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Derscrivs Evarence Rev, 1882. Tre nto 2 ot vera] * Wr afied by FE Atephen # Tord Yo, A dections 1 164 Se cttons HE ' Evidence oA Aocament , a Akatement eittner oral oy Larikten oy rowan Ah Broek the Court ah Law Permiteat to bake, aS Ceneideration fo Maks Clear oy aacer keting, mene drut lias rhoee or pointe in Yasue, * Lakin Words Evidere oy evident meawe To breve? F Commencement = \h Settember \842. # bow do evidene -_ Proving she te fo -tme <4 # lex- loc The. Lavo qin Vaca % Date 4 enackwemk t= 157 Hoch a7. Fe Hatin rienetblea ol Evidence Ace PDOEVidence must be Conkined te matter fn qcsue, @ Hearsay evidence MA nob be adnilked (excahtron's| @ Beat Shitdence be. AYE Un alk Cadet, MH Extent TEK Reorganisakton Ack » 201% (au 4 2019) reed avtdowber sot APGoktah TH Nok obpleble to dak 7 Preity A ond Breve Lvov} Air dort - He mayte Mcerrton MR shold x Concluugee . * Oandayd ot > pret ond “rearspnakle debt Pie ee at evidence CESS B Convincing evidente * Frinesbab 7 _ te Aoughtc oe ved. fo ¥* Mertens gee oo hal on tends Vo carcalbishes IJ II,F.DOBF2°?P >, YIDD »)”»)'’Y v y FE Histon + Law ft Evidence RK inetblea 40 Nndson Vaio | Eviderwe were teed Courk | al sa tn Presidenc “Tovsna Ltoriton » Coficutha Madvos], A British Cour dplowe st pererrad (aus. Some ime. Por en — Mohammedan law e evidente 4 Winds Wd eda Qubseq uenth Vasioud 95 fora dealing With te princtble 4 cdr posse a KS idence Cour Ack ae \3ts cat asdie cd od enidonce » 4 ex A “ t “ Loker th 1868 ven vee ay by Siv Heres maine Yrepared evidence Whidh oa Cateye. a ers aX ad th Adak Suiteck che Roun OF \84\ i Samed F. creynen ee a new deed Wich VaOca pastel Oo AckA a \842, Ae Meaning t- Word evidence ic detved rom the. Goin & evident ov eniclere voWich meat “Ko pre, He accerrkoin g to eR make Cleary ty Ane Sak pyro Alscoven clenal, : Evidence is a ria yules Accerkatnin the Controveted, as ons of dart MH Awa fal enquiries, WINN ANA COXA) AF Object - OM =) evidence, ~ Oo Ay Lnitoduce more practice . 3) 4, » of) . 7 ie Kelp Coury “to auceatain the truth ond te avoid OMAMESTON'S Oy the mands a. Astaes. ® ®e rule evidence het Cen be prevent Protracted %ngut vied. Correct and Lontdorm wule at FPN sine oma Scoke = Od ts nok exhuubive thak ic this NOE ferteir “e Centody aff rules a evidence , Be te beecedunal law ond Sective Lava, @ Retwebedtve then te vod b rece dusod lav, ® lee “Aor Ulich governts the oust. Hex for Whelrer & Lotkners $8 Lombetent or nots Whether? Certain mokev ts weqive | te be breed vats or Nok, Lohethev Certain Evidence byovea a ( Certcoan Face or Not y Kwok te te be dlekamined, Lavo 4 sche. cee => It deals wien Khe remedy Which ka shot te be vead md Loheve he Come ble to erboree Ae: PRale. of Low a evidence Acc CIV and Crying nad are Spme. Buc the AikRerence Wey aa “ts ete ck ql : evidence. te, geandard ah prevt. 2 9 prevente om tn the adentessttalst RFE ondawertal |Princthles ssules al. exidunce. Evidence gust be. Cowtined ay bo motker fn tesue/ efack oy feeue, ® Heaven evidences must nok be admitted. @ Beak evidence rut be Sven Sn all Casea, Exarntle . D0 Commente ervidances » diveck evicentes eho» # Me of enfdonega © Recordin to SF stethen @ Wivead \dence .- Tk fa alxo termed a boatitre eMdanee algo. AE fo -Khe. head tem of a Woitnens 02 tS The exfakence OY Non- ercekence "Tk Tesue . Gvidence. a chk actual ferrets oH Lottener woth one. Nis Oroy < ta og dive evidence . A alike cludes Re Production an Ordained document. QL Sye- uw’ to a murder, Me” ord direc’? evidence Ye wed An Auso denses , ® as cbpese a to “neaveay evidoned? amd, Bo Ophosed tm Ciruumatential evidence @y Sec~ 6b af TENIS2 Lhe Lord Shivedk? te Used try Contradistinekton Lowen" heasay? evidence. és Cir-cumdtantiod evidenee s- JE te alec Kroon Od Andtrek Evidence. Be tg the evidence relating te Sevies Circumstarres, which tt Keen ~tag ethers dent the Coss te Come to dekerminaitor y Qo erlesen, ce. t an e-Loitners 2videnee. Thus Cireumatcanty ofl SaaS fe he heutinon: Sa cottnens aarte other velevant ene YOM wht se aods due, may be Inferred. Ctr, 7. “cl evidlonee oes not wove. Ke int Mweskion direckiy y bu eatallichea ee oy mbevene, > Circummanttal evidence ts evidonce seetevone forks | rom htc one. Can tor precexs nultive yearning mer about the ences A eu fr TEKUC. or har) probondum, Eye here ig no easyer wltnem bo Oo made “ne | gee AMak A had ne Trobive tte murder & or that A ae cunnin: away vorth a blood aiained Yeon aren Ble room Sire Q woes und dead fromne dich f wv Be CViGS Loere heard Wo: be Cirtumstemtte SL evidence ar nic fy. H W* Bodh Ray vs soda fs pK 9 ATR Door Sc Me Horde xeme. Cousk held -Hhokk Cruel evidence Can ke he Sole ess efor a Cenvidton ¢ vided Ae Conds ions recedent we Convichton on Carcumabenttal Evidence onc foe edtabllsched . r Me Candrdione AVE G) Me crcumetanea Gem uatdh Xe. Conclusion Sue Sete be Ch dawn ould be edtniched, Cyreunukancs Concemecd “must” ov % owd? and nots Lmoy? be Ordinary Civcumasantad evidence Cannoé be. eee S Cotte Ladd ad atrece evidence. . 2 Coreumakanccs “rom edhich an % ince. 0d +O Guile acewme cd Ye drain hove to be bred b nd wstosonablea. doubt” ond Wme te be Shaan be end Cennecke dA Udtth Petndped o& Segre be S Avom chore. C8ycumutance | @&) According to _cec- 3 4 Andtan Evidence Ade 1842 (3) Oral evidence 3- Ovo evidence. cneana Atctement made by o worners before & Cowk wry vebsiion Te mokter ur Under — er boy oral evidence mite ry alk Cadey be Aivedry Ws orol evidence te buch Geositton 4 voimerd, Lohich he hos portend Len 0 Neard. Example Bro sue motion bby A ogaint By» Ka udiknewn Laid chok he Heard B aaying LS D thot A is aN Rrecl¥ent and nas NO encalt See evidanen, a KX % over evidente, i) Do Comento, Onidence w- Docen sty cod eis met ~ Catt py So khe Cowte or wd poe P eh Aocumen evidence. | QO‘ “Document? Mead an rater exdbrentecd or deststbed Ubon omy Substance, a torts aes Te Ge Oe +s be. Ch tore SAA one chore meandyy tirtended oS MMA or talich agny Moe wed for “Che i bose + reser ‘iat mater. €®) Other Kanda ®) Real or personal. evidence 4 Real evidence Means tte mottrioh obfedla Aneel Kine Inf Aare Cowl 9d loould tneude objedi URE Peer 3 Murder Loeehon y Brood atin clothes ete. A poser oer bos ts Send te the Sakrale, oe ete or othe oxticle Loker 2 see Se Wee und Ge be scent ain! eo sees ere. wk q (i) Hearsay, evidenuate Wt fe abe Colles tne devivelive ov Setond* evidence Hearn exidance ee Ado Which wring 6 a. ustenes is merely nebo wahak We imsedf. Saco or hesordy took vane he oa NE AWrowgh the othevs, Pur we te a Aratamerly mode yea been gald ord declared ook ma a 7 ia nic re, Khe Coss ' Kuangie Gna att a qactut de shaft, c te prduced os oe nal Sept aerate We OS Sav B wrth va Re testimony ft & p bose A_ by on amuses Brak took he head DS Be A on the e Obsarvotion & “| & Antec Person As Nesnecs evidence . Frio evidence ¢- MW es be oral ov documentary: Sees Neave hoy reorally seen or heard or Actheyred OH Sensds, PTEkalled Aired evidhnce a4 CVs AS eaten, [sec- 60 of Zea va). Pm roduicech evidence mesa khe document 4 Ar “Tnaheeton + Ae Coust. In other yoords, , Predusckton a “ae document before. Cost Is oO Prose evidence. Examble 2- A executes a veaie®ed cole-deed A om Youwee ay & wore) oO Atebule arisca, B ucok Ae owe ole deed ty che Cou Tic i Poe eviddnee. ) Secor evidanee %- Seco evidence Ie inferior eVidente Cone be Ace A os he absence. a io evidente? » : J . » Frimary oval evidence Iskhe evidence wwhok , } ; Secon a documenrayy, evidence ts Xhe evidence Copier exX, documen® wWhidh are admiasitle Under Certain Civcumdcances. ESection 63 od 6S 4 te] ee \oeat exvidente ov he original evidence means ve eNidunees We. beat aviddee Arcades Secondony, evidence. Léa Ureyprekat ory) elaue Hoek — “Fax?” Treana ond fneludes . Dany Ang 9 stat Akings or welakion sf Bes : Cols rey 4 peek the. eeneedy | Ban mental Conde ior) a which any \eveen we ConS cious. 7 cA Nuabrations © Mak o man heard or Aato Aomething iS a c&, ZA B Rok a wan Baird Certain Yordasy iS a foe © Mot O& man hay a Ceskoin “sepulkation %¢ shots “ed “ ie Clawsfed tats Prysical ona SiCoM ck 4- Mose which can be bercetved bi ie) Five’ human ences fie. CAs Nose , Por, AKIN y 2 a ore. ey itl or vcternal Hoos aa 2 @) md). B tod fours Moce Jack which ence oy in he chological or wnkemol dath au rare lo Mi ©. Exontie — Live. » intention » vrinaledoe. 96° 7 ay fatty or Obrhon HA shook 1S & bhysieod dow bulk hig intention Shen So ig Oo Peyehcgicn’ Fak, % ) ‘ “ebm Prvbmdum te. che brinapal Sack to te brow Che farten probands fe. Ane evidertior fac dem itch ev Arliwas Anme dakeh or enon Nae ¥ Physical ey €xrtevnok Packi Com be reves either he eikieny or 4 other 4 4 € 4 ¢ Tre pe | Peyehdiogitad or tniernal ug ave, remorliy pons ; t fae 8 the Ace Include ¢ { ‘ 4 a Crecratantial exidondd, BER elevante S— Oye Pack te Seid Ko be vrelewant te wether chen Khe Ane te Connected Ltth the ovhey wm omy ahe vow rred te in Khe brovicion ot Ae. x, ree dort ven “eleven | fee. Me vaoord velevank means chal omy soo Rocka ts UOhith LE fe aber ave Se veld ead other Ano g accordivg +5 the Cemmon Course revi 5 ~~ »® DAD DB ~~ Ore either boy Vesedl Or YW Connectton with the ovher Sacke » wehbe ryrendere poe he yous mt or we Sxickenee or hon-‘ercietence Ane . Orher. ~> Relevancy tralies velatioatp ond Ath velafonslsp with aS oH ty Tasue |etthen Convince or tends to convince Che fudge As ‘te ne existence or otheudse a Ane. chs th ehue. ¢ > Me ch tok are wecgyseea cy be welevent Qs nee are Contained th Sedions SteSS. Re eset Sviderco may be Knee a irrelevant on Le crround hot the Chine ot§ blo whe primates | Od eidertian aS 42 two xemsta ond Co eckunol.. ae Facke, MH F ° X en & * , issue’ “Me erg prewaten Fads in Feuue Means amd Prchudes — node oe Arm cohen , ecether by Set or tn Conne dion, us nen oo g Rhee. exickenee phon erdskenee y nature. | oy extent Ory ight » Raber » o wee | Orderkech °¢ de MW ov a by bre ina s | necewortly Lowe, Packe tn same” ave -khe deck da trom wolith 4 Bome leah risht tsakis or Ateabdry LaWich FS he, | SO she. inguers 9s necerdarily axtges, pon colch ° a dectsiod music arrives ave Called ot in femue’? tL Kran bractence ae amerte kt o ene hosty amd je denied the sure BE mt ‘t => Ry eave Cored g doc in tee ase delermined Kr he, proces 4+ nel Sasues . > Vn Canina Cose che Cragg resell Constttuke, tne Ao iH {asuee > ter Conattiuerty 7 a. a or Uabil =. A KW Yeaue te Called Lye® Yrinestpod fark’ or y Joao Probandtum. , . BE Evidence wn ‘ Evidence? means awl ancludes — ¢ f () af& dkotimenti udhich Lhe Corin berntte or wequives “ke be made, ochre as ey tment 9 in relaiton Vo Meiore deer Under Ang Sry yp Such Avatars ace Cattle A orok Evidonce 5 @ ols Aoermen§ treluds ele Grenic Yecerda produced Courts Such Aocumen’ Ore goiled acme evidence . Av he {nape ckion KF whet 1 nots evidence o- Q) Co Son or he Atatement 4 one. accused [under Seckhy yr Copel, . (a) Wemenouy a yvule WL CPO IN \ocol Anvesdigaiion or Seabe dion [9 Bt, nie9 ope 907] Toray cule 18 Etc 5 Sec. 9a} sane Crhe ina dy, D Paks Judictaly nekiceale votthouks : pros Leee.5«, 5+ doen s7. S) Marsrol opedsL sex es a Ten 1833]. Witnewes [eec. 36\ Coe \Aa2a 4 O\8, ol]. Seah n tt bke Reoved 4 ~P Jock ts at te be proved Lon _— 2 Ker Cons devin a4 sche motkexg vsbore ak y khe Non- ene we Sele RS Me exter 9 OF Conerdeve thee he oa eable. hat oO. devit man a g Under tye A Cumbeonees asttcuhos, 9 ak Lbon she Aubbosivton hot ‘Yr exteti , She alee A ds u& We said Lo be Aiebroved, whens Neider\ e makers bb te dhe Cou: aie Voebseves Nunak Ue doed nor erties OF Considers Srh pon-exiekente bo brocade thot a brudedy man _ ma Undey the Circumakances Re ors Cobos Cod @ ack = “ere Bibpocicion -chok te docs not een tk is ae normal Ahe ee udho eosin tte eis ee Rrue Ady Prov Ur peed, Sd cal Ae not ue. i ~ a2 erlvoay on AVE fersen WwW RE Wok Proved A, fate %% Said nok *0 ve wok When ke ig nekher ved nor Aig proved. BW qnratcakea A Arata J mind who A900 ldrokes A oninds _ CRroved\ and lichrored) Lory ene se Unable Yo decide the matity ae Po Se Me Word 7 peema +> mean oes Which Served, tmbre dodsly “or Aes i CofWVined: Khe mind ne 16 or Cate Yor bbrelpoaition 5 ond ye. roo. wokkery ack ave merabhy @ur Senses Khe eset e Votenesses » Hocumeds awd the eke. 0 Re ~ ON LEI Fevve wh fact fs Raid te be ae WD pee yr Considering ~khe makkexg voehore ae y She Non ene Sebev’s Ink Ae Uk g OF Coneideve te ~ & Yo\ cya onder ye. Leable hal a, devt man ley be Ter Cubano e. Doshteulas, ed Ok don she Arcbhosivton “Hho ‘Vr enti , ae Tc rove - f\ fark ee aatd Xo be Brabrover udhens Ker NLAdering. -Khe mothers by: te, Khe Counc earrer Voclseves nok Ae Aoed nok e|xiets OF Considere Skh pon-exiakente Lo rokalble chat a brudery man _ ova Undey -he Circumakances ot ee ark cabo Code, te ack Upon “re Bbpeciion Adhak wd does not exige- B fark is chepovesd normally \yy Whe Herken Udo eaters We al®aed dis nove Arve Ady brovt co dark Ween, burden 4. orton ys on Ae herein aslen RE Dok Proved A te not ue. ate %% Said nok to be ek When er ig Nekther ved mor aie byoved. TW Gravatar A Arete J mind Wo too ldrabes d minds | CRroved\ anc Atchroved) Len ene se: Unable Vo decide the malitty Ae Vrog s— Me Word > peemas Anyang Which Served s ime diadely “or medelely » Comvin whe Mind she 1S or ce Waod a i or reposition 5 ond “ye. ‘ack aye mead tk mean wodkers aA QUY Senses » Khe “SeSeooes A Lotenerses » Aocumenhd and the Lshe. ¢ SETA A et dea ak ak ope te eon = & MU & “on “the prea 4 te having Qxdvred . a Me. a Tentien "enatieva belove Xe? fn Khe intritony ond Aebrove ct tnckudea makters Lolth do Net alk voitten the Agkivitton evidente, We fe whey cies Sate Conclusion had te take Sito ws Consderotion a Number other molkeys. eg. AdWE aston euied 5 ‘reaulir 5 TEM \ocoh 4 chen 9 breaumbiio 4 i 4 nabe MP aTiy W Xe “ Gae eke. He word (ane as nertaly Avid Xe be a e. “ey Me Yh 4st eve ve Arie nad pa ag mee i ae Ha tame — Whenever Ub F< ided by Ans Ae Qe Qouse oq pee ae ey er “ae Such ebb mat a ond a Rete Pon oF met Catt chor rot. a tk. > vohenever Ur fe wided Krak Aye Cot ma. poset a ue cb hod ciccretion te presume, ‘t oe WretsAs er Xn Cath: Aor Concerretony evidence vb. Mey ave alyo reluitoble as thety evidentiary > Presumprions af dark [sec. BG te 885 V0 Prd wi] ST Shoal Presuive — Whenever te is Aveded by this Ae Aba! the Cowk shat braun a Rock i drat A Auch Rack os proves y Unlews onnd “Unt a 48 Proves, —? Tr Cases th volt a Ceant® sradt presume? a Rates No ophicn fs \eAe No The Coutt yuk tk te bound Lo ARE the Ge O48 Proved bulk jhe Coust LOL aloo! Ane ol Xe AG Odduce evithonee “to Aigbrove ; ee we presume ck On te AXhe obposste te wee in qe WME Cou erdteCncy Kren wwe te . > Rese Preaunibtions ave efter) velouttable er Gi) trretouktalle . . Example — the Court Ahal® presume ec aemtineness “a hy Gee pdicedion . Esee. Oa > Srolk resamabdion > Sec. F4 Le BS g 89 and lo Aren, BE Conclusive pref = When one dace te declared ' Ale Aue te be Conclusive cwother, Khe Cour shold, on brow whe ene yea No Ane other oy breve, amd -AMrald allow evidmu -o be ahr ee ow do the. Phere a > Conclusive Pretumbcton, Oke Inlerences coltch the Law moles So bre venptcoril that te wt nok aller them to be Overturned any Contrary proet. Nowever SFreng . > Neve. 4 IS NO cd a esac ic lHemi Ma Se ins elibe me Wrelouktable Nekine ; ros? oa both ase. oat 3 > Example — See. 4 4 TEA \84D provides aurey allo ie - Get A went, orden or decree A Ce en Coun exercice A motvimenial 4 vigdickioy WN Conchutive. “Proel oh drat eau c cheat > other rambles — [Bec- a, i] ova fee ot FQ] ae “Rresuentiion *— Feeaumbkion te om moference af are | Gran Arom oher Knowl er brved Wada. > VE ts a cule. which Areati an Unknoion dock os fo on Prowler adrnesor 4 Certain other fas . ; o Kon Qa an Wterence & drawn yom “Other Khowh or bro dacs Xo 4 three. pat 4 (hire preame (Ail rawre (ONCencasrve, bra ayer ayer con exanination or > ‘Prenm con? fe UWe-A Ve an an Tnaeve nce y rmakive Or Ate odfarmobive 4 Onietence Ee e Converiendt. Lalo A Whe © Hrosumed foe, > \ presunitfon ‘is not in teest evidence: y wa ov makes a prima de Core for a Paty. efor tahoe, benePte t enced. Lave Re _ Freaumptions surabbions (reveficiad beenmbitors) Mey ave alwoys oWiactar 9 Fre sumptions dex rh wreisitchc sO A Cation Sur) gona) wb table ard Comat Ve are ‘alwa Y emus, Oran a Surtaprudence , Webuikelse, mall Wot Conittiuke & brane a Ruvislbrudonce. Wey are tdieaked by tne ERBrervSon Sma bpreass (Sec. 86 te a8, tong 9) Trrebuttole Preaumibiion 4 Nate eee Mey ae wmdicted b . Fresum on A Law iby “ 2 ie enbrev8 ony » Mey aye trae caked the ‘Conduogds ; . exfucon © Aral 9 iS) (sec. uy gNL and \\3) . (eee. 49 BS, 84 ond 10S) Coxe Ram Bihari Yaday- Ye chate Bihar? AIR \AA3 gc. a >the Yon’ ble Sipreme Coust ences a pot Adfevence bel ween yelevon ty evidence amd ats. Cans On the meal embly ‘as imple Calon, x The ms & Ko cleetde Lhe adnteghili A Le qr Lule 6 a a TEA \843]. ko vont Kale Relevanu, — The Word relevant means “thatt yooh, Lich te 2 apacdt Oe Asp aAein ead) Other holy y ACCording Xo the \ogited tock & * Las and Naicat Kelowna [aes wiih ¢ Common Counce. event, one ether eben set Sr fy Conie ction wot other a 3 or ven dere oalle ~Khe. “Tt or Hite OWS sen OF HON=— exelent 4. ts bre other. Wig fe Nearest rele von ‘ YY A wa ack wm meand cohak Ye legally, Beebe ty fdonce uotkin the qt. works st Leckork 6to5s. HP Loa reo ee. xelevant qs not meceanty egal 9 ol welevansy vequires a veher Atardord + - ary Force, AP Se ctton- Relevon ‘ . a Ped A fet many fat some © Cocke Wich, Ry ough ndc ty ¢ Ore 80 Con Wh a Lack i Wy (esue » me ted M 4s O83 Vo Loom a Ane same. VA 1 on OM ON's ave Yelevant whether they occured al Ake Same. AR q NE nd Pace or ok SHerent Kimed H Pencible A Rea Geskme. > Re brineble Rection-G %¢ aol Whakever O ““Frambacttoy”? gudh a a Conbratk ora crime tsa Jacke WM Asse » Khen exidonce Can be an" o one face vate forms pate at the Arahiansd PTk 42 A Lakin term olteln Saberally means ths Seid ond SA Aone? or fn enaich meas & Gone tr -Khe. Cousee, Oo Arntactton, > We done an Course A Same dronaction > Me spy 4 Aoureine yedgesae 19 What enarvlea WneN Court too Lake vito Ccount all Che erential deknily a AX fansackon, D> Me term Fronsackton aa ned by Qiy Sama SePphens ca at dact de Conne chad ener ad Kobe refered te ty WA Angle legal NAME cs a Crime 9 O Contra dk p a Lore . Or gn, ether dortofe ck ok Enquiry udtich may be. h teaue dd mf €AXiwes > ecoment oy Aions Ahould pe & > Stat ae Made ether chustng oy tone dtatels hee Wee Oca svcanes=\ Q Huge > “ ¥ in ame. Aranmetion and bued on on NOE on Obinton erce bon theo the rule a rieane OWS, F Sec-6 we he Vearsa * Scocbe > Be ewe at ec-6& In Khe Ack 46 to Combleke ANE misting ky Sy he chad ‘ stake “ n ) ot evidence af the : eSdence. YA sv,x,vwe7F VIF? B Kea tne ame Reania tion Loheve -Xhe arovanctions Conse 4A Ajeet ay ty Order teak We Chhoin 4 Such acy Constitute She . Some Remade they oust be Con ether eisera aay et actor a a a ve Wolk nde 7 Rand ao ee a ‘her brother 7 seme dS \y wan to tre Stoittion avd write A Cony Ft her Con buon te patce Meer LOW war Latey Comer Ante PIR, Was wade bro Qn Abs Whe P5R wes Shovirane ows panier 3 OntowaXte , Kaural ond she chro aate fjenatt Wt “ne Boy Wo LOMA OO ae 4 Sam e_ Franaaction, peta . " Shotewents Oa Year D Sreckemeris past (f) eh mut be gt “WSSSen K Xkcotement Adetieulde as est al Are. Remsaction Vow NEAaShe ove recerines te veeeffton ob A Same_~ Aroniaction be rade ding the hansattlon pontane ous S& abto exclude the mal q-betna, Latvicoted, ~ Fare Voforwetten ® re Under Cedtoy 1s rhe \2 May be admisnke ad park 4 ved-gattae . cy aa Vy, — Tp fea See US cle — AW) Other Kinds () Read evidence G2 Hear any ne )) Secondary evidence a Swlico Monty. = Prohandum te Pack in a Fal _(9| $ouum Prbatia te, sean eee tention faut] a . ; — Bil fects _calsicly are allowed bi eon : the Sndian evidence “Tae “ts anc bulk a relevant = in allowed “te he x not _ ‘Odert ass he. Me adm meh 4A the means in method Relev: te ane eo tho re | Me Coust is +o decide ne. sein acca, oer tea Teaabats [et Ralten vie R77 191 WLR — Cirvcurmstanees udhiech ve Qutvamnatte, and Under Inet dences me paar ack Ave Mea mc Lie 6 rons_“she hos Tare daetaeart es * | | Sex Ge the exceb\ion af ‘he ule at Hearsay. evidence. - - ment be 3] statment wade ektner Ausing or snacatatly beh {or oe Sle necuvance. Sut be in Same _trensackton ei Nethore, loosed on, Gast _aeA not _on_obiion, aa es == Oe I T nll re — Val e | 7 t LAV fenrkicolas ferssn« A 1 wt ud Ve. | LS Riva, Holkant ule she 4 Nohowastio?? Arg 250 =| Qn ite Cane 5 culion Case oat thased | on ye | tbe Weecvrled Statement Noli cl we -the afietlarts Sntevitton oe e. wa ede wins SSkhal tuch LO _Unlara de\ held ~thok Sud, Convertation wad: ~relevant, t_Eviclentay value} tobe recomled evidene 4 S} tape yecor 4a obtained _ “Weaal 4 A eee sed _ap Teak Moicdieation Pavade. Crs] (See~9) | leat a A Seri wetieas Axe 42 home ei ce 7 a _ : DATE IC I a hy fe ose 88 ta leak and _sbrenglten 5 ~ Worthan We Svidente, J, Ke iohsle idea a a “chat “the. vttne on” Yee have ween the ee Mime_ 4 nCcuvance ore ta Fdentt Or haf foe nae testa other fc Quwoevey- {2 no rae ‘ Ond evidence | SME y testrable that a as Aboud be 1 Canducted ay son aA line aacure dy esse peta the accused Gs evidence 4 | palice. aad Seheco= 4s not bound Yo do to, = Wiknewm Knao the, aceuted Adenuad Wks eA not | = SAtinea. SE 40 for Khe Audtcicl mind to fre. aa tn chothey She. evidence —— alt —— _ the | Ow Ck 5 ato a att neat allrve maa AG: Steak 4 vc te fd Rthay?? 19 468 sc fatto oe Bo wor field by “whe Hone. ge that beth bye AtiTomenta ¢ enculbatsry aod Tn cathahony | Conn ‘we. sebarake oooh, _ - parel_| JLLJILLI Q : ean %— ° a fests Chane Lath a Suite ‘mtb erence™ AN te om wins t — | se\bvave: fact, “The. im fous hole Stilemenk | Shroud AY aut: Bheutd Kinat he fe x\by | 4 twine, OS . qa Shots (wer netls) vie Navdot ondhu%.006 sc | ik a Saat Obsewed thot Conkerrtons ave Sahiy _websable News kon Looudh OW a chm Sion nl Led ‘4, \t Co ae me : SOW Lents vod. St = fee “fs Sie alent sansa 4 lee that-4te Sh Ae ean Oiher_bevson. el a L ihm 4 Won kh Auch H _eve: ees a 5 — hdc’ W che a) Bn ect i ee least Se —S oate [ JCI l= 94 adil sso —tin evidence awd court! ny resprta's ga | Case. Cam veltea on Se QA Aubsta pe Evidence amd _Cemytee the accused . —_____ faded Courts itd be Couktoud Tl, * ny Satin faded ond onsten mau of Maunsk 2 | be a Weak entdence’, Bach ~edne “Ano 3, ~ he examine on Khe loarts of fis ows, i Ond Cdr cumatontns x J o> © Vilas Pond Patel vis Shel Wohavostrn 27 = ATR Deo aa : J : Qe Manzble. Salome. Court hed Wat Such, ae 1 Conf setton, as Pel tm Cwidence tohicth £¢ = Clemy and gente ear te have lpnacke. Pin mortal Course 4 teat | : = el Blemeta 4 eo 94 pee 1M attra AWW break sion sf Sec~24 Hosing Lartr pautbey © ~Q Mhe —Cond-exstain mutt toe _toade taj — an — accuse pevkon om_—\rewsen_iin anes ° Xe Ok im — | &x— x sce. Covaskatle_, at Ward eke, @ Re. Fndurement » threat or prumie. yu pave, rated sa he. Cherge tne LACE used fexsen a ek. ust be Auch “that abe wits ty the Couto kee | Se seated qe Conkeuton — seed Prvemtigatrien or Det is oe —I | _= ok | Sec~ OF nec dh Caf esaton eo feite —aene admitted Sn evidence. f —| tk may be fren be here cmdind—_ te hove tele extrocted, Ine Teuth f the Sar 8 Qe dintimot —Odmieche vlc s8 ee nak cadet wslpe_ {ane oN ee Are Make x a zx HS _ | ft Meld Sooystaltd ule We ake l Wei? ATQ \AAb SC < Yn Abie Case the Yon? bie. ac. ot ovo —| fame -_freperitien!s. Conn lee to = Come. antn the anda a brc\ten acon Sr Com bee + taid fave “been Uden sce etend. ee 5 ; Lkis eneralaed 3, OW 2s sen Had “Ptemiocany absense + ve tran’ males no fever ce ao gL OO) Oy “a haut he " ey? as “rela rea Sa she. AMecovered te is2 Qadm' sas | oe 1 sty actly 6 ee ah on a k Mt Um — oM*LLILL LA aN ° op tae Caen 1 (6) Ne Aakement valtely 6 donee ls a tothe ane _urnich 49 admigible aa Caters b <— , | | a Seca te based on tne doctrine A = Ca fart a Subteg eke evow'> - Ne extent Qndormakton dwt utile Aebends atine Lon ‘Khe exact ni di nthe fad dis cenevsc te wohich uch Infarrnchton fe *cebated, rock acludeA onxtru Cive iia ment = d € ——- iu % —-Aiscovers A sto dot sl $s oot Knoon the j before Ate Conde siton _pnust. = Corn accused “pou — ire ett OA vel an “Gome_ ableer 1acctaed | 4 | () ~ es he caps 4 Ld hot eleva Atobly ted lout te Aden Sen > necn 6 paade Linder poten. TL eae ; G nm %& Coeidered Khe beat and L poo nclusive eridence Qs No kon tung eake a Palace dita tment bea _ Oven __fvteveat Mts soll Sate d 7 } >. oate[_ | DCO rte taste taf | ee S | Sahoo vlc &. fe 2? 1966 Qc. —O ichether a Sara pee pedtestis Oy chet we 4k Anutticatay 2 one nek The Shouth Cav a Fare wie een et fishies Cae : 24 Rebeartca _Conbenton .= ahen a a aor a : ib Ste al ak —pen ne Cafe under The tlon We cc. ~PelA -nak svebractien te e ——_ aie — ee N i. Co c _ Ares Sind! euiclence, —\ ~ i ~ A er S* Bava v\o oh, 4 o- P77 PIR yay eC = a f 7 => i a | - * f | | And Seoubbelory Sboalomenta yoo Counte a) o fokemenk of OW cer onkesston WON Containg by See at Bucur Rottory he Tule oH Bite S8 Rok rhe a “ Aree eXamine cerstty or Sreulbatse Sot ment and te WU ecaenfne Od - ws be ah eh Pax a, dkatarente te 2 on o&hew ee evidences ik Ts i A x be fala co exccudth oor she Sneath Same rule &F Non- Co 2 Xnen the Cowmk wil wejed ah Rinkment and Wilt ne 2 cintk the accused. Whe ‘ono aa x Sec. B2U) Prat Peceretton| “Nemo Moriturus aurmttuy mentive ? abouk tw die ft nok presume, be kel _ »~No one wher Ge. Sec.3X fe an excebtion to aa vue, ~ >» a -— = <_—~ vase & +5 Wwe Castors Sec. 320) neovboralés the brncible erralich Lavo reloli ) we dv Nencen ¥" Y 4 (| a a. 4 cleroktorn means Ae Abetiment da Fert Ne died ete the fete. / 4 > “Me brinetle beltnd te Let ferten sso ee sone Arar hong ogc aA tye Aak of a Corse wr who \epésoeres' ese ally Aga? Al ta nok able alpen” re oy his a wth be dransaitied Te x Cowth Ayo other fe A ee We berson wWro 5 Yad Shaved ave oh Se Age erton Ut be Considered ar beak evidence. a neces ord Convience are Lhe oraty TErsnHs ACcEB ng Ave heartfay enidence vie ar. % Esserttal udre ment \ Auing declevokton’s Yeo hom he Atalfement tte be sade and 2 Ar > A Aatterent a dying deceleration Can be trade. to . aytone emda HO a 2) The. a gokking ~the Sroktments must have a —> We death need oceur ammedtotel males the Statement heoeverr the dea occu 42 Ane bersor) erok$rq Khe decleraiion dceg nok Ate or Suvvivedy Wie “aSttoent ta Snadmecble CO a” oy a decleraktoy. Sudly Artiment wkakt be. eed \S% bw Corrobrate the fettmmdo ond Awe Covtradidr the Uls HS. ® Re Syeotiment must relate Vo Cause ais Aeath or Xhe Circumstances at Remeattion volte Yesulked, An Wa desk. > QR Ane srokument made toy Khe deceased does ret e 46 Wis deokh bur te @ dearth 4 _othey ron te ta Nok wselevenk. | Rakan Gord VIS St gf Sih tsa] 7 ave_ ~The cy mud, ben eee a rons elion resulting | In = death, a, Prrrsorats relation ts jhe ° Q SCeurgn ce, Treat] ee Vala Seep sion vs Eoberor t9a9 Pe Ge wos ela, Geceared be ae drotament trade by re Wars 4 Ys 32.0) ag the Crema wenia endtree 4 She Arantedtton 4n Wig deoth, % The onde Sc iy hared Birdy Chand Larda vy} Se AL Maharastra Ame 1964 held thok Promina Helped on s The Cause ( OE and Cireumateness 4 ea & death must ke in Qvastion. > We Stalimenk mut be Compldte amd nsikenk, ow ae mode See Peron MW velar te dens A Mak é O's Ahe deceased Fal be, Complete he math Sentence. an Sli Naa voould be unrvelrable.. However Ihe Nott te be fected Contain Khe ceRdile or vem Minor IWCencistencied. Merely ve Cause tote a bri Srikement ane ‘aa \evettor Could nok be Aistarded. * . , eclermr musk be Com eis nece Ssor -khe veeseng eaten Grae declerawt 4 watt 24 od have yeeryn 2 aoe vottnen. An) . eck tk, ria no! Baber Sg. Va ® ‘Peekautth Via S&. Haryana \VAQ 2c . al wou: 4 Daina, Tmrertration. be TS No yule Lav -khott o ee declevakton oud not be Ache Upon unlew ite: Zlosevere UW te nok Conatdece d Soke 4K Convier MV ACE UNE a Person only en he ase a Foal m dedertdy” be <— Cy hom je Neacea enidence not made. Ubon Oath. ence gfe ve TA Comer be xeated\, a MS un AS tw Natale. Wa Shemy. By Wwejaing he eVidenee sai A eeae ton Vossous Rhould be Wen ~Contiderciiton fe, D Nalare a Ye Content oma Cepesaens 2 Caladhy “to vemenber “the qe. B) Provinet a tame ioektceen accident and ame deck —> Bu te 7 een “hak Ty 4, declersttox, must _ ect se sen must be. A oe dovdt, We Ae cleakrov mule re ave, AN musi Gy Ver no aoa or decleranté % Vechione 4 1 cls Neceagay brodute, Teen eal 2 fei or Cracks Nece scare or Sone “Ko end es Or ntwduce a atk Tn tasue. oY LONCH Rubbortk er yebull an Inherene Ub fy fase, \evonts Pack owe aR or relevent: Laer ey Raden or berton howe | thevtgh AS Celevant or Hix a Tact he be hte “e In{ssue oy Selevant fee Mal rane or Wnch BRao Lhe ‘welakton a Such ae ~ Wad Aangacted ove BY ime Oh co for Brey necewar, a ar hols proce: Prince, aes Sec~9 As Lonserned with the odaeabtls cQ Usied Tie exbloin a atk tn tesue oy vrelévank dack. Oe the Cahatcn deals volth “hak Kind evdeme Whridh 4 Coneasdered 02 and dfctinek evidence would be wadennt ut Ak le An Consideroktor, tn Connetttoy volt) ne others wi, proc fn khe Case %& exiplaina cmd Xho. ‘ac Upon nem. Me Sector maked velevenk, dace - @ wr Subkort or srelbuk ~” es Sages & bya dave Bn fase or welevant 6 Vanidn are recess “bo Crekhainy or trhoduce A Jett in fssue. or relevant © wrich edcablich Khe Tdentery A a Yevsen ora a Lohose. Tdewkry is velevant. 4\ EE oo @) hai fe Lhe me. ov voce « ak hich, am omy Acct ty tesue or sselevant Pack has ocoured. Vichy had Rre, smeferton d Tel irene omy | face tm Vseue or yelevant “ones 1m $20 der Os Amey are necersar: Mese Led aor owes the eu vottren idroch Seach PrcHamarer oe used... * Qnovdux or “ontealey veh A 4a jar tdhich fntmduces We “relevant: and dace i e2ye Lod loe wehevant. Mwaesaaton + Re. aqucaton As wheirer Or, a document ts tHe Will od A, | ®e State of Ate Pooh yey om he fer oe oe ted Se ween will sya be \celevantc = Pleo Aub, is also excblanetor evidence yas thls” rreleveneg tues tn the e|nttrte Trcbrlettency. watt “che. e dwak the accused Comm! 3 dye. Crime. x Duerions as te bhe “dentiiy ora arise %m hoo way? - (a berconts tderdidy Lolth an aicertatn bergen. (i) Me sdewtty ay the doer 4 oO fastteatar atk. 2xi-! murder in “a oak. : > Me Adentthy A—a bern as a doer 4 0 basitstor Ack Comes ty—Queition tm both ciutl ov as trimateal Coser. Where. dhe Cousk ‘hos te Kmoe the. oy ons eee oF OMA Persor), Om & wWiich edbakliched Sden vr ea wey Aas TRraoncd ChomactenskteK Auch ad Age, -hesst 5 oie E Voices Hand tortting » Aveid » Aiskmetive maarks 4 blood voub ni welaktonsdsb tahor mies od Aen othe aacuiel fat peameh ir worl ee, a ree ee Ore 4 yelevant: Me rool Modern Seclnol ¥h “et Sipe abe vecerds y Video- aims Shy. keatt Dyce yey igo cave me at evidence thak all Such evidence 1s BAA ye rin post enarcturn webork » ballaatice rehorty Video wre Gat ¥ 48 or are. admtled whitch Tekbs : ni Se UN. \Verious Mekhoda udhich are mentioned loelovo ave used 9 rd @. Mae he eet 7 @ o sina Brad -| Gi) Hep weakens Gx) Bobdaakte fol wk WW) Brody Mati wi) ink et bet - : Witt) Pa mie or Ye. detector teute @ Nato eta feu (%) Bone denashy res GD Cerdacartormrese ; (xi) soll Teikoas\ton eek or baie teu Rea, endifcerton Paode. (T29] A teak Ac per Sea A “Teh » Aad. vdnich eltddlash (he. 5 dority an aceusesl are velevaut. Qdewriicoiten “parade welongs to §nvreatiqakion ha ee cctorts pe en8u ‘eT 36] wna ~s Used b ene Coule Aor She Purfose at Cowtbo be aa Tips Me o “ 4a ty Aeak the \Yarocy! volenens a weation wn to “der Ren tere an un ft then Qe toca lng mo eee geen, Forfose of TSP Se ne ce TaP 40 be heard sheng ye d are nico tal evidente « . Me hole Fea fa Akok the vottress ucho Chaim te have, Cabri ak “he time. occurance ave te a hem or Wim nom Xhe wdesle orner~ Vereen ATT OLA oF other\ Source, Slosever there 12 ne Previsson VIP th orbe And Rvidence ck. Who Conduse Tre = ™e ce. scey Conducts the TIP. Ren es cation [parade are held alk Lhe tnatonee Trapt silicer he burl @nakling he wikneves LB Wdewtidy ether He Prkedses Usd ae Lhe Subjec rrettes 4 eA offence oy he qeawesd [perten. Be te desirable Anok A TIP Shaild be Conduthed ad the arrel- A he accused. Where an evidence ne hE accured Leren th evidence ES tdevit eaten a. ss¥ate route Tadd the Vdentid feetton eo MIP whould be taken by Lhe m \sirite ond bdace. Shows nok be AK Mok LA .Mowever “Trk Codd Also be Aone. A Pace ov “et citigen, Vo Nre Lonel sor “- The Thdldin VIP {8 nok nahi even volnere the Mecuse Gembuba tne Prceukten ts Nec bound te do So, When She eye LoILNeA Kno he decusecl and Clearly 2, eA ay Comt, Mheve ta no need AvcE THE, abies Volue 3p FSIS Dok a -aubakentie ‘piece ENAEREE OMA TE "Cow bE Use ey For Cocrdearatton f o)s 1S3 4 TEAL made by She Ree > be cous MIP has no velue tl Tdenttdscatton 4m Couste [Us S4A cfc te ve dee + ee SSE A Wear \pradely ve vu order 7.2018 Sc. Sede Lard] pedines Hoe TP ) mn atl nee ve Conlucled gm ryeaence Ngee after Tothervotse Sec-V6o dere and ye 4 = AS toe. CoviFads ched| . H) OTP gyal Le Conducted as Soon at teste she person “te arrested [icine menor aot nerd ta deh], - ti) There ahot net oe sebarate pak or bag on che i) coe < ‘ ‘y) Accused Should be mixed Lott atleast Ilo persona. ¥) Fargon ily Whom acetwed os Us toe mixed Shall be bro aly, of Same Pryseh Qruciive dn sttole loservation’s en TdewiQcotten Parade +— OM she O29 *e wae aceue sd woes not Conducts re ~ poate Linexkaned Gelaats Ae Ae att . Be vendla Xoukk. Reed Govind Sageha vle 8. Voravanve” AIA 2000, (i) Me Foust Lorena Sdenttfatalion due to Loss 4 Memo mash Shean : oe PraveKor Reha Ne a. eran 7189 Tovar Gi When Cenvicton yaa baie on evidence keene IMA Not On Taeiehreeson wade. ve Cannos he Gv-aatde Or arrmund tho elentacatton pod not velsalde. CONT Manin, Naeem Ng ak. ot Gndlva Pradeth 77 ATKINS. G) Tr decor, Case where all” ate srer iderbigied suihedi ay Cobb Fehoute find exer creating doudt in Mind at covers sich tdenripatattion ts Made be Sex-aaide. “ Badet * ee ee © Where Both the Axtell cousle and she. aitpetSete cous Vind Abremesl the evidence ay we yee bes Wve amd aktathes much ortance: “Ke Whe enidence tm regond te kre Wdertt {i catton he abpedlanc tm tad a a ahe. Sxbreme. Cou Would Hot ME= Oey Din of ene a ‘ < IN €xcepVionad pare HERON EG Say fn aboaence Ve-anreramel fe Ramdeo Rak Yodav- ys & 4 Bihar 7 $9949 a0 ws) on iS unexbloined and Unrearonale cr iM Wa ub the ocermed bevaonte Lo aw del 3 Xv derradd Ayom the Credit by oa | At * Rag Moth vg State of OP ATR 1988S 7) Three amd a Aabf months te Took place » te udoutd be, avon: “bo Conve Bh “Single teatimnen Q © Wakil as \y vs “f athe ia 198, LT * a Vvecened Wi) Re FIP Conduched the dacor iS .Qea Mabe. Tecordings Con be ued as a evidence in a Cou % Conebbrite he abatimenti a berten uhd dekoaes Shak, hehe had Cacried ona Convercakion Vath 9 Fast cuba berson, 4 revioud akaliment f a FerBen yalidh have een yecond Om alse be Uwked heck Aye Vernet 4 the uoatbnes® and to imbeadh is tenpoart als “SRM. Mobiant vje Se. 4 Mehaaahtia” ARK MA2 $e, Bn, Riis Case Rye hrocecuktants Cose- woos hosed Aclel om Ane Anlbe YeCerdes| atatiment vabich cl we appellants fntembion 4 kalttng Ehe bribe. appellate Contentions 10 BH) Sie Convercakton Vos una amd, Cannce be admitted. The honte. Vibreme. Cour Hetd ~hok Such ConvercSakton “aa Yele evaut. Adon og ed 4 Tate ‘receded Srvidence Me Nowe. Babveme Cou kek the Alou Cyiinet ag te the cannes awe e covded Suidenu .- G the voice. 4 xe, $ healer muse be ideas fre he. male! Tae vecerd or othe, pertonrs o aNietes Wis Voice. ey fn qi fot i Sn piiceamied 8h nets el ree on dieters amr ge a Total excluded, Ga " Ve ceutled Akattement mut be velevant. @ ‘the Weorded toloment must be sealed amd must be Keb ma er W) Me vaat audible cetoh Carrted . Ane Meulay Gkokey amd mw Holl be, rut be ses Semds or dichivbancat, Lost ov dietorte 4 et c\ner % Ballastie Reber : oa i \oalishte exbese may, brace a ‘ull Or Carlyidge “bo a Calar yeakon Ae wWidh te wor aAtact eA. Ferenc Uoolichice may Alco Obi anton aloou che dtakonee prom wa a ahd vod aires Ornd the tsme uohen Lhe. weaton wood lauic ued. 9 hos vee Kalb Hone 2c hak a \oalkectic. exter Com Save eEnidente - G) Ka on Used @) Weertance Apm volidh Khe Shes Ww0s dives, Gi) ive ton he Hire amd relative ETOH Aven Gectdent Srcide er murdty ek . re are ond Bepp Test [Brain Clediel Gi) whether Case. Woos H#Navco Analyst, Aus voktion We ead vile sot Karnakaka” ATR 2elo Se | Ve vas ‘held she Yon! Be Gubyeme Cour Lhak No andividual Shouid be Aoreilly ibje ced to Khe Yediniques Chamely naveo avalyets 5 eh vai der) fn author whether fin the Context 3h Crindinod Cased or okhevwtee ,Dolng bo ae te om oneness een peralen sonal Wseady. Me Cour ‘i the ciel a: Cyingnall she Imbugned Pea ww the Cont Auta Woraea Mek Covkain caleauned are ty place, | “ Nea AeNT) ve 7 Buen wh en sy * m4, hese. "hie AL hoa Srvey Congent “Ge Und Wed tae BUG wsemachvea bh nok os Errdence because, exercise Con &e4 dag OWL Conteh She odnintatratton However on Rubseck docx over the ee A Awe teat. MALLOY) OY maketal. ‘Khok te Subsequerh Ag wane ae ea el Meth ot voluntary adminggheted Fate Cow a eae ae WH acco ee Lost Leen OTA EEA ie the some ahoutd be tl els abhor erteck Wh Seki GB atin el % Brain Ia Tes Re ade endloths Qa ae 4 a acienitAte, jeg vou Aeberd uyon ‘ Whethey he brady rel jets Bo Senkayes Ane ort ULL howe. Obwoedive Value as Te enable & cout te place Yelsance Xheveubon {2 a makier Loleeh, WOuld, weap. wher Consdesciton, Pose Maytem Pe Wile th $8 Acue Avok = Moytem Nok a, -Ssubbscantive rece jane. doer Conducst Seeeat a eA dence idence. | axe ese mart © Com yreaut be aacetee d be Sn stanidionic. Me ve A Ane Aockor bres “en Khe 3H oes eo he MMe evidence “Re deceased berber a SE A. Vaeabon ther ond r Looutld ae th Prose extents and Sbygatton bo hone the Corroboretivc evtdenee availa! on YeCord, from the otha procecutton votkneres * - T09q ede [earpteo nucleic Rad ex] Deo, Oe Cees Add i6 dhe heve dnter raatertol 4, _ Tare vaieh Wwe acauive Lom I emty| Bx CNY geMCS EAL. TBA $4 a hoalle hdl! ahuitige .Udnen Numbe, en TAA Combined “togetler Khon Abe ™m : he RS dour Si kine) nucleus sad clas and : Chondrias Se 1s Used ry *dewisd 4n crime Pate , Acanaplonicatton 4 human, a ; : Sy OQ Crime 4S Comnited ard When She bece weached the Ovime Sconce then AW wh Vain 5 Wood samples of Aye accwed Soy ydite> Gm ka os ae Dre accused Gnd Combare votth we | Buleres er! bersoy arrested. Bo, te “Con be used ‘A xhe police tw Rhely Ives axton. Then ta reat ee ordered - WoO corey Reeve Wed a | ek udhetner Bre Ros ms and delendant voere. bom She ame. Uoomen. “Whe Coudl Fad Khale 16 as ersetial oper THA Tese Lolich WUE See ak ves the A uke loekioe Lhe bourted ara. he yey. : eet mapa Recent develcbret’s ne Recewrly Tre Corernment: a hax wireducek a DOA Technolo [use p Ayyitaiton Kon BUL Aold TRU No, paPdsia] buk Sull War tn whe *Paskiament. Aim do xhe Bi Mo exchasion Jf the abhiacatton loosed mse Lechwlesy ce vo dastica delivery | Beek ee TEE AEE NG Purpose z- Me BoA taken ony betien Wh be used tor Bre (perfose al neattaekion 7 prvol et. Me vill voould 2 hy $ se soni e © ond one ans staB\Veh Lhe of. A se » ® vietota d_ Crime @ @ uderraal | accured © Urown erten, VL Crindnalg Un Ris way yee athe SRA Jechnglony BLL toe. Served ay one - Aeeb aheod Ve he uae q modem echwsleny and! alie to vrelake ustth the Sotear Aevelabrre amy RN dad at Seience. + Aden a vin XS egkddish Faratooe, Seekton =F te Read Witty Sector Wed TEA Vo eatabdsch sre Ident A peter _TParetage'l Sec-W] Bry dwagyvg. move’ savers a ae pre t : Me Pack Knak ony herein was borin huciug ne Corthaumee Sank vedo 2 kektoeeh ALS Mo! amd amy tren rr Volta Awe Wrdved and ef yo a ae Altasclatien the mother vena Unmarried Shall be Coneutive ‘pron, ava he. ts Rho heagtionae Son dat Trem Uvlen” &k 1 Com oe Shown ne ‘pasties be ane marriage. Wd no accede Each olher at om Lime wren Me coutd have been Nene q Pinspe A gee-Ne = Tita dectton Jy based On Bhe | Morin * poteris ear quem naptiae? uditeh Meant the #4 the! Reaver Ldhom he Tramiage, Wd Carer , Me presumption t Aceh wae 1S Kak a Child bey 4 a married voomen 2 deemed to be Aegis Chews On Khe ferton vohe ts Interested iy mab ot the 4 Nemes She Ube arden of ont. the Oreck Eames Wotly Rho a maritoqe Cevenntn uu valid Shek every berten Us a. Cl Scobe ct Seston= Wr Ms econ consi at oo pale @ Pe iret y deals with -khe. birth aa Ald dussig ” the Cortinuanes 4 A Void omamiage between aman ord a Woomen, We Te Aecend deaa votth the lirith dia child anna 8% we atte the Mesdsetton 4 nak hacia? + for dee Mrese. ‘n00 atoove mevitionesh poaks » the On . een VOOA bern whall be Conclave . * Letue Y vides oi 2— Beckton dq xhe TEA Sec- VL A ak modity4e hy ave of Rone buntee bee Ve Dreaumitson Uls WN. a Conclusive Presumttion aww woke Con be dicated os by Prog, Sen~ acces, wo Are hauiea to Ane Tavrioge “ata me, % Non- aecers t- Recess means al ry Access and ron- acces Comet enishence oma, ey. ce olorunities Aor mertink DBrercouvse. 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