professional

4.Marital Status: *
Single married
prefer not to say

5. Are you aware of digital marketing *


6.do you use digital marketing

7. Have you ever purchased over internet.

8.are you aware of PPC marketing Yes


9.are you interested in retargeting your customers who don't convert the first time yes
not interested

10.are interested in advertising your business


11.do you use social media for making your business more established

12.are you interested in bundling service (package plan)


13.ever thought of using video marketing

14.whats your total budget for each month (business)
10000 - 20000
20000 - 30000
30000 - 40000
above 50000

15.Do you have a clear image and branding that pleases you?

16. Do you have a specific marketing plan that is currently driving your marketing efforts? *

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