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Learning Experience 5: Assisting

in Establishing Routines

5.1 Exposure
Monitoring the Implementation of Classroom Routines
Assist your Cooperating Teacher in the implementation and monitoring of the following
classroom routines and check the students’ level of compliance. The students’ level of
compliance will serve as your guide in assisting your CT in monitoring the implementation of
the routines.

Level of Students’
Classroom Routines
Always Seldom Never
comply comply comply

Raising hands properly 🗸

Lining up for the checking of seatwork and assignments

Greeting visitors 🗸

Passing papers and notebooks 🗸

Using class pass for going out of the room 🗸

Observing proper listening procedure 🗸

Working in small group 🗸

Following teacher’s hand signal 🗸

Observing movements during activity 🗸

lunch or recess 🗸

Attendance/Absent/Tardy procedures. 🗸

submission of homework 🗸

5.2 Participation
Identifying Effective Strategies for Transition Routines and Activities
List down the classroom routines that your Cooperating Teacher needs you the most for

assistance. Set them as your priority to help your CT make a whole learning environment.

Review the following strategies and identify which of them can be effective in assisting

your CT during transition.

1. Use hand signals.

2. Be a good observer.
3. Give clear direction all the time.
4. Use time signal like bell.
5. Practice the routine with the learners again and again.
6. Use sign language.
7. Sing songs for classroom transition.
8. Observe line up rules.
9. Review class rules every day.
10. Other strategies of your Cooperating Teacher

Match them with effective transition strategies of your Cooperating teacher.

1. warning by table
2. calling names
3. repeat instructions
4. none
5. pick pieces of paper
6. none
7. none
8. going to flag ceremony
9. use visual images

5.3 Identification
Recognizing Consequences of Transition Periods
1. Assist your Cooperating Teacher in establishing classroom routines during the transition

period and list down how you assisted in establishing the classroom routines.

● Before starting the lesson


❖ entering class and taking a seat

❖ Prep them for what's about to happen.

❖ Give directions.

❖ advance warning

● During lesson proper


❖ Get their attention.

❖ Secure students’ attention

❖ Explain the procedure

● After the lesson proper


❖ break out activity

2. What could have happened if these transitional activities were not done.

 There will be confusion among students.

5.4 Internalization
Practice Classroom Routines and Procedures
Continue assisting your Cooperating Teacher by practicing with the students their

classroom routines and procedure. List the challenges you have encountered in the following:

Behavioral Routines and Procedures


✔ Challenge encountered

● tardiness

● noisy

Working Routines and Procedures

✔ Challenge encountered

● None

Transitional Movement Routines and Procedures


✔ Challenge encountered

● not following instruction

5.5 Dissemination
Designing an organized and Happy Classroom
Based on your assisting experience in establishing routines, write your thoughts of an

organized and happy classroom.

A Happy and an Organized Classroom

Classrooms are the second home to the children and teachers are the most important

component in making a happy and an organized classroom. It is their strategy of making

students feel comfortable.

My Cooperating Teacher is letting her students interact with each other and set up

classrooms that build up confidence. The classroom where I observed was a substandard size. It

does meet the required size of the Department of Education; however, my Cooperating Teacher

set up the classroom to give the students a feeling of being home and having a sense of

ownership which I believe is one of the greatest components of a happy classroom. Place where

they can maximize their potential and a feeling where they can express themselves.

Organized classroom makes it conducive to learning otherwise it can destroy the

student’s attention. Charts, models, learning stations, chairs, students table, and teacher's table

are organized and put where it cannot destroy the student’s attention


What can make a positive classroom atmosphere?

Freedom is not absolute; we are not totally free while living in this world we are

bound to follow rules and regulations to attain happiness.

Long before I realized that children’s behavior nowadays is beyond the norms

and without these so-called rules and regulations respect will be out of place and that

will lead to a negative classroom atmosphere. I believe that having sets of rules will

make a classroom more discipline and that makes the classroom positive. In addition,

nurturing positive relationships with the students, letting the students know that the

teacher does not only care about their academic progress but also cares about the

students as human beings.

When I become a teacher, I will talk to them about their personal feelings

and problems through this will build up a positive relationship between my future

students which I believe will create a positive classroom atmosphere.




For Use of the FS Program Coordinator

Criterion: Depth of Understanding



91-100 The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found to be

very relevant in keeping a positive learning environment.

81-90 The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found to be

relevant in keeping a positive learning

71-80 The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found to be

somewhat relevant in keeping a positive learning environment.

61-70 The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found not

relevant at all in keeping a positive learning environment.

51-60 There is no indication of experience of assisting in establishing



Rating for LE1: ______________


Signature of FS Program Coordinator

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