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Developmental Milestones Table

AGE Gross Motor Vision & Fine Motor Speech & Language Personal Social
6 weeks Pull to sit: Head lag and rounded back. Fixates and follows to 90  Vocalising by 8/52 Smiles responsively.
Ventral Suspension: Head momentarily in Quiets to sound. Startles
same plane as body. to sound.
Prone: Pelvis high but knees no longer
under abdomen. Chin raised occasionally.
3 months Pull to sit: Only slight head lag. Head Hand regard. Squeals with delight. Laughs.
occasionally bobs forward. Follows object from side to Turns head to sound.
Ventral Suspension: Head above plane of side (180°)
body. Hands held loosely.
Prone: Pelvis flat. Lifts head up 45° - 90°. Grasp object placed in
hand. Not reaching out.
5 months Pull to sit: NO head lag and sits with Reaches for objects. Mouthing.
straight back. Plays with toes.
Lying supine : Feet to mouth.
6 months Pulls to sit: Lifts head off couch in Palmar grasp of cube with
anticipation. ulnar approach.
Sits with support. Moves head and eyes in all
Bears full weight on legs. directions.
Prone: Supports weight on hands with No squint (after 4 months).
chest and upper abdomen off couch.
Rolls prone to supine.

7 months Sits with hands on couch for support. Feeds self with biscuits. Babbling in single Stranger anxiety.
Rolls from supine to prone. Transfers objects form hand syllables.
to hand. Babbling in combined
Rakes at pea. syllables at 8 months.
Distraction Test.
AGE Gross Motor Vision & Fine Motor Speech & Language Personal Social
9 months Sits steadily. Leans forward but cannot Inferior pincer grasp. Localises sound at 3 feet, Feeds with spoon
pivot. (Scissors grasp). above and below the ear occasionally.
Stands holding on. level. Looks for fallen toys.
Pulls self to stand. Understands “NO!”
10 months Crawls on abdomen. Index approach. Uses index Waves “Bye bye”
Pull self to sit. finger to poke at pea. Plays “Pat-a-Cake”
Able to let go of cube in
11 months Creeping on all FOURS ONE word with meaning. Plays “peek-a-boo”
Walks with 2 hands held.
1 year Gets from lying to sitting to crawling to Neat pincer grasp. Understands phases. Casting (13 months)
standing. Bangs 2 cubes. (e.g. where is your Less mouthing.
Walks like a bear. Sees and picks up shoes). Shy.
Walks with ONE hand held. hundreds and thousands. 2 - 3 words with
Walks well (13 months). meaning.
Stands alone. Localising sound above

15 months Creeps upstairs. Tower of 2 cubes. More words. Takes off shoe.
Stoops for toy and stands up without Scribbles spontaneously Points to objects he Feeds self with cup (able
support. (best at 18 months) (15-18 months) wants. to pick up and put down)
Continual jabber and and spoon (but spills).
jargon. Mouthing stops.
18 months Gets up and down stairs holding on to Tower of 3 cubes. Points to 2 - 3 body parts. Imitates housework.
rail or with one hand held. Scribbles spontaneously. Picture Cards - identify Toilet trained.
Pulls toy or carries doll. Visual test: Picture charts. one. Uses spoon well.
Throws ball without falling. Handedness (18 - 14 Casting stops.
Sits on a chair. months).
AGE Gross Motor Vision & Fine Motor Speech & Language Personal Social
2 years Goes up and down stairs alone, 2 feet per Tower of 6 cubes Joins 2 - 3 word in a Puts on shoes, socks,
step. Imitates cube of train with sentence. pants.
Walks backwards (21 months) no chimney. Uses ‘you’ ‘me’ ‘I’. Dry by day.
Runs. Picture cards - Names 3 Play near other children
Picks up toy without falling. Imitates straight line. objects.- Points to 5. but not with them.
Able to throw and kick ball without falling. Obeys 4 simple
Visual test: Snellen chart. commands.
Points to 4 body parts.

2 1/2 Jumps on both feet. Tower of 8. Knows FULL name and

years Walks on tip toes. Imitates train with sex.
chimney. Names one colour.

Holds pencil well.

Imitates and .
3 years Goes up stairs one foot per step. Tower of 9. Can count to 10 Unbuttons.
Down stairs 2 feet per step. Imitates bridge. Names 2 colours. Dresses and undresses
Jumps off bottom step. with cubes: Nursery rhymes. fully if helped with buttons
Stands on 1 foot for seconds.
Rides tricycle. Copies  Understands “on”, “in”,
and advised about correct
Dry by night.
Imitates Plays with others.
Draw a man test. (3 - 10y)
3 1/2 Copies bridge.
4 years Goes up and down stairs one foot per step. Imitates gate with cubes. Names 3 colours. Buttons clothes fully.
Skips on one foot. Copies Fluent conversation. Attends to own toilet
Hops on one foot. Understands “in front of”, needs.
Goodenough test 4. “between”, behind”.
4 1/2 Copies gate with cubes.
years Copies square.
Draws recognisable man
and house.
AGE Gross Motor Vision & Fine Motor Speech & Language Personal Social
5 years Skips on both feet. Copies ‘X’ (5 years) Knows AGE. Ties shoelaces.
Runs on toes. Names 4 colours. Dresses and undresses
Copies (5½ years) triangle. Triple order preposition. alone.
Goodenough test 8. Tell time.

6 years Walks heel to toe Copies

Kicking, throwing, climbing.

Goodenough test 12.

Imitates or copies
steps with 10 cubes:

1. Goodenough test: 3 + a/4 years (a = each feature recorded in his picture).

2. 10% still not dry by day or night at 5 years.
3. Draw the following: 8 years 10 years 12 years.

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