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•American Heritage Dictionary defines a system as, “A Emerging Technology -planning to use, not widely use

group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent Point of Care -It is the place where pharmacists and
elements forming a complex whole; a condition of their patients and colleagues attempt to address the
harmonious, orderly interaction.” identification, resolution, and prevention of drug-related
•In the future, technologies that dispense medications, problems. -The ideal point of care device would be a
manage patient information, and evaluate drug large (17–21-inch display) that would offer long life,
therapies will free pharmacists to provide expanded battery power, and high- speed wireless connectivity to
patient care. the data and information required to practice
•The focus is on systems approach in utilizing pharmaceutical care.
technology to support a practice of pharmacy and Evidence Based-Pharmacy -Sackett and his colleagues
describe the complex interactions that occur in a define evidence-based practice as, “the conscientious,
pharmacy practice between people and technologies. explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in
•These interactions focus primarily on the welfare of making decisions about the care of individual patients.”
patients and are performed by pharmacists and their -The complexity of pharmacotherapy demands that
associates who share a common vision because they are high-quality evidence be applied at the point of care to
involved in the pursuit of rendering appropriate the decisions made by pharmacists. -scientific method -
pharmaceutical care. aim to optimize decision making by using evidence
Health informatics -The development and assessment based pharmacy from well designed and conducted
of methods and systems for the acquisition, processing research.
and interpretation of patient data with the help of Levels of Evidence
knowledge from scientific research. -It covers all aspects Meta-analysis: a meta-analysis combines the results of
of the generation, handling, communication, storage, similar studies by searching the literature and
retrieval, management, analysis, discovery and synthesis systematically assesses previous research studies to
of data, information and knowledge in the entire scope derive conclusions.
of healthcare. Systematic reviews: systematic reviews are similar to
Alert: A patient- and context-sensitive warning meta-analyses. It is a literature review focused on a
presented to the ordering provider at the time an order research question that tries to identify, appraise, select,
is being entered. Used to inform the provider of a and synthesize all high-quality research evidence
clinical concern relevant to the patient and order being relevant to that question.Often, systematic reviews
placed. include a meta-analysis component which involves using
Clinical Reminder: context-sensitive electronic prompt statistical techniques to synthesize the data from several
to the provider to perform an intervention or procedure, studies into a single quantitative estimate or summary
based on the patient’s specific clinical data as applied to effect size.
a set of logical conditions. Randomized controlled clinical trials: a randomized con-
Notifications: It is a patient- and context-sensitive trolled trial is a type of scientific experiment, where the
prompt to the ordering provider, attending physician, people being studied are randomly allocated one or two
primary provider, or care team to alert them of new different treatments (or placebo) under study. Subjects
information (ex: abnormal lab result) or tasks in need of are randomly allocated to a control group (no interven-
completion (ex: unsigned order or note). tion) or to an experimental group (those receiving treat-
Two Purposes of Technology 1. Replace completely the ment or having a diagnostic test performed). Blinding is
work done by humans. 2. Enhancement of human work conducted to prevent bias; ie, the patients do not know
(Barcoding/barcodes) whether they are receiving the active treatment or a
Drug Utilization Review -It is defined as an authorized, placebo. If there is double-blinding, neither the
structured, ongoing review of prescribing, dispensing researcher nor the study participants know who is
and use of medication. (American College of Medical receiving the treatment or the placebo.
Physics ACMP, 2019). -The National Committee for Cohort studies: a cohort study is a form of observational
Quality Assurance (NCQA) currently refers to the process study. It analyzes the risk factors and follows a group of
as Pharmaceutical Utilization Management with defined people who do not have the disease, and uses
tenets. -Drug is appropriate, improve quality of life, correlations to determine the absolute risk of subject
optimize medication review contraction, or some populations are observed over
Patient Laboratory values (Platelets, RBC, WBC, Urea) time to determine whether exposure to something will
RBC -M: 4.7-6.1 cells/mcL F: 4.2-5.4 result in a certain effect. Cohort studies are not
WBC – bet 4k and 11k/microliters randomized, and there may be other confounding
Platelets -from 150k-450k platelets/microliter of blood conditions affecting the results. For these reasons,
Plasma -Protein,h20,plasma,salts/minerals(55%) cohort studies are less reliable than randomized
rbc(45%) wbc,platelets,buffy coat(1%) controlled clinical trials. Cohort studies may be
Technology -It comes from the greek word techne prospective and retrospective. A prospective study
meaning art, craft, skill -set of data or techniques that follows the population from present to the future, while
have been develop over time for specific purpose the retrospective study collects data from the past by
enhancing human capability and possibility. evaluating hospital records.
Levels of Development Case–control studies: the case–control is a type of
Obsolete Technology -hindi masiyado ginagamit epidemiological observational study. An observational
Current Technology study is a study in which subjects are not randomized to
the exposed or unexposed groups, rather the subjects Telehealth exchanging information for diagnosing and
are observed in order to determine both their exposure etc.
and their outcome status and the exposure status is thus
not determined by the researcher. History of Telemedicine
Case series/case reports: a case series is simply a report Ancient Times -Uses fire, smoke signals, drums, horns,
describing many case reports on the same subject. A etc.
case report is important to initiate a signal about an Early Telemedicine - It was kicked off by the inventions
effect. of the electrical telegraph and the telephone. -The
Editorials and expert opinions: editorials and expert telegraph and telephone brought long distance
opinions have a weaker role in EBM, since they are not communication into the mainstream, where almost
studies. However, they are based on knowledge and anyone could send a telegraph message or make a
experience of the experts in the field. phone call.
In vivo (animal) research: basic science studies using Antonio Meucci– 1846 first basic phone
animals also build some evidence up to some extent. On Telephone – 1876 patented Alexander Graham Bell
the other hand, the controlled conditions in the Samuel Morse – telegraph 1844 (Morse system) The
laboratory setting may not always reflect the effects on American Recording Electromagnetic Telegraph
humans. Major city hospitals and doctor offices installed
In vitro research: in vitro studies are performed with telephones. Within a few years, many city residents also
cells or biological molecules done outside their normal had telephones in their homes.
biological context; ie, in a solution or culture medium. Late 1800’s -Capital Avenue Drugstore was connected to
Diagnostic Tools 21 different local physicians via the early version of
PATH AI: It has the mission to improve patient outcome telephone.
to artificial intelligence-powered pathology and increase January 1 1886 -First long distance transmitter was
the accuracy of diagnosis and therapeutic efficacy for created
diseases. It is also partnered with biopharma and clinical April 1924 -The first idea of telemedicine was
stakeholders alike their technology drives biopharma introduced.
initiatives from translational research through in vitro- 1925 -The concept "Teledactyl" was introduced by Hugo
diagnostic device development. Gernsback. -Teledactyl – it can mimic what the doctor is
ENLITIC: It is a medical intelligence company committed doing on the other machine. A future instrument by
to transform the future of healthcare with evolving care which it will be possible for us to “feel at a distance”
collaboration adaptability relevance and enlightenment 1940s -Pennsylvania, radiology images were sent 24
of system for all patients. It has the mission to miles between two townships via telephone line in the
comprehensively impact the future of healthcare by world’s first example of an electronic medical record
blending information with insights to improve transfer.
outcomes. •One of their products and services is the •The “Centennial model” of Bell’s telephone, shown at
Career Intelligence which is empowered by Enlitic the Centennial exhibition in Philadelpha in June 1876.
Intelligence. This was an improvement on his original “gallows model.
FREENOME: It uses molecular biology and machine •Replica of Bell’s ‘gallows frame’ telephone, on display
learning to detect cancer this is through training in the Communicate gallery. It was on this type of device
thousands of cancer positive blood samples its platform that Alexander Graham Bell first transmitted sounds,
learns which biomarker patterns signify a cancerous though still not recognisable speech. In the summer of
type and effective treatment pathways its detection can 1875. Replica, GPO Engineer’s Department, Britain,
help clinician optimize treatments and the next 1937.
generation precision therapist. •The phrase “telegraphic speech” references the
NANOX AI: It is on AI medical imaging technology to telegraph, a popular device of the late 19th and early
screen early signs of chronic and acute diseases with 20th centuries.
mission to scan globally to protect one’s health while 1959 -at the University of Nebraska •Used interactive
reducing cause and race. The Nanox AI solution helped telemedicine to transmit neurological examinations,
physicians identify the early signs. which is widely considered the first case of a real- time
Therapeutic Tools (Cloud Med X, Twim Health, Kaia video telemedicine consultation.
Health, Babylon) 1990 The rise of the Internet in the 1990s also brought
Telepharmacy refers to the use of electronic with it the information explosion. The Internet protocols
information and communications technologies to allowed support for practically all information and traffic
provide and support healthcare when distance needed for telemedicine.
separates the participants. 1968 Invented the 911
Telemedicine OXFORD’S TELEMEDICINE DEFINITION IS Memorandum 2021-0095
“THE REMOTE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF Telemedicine as enabler for patient referral systems
PATIENTS BY MEANS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS •The DOH partnered with Quezon City's local
TECHNOLOGY.” •IT REFERS TO THE PRACTICE OF CARING government to deploy the country's first end-to-end
FOR PATIENTS REMOTELY WHEN THE PROVIDER AND telemedicine project, which will strengthen the LGU's
PATIENT ARE NOT PHYSICALLY PRESENT WITH EACH ability to provide patients access to medicalconsultation.
OTHER. •IT MUST BE COMPLIANT BASED ON Data Quezon City is the first LGU in NCR and CALABARZON to
Privacy Act (DPA)
roll out telemedicine that connects to the national 4. Administering (review prescription order, confirm
COVID-19 surveillance system. transcription, review transcription, review warnings
•The Department of Health (DOH) and the National interactions and allergies, evaluate patient, administer
Privacy Commission (NPC) has developed a framework medicine)
for telemedicine services in a bid to improve access to 5. Monitoring (assess patient’s response to medicine,
health services during the Enhanced Community report and document results)
Quarantine. Technologies applied in Prescribing (CDSS SOFTWARE,
Konsulta MD, Cloud px, MedCheck -2018 with their CPOE, E-PRESCRIBING)
electronic medical record system Clinical Decision Support System -program that analyses
Automation Any technology, machine or device linked data to assist health care provider in making decision
or controlled by a computer and used to do work. and providing better health care. E.g. First Electronic
Carousel Automation A medication storage cabinet with Mycin 1970s at Stanford University Al -applying 600rules
rotating shelves used to automate dispensing. for identifying infectious diseases and recoomend a case
Centralized Robotic Dispensing System design to of treatment
operate the entire process of Medication Dispensing Technologies applied in Dispensing (Carousel
Supply Chain Management The management of the technology, Centralized robotic dispensing tech.,
pharmaceutical order-to-pay process including Centralized narcotic dispensing and inventory tracking
management of inventory and distribution of supplies device, Decentralized ADC, IV and TPN compounding
throughout medication use process. devices, Pneumatic tube delivery systems, Unit dose
Supplier->Manufacturer->Wholesale Distributor- repacking systems)
>Hospital/Pharmacy->Patient IV and TPN compounding devices
Pharmacy automation (Websites, Dispensing Robots, IV Fluids- for fluid replacement, electrolyte balance
Digital Displays, PMR Systems, Prescription Reordering restoration and supplementary nutrition or as a vehicle
Apps, Electronic CD Registers, Prescription Collection for other drug substances (NSS).
Points, Pharmacy Management Systems) IV admixture- when one or more sterile products are
Purposes of knowing Pharmacy Automation System added to an IV fluid for administration (dextrose,Mino
•To provide background on the use of automation in acid, lipid, use to patient who are unable to eat)
inpatient pharmacy practice. •To describe several TPN- Total Parenteral Nutrition IV administration of
pharmacy automated dispensing technologies. •To calories, nitrogen and other nutrients in sufficient
identify best practices for maximizing the safe and quantities to achieve tissue synthesis and anabolism.
efficient use of automation. •To provide a predictive These are indicated for patients who are unable to
model for the impact of automation will have on the ingest food and who refuse to eat.
future of pharmacy practice. Exactamix -validated compounder (AOECS)
Features shown desirable for reducing errors in Unit dose Repacking Systems (unit dose- a dose of
automated pharmacy systems: medicine in an individual packet)
1. Controls are comprehensive—Controls extend all the Technologies applied in Monitoring (Electronic clinical,
way from the point of order- entry to the point of Web-based compliance documentation systems and
dispensing or administration and are integrated with the disease management tracking systems)
pharmacy or facility information system. Automation of Inventory Management inside the
2. Electronic identification (eg, bar coding)—All Pharmacy
components including the drug, patient, and person Drug Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
dispensing are identified. Systems
3. Access to medications is limited and controlled— Pharmacy Asset Management -AKA :order to pay
Medications are accessible only when needed, and only process -Process of drug purchasing and management of
by authorized personnel. supplies inside the pharmacy.
4. Dispensing/administration is captured— Supply Chain Management -the distribution of
Documentation is automatic and complete. medication supplies throughout the medication use
5. Drug use information is provided—Access must be process. Equipment use to effectively manage supplies:
immediate. • A Point-of-sales(cashier, location where customer
6. Labeling machine prints and affixes a label exchange or pay) • An inventory management
7. Controls are not easily compromised—System system(track good or entire chain) • A handheld
overrides are signaled visibly and/or audibly at the time terminal (it gets the code or bar code of a product)
of the event, and electronically documented. • Automated dispensing software (automated d cabinet)
The Medication Use Process Automating the Dispensing and Drug Distribution
1. Prescribing (evaluate patient, establish need for Process
medicine, select right medicine, determine interactions Drug distribution and Dispensing System
and allergies, prescribe medicine) Devices used in dispensing and drug distribution:
2. Transcribing/Documenting (transcribe • Decentralized automated dispensing device
prescription/order, transmit to pharmacy) • Centralized robotic for dispensing medications
3. Dispensing (review prescription order, confirm Decentralized Automated Dispensing Devices -AKA:
transcription, contact prescriber for discrepancies, unit-based dispensing cabinets -A secure storage
prepare medicine, distribute medicine) cabinets capable of handling most unit-dose and some
bulk medications due to storage limitations. -1980s reduction in the number of full-time pharmacy
introduced E.g. Unit base D. Cabinet technician positions -The pharmacist’s traditional of
Benefits of using this device: preparing and distributing of medications will most
-Eliminate manual medical cart fill and delivery process certainly be challenged -Pharmacists will be more
-Improve charge capture -Improve controlled substance involved with direct patient care.
accountability -Reduce the time of pharmacists on Impact of Automation on Pharmacy Manpower
purely distributive tasks. Future work of pharmacists will depend primarily on
Disadvantages of using this device: four issues: -Breadth of tasks that a pharmacy technician
-Nurses can dispense any drug they choose -Downtimes is legally allowed to perform a task -The extent to which
may impact patient care -Inspection and removal of pharmacists is reimbursed for medication therapy
expired medications must be performed manually management services -The level of productivity which
-Potential for medication errors and suboptimal therapy can be achieved by automation systems -The extent to
Centralized Robotics for Dispensing of medications which pharmacists are able to demonstrate improve
This device is designed to automate the entire process quality and overall lower cost of patient care
of medication dispensing including: Medication storage,
Dispensing, Restocking, Crediting of unit dose
Benefits of using this technology:
-Reduce pharmacy labor cost -Restructuring
pharmacist’s tasks from technical to more clinical
activities -Improve medication dispensing accuracy
-All doses dispensed by the robot are bar coded thus
facilitating the implementation of BCMA systems
Carousel Technology -The pharmacy fosters an
environment of accuracy having evolved from a more
reactive operation into a calmer, predictable operation
with decreased potential for ditraction.
With the carousel implementation, we have minimized
the opportunity for errors in several ways: -Personnel
involved in the pick and fill process are much less
distracted and experience far fewer interruptions -The
medication package is bar-code verified during
dispensing upon removal from the carousel -Pharmacists
are more actively involved in the checking process, as
they must physically place each medication in a bag
rather than simply inspect medications gathered by the
technicians -All dispensed medications are first scanned
in the pharmacy and any labels that cannot be scanned
are fixed prior to delivery to the nursing units, thus
increasing nursing’s scanning compliance
Centralized Narcotic Dispensing and Record Keeping
Systems -System that can record all doses dispensed
from a central pharmacy narcotic room or decentralized
automated dispensing devices as well as identifying
individuals performing every transaction.
Other capabilities of this system:
-This system can generate “proof of use” forms for
patient care areas -Can suggest reorder quantity based
on past usage -Provide useful compliance reports for
DEA -Facilitate documentation of controlled substance
Cost Justification of Automated Systems -A ROI analysis
(Return on investment) should be established to
demonstrate the positive financial effects of technology
is essential to gain administrative approval for financing
the piece of technology.
Drivers for automation to be highlighted in ROI:
Impact of Automation on Pharmacy Manpower -Cost-
justification of new technologies will likely require a

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