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ein oF ADLESCENEE 16, THE PERIOD OF ADOLESCENCE The en of ae childhood ya ening of be pind fuses Tey th teh ce = ‘Seetaniapal chugs into he pwd peepee pais npn chege cent wets meet th aa, The hn ae nr 2a eters Te soma he stam of Bea SRST, Grae fntneaon ee be eve ‘Sica yar Boy ee of pn er he a Atinse ngs eed pay ee ky bi tr ped of aac tes est of bey ad el sees Fever es ten besser ons Th pera ia Saenger apron tent po 8 ee Saftey often mach cers 8 Fons se. a The sage of adsescence may be eee nt ely sto ani oc, at ens pleut ce br eof stan Ti nara oi ‘lt tyne change ofc aa copie ae cee eseofineomeek Pet teense pepsi bse pat asses edit in i ed wie bea gis ik i nde besnieny nhisoal oP stein ren nan tte prdorrwton en ame ena mi Seen et nage i tine of xpi es, and Theva chars nan la a te ci nent Govconnection 16.1 PHYSICAL AND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 161.1 scl Devon oe ssa pri of gid sic deve, Ales yw wih nd wig whe ese ni =n oe ah in ep abscess Te ae ames prc. Ings Be ace ir growth spurt or rapid physical development begins between the ages of Band II and reaches a peak at an sverage of 2 years. The growth pur in boys generally begins inter thant des ings and lasts Tora longer time. It begins between the ages of eleven and fourteen and reaches peak at about age teen. A growth hormone released by the pituitary and isresponsble forthe rapid growth athe beyinaingof adolescence “The gonads-the ovaries inthe female andthe tests in the male ae stimulated by hormones secreted bythe adrenal land and the pituitary. “The prinary sex characteristics an secondary sex characteristics res from the ation of growth hormones. 16.1.1. Primary sex characterites. In ales, te testes grow ‘apiy during the ist year o two of puberty. Shortly afer testes begin 'o develop the penis sas to row in length nd the Seminal ducts and the prostrate gland enlarge. The female uterus, fallopian ube and vagina ow rapidly though pubery. The ovaries produce ova and secret the hormones needed for pregnancy, menstruation and the development of secondary sex characteristics, 161.12 Soconday sex characteris The secondary sex characteristics bess dy ai, ce chang, pear in pkey Pubic a and unde a irapearinBoh oye a gi In p ails appears on fear lgs shosls and le once The kinbecomes corer nd hiker during per an pl ‘The sebaceous of linn shin ocome ate a product ily seen, nor depening ote oc snot Ii cues iniestapeand sie oftipareobseve ich gro ier and onder Soon ate er brea opin oom “Motor performance reaches its peak during adolescence ings st about 15 years and in boys at about I8 yeas. Sex difrences in motor activities become apparent during early adolescent years. These Aifrencs between the sexes are not Because of difrece in laring apailies, but because of anatomical difference diferent socialization nd related interests and motivation, 162 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Significant changes in the area of social development acura the pid of aiotesence. These changes may be stdied under 140 ‘xtcgories, namely relationship wih oes and lationship with adults 190. 162.1 Relationship with Peer. [Alolecents are very rch influenced by per group. Theie behavior and titade are aed by peer Theale of ching, ‘sical tastes, the language, vocabulary tae (08 reat extent Inne by peers. Per ro provides the standard agaist wich be pres his tehwviow and develops + Beaviurpten. The pst {Zoup fener ar labora for developing vary of ppl and cial skills and social ois, I pete vole of ech nti. rover a ene oferty and moralackng when the adolescent was fobs independen of al conto, Ie roveds a sore of ats and preigetotheadlecents. Adolescents are very ch concered about replies by pees Amore definite pater nthe devstpmentof peer soup occurs in adolesene. In the ery adolescence, cliques are conmon among then, Cliques ae sal rope tht re cmpose of Ts than nine bys ong. The clu provides ating frit persona rations ‘Aceeplance in clique is bared on achievement recogition and demonstration of conornity fo rler of conduct As adolescence ropesses te cigue elgg s crowd. Ard isa bigger group Earaclique Anadolesceatcun be ti member of cique and werowd file same tine, Inaiton to beng member of eqs and cod, the alo ave one or two clase fens, “Among the adolescent lignes. dominance beach is found ‘An adolescent ocupis a defn place inthe hierarchy of dominance. Trey adolescence ons ysl capitis dei the place ofthe indvidal, bot a8 he grows intelligence, ceavity and popularity eerie is place in the rach. Adolescent leaders ae found fave the following characters: Impressive plysleal appearance, ei, weigh, sength, slic abies, imeligence, maturity and trend of interests, other social characteristics lik extroverson, Peer gro play avery portant oe in the primary psycho soci ess of doesn, namely dni orton sted by Erikson (1968), The crisis when the adolescent esto ind outconiuity etnesn wt he war a5 edad what he wil ein iar Het ‘skhinelf=Who am ™and"What can be in utr?” In this proces of Finding ou the answer to these questions, he rie owt fret soi roles. He makes sof evaluation on the basis of peer group When the 1 adolescents notable to form an identity, he lands in role consion, eters ners begin port adsecene and mess more song ring descent 162. Relationship with Adults. ecase the iene of peer group fs more than tht of as, the adolescent itor between his yal fis parents and peers. They clop nue ifrent om th ones eld by aul. The ales en Stash with tone of eels Far tensions are common ding this ened, They ty fo fave atonony or independence in te aes, ame emotion behavior and values, They dorot ke paren coal rd resist parents: merece in this, Such things sparing in ‘areca acts spars acies care diddy thom. They ‘el against autho. There ia gap betwee als and adolescents in Chastang and incest hy ped Tes tine with family enters ldmore with poe 163 EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT [Adolescence i sido be a period of eihtned emotional Heigheneé emotionality is sate of more than normal emotional ‘perience, Heihtned emotionality iso characters of eolscence {ha Suny Hall afamous pelos reed os prod asa period ‘som and seat" The words orm and sirxs sug ange and ‘rma 163.1 Emotional Problems “The major poblens ae flo: 1 _/ychologal probes det plea changes, hispid ‘of rapid ysl changes Sade put in height, apesanee ‘of secon seal chances, oe change appesane: pimples and aceon ie c caure mich mbar 0 hime. ehe besomes worried about hive pysel sppenaee. 8 /- Social expectations. The doesent sete ite a child sora a allt. As fas sol behave concered he Egettiosiow armas eh Teen ee {ie upto soil expectations cases a genre twiey inhi. G & Anretistiasprtions. Adlecenspeions ae sometimes serait When bese notable oan the bee ls inorané tastes 192 Urge fr sex. Reproductive hormones reactive and so thee te presence of sex ure This ay Sometines lead to amie. © enti vss. The adolescents expected oem a elie selfconept Hoi as toy ot ierent oles and develop a hoi ids of hier fare oe Unt hlshe fds os Ihe wl ave role confison and aa 1 Hererosexsal relationship. An adolescent bas to develop ‘ppropriateetersexal relatiomhipsexpeedby the society Inthe developmen of appropriate hetero sexual raionship, Ibe may hve song feelings of insert and uncer. & Poorly relationship. Because gneration gap between ‘ful and adolescents, confit oowroen. Adolescent eset pret restrictions and lack of parental under Fnancal dependence on parents Ike them. Ad Molescents interpret situations in the ih of their own trperiences, An aolescert believes hat pets understand him, beter than pret. Parents een the batoura tual nd value changes inthe adolescence 163.2 Methods of Solving Problems Adolescent prod eed ot necessily bea petiod of “tom, sadsess Though anadleacent aces anime of pial andi: ‘chological problems, by poner guidance, these problems can be Solved. Mota susmentSeween the ada and adolescents very ‘mach eee, Problems inthe relationship mast be eased openly. ‘Some tines cose ends ofthe fly and else eatives ay Delp Selvng the probiens between aul and adolescents. They sould put theses inthe shoes ofthe andy to unestnd cache, Ads shuld weatthem a equals and shoud give them esponsiities which ‘ny can mange by themselves. Sex eeston would hep in solving Problems elated wih sexual inert nd physical changes, 164 COONITIVE DEVELOPMENT “The adolescent, scoring o Piaget in the period of Formal peraions The Formal Operas period begins fom Il years, New ables and sls diferent for those of Care Opens appar “sing ths period. The major charstrisis of adolescent copnve development are as flows: 193 1 piles in ong acne le 0 0 probleme nes heir probe sling ab Of on ses Fee thiowetete Cacuagtis ase They ned 0 a er ohems because hy a able 10 nk aout fd with symbols and words Aolescents are abet se symbols represen er yl tc ee int odo ata, TY hve 0 Sy {aor with relationships between smb tae ‘robtensolvingnvolves tbe abi tore and test hypotheses, “This bly found in adoleses. . ct ad examine their own adolescents a ble to nospe inking rte ones a devel ei ove ilsopy of lite “Adolescents are able to undestandé metaphor and are able apreite pet. . “Tis destiption shows tht adolescent have enoemous me capacities Proper opportunities ae necessary for the optimum ‘evelopment of these capaci. 165 DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS Hevighrst (190) has oie eight developmental aks thst Adolescents are expect fll. They a as flows "yy Accepting one's pique and using the body ectivey. An adolescent fens sel-onscious because of changes inthe bods. Some ae pleased and oes are unhappy abou these chan ‘Whatever be the physical for they have inert they shoud sceptt which means they ned accept inferior body ras if ‘ny. They shoul also accep the pysisl changes that happen inte body and he pater of growth tat it undergoes. They rool to havea clear undentanging ofthe process of growth take car of he body ad we it effectively in sports, garding an the activites. Proper atitades towards recreation, wok and performing every da tsk mst be developed 1) Achieving ew and mate eltions with agentes oF bh 8 “Te adolescent must move fom the sme sexed tres a 14 2 a 2 a py mates of mile childbood to establish heterosexual ‘ends. He neds to get aequied withthe nmin ‘ways. They are expected to lesn the soll hls equited 1 = along with peer group members. ‘Achieving 4 masculine or feminine socal sx roe. Unless he Individalsscets his owe sent a mae or female ad has found an acepabe sexo, he she wil be maladjusted. ‘An adolescent mus be familar wth the payehosexal social roles of his cutie. They ate supposed o she hr childod arctan mt oa thas: Ty sls foresee future changes in societal expectations and prepare cordingly. For example, nian seit, women, more and more ae being acepted a eonomie supporters of Fails Gin sould get edoated and prepare themselves a economic suppres. Achieving emotions independence of parents and ter dts. Uptothistime te ei has depend monty on parents forthe {alimentos emotional needs. Now he must become fee from childish dependenee on parents. He must develop understanding, affection and respect without emotional dependence Achieving assurance of economic independence. Becoming ‘economically independer is equally imporant ts emotional independence. He has to prepare oan oecupton to reach his pea. Seletng and preparing fo an occupation. In nde became ‘economically independent, he hs fo select al prepare for an ‘cccupatin. He should choose a suitable caret based on hs fit, He should fave a clear concept of what be wat 0 become in furs, Propaing for mariage and ily Adolescents have to ‘now about mariage the physi, social and psychological aspects of mariage and family le. They need to develop Positive atte wards mariage. Socal sills and enetiona Iaturity necessary for matali lo eed to be developed ‘They need to know the cultural expectations of aried men and prepare themscves for thee epecsive 9s 1) Developing inter sils nd concepts ces ce Snr An inal va menber of OMY He ‘Speed know is its nd dies Be a ing Tecmber'st ne pup. For te sake of BP wee, an ‘tal hs sane senior Bm less An Tolescent shel deeop poste autos foward sah once 1D esingandacievng ily reponse Bbavoue sol Pe eng bens ore nthe a ie Reconnect an malon, Tis mean hy shoud lear te Sem Tet and erated ofthese aes They may ake tp responses nthe society which wil help in ther omng god hie. Acgiing at of vals ad an el yt a ule to P—TShrvour’ ha adolescent expected © develop Nis fer ries. Developing an issony o Pilosopy of ie Flue thedevlopet fase and eta oly tiv otoon and apples of meoing values, Mos nd ident ener i 1646 SEX EDUCATION 16.6.0 Sex education is simply imparting information sbout sexuality tothe young It ilar information on organic and pyeho- Senual rater. Organic mates relate o ilfrnce between male and Female anatomy, ets and other such mates ated othe boy. Pyeho sexual mater lat to developing prope atitude towards ex Accurate information on sex is essential Tor Beater responsibility in “dolescence and ad sex tehavic. Adolescents who donot have rope! Se instruction may sufer fom sexual excitement and desires, ete ight dreams, day dreaming doubt and shame. Fora happy maria ie fen: education i very important Primarily, age influences wha Information needs to be imparted to the individual. Obviously, Information on reproduction int atl needed for pre-school chien buts important for an adolescent 166.1 Sex Eévestion in Early Years Children from avery young ge notice the diferece inthe bodies atthe ime of bathing, desing, ete. Cre of pts, preeaney of the mothe, et give them opportunity to know abot sex. Past Po 196 ‘nd animals on roads give ample opportunites for cident see sex behaviour and they star to question bout ex. Children gt interested in ex fom ecier days, Aaking questions i the metho they use 1 now about sex. Hence sex edustion takes the form of anowering uston abut se in the erly years. The fit of sex Beaviourin hums shouldbe clearly exptned when the eid as expressed an honest curiosity sbout them. Questions abot sex shoul be ete With sceepanc, fakes ad ack of terion, Necessary information a2 ‘maner thatthe child can understand must given. shouldbe natal tnd apply shared A good le isha firm re ld enough task, they are od enough fo be fold Children must be elpedto grow the ate that theres noting shamefl about the body. They most no be made to fee th sx is Something dry. Parents should ot condition the agaively by sich fet s slapping and admonishing thm when they handle sex ons ‘When paren themselves show hesiticy in sharing sex lnformatin, chilrenare made think that tia thing tobe ashe. Chien sould betaught wo keep their private par clesn. Theil prevent the abit of mastrbton 166.2 Sex Education in Scho! Years ‘Sex interest appears mich exert pubery. Ar schol age, information on sexual maturity, reproductive organs, second sex characterises, cc. must be imparted. Its often observed ta they ‘eumulate misinforatin fom overard conversations of pare, ‘onversaton wih pss and fom books. Casal nfrmation ou to be dangerous because ft may lead 19 negative aitues and valves thou ex Sex problems should always be considered as art ofthe ‘hs fot life adjustment. Boys and gis shuld not be separated Uifcly. Giving ther opomtunties ot togehe, and 0 involve in drama, spor, singing, ee. clarify misconceptions and establish 2 ‘hanna for communication abou sx. Mos pres fe uncomfortable tnd nant assistance fr tlking about sex to chiléen, Under sch icumstanoes they may be assisted by teachers and medical personnel 16.63 Sex Eduction in Adolescence Sexedveaton s very much essential oradlescets. For fate natal happiness and fora sper period of adolescence i is ‘ery een, Some aolecents ae found 0 behave i 8 sexy way. ‘They do not esate to show prs oftheir body and use ular words 197 ~ ‘Among boy, evezasng not uncommon. On theater hand sang airs ty fo hide their Roly changes by wesrng tek clothing. “The boys who do no have cont information on neta emission ng Ua ther is Something wrong with her. The habit OF Masturbation an the feling or gut tha some boys develop de 10 tis a also dae lack of sex ection In sme societies Sex education is never done ‘openly at any tine. In sich scl a east the adolescent prin Should begin, “The content of sex education during adolescence may incade nocturnal emission, mental hygiene marriage and sex, mara ‘aijstmens,vevezeal dives, child bith, bh contol, AIDS, et The ‘arious ters by which sex information may be nparted ince sex ‘duction clase in schools grou discus, Slim shows, provision _00d books on sex education et. 16.7 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 162.0 Detngsene ea problem sisted wih he perio ot ine. egg nie wih area ow Duvisable. Such ac lke bua, pick posing are examples tingueney. Delinquency a viewed wth conern ota aes wells of sci. When a delinquent st econ y cdot sours person terete ag of 6 hen ts called juenie dling The age of sariray an aferentcountes ate rscibelaeee 6s 1 inate who eliauert is» Noi of fvcle cot ive hve sete aso 18a ein oft co A it of dling ae by mio inde te town nmin th of aati, tly lasing sso ace he anapng plies, tink maling ucts nee ces x ruming ay em one agin ier es cae ‘inking eombing sealing Saga oe 167.1 Causes of Dainguency The eases of delinquency may filino te eatgoies. They athe pesonal causes, family eases and community, cases ‘ 16:7.1.1 Personal Causes. According to Cyt But who his one a ot of research ito delingsency. handeapped an asa il stildren are more prone odeingoene). These een fife 9 ‘ter children and may wan tomake up tern by ain 198 1621.2 Family Causes. Chlden in ke homes lack ove ndafetion ad ecu fing Aboke homes ene whee rs hve been separated by death, quar divores and deseron, Ts vey often dives them avayffom home to sock the comftf ht pse oup.Ifmembers oftheir peer group have se-scalebencien these hilren have the chanee of becoming deingoets. In sich fais stilren have the eedom todo whaeer they ike i ty may xi be tempted to indulge in anzoilactvite and bd bohviour Whea the parents are emotionally unable, tr raiment of the child wil not be the same all the tine. Theil my rw ep not ‘knowing wht exact forms of god beavio ar and Wha re bd “This condition may also favour deinen. Poverty ofthe home can beaver important contin fai te delinquency. All neds physical and sci-pychologl oe my ‘ot ested in a poor home, The shld ay sek ssficton of his needs by engaging in delingvent a, Poor ily backend hone ws ps oeise the eild on se, gree of hey gn ali yay corte lacey. reece of eqns nce, Went tthe madlafdcliguoe atte, eet yey Pecatonica eur gure en ue cing "lnc apy ay ta gy, Wie mem ae crc, eeing ant nlc ole, me te oe Meee of dtu. famor hones hee tee cease leking ipo an ct sxtabe wil abo cae oan Thpeafayovbihachisbcorg whit maar mio 2 team ingot for cow ee. Jatt he aol vaste mae. Slay among eens tenn Theis Ley acit wach fete eros btn # net ayn cool and soy re 199 fondle. Hence dtnquney silt oecrmore in mcearfaii ‘han noi fais. 167.13 Community Factors. Anumber of fos come under this Poor housing. Poor housing isa symbol of oe eeonomic and ‘rc. Overcoming pb sea of ‘rivcy which said bx ease for commiting sx feces, Par rereationa fies In te absence of ood recreations! flies, delinueney self becomes a recreations atv. ‘© Poorschols Many ors in schol cnbte to dlingueey Poor euclam, nagging by teachers, unhappy ome shoo ‘eltonhip, ex make ire like te seool, In sch a situation eilrens ation is verted aspects other than sul. Sebols sted in deingency prove ares tend 1 inne chile tomas ingueey 4 Uremploymeat.Uoemployment among school dropouts and ‘hose who have completed ther studies tend to cause esigueney © Delinquent sess eran ast and camonites my holt ‘ales which encourage dlngen act” Such areas ae pot referable vein “Moviesandcomic oot, Come, args vies and glamour ‘nd sx moves sult youn people to corimt fences, While ying to underside cases of tinqucney itis ood 'o remember tht no single fico but «combination of facies i ‘esporsibeferdlingvene hat delinquent cvs ae perered by ouput than nda. 1672 Treatment /Resbiliaton of Delinguets When person below 16 la esta produce 200 ‘ye emo or Apouscexct ‘he reblinion menue i decide th mage. Somes the elnget isle with ony warning. itn acer my be seo ay ofthe sion ey Approved ames, Approved hosel Fi peso tts, Append Corfd Schoo of Basal iituon. Whe ic stl ce teed sent with perry Paes te vied toh he eng must eae ce Of Inthese pci inst, hese tinge ped 1 change the delinquent way of Behav hgh spc chosing tang invedstop,rereaion lignin saa apy amos InBortalschool they are given vocal inng sn enti am foe pocket money. Deluna eee fom thee ito ‘ero oF tee yeas of They allowed up by bon offer and bpd frets roma i 1673 Prevention of Dtinguney Researchers luck an Gk (1952) ae of the view tht suitor ad adlessenlaonsti stereo eins freton toe an afton song mri yw Bt cl impreeting delinquency. Besides hve mesic the fai eh, community efor by pasetiacher aston etl, chsh, MCA and YWCA, stil workers eee ung ein vr) oul Undepvieg! cen shouldbe assed tee agence, Nass mein such ra, vison nevippers esl dese pore on proper treanet of crn. Good cde’ ns and gues wl eb in proving baty recreates. Schum hae sch porate yoole ene ssc in fl ees. ‘EXERCISES ° ‘Short Answer Questions 1 Who sandolescent? ‘As: Inteduetory paragraph 2 Define juvenile delinquency: ‘ne 167 3. Liste poblms of adolescent Ans 163.1 4. How woul you lassi the period of doescence? ‘Ans: Second paragraph of nrion 201 ‘What is meant by primary sex characteris? Ans 16. What is meant by secant sex carci? Ane 161.12 7. Whats dey exsie? ane 16.3.le Give the meaning of sex etucation Am: 166 ‘One — Page Answer Questions 9, Whatarete primary excise fond inanadlesen? Ane 1611 “Trace brie the psc! development ring adolescence. ase 161 Sate the cogtiv development in eolesceee Ane Lea 12, How ae delinguet chlden ebb? ane 1672 15, State the advantages of x education. ‘As: Fs paragraph of 1663 Discs the ole f parents gun adolescents ‘Ans 163.2 ssey Questions xpi the physical changes in aotescets ‘ns: rom 161.110 161.2 Espn the peal hangs in aden ‘Ans: 16.2 and 16.3 ™ a State the mr eon oles dsescens 1 eadlecence ane: 1632 vpn the developmental tas of adolescents ans: 165 Discus the eau fo detigueney, ‘ame 1673 ° vod of storm and sess asi youranwer. 20 17. FAMILY AND CHILD'S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT ‘Every individual possess »peronaliy of is r her own, esol ofan individ the tal quality of his plysgu, abit of inking elns, motives, oil behvur ete, Obvious personaly ie thus made up of «number f qualities or tis Some ofthese is Tike socal behaviour and physique carve nd extera anders ke mtives and eings ae internal nd unabserabl. All thes is tn inteated in a unigue way in every individual The sum otal ofthe Charmtrates tht he passes a els a persan's persona 17.1 importance ofthe family ‘Thee fictors are so be esponil or peson'spesnaliy evelopment. They are the inherited factors Inte Indiv, ay fxperences inthe ie ofthe individ andthe ler ie expences. Family influenes the peronlity development ofan nvidual most case isthe fy which gvesthe child his bret endowment tothe eal life experiences A persons’ primary enviroment is hme Mowe time is pent in aly than inary ee lace, espeily, Tats eater days Aso the fl clash ae emotionally toned. Iinfom thea experiences that he cians ised, values te pater of soca Behiou. So undoubtedly fanily weds high influence onthe personality development of hill. Family a such is Compre of s umber of ors. These factors and ther influence are te flows: 112 Sino te Family sity developmen ge acted byte ie ofthe iy Asa a Ty hve lr ds ine Sue Ply es lite mobo of fterpeonat seer vata ig fay a ge mmber feats ehtncnber sh owneatenressand patos So. achone takers cet kin! of ema om Obes wich my ane ton og te meer ‘sal fait as on 90 ‘umn, He te pres wes lent onal ies re on n= 203 chen, 1 us planned sk beter cre of ter hen poteed hy pretsandas esult hey may become dependent. Children frm smal fis are found genealy superior in physical emotion nd soci adjistnenttg hile rom very large fis Arg amily sone wii or more children. Cie rom large ily are beer able to adjust and they develop emotions lndependence fom an earlier age. Because of the large number of init laonshpavalabl, alge family provides emotional ery ‘w member, Opportunies fr ering amber of hing om sibing ‘acavailable in lane family. fa lag aay spoof then the thilfen sue ceruin adverse efects, Many fhilens needs main ‘unmet and tile often remain under achieves. Youngeeildren fel ‘eine by olde ones andthe minal imate of the ome fen fall of ety gual 173 Type of Family Note ose if ea, he eof te any tense peony evo, Thr ae es ‘fame gly foe mca ay scones pao ‘chien whereas ancy cut tps aden ‘Sone or ora Aj ny on whe sme ele Ft neopterin ean ot Pci mae sy {Starnes oe ay naa ly. Te Sites ediote mee erent mp, The eee a ‘extn mere piss icy nanewenc ie of wees nag, yee ‘ora ool edo maa eae ee oe ‘ropes ofanapnion ns hi en cheeses Siete renonty oii tre neces ‘sow op wth rier. Penn ml ys INS ee ring member cer ie or “hy ocd coment ale pur save. ees ne cae ohne ne cng sey cena 174 Paro Attar Pac atioes refer parenvews toward ww they sou Interact wthhichlren. Views wher yatta ene wit ter children, too stiet with tem or alone sae nae ‘scitining or deaing with then refers parca ade, How pres 206 se ici dpe pontine. Te kinoftecins St prs he wien pen ntace epay ciara tbe Her aya epee sino corn eng eps ef ce Neat al aster penne fee ag {He cckpmens att ce oe ss tnt efit nc Seven usa elon meen 17408 renin Ps igo sini ade ee Beco peter priene pectin Sago ie cemera ae n ceecScnarreneemcaratenti, entre ree screener sire tegen rye nen tne Prrcteetet retatc par or cae ore eee rie a yu poeta fae aenanacrnaorerreneeenes SS aes Panne cnt smaece es ae ere Se See eee eee een a eee penn? Fericenes Mor Sate ak § meas ee en eer ae et ean ae ease ceca ene veaer eas eae eae mi omnis See ee ce ie eS ee cae Sar ee ees se eres 205 sated with tei mr ie and who do not ike pret eoriites Some ep prs ars Obes [Troon "Ac ew sjosed ype ay deel it an Saaenive thls apse eg ic, irs dace an urs “The ey oy ino ‘ieee lve ng. Techs SS cue ge aftced anne ose anoted He exh such ‘chair pent seni eda nti, ail ig ant {Seal behtveur cry, bingeing sboving oF, emotion) ibn, Hosen ages ns ‘Te etng aide of parents has ceria values also. The stl develops no a ndpendete being He leas o spend ime hinetfbcate of jean roman early tine, Hes alr and sew Hel eine and exhib tre behav ou, 1744 Acceptance. The parents who accept the child fr bis ‘un sake show tee eet in tbe chldan ove im. They encore tfedomofenotonaexenon ado tech ucondiraly. They recognize an sais the c's aude Chien of accepting pres towel nila. They ae soprntv, ely loyal and emo sable, They ae cheer, dependable and honest They face ie could They wets Thy aww thr ee 1745 Domination. The pats ho is donna demas snauetoning obec fm Hache, Una aometne ee ‘shims had denaing and dnting pres, Te cee oe eter nized, hme, ple nd chy se ey te he doe, sel coco, sabmisne, seve nd el ches oo indent. They besa alee of her een ee, sometimes develop inferiority feelings ns 206 r 115 Sibling Reaonhip ‘The rece or absence of sing ad he unter f slings uscd afte personaly devon ofthe chid. Wish hy comrsing voor mare leech hd as a os rich lb nfcnced by andl wl havea niece nt ‘Sepayed iy achotthe oer meters fhe ani tare ay ‘Boe beaver complicated newer ofols nd ensip, An ‘Sie bor fen dsplines he ogre, He maya ap rte and wih hin a ep os Kind i oe The {Ec tn iver) yong wil betta pected nay. He may have iy pres tan nly tw. Nataly wl be bs over by oo Bi pl ‘The presen of he ope sex iting agp 0 be ie siting ad ars provoing tan te ame sexing, Altough hie reese sex partes le with oppose ing ‘ey ently chose prefered lamas mbes oe oppose ‘The age ference betwee ce sn important fat in Aceminng how the mother ets them. When thy ate cel Space, ‘fe wea tem rationally and deer, Pret endo expect be Cle il to seta god example othe younger ones. The youngst hls expected 10 mite theo and took i. These petal ‘apctons may lad to por sing relish. i sai a in 2 {til combiation, theres mare eloasy than aa boy. o oy boy combination. Usually the ist hid may tak he par of responsible cid ‘ling ie seul and beng Somewhat bossy wh ober siblings. He 's uly sociable and ikd by ther chilten. Chil’ obsevation of ec eament of siblings also acts th retaorship ihn family. ‘When pret is partial oars one cil ad shows faves his fis behaviour of ter chien wars hs arcu ei. Sex ofthe sibling is acter itr ating the pesnaiy of eats "16Te Only citren Inthe view of Hal (1907 being an only disease in "tt The only eis rely handicapped. He/she doesnot have the 207 portunity of owing op wih slings. Hi coc ony wi he ‘Brean sth mde rbot et, Beas ofthe ‘crate th oy hit pars may pay to much anton on him and spoil hi. He canon be expected to go through fe fe Sane cpp or ajsmet athe ciearedin te fay with ter “ihe at aes hn npopar ith spe and roned on by ‘fu Heo sows nly of mond a excited and ht Stein ia ce me ern mrt han he oral chen, They ae pre Be more epaTios, EDOUS tot geal depen cute, obdet and manageable tan momenly cen Some sors on he ter hand ave fund themto be Ise popular with the pers, having more emotional Suances a temper aaouns, oor sep, night tor, feeding probes, es and emi. 177 Oxtinal Position ‘The el postion fa child is ald t affect the personality developmen. Fred enphasaed the importance of order of bth of sll in personaly development. Let see how the personality of ‘he stb hlden ps fected by their ordinal poston, 1221 Peso ote ltt, Tefen fer fo Seinen of ren Forb he pus eld eee tevleuotalan wih eesti factan Peerehne ‘puseion nc eigen bce per eats. Deca oe pees ve Sei coun prea tale Bahn techno Shy eae se. Th nanny te ede Sitesi ee aint rca nt cidendaecog 12272 Penonliy fhe socond-or. Pare grin expevence inch ihe ft om eset escort il bea abe: Tesco eh 208 ‘odeelpin astbmisie chides iene afte Himabos The aes mgs Toe seaey rT ao ic ep ais 17.24 Peony ofthe youngest chil. Bing ti te fay Be reives love fom every ene Also he expat owe on evens even use te fry. Thee is byh soled ad iesponsible. He not rested as important. This sometimes makes rit away fom home. He arly ges new oy era lh they tretandedover fom the elec. Hiselfeederce sever salen ty ter une sibing. So be develop an opin cock. He for il 10 be Bosse an pune by ler sings At ne te ‘rs degad im and tober ies they sedge. Hence he ‘sy become iriable. In concn ima be si ht res 0 {eal pston in the aly. Every posto, wher, iti tht of fis tom or second bor ora oa on hormiga pea problems ofadusment. Notoly hips, bt i grande ao Fetacnee his tation with oes. Ife examine the peoralty heer, andthe avarags and dissents of ech postion ean come tothe conclusion Bt thre is el roa pan a they vamecmc on ea soenrincn iene Cit mieten etme ee coher tn eet ieee ater iene eve a egestas Professions Boys ae prepared 1 ply 2 poetve 209 179 tnfence of Relatives Besides parents, relatives alo itoence chiles persons, Buthow much nluenc they wil depends largely onthe opportnity ‘heyhavetobe withesch oe febre ive lose enh 1 relay 10 Se them often, the relations wl Bevery different fom the telaonsipe with ative who ive faraway. Among the relatives, the ‘lovet eas young cron have sly With ae parc “They play the oe of play at very fen. They ply with chien a theirage mates using toys ling sais, playing ees with th ‘or doing whatever the clren want them to do. They take fal responsibility for the cides cre, while the paras cu fhe tome. ‘They also tach eien things appropriate to thi age. They ray teach chiles how t tess themselves or how to coun rex. ‘These are the pleasant oles tht hey py. They also play eerain Unpleasant oer whic are ied by children. Thee re the ols of ‘rts and dein, chlee do nt enjoy the visi of lates, ‘hey rest nesion into irom and hey thnk relatives are athe to their authority. "There isin when relatives erie the ei Freon also oars whe elves come fm diferent soco-eeoarc ti The cil eons working exra when vistors come [EXERCISES . Short Answer Questions 1. Define the term esol, ‘Avs: lavoductory paragraph, 2 Nae the lor cto repens for one's personality Ane 17.1 3. How dos sl amity aft he personality development? ane 172 4. Whatare te personaly carcass of the est born? ane 17.71 5. Whatare the personality characteristics ofthe second-bor? ane 17272 210 One-page answer Questions: = 6 Does the size ofthe How? Ans 171 7 What re the effets of stiles? family affect penoaliy developmen: ove protective atte of pres on ‘ne: ITAL 8, How does spe oF family infec personaly of hires? ans 173 9, Discuss the eect of siblings on prolife, ‘nw 175 10. Give the personality characteris of only len. Anns 176 1, Whatis the infoece of tives on cident? ‘Ans 179 sey Questions 12. Discusshow child's personality ated byte dere kind of pret atiuses ane 174 13, Explinthe eet fore inh children on personaly development Ane 177 au 18, ORGANISATIONS AND PROGRAMMES FOR CHILD WELFARE IN INDIA — of hilton tthe wor efor o ingore wel retaken opaiterct vel, Atte ineraional eve, word Bales ECUNICET and CARE wor or cl elie, tthe nan evel snvernetsf diferent coun onae ogame ofc wef sh alive cal organizations which ara vlury grit tei on proranmes of child welfire. Knowledge ofthe panne of he rnin is ese for students of eid velopment nd child wee work. 1 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND PROGRAMMES “Tere area umber of interational organizations working for ‘he welfare ofthe under piilegd chile throughout the word. Their tctvies are not confined to anyone country. Teir welfare measures fre common to al mankind. Hence these are known a iternational geciesSome ofthe prominent iterationa organisation and their programmes ae ab flows: W..1 United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) UNICEF refers to United Nations International Children's nmergency Fund. isa peciaied body of United Nations Organisation UUNICEE was esis in 946by the UNasemblyocae fr children Inwarafected courte. Later when emergeney functions were ovr, {in 1983 iewae piven he name United Nations Children’s Fund Objectives The objectives of UNICEF include he folowing: |. To cooperate withthe developing cousin their efforts to Improve the sats of children and thi well eng and growth ‘i tostrenghen the counris capacity tcare fo eile hough iret cid care services, ‘it provide basi ahs and privileges to children ofa speiic {ge group and ther mothers as embodied in the interatonl Gecaation of rights ofthe child and to contbute to tele ‘oui’ programmes and welling, a2 fo nlp and coopera wie gre i fon of longterm, medium crm and to tem nooo slang and serves fr veal Gecopnet steno ta fw ateon rout te nr on eet children and opportunities for action and ee nett to scare rete prot fr natin ad inertina serves ‘benef ehilen, Programmes. Actives of UNICEF stated in nis ey 146 ne fo amp aint i els, er sass. At presen UNICEF provides lp nthe sphere of ‘faction, health, ntiton, ral wale sippy and seal wala. ‘cain alberto wits UNESCO, ICE al India inthe expesion and improvement of hing ence Scere eqn vata et os felon) aoc aes mpl eNCE ath USICEF heed bed fe tSitene peli i oof ‘Soo he tre, a ed doo, oa nl doa dyin Fee ey fs Sar ol nt bs hv to tia ctipece ep nee BCD rots rely UNE tie! Foes repelling, aio Se Soint ln ope Murtfon Cueny UNICEF asi inpeneaton of ite spent Serta re a ew ania csog Pomme tot ate Hen ed pan Te mk pane mee srs at oe eed il ie a tape ct ass edn sees aoe co gy tame pers tee To ae cin of mali, eo aa a fame See Tate hs EE Sea Rees linn fe Se tame Gn ows Sn las ao prom by UNICEF 213 wea series asntance for food resetch and land development projets - Tater supply, Foe improving sae i NICE fas been praising, hand Pur round wae, financial ing water supply, ps ape or stance for sat poration of ‘ang. Social wee Inthe ‘3elone and oo ei grate ae Semester Sores presstoolelren in Kerala Ras ao be fp tin es ce na me ee Se ‘Sane o highest level of ea yall peopl inthe word Objectives “opin and coordinate sth action ona global basis to collaborate with member sats in planning and carying out health programmes, strengthening thei health services and training heals werkers ‘opromote meical searchand exchange scenic information; ‘0 make heath regulations fo iternational travel; to keep commun cable diseases under constant surveillance; ‘o collet and disseminate data on heath matters, tosses cit ante buns ae ‘health and. ™ Mater ‘sine te cllabrate with menber sates in emergencies or natura Programmes. The WHO actives cover a wide area ranging ‘om research, disease prevention a Sen emt va contol to health education and 24 rouse OREO ROMS MAME rai td tl ite tara 2 tt oa i tg cece = Fie saci ote ri ce st oH (Geeses, genetic disorder et. oo 4 Sapna elves WHO hp xs see et es ‘aot ah WO edie cet ea ‘eet car, han epiton waa = ee ‘Sas prenmeo a eps a ere th satis. Te WHO cc, iy aba tires ae i SSiiincompeins meno Honaie ew WHO tte nde rocittcrens teins come eae rag een trem es 1413 Te unt Natos Edenton, Soe ot Coa ee tc) ESCO em fe pel pc of UND, He oa one Tema eto SCO ue or 1 osc cd at eo wl pig ‘aioe neon sien meet = | fit universal respect for utc for hele ofa, fr ‘nena igh and fundamental fedoms; "i “colboate in be work of advancing the mutual knowledge ‘nd understanding of people through all means of mass Sommnictionandtorecrmend sch intemal aeons 'Sinay be necessary to promot the fee Now fess by Word ‘ad image, 2s pd na roe Saba cee ere Pa Ja edenion and 08 rd of tov th pei 1 i deelopme ‘ory eaaorion wt men= ‘redone 98 ipa amie owls by can ithe wei clr erage rch wets UNESCO he ny a mpof science teaching. Under the oral Corel fr Eten se wt hoes tac ‘Severn FRc) was sit Reseach ad Tran ofc, poston of cence textbooks, Seceteorreaantae i ese i evement of beter teaching of Slee NESE i i aos ee Onze wie ehab ofunesco. {4 Te Fn! nd Agta Onision (FAO) ‘The Food and Apeutral Orzanisstion (FAO) was formed in 194s with headgnrtes Rose 1 vas the first UNO's specialized gr tok ter eve aes of word cooperation. Objectives “Tobap auton ris living standards; ‘omprove ration ofthe people of al counties; to increase the efceney of farming forestry and fisheries; to beter te conton of rl population and ‘o contribute to an expanding world economy and ensuring Ian's eed from unger Programmes. FAO sponsors the World Food Programme and ie concen isthe ineresed production of food to keep pce with theeveraroving eed population, The most important aspect of FAO work is tomards enscing that fod is consumed bythe people wh ne iin quasies and in sgh proportion o develop and matt abet rmizd a wold freedom bijective of he campaign information on nutrition, ‘metonalageciesin the ay tate ef aon dogo wr In this cone, the FAO om hunger campaign in 1960, The malt aso Fight malhuttion and dseninst The FAO is collaborating with oe \olied Nuttion Programme of our cout 216 laboring wth iteration rnizatons ie UNICER, UNESCO, ‘cand with national insutons of ther counties in developing tucatonl programmes and extending elites for wining and st) ‘© education personel fm eer couatie ae he ter actives in which NCERT is engaged 182.15 Integrated Child Development Services (CDS) Programme. Before 1972 al eos in mater hid el were ‘regent and secor wise. Soin 1972 ih itera tans ere constituted bythe Planing Commision othe peolens of agentur aproachtoctlé wel and thnx ofbeneis ‘othe uget groups. The otcome ithe shen fr nerd Child Development Services, Ital Chil Development Serves schene (CDS) sone ofthe wor ages programs for Early Chitbocd Development. twas ferally nunched on 24 October 1975 in 33 (Community Developmen Bleck. ts anita programme wich reaches out olen below 6 years, especialy fom vleabe 2nd remot ares. It provides an integrated propane of en childhood ‘duction, bath and nation Objectives |. Tolay he foundation or proper pycologil development of thechid 2. Toimprove ntton an rah sas fhiren between 0 6 yeas 5, To reduce he incidence of morality, midi, malnuion nd shoo dropouts 4 Toeshance the capably of be mater and fi lok afer theealth non and development ned of ile 5. Toachiee effective coorsaton of pale ard implementation tong various departments o ponte eid development ‘The services povided by ICDS ss fellows: Series The sc serves provided by he scheme ince.) ‘supplementary nutiion i) Noe fomal preschool education fi) Immunization ¥) Healthcheck up Referal serves nv Nutton ndbeatnedoation These serve re provide ough cee ‘Angacis An Angina meas courar pay et. Pails ‘nservics and tgs group re povied De: ma ‘Targt 7007 ss tian chien below 68s Prenat and Supplementary raion Chlren oe cildeen below 6 years, pregnant and " lactating mothers Chile cow 6 yeas, pregnant and eel JTactating mothers ies Cire tow 6 yeas, pregnant and Reni lactating mothers rechniedcaion Chien below 3~6 years Niet essa Women 15-65 years Main Tiles pene tg od rom monitoring snd prptyaxis aginst Vitamin A deficiency 22 SStoletnuinl smi Theos er hid aged 6 mono ‘months 5 Rs lay. For the severely malnourished is Rs 2 fehl / day or pregnant and nursing mothers ac adolescent fis itis Rs, 230 pr beneficiary / dy Preschool dosti Anganwadi provides a atu, joy and stimulingenvironment onbuing towards universalist of peimary edteation. munication. smviaion of pregnant women and infats anit 6 vaccine preventable iseases is cared out inthe scheme, Health checkup. Thsincluies healt care of children less than 6 yeas fe, antenatal ear of expectant mothers and postnatal ear of resng mothers. This servic i given by ANN. Refer services. Sick or malnouished children who need Prompt medial attention are refered tothe PHC or is sub cen. ‘Aveanwal worker alo refs cases of dsbiliies to ANM Nation and bests education. is given by the Anganwaal wrk. This a ong tem oof epi ulate of meee eel inthe age group of 15-45 years, sta they can look afer ‘There were 6118 projets axon 313.2006, ory Besides these on ong ener ICDSckerme, here wee special ICDS stheme cals Word ak Aste TeDS Pees ond ant Asset ICDS poe. Word Back Asie CDS cane into being in Anda ad visa in 1990-91. The poe covered tial Bock and semana backward nH a ‘he two sas. The projet closed on 31" Deeb 197, ‘he Seco ord Bank Asse progamme ICDS cane ito ‘peatin in Bihar and Mai dese 198 9 Se conn 200 ‘The Wold Bank Asse ICDS Mt poet was aperoved in March 1999 covering the Stats of Utar Pradesh, Tamlnad, Mataratire, Reta and Kral The roti ong sot 2 satan impact on beat an un suas of dena women inthe poet ates. Tandy fly ord ver ICDS. ‘UDISHA.it ian CDS ining scheme fr adlscet gi In ‘ero beter aes concer for wom athe ge el as recess) 1 dg intervention fr aecet ic This sine a treaing te nese iy of urinal dads abo vier supportive envi sel eveopnee Theisen ese on shel roosts inthe age pope 8 yea Sei ‘Sisal placed on educlog aor emer aron Bil ‘Tasos 0 sisted by Word Bak Ua means Ne Dev ‘Tae ots ofthe proganne as ben elminaing te ery beh ino and efteser ining ofl utr. Word Ban reviled Ussstence fra period oF 5 yars lon 1988~ 1989 “182.16 Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme fr the Cite of working moter The Misty as auch en che remem’ 206y merging Non Creche ind with heme ‘Roane to vlan onions frre oc wrkingand iis, women’ een i. 1 NGOs for rusing The preset chee, roves asst “ rice orate (0-6 year). Asstance ironed one eal sre plenty msn, emanzcin ol eing ie HATES Citrenin theres willbe kena oom 98m wSpm “The goverment expendi. Theremin expense into ov ngtzton one ms ances init to 90% ofthe tt fe hve be bane by ie os _temerges mint sing ee ceenaentte tay — = ee scatters eo ae sei ie gen raat tases i eh ceca a come eee ee rd aie 18217. Shab Groh Shem. The objective ofthe Shih Greh Scheme io promote adoptions wihia the county and 1 esire inimum stagare inthe cate of abandoned / orphaned site len 182.18 Assistance Voluntary Organisation for Providing ‘Social Defence Services Under ts scheme, assance & given 0 ‘olunaryornistionswekingin teed id and women welite ‘erinovave projects and aces wich are ot covered fe exiting schemes. Projects combating talking inctildrn arcalso fundd unde tisscbone| 1821.8. Natoaal Awards. pune of awards have been etn ty the Govermert offi. Some of them area fallow ati i nr Ein Acie Tid ‘inal in tp tepn acer cera shi ad ho ne achieved oastndng sats as el ‘aig ania cle and spre. Ciren beeen {len hee pero expel ened ured oss ent Peet Foran on ‘Children under the Ct a cons a iden patiamentary Forum on chalmarship of speaker af Lok Saba has Bet nt wal sc peng hee Aandi Child Weltire The award was istic 8 Nato 1979, honwirfie ston and ve invicta ‘Ferman inte feo cid wae nat ore oasansng 26

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