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Name of School: SIBALOM NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level: 9

Name of Teacher: JECCA MAUREEN A. PEÑALVER Quarter:



A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-

Standard American literature and other text types serve as means
of preserving unchanging values in a changing world;
also how to use the features of full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions
plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full-length play
Standards through applying effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic
C. Most Essential Judge the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness of
Learning Author’s Reasoning, and the Effectiveness of the
Competency/ Presentation.
Objectives EN9RC-IVf-2.22

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the relevance and worth of the ideas
2. Determine the soundness of the author’s
reasoning and the effectiveness of the
presentation in delivering the intended message.
3. Differentiate fact from opinion.

Subject Integration TLE: Check the accuracy of information and save the
information in accordance with standard operating
procedures. TLE_IACSS9-12PCO–Id-e-5
3. RESOURCES English 9 Activity Sheet Quarter 4-Module 1: Judge the
relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s
reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation.
4. Other Tiktok
resources PowerPoint presentation

5. Teacher’s Activity Students’

a. Greetings:
Good morning class!
How are you today? Good morning,
That’s great! ma’am!
We’re doing
b. Prayer great and
c. Checking of Attendance excited to learn


Before we start our discussion, let answer

this activity.
I am pretty sure that you are all updated
with the latest trends and news. What are
ACTIVITY some of the trending news that you have
heard about lately?
Activity 1:
Trending Directions: Form a group and try to guess
Charades! the trend or news by having a representative
each turn to draw a clue or a scene related
to the given issue or trend. Each group will
be given 2 minutes to guess. The group with
the most guesses within the 2-minute time
span wins.

 Online Selling/shopping
 Biking/cycling
 Online Classes
 Modular Learning
 Gender Inequality
 Vaccination
 Lockdown/Quarantine
 Stop Asian Hate/ Discrimination
against Asian people
 Black Lives Matter
 Extra-judicial killing
 War on Drugs
 Fake news

Congratulations to the winning group. It

seems that most of you are aware of what is
happening in our society, and these trends
and/or issues are some of it.
Since our lesson focuses on judging ideas
being presented, and the effectiveness of
how it is presented, let us watch this short
video regarding Gender Inequality.

ANALYSIS And that is the video about gender

inequality. Any thoughts regarding the
Perhaps some of you are aware of the
gender inequality that are present in our
society for years. People would associate
some jobs to be just for men, and
discourage women to pursue such jobs.
Activity 2: Let us answer the following questions in
Getting some regards to the videos:
1. How was the video relevant to the said
issue or incident?
2. In what way does the method of
presenting the issue effective in delivering
the intended message?
3. What are your thoughts regarding the
said issue? Do you agree or disagree with
what the video creator/s said?

We are in the era of information and

technology, the heart of trends. And as we
progress, we encourage to power to have
our own stand and voice as means of
eliminating discrimination and/or any other
problems that the world faced.
However, acknowledging each information
also means that we should have the skills to
identify which information to believe.
We have learned how to determine the
relevance and truthfulness of ideas, as well
as how to judge the validity of the
information being presented to us.
(students give
In such processes, it is important that we varied answers)
are able to identify facts from opinions. In
your own words, what are facts and

Thank you for your answers. Here we have

the definitions:

(let students read)

Now that we’ve defined fact and opinion, let

us discuss how to judge the relevance and -by the use of
worth of ideas, soundness of author’s guide questions.
reasoning and effectiveness of the

Earlier, we watched a video regarding

gender inequality. How did we analyze the
information or the material?

That is correct!
We use guide questions.
Analyzing pieces of information is more than
just relating to what is being presented, but
also to see if the ideas are related to each
other, if the information is true, and came
from a reliable and valid source, and if the
author had successfully delivered their
intended point.

In your own understanding, why is there a
need to analyze information? -for us to avoid
fake news
What is the impact or effect of the way in
which the author delivers their message? -it provides
sense, power
and truthfulness
in the message
that they are
Activity 3: For our application activity, let us watch a
Interrogation short clip regarding fake news, and let us
Session judge the presentation whether it is
relevant, valid, and effective by composing
guide questions that are to be answered
after watching the video.


To see if you have understood our

Activity 4: discussion today, let us have a short quiz.
Green Light!
Red Light! Directions: Prepare two small pieces of
paper, on one piece write the word GREEN
LIGHT and on the other piece RED LIGHT.
Identify whether the following statement is a
Fact or an Opinion. Raise the GREEN LIGHT
paper if you think that the statement is a Red light
fact and RED LIGHT if it is an opinion.
Green light
1. Basketball is the best sport ever. Green light
2. Valentine’s day is in February Red light
3. Cats do not have sweat glands
4. Vaccines will set you on fire. Green light
5. According to studies, children imitate
actions but they do not understand Green light
what it means.
6. It was stated by PAG ASA that it is Green light
going to be sunny today.
7. Oirans are part of the Japanese
culture. They are considered to be the
Red light
most prestigious and talented women
in the Red-Light District.
Red light
8. According to Aling Jessie, vaccines
Red light
will make your body become
Assignment: 9. The world will end on August of 2033.
10. Pink is for girls only.

Directions: Create a video entry posted

either on Tiktok, Faceboook or Youtube that
contains your judgement of the relevance
and worth of ideas, soundness of the
author’s reasoning and effectiveness of the
presentation regarding Gender Inequality.
Access the article through this website/url:


Prepared by: Noted by:


Student Intern Critic Teacher

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