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Uputstvo za pisanje rada - opis igre

Article template - Game description

Obavezno u mejlu navesti osnovne podatke/It is mandatory to provide basic
information in the email:
- naziv rada/Article title,
- ime i prezime autora/first and last name of the author,
- instituciju koju autor predstavlja (naziv i adresa)/the institution that the author
represents (name and address),
- mejl adresu autora/email address of the author,
- za koju sekciju se rad prijavljuje (Prirodne nauke, Društvene nauke ili Razmišljanje
kroz pokret)/for which section the paper is submitted (Natural Sciences, Social
Sciences or Thinking through movement),
- vrsta rada (naučni ili opis igre)/type of work (scientific or game description).
Svaki rad treba da sadrži apstrakt (kratak opis igre, aktivnosti, naučnog ili stručnog rada iz
kog će se saznati osnovne i najvažnije informacije o temi rada; treba da sadrži najviše 150 reči)
i ključne reči (do 5)./Each work should contain an abstract (a short description of the game,
activity, scientific or professional work where the basic and most important information about
the topic of the work will be found; it should contain a maximum of 150 words) and keywords
(up to 5).
Tekst rada treba da bude razumljiv i jasan, pravopisno i stilski sređen./The article text should
be comprehensible and clear, spelled and arranged stylistically.

Struktura opisa igara: Potrebni materijal, Kom uzrastu dece je namenjena, Cilj igre, Opis
igre, Zaključak. / Game description form: Required material, What age of children it is
intended for, Goal of the game, Description of the game, Conclusion.

Tehničke napomene/Technical notes:

Rad treba da je napisan u Word-u u A4 formatu. Koristiti font Times New Roman veličine 12
i prored veličine 1,5. Za naslove sekcija koristi se veličina fonta 12, bold-ovano; sekcije i
podsekcije se numerišu do drugog stepena (1, 1.1, 1.2…). Voditi računa da se, ukoliko se
koriste u radu, fotografije, grafikoni, tabele i ostalo pravilno formatiraju, numerišu i navedu
nazivi. Primeri:

The paper should be written in Word in A4 format. Use Times New Roman font size 12 and
spacing of 1.5. Font size 13 is used for section headings; sections and subsections are numbered
to the second power (1, 1.1, 1.2...). If photos, graphs, tables and other illustrative objects are
used in the paper, please properly format, number and name those objects. Examples:
NASLOV RADA (Times New Roman, 14, bold, centrirano, velika slova)

Ime Prezime1*, Ime Prezime2,...

Naziv institucije, adresa institucije, grad, država, *e-mail kontakt autora (podvučeni autor)
Naziv institucije, adresa institucije, grad, država
(Ukoliko autor prijavljuje rad bez matične institucije, navesti ličnu adresu)

(Times New Roman, 12, justified, prored veličine 1,5)

Ključne reči: Ključna reč 1, Ključna reč 2, Ključna reč 3 itd.. (maksimum 5 reči,, Times New Roman, 12,

Potreban materijal za igru (Times New Roman, 12, bold)

(Times New Roman, 12, justified, prored veličine 1,5)

Uzrast dece: (Kom je igra namenjena)

Cilj igre (Times New Roman, 12, bold)

(Times New Roman, 12, justified, prored veličine 1,5)

Opis igre (Times New Roman, 12, bold)

(Times New Roman, 12, justified, razmak u paragrafu 1.5.)

Zaključak (Times New Roman, 12, bold)

Times New Roman, 12, justified, razmak u paragrafu 1.5..

Literatura (not mandatory) (Times New Roman, 12, bold)
(Times New Roman, 12, justified, razmak u paragrafu 1.5.)
Prezime, I. (Godina izdanja). Naslov časopisa. Naslov knjige ili članka iz časopisa, broj izdanja
časopisa, od - do strane knjige ili časopisa.
ARTICLE TITLE (Times New Roman, 14, bold, centered, capital letters)

Name and surname1*, Name and surname2....

(Times New Roman, 11, italic, bold, centered; the corresponding author should be underlined;
Superscript numbers indicating affiliation should appear after authors name, e.g. John M. Smith1)
Name of the institution, street name and number, postal code and city, country, *e-mail of
corresponding author
Name of the institution, street name and number, postal code and city, country (superscript numbers,
Times New Roman, 11, italic, centered)
(If the author submits the work without a home institution, state the personal address)

Times New Roman, 12, 1.5-spaced.
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 etc. (maximum 5 words, Times New Roman, 12, italic)

Game material required (Times New Roman, 12, bold; one line space above)
(Times New Roman, 12; justified, 1.5-spaced)
Children's ages: (Times New Roman, 12, bold; one line space above)
(Times New Roman, 12; justified, 1.5-spaced)
Goal of the game: (Times New Roman, 12, bold; one line space above)
(Times New Roman, 12; justified, 1.5-spaced)
Game description: (Times New Roman, 12, bold; one line space above)
(Times New Roman, 12; justified, 1.5-spaced)
Conclusion: (Times New Roman, 12, bold; one line space above)
(Times New Roman, 12; justified, 1.5-spaced)
References (not mandatory) (Times New Roman, 12, bold; one line space above, )
(Times New Roman, 12; justified, 1.5-spaced)
Surname, I. (Year of publication). Article title. Title of book or journal, journal issue number,
from - to page of book or journal.

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