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Rull No .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th
Sem. and LL. B.' Hons. 3 Year
. Course 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Paper: SOl
Time: 3 hours . Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No·
complaint in this regard. will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Question Paper is divided into two parts.

Part· B is compulsory. Attempt four

questions from Part A selecting one

question from each unit.

. .
9641-215d-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over
---- PART-A


1. What do you meal?-by Evidence? Explain the _

- .
.different kinds of "Evidence recognised under

Indian Law. (14)

2. Explain the doctrine of 'Rest-gestae' with the

. help of examples and decided case law. (14)


3. .What do you mean .by an 'Admission ? Who

can .•..
make it ? (14)

4. What is declaration ? How is it

proved? What is the principle on which

dying declaration are admitted in Evidence?

( 14)

9641-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17). ( 2')

5. Write a detail note on documentary

Evidence. Differentiate between Primary and

Secondary Evidence. (14)

6. Discuss. by giving suitable examples the facts

which need not be proved in civil or criminal

matters. (14)


7. What do you understand by privileged

communication ? Explain the principle

underlying the rule. (14)

8. Define Estoppel ? What are the various kinds

of estoppel? (14)

9641-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over


9. Explain in brief:

(a) Shall Presume (3)

(b) Conclusive Proof (3)

(c) Circumstantial Evidence (3)

(d) Character when Relevant (3)

(e) Facts in Issue (3)

(f) Presumption a' to .document thirty years

old (3)

(g) Leading Question (3)

(h) Expert Ophion (3)

9641-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (.4 )

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