Life Story - A MXTX Fanzine 2022 PDF

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Thank you for following us

on this year-long journey as
we created works for our
beloved characters.

Life looks like a linear path,

where it ends at with us six feet
MXTX Creative Space Discord Server ✦ A MXTX fanzine 2022
under, but these works
— our love —
is forever.


The end is never truly the end.
Yumi (slowly dying)

Thank you to everyone that participated in the third
MXTX Creative Space Server Zine! I can't believe another year has
passed in the server! And! And! This is zine number 3 from various
amazing creators!

I am eternally grateful for this small community continues to surprise

me with their wonderful contributions to this small passion project and
we're already at the third zine to close off this trilogy.

2022 has been a rough year for both myself and the other
main mod, Chisie. We are not sure if we will be creating more
server-only zines. If we do, I do hope that people continue to join and
support this passion project ��
Thank you to you for checking out this zine and I hope you enjoy the
different content brought to you by brillant creators in the
MXTX fandom!


prayer deliverer

Thank you for participating in our 3rd ever server zine!

I hope that everyone has an amazing rest of the year~

May you carry the spirit of Creative Space to wherever you go! ��



*waves from the grave*

Childhood Age

The Wei welcome In Another

To Yuan surprises Life
(things that shouldn't
be a surprise) Canon divergence,
Soft baby
Alternate Universe - wangxian,
Modern, Single Madam Lan
Parent Wei Wuxian, Shang Qinghua &
Shen Yuan, kidfic, deserved better,
Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji and
& Wen Yuan Alternative Universe
- Canon Divergence Wei Wuxian
growing up

by Milou by Aditi Nair by ottistry by Mari by Koschei by Citti by Dani by Yumi Hamano by Momo by reiiii

Kids These All We

Days Can Do Is
SVSSS modern AU,
daycare, all the
main characters are Su Xiyan/
now babies and the Tianlang-jun,
older characters are Su Xiyan & Luo
their guardians Binghe, Canon
hehe Divergence, Fix-It,

by Baobei by corduroyserpent by Moyitaro/Siku by Eijio by Lycia by Atlas

by Kuku by Kuku
Adult Elder
Life Years

Gifts of the A Place Grandpa! Treasure

unexpected Called Home Look! Every Moment
rule 63, verbal
bullying, mention of
Shang Qinghua/ past miscarriage, Wei Wuxian & domestic life, soft
Mobei-jun, Slice of grief, nb characters, Grandchild, and fluff, sad
life, Pets, Modern alternate universe - Post-canon, Family, ending, major
AU, No Powers AU, modern day, Fluff, Slice of life character death,
Fluff adoption au married wangxian
—please use some
suspension of

by Sid by Sid by C by Prince_kun by C by Zappychild by Aki by Papermelon by Yumi Hamano

all the beauty


remain a
stranger that's been Jazz Bar
lost before
(wants to find
us again)
Alternative Universe Lan Wangji/
- The Magnus Hurt/Comfort, Wei Wuxian,
Archives fusion, Post-canon, Jiang Romance, Fluff,
Monster Shen Cheng-centric, First Love
Yuan, Not-Them Jiang Cheng/Lan
Shen Yuan, Huan, Jiang Cheng
Humour & Jin Ling, Soft
Jiang Cheng

by Koschei by Kisse by tinycutefauna by reiiii by star

by Vebira by Hayate by Lycia

The Wei To Yuan

Written by Aditi Nair

Having accidentally unravelled the vicious secrets of Wen Corp,
Wei Wuxian— disowned by the Jiangs (once and for all, this
time)— battles the streets, drug dealers and the people sent by
the Wens to silence him forever. As he tries not to break apart,
he finds himself back in the care of the family he had left for
their protection.
Will he find a way to survive through the lapping tides in his time
of strife, or will he give in and sink underneath?

Alternate Universe - Modern, Wei Wuxian & Wen Yuan, Wei

Wuxian, Wei Yuan, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Luo Qingyang,

Mention of Drugs, Single Parent Wei Wuxian, Parent Wei Ying
| Wei Wuxian, On The Run, Original Character(s), POV Third
Person Limited, Angst With A Happy Ending, Not Beta Read


[There is a shelf of board games at the westward realised what was happening. Remembers—
corner of the room, inviting you to a game. Send off the
dust with a breath, and read the labels Wen Qing shouted at him sternly after everything, claiming
on the covers of the boxes.] he was lucky to avoid nerve damage from the reckless action. He
had starved for three whole days, nearly gotten infected from
the burns and just broke off a fever, but all Wei Wuxian could
feel was awe; she had sounded like she cared, in the unique way
Wei Wuxian awakes cold and empty, blankets kicked off
only Jiejie had: grounding, genuine, real.
and drool on the pillow. This is an oddity, he notes. He eyes the
old ceiling, the old brown fan spinning exactly as it always did,
Even when Mrs Yu kicked him out of the house on her bad
and wonders how he got there.
days, the Wen siblings never asked— Wen Ning smiling sweetly
with some food at hand while Wen Qing wrapped her scarf
The last thing he remembers— greedy punches, hidden
around him like a blanket— simply taking him to their home,
twitches, festering wounds, shadows, running— Ah. Jiejie is
acting blind to the uncomfortable heat in his eyes.
getting married. He remembers childish grand plans made under
giggling blankets, stealing chips as they argue over what colour
They continued finding him every time he was kicked out
the tables should be draped in. Will Jiang Cheng will stubbornly
(and what did it mean when he was thrown out nearly every
decorate the platform with lotuses or give in to Jiejie’s pleading
week?), so ridiculously quick that he often joked that Wen Qing
and add peonies to the mix?
had put a tracker on him.
He closes his eyes, body aching still from nights spent
(They never talk about how he is found in the exact same
sleeping in uncomfortable positions on pavements or rickety
spot: on a rickety bench in the corner of a park reminiscent of
benches. A flaring pain under his ribs; aching, throbbing, twisting
that closest to the Jiangs, reminiscent of the one where Uncle
at the mere thought of it; the old burns sprinkled across his chest,
Jiang had found him lost and hungry.)
sunk deep unto flesh like a blotted sun now acting up again.
Instinct had him push MianMian away back then, protecting her
The Wens gave him a home since his high-school days where
from the bottle of acid Wang Lianjao had somehow gotten her
he simply belonged, but he knew this is different. He couldn’t
hands on and thrown at her. Lan Zhan hadn’t been happy about
exploit their love for him like that when he was the reason why
it, eyes pinched in concern and shock. Wei Wuxian was lucky
Wen Qing and Wen Ning can’t focus on their degrees anymore.
enough to get splashed with only droplets, a tiny splash landing
And so, he hid his new status of homelessness, sleeping in the
a hit on his chest.
secluded haunts of parks and alleys he could never really erase
from memory.
He remembers violent flames crackling in Jiang Cheng’s
eyes, the smouldering flint in Jiejie’s. Remembers Lan Zhan
That plan definitely failed though, after he ended up
ablaze with a rage he had never managed to coax out before,
sleeping near the Wens’ building on instincts alone and got
fierce, beautiful and loud in his silence. Remembers shoving
dragged under a very familiar ceiling: the old storage room that
Jiang Cheng out of the entrance with every bit of strength he
was once repurposed by the Wens into his own room when he
could muster, his brother yelling in shock and then fear as he

14 15
was seventeen and they decided that they were going to keep sleeping on the streets?”
him whether he liked it or not. Wei Wuxian is not daft enough to
deny the comforts of a proper mattress, but he still calls this a That… That’s a question he doesn’t know the exact answer
heinous kidnapping. for. It hasn’t been long since he went full-on undercover, but it’s
hard to keep track… “Two months.”
The fan still spins, and Wei Wuxian opens his eyes. He
hears voices in the kitchen, popo humming a song softly, joined “Two months. Two entire months! And you spent an entire
by the aunties and uncles assisting her. Despite her age, popo month parading around as though it was just another fight
never lets anyone else handle the cooking. with the Jiangs. Wei Wuxian, you, YOU–” Wen Qing massages her
forehead. This is clearly above her pay grade. “Just… Why? Why
It’s like he never left. do all this? You know we’d welcome you anytime. You even have
your own room here! And—”
Wei Wuxian stretches his limbs, the ache in his bones
almost completely gone now. A proper mattress really does “They started sending people after me.” Wei Wuxian
wonders. There are bandages covering most of the wounds he interrupted softly. “They’ve been eyeing me long before the
got from his time on the streets, some placed carefully on his Jiangs rid of me, so really, there wasn’t any other option.”
palms, probably treated by Wen Qing when he was unconscious.
No wonder his body hurts less. There’s bitterness in Wen Qing’s eyes, a familiar kind. He
doesn’t like it either, but knows this isn’t something she can
Even the door is unchanged, the hinges creaking at the help him with.
slightest movement of the door. To think he had really thought
they’d revert this place back to a storage room by now. Wen Wen Qing exhales. It’s easy to read her frustration, taunt
Qing must have muttered endless curses in her head, calling fingers clenched tight enough to draw blood. In all the time he
him a fool. He just knew it. has known her, Wen Qing has rarely let go of her anger.

Wei Wuxian heads out and sees Wen Ning asleep on the Wei Wuxian looks her in the eye and regrets it. He knows
couch near his door, a baby blue blanket (warmer than it looks) that look all too well. She isn’t going to let him go. Sometimes,
draped over the lower half of his legs while reaching the floor. he really did regret teaching the quirks of body language to
Wen Ning has always been a light sleeper when he feels chilly, so her, of discerning sincerity from the masks and facades. For all
he wraps the blanket properly around him as Wen Qing entered. that it helps her, it did him no good when his knowledge is used
He really didn’t want to have this talk but it’s not one he could against him.
avoid anymore, not with Wen Qing spearheading it, so he follows
Wen Qing to her room. The world could live another day without Officer Wen Qing
only because she fell in love with forensics and disliked heavy
Silence filled the room. After a while, Wen Qing sighs. action, and on days like these, Wei Wuxian was reminded of it.
It’s one of her long ones, the kind that means she is genuinely
disappointed. Or just really tired. “For how long have you been Wei Wuxian locks his limbs in place, thinking of ways to

16 17
leave before it’s too late. And then Wen Qing smirks and he hates spot for him, and the psychology textbooks he once skimmed
it despite its rarity, because she calls for Wen Ning, who finally through from Wen Qing’s bookshelf had explained that it wasn’t
woke up. This is dangerous. He has never been able to say no to weird for the signs from his childhood to stick through his life.
Wen Ning’s puppy eyes. Theoretically, he knew it to be true. But it was harder to believe
in practice.
And then popo enters behind him. Popo, smiling arms
reaching out to hug and pull his cheeks, kissing his forehead. He Wei Wuxian grew up with a gaping emptiness in his chest.
distantly knows that Wen Qing is still there, smirking widely in Sometimes, the gaps smooth over at the edges, and he’d
triumph. Wen Ning is also smiling, and if he didn’t know what a feel just like everyone else. Other times, the softened sides
precious cinnamon roll he was, he’d think it slightly mischievous crumbled apart and nothing could make him feel whole again.
around the edges. The only thing that could make him ignore that chasm was food,
specifically spicy food. Chilli never fails to heat up the chasm
He’s fallen onto Wen Qing’s webs, and he can feel them and let him feel like it’s closing up, so maybe that is why he likes
noose tightly around his throat. Wei Wuxian has never been able spicy dishes.
to stop a Dafan-Wen.
This was why Wei Wuxian could not control himself upon
Popo asks if he has had breakfast yet (Yang–shenshen getting the chance to have chilli sauce again after months
made your favourite wontons and dumplings today, A-Ying. without it. Sure, the others were probably estimating what had
Wash up, wash up! You don’t want A-Qing to get there first and happened while he was off the grid, but he could not find it in
hide your chilli sauce, do you?) and Wei Wuxian follows her himself to care at the moment.
demands, stubbornly ignoring the gleeful traitors who knew
that no one says no to popo. The delicately wrapped wontons tasted heavenly with its
chicken filling, its heat coiling under his palms and fending off
Damn them all, he thinks, a smile slipping into place amidst the cold. Even the irreplicable taste that popo always claims to
the warmth in his chest. be a centuries-old family secret remains the same. Wen Qing
tries to swipe off his chilli sauce again, Wen Ning defends him
stoutly in sneaky schemes whenever she gets distracted by
someone else trying to steal her hoard. The uncles laugh as
[You choose the box with the words ‘Snakes & Ladders’ loud they regale everyone with tales of their own first attempts at
across its surface, the mechanisms familiar to you since folding wontons. The aunties distribute more food to everyone,
childhood. Unfold the board and lay it down, you have treasure piling most of it on Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian’s plates and
to reach.] insisting that they were too thin, scrawny and needed some
‘fattening up’ as growing young men. The radio plays songs in
the background of the humdrum, sometimes joining the singer
whenever a famous favourite starts playing.
Food was and always will be a direct path to Wei Wuxian’s
heart. Years of hunger had made it something of a vulnerable It’s all so normal that he chokes on his tears.

18 19
Sometimes, he feels trapped by the bubble of normalcy. [Choose a token and roll the die, its the start of a new
Popo’s hips get worse and an uncle breaks an arm when he falls adventure. Jump across snakes and climb up and down ladders,
off the ladder but popo insists she’s strong enough to beat there’s a chest of gold awaiting you.]
them all up and run away if they fussed any more, and everyone
scribbles jokes and doodles onto the uncle’s cast when popo
reminiscences of the time when Wen Qing wanted to wrap a Luo Qingyang, known to her friends as MianMian, fiddles
cast on her as a little girl so that her didi could draw on it just with the paper in her hands, stopping herself just in time to
like the cast of an older child that was treated by their parents prevent inflicting an indelible amount of creases on it. Her
that week. All the while, news blares on the papers, radios and office was one of the better ones, granted to her as a senior
TVs speaking of the recent moves of Wen Corporation that go intern (or so they say. Luo Qingyang isn’t blind and knows they
unheard by all occupants of the house. just want her to stay in their firm). It helps that it’s one of the
few law firms not run by a Jin, and they paid all their staff well.
Wei Wuxian smiles, laughs and acts like nothing is wrong.
He acts like he doesn’t want to switch off the TV and stick within Eying the paper once more, she taps a finger across her
their wonderful bubble, like Wen Qing isn’t spending more time table as she reads the name of the will’s testator. Wen Xiaohui.
at work and Wen Ning isn’t growing more silent. Like there aren’t A familiar name. Someone she knew from high school.
times when the house is encompassed with silence and no one
speaks out of the future everyone fears. Luo Qingyang had known she would be dealing with wills
but never had she expected to see that of a friend’s. At least,
Wei Wuxian acts like he is anything but a hollow shell he not at their age. And now she looks down at the will of Wen
can’t fill. Xiaohui and takes a deep breath, before skimming through the
Usually, he cracks apart in the solace of his room. Voices
do not leak past the walls easily there, and not many stay in the Her eyes still at an extremely familiar name. Wei Wuxian.
living room when the moon is watching over them. Somehow, everything always leads to Wei Wuxian. If he wasn’t
such a great friend, she’d probably be jealous. But that spotlight
Wei Wuxian lets go of the fragile tapes holding him
was as dangerous as enviable, and Luo Qingyang couldn’t
together, cries and despairs into the night, and fixes himself up
remember the last time she saw him. Was it at the graduation
again once the sun starts to wake. And for a while, that’s just
party after college?
how it is.
She continues to read the will, and sighs when it’s done.
Wen Xiaohui and her husband both passed away in a car accident
abroad. They had been such a strong couple back in college,
with Wei Wuxian always by their side. The three of them had
been very close, always within sight of each other. Perhaps
that’s why he is there in the will? But the outlier here is that
they had a child. Wen Yuan. Barely a year old. And Wei Wuxian is

20 21
written down as the child’s custodian. There’s also a letter and It was a name he hadn’t heard in a while. He had dated
some money bequeathed to him. Wen Xiaohui once, and after an amicable breakup, kept an open
relationship with Guo Huoren whom she later married. They had
That child will probably never remember his parents, but known their boundaries and Wei Wuxian had wished them well
she knows he will take good care of him. She takes her phone when they went abroad to start a family. But—
and calls Wei Wuxian. She can’t reach him. She looks into their
group chats and sees he hasn’t been online in five months now. “They have a son?” Wei Wuxian asks. The couple had been
Something is wrong. excited when leaving, could this have been why? “When did
they have a son?”
Wei Wuxian always keeps in touch no matter what, she
remembers now. This silence isn’t like him. Luo Qingyang sends “Wen Yuan. He’s over a year old now. He—”
a mail to her boss detailing the will’s contents and then cracks
her knuckles. “What happened?” There’s a chill down his spine. This
doesn’t sound good. He looks at her face closely and he knows.
She has an old friend to find.
“...They died, didn’t they?” He asks quietly. MianMian bites
her lips. She only does that when she doesn’t want to speak the
truth. “How?”
[You are close to the treasure merely a few jumps away. Heed
caution for the snakes are always more vicious near the end.]
“Car accident,” She reveals, sighing. “Wen Yuan is alive.
They listed you as his custodian. There’s a letter for you too.”
She then hands it to him, before saying, “We have a lot to talk
about, Wei Wuxian. But let’s get Wen Yuan first. My car.”
His heart beating in his throat, Wei Wuxian rushes to the
hotel. He had managed five whole months of hiding before Wei Wuxian reads the letter on their drive. He doesn’t want
someone found him. He only agreed to this meeting because to believe it. Wei Wuxian had a child all this time, and he didn’t
that person is MianMian. Wen Ning and Wen Qing already know know. They didn’t hate him for it? It just didn’t make sense. He
about his trip and they know what to do if the goons like Xue was in hiding, how could he care for a child and endanger him?
Yang find him again, so he walks in and asks for a table reserved Wasn’t this just selfish of him?
for Ms MianMian, keeping his mask up.
With such thoughts running in his mind, he almost didn’t
He finds MianMian seated at the table, her fingers tapping notice that they had reached the hospital. Fingers itching, he
across the table in a way that meant she had something on her follows MianMian almost mindlessly. Surely this is a bad idea.
mind. It must be why she tracked him down. Jiang Cheng had always said he couldn’t handle babies.

As soon as he sat down, MianMian asks, “Did you know They enter the room and see a little child sleeping, hugging
Wen Xiaohui had a son?” a bunny plushie to his chest. Wei Wuxian walks forward, shaky.

22 23
That chin, his cheeks, the raven curls atop his head, they were There are multiple wounds from Xue Yang’s ambush, and
all him. He doesn’t think as he slowly touches the child’s soft he can only be grateful the psychopath had never seen A-Yuan
fingers. They curl around his, and familiar grey eyes open with in the attack. All he needs to do now is wait for his wounds to
a yawn. heal. Maybe A-Yuan can make friends with the children in the
village. But that’s a thought for tomorrow.
Wen Yuan smiles at him, and he smiles back. He could
never let go of this bundle of hope, not even if he wanted to. For now, Wei Wuxian sleeps warm and whole, A–Yuan
swaddled to his chest and drooling peacefully.

[The treasure gleams at you with bright smiles, and you feel like
you are holding stars in your arms. It was a long journey to get CODA
here, but you’ve made it through.]
Wei Wuxian throws the tiny packet of crystallized powder
against the wall, anger thrumming through his veins. The
audacity of that man, clinging to him and then offering him the
The Wens love Wei Yuan. They adore him and something very powder that started this whole mess.
warm coils around his heart and says, ‘this child is so very loved’.
People fight over who gets to play with A-Yuan next, spoiling He punches the wall, angry at the stupid wall just wouldn’t
him so much that Wei Wuxian would worry they’d kidnap him if break already, at his facade of a family who threw him away
he didn’t know them so well. at first chance, at the stupid world believing words of those
in power blindly, at the dumb killers sent to ‘get him out of the
They move away after A-Yuan joins the family. The country picture’, and most of all, at the twisted inhumane Wen Ruohan,
is no longer safe for any of them, not after that ambush that who plotted these machinations with a hunger to devour the
nearly took their lives. Getting in touch with Nie Huaisang was world.
no easy feat, but it was worth it when the man got them all out
of the country. He also insisted on getting pictures of A-Yuan at It’s tiring. Wei Wuxian is so so tired. Thinking is hard.
least once a week, and Wei Wuxian was too relieved to say no. Sleeping is bad. Stomach hurts because there’s no food. And he
He had missed him, after all. wasn’t going to consume the drug and turn the false charges
against him true.
Their new home is bigger, far away from any Wens out
to hunt them. There’s even a farm, cared for by the uncles The world is spinning in hues of black and brown, tinges of
who occasionally enlist Wen Ning for help. Wen Qing sets up a red, blue, white and so much more that he can’t bother to look
small practice down the village, and Wei Wuxian plans to start at. He’s sweating. It’s like a merry-go-round. His entire body
teaching the local children. He’s going to be Wei-Laoshi! Old Man aches, and his hands won’t stay still.
Qiren would pull off his beard if he knew!
Wei Wuxian gulps in air, clinging to the wall. He has to go.

24 25
He can’t stay here. He shouldn’t. It’s not safe. Nowhere is safe.
Home. He wants to go home.

Wei Wuxian lets his feet guide him. He feels really dizzy
but it’s okay.

He’s going home.

(things that shouldn’t
be a surprise)

Written by Koschei

Shang Qinghua brings home a baby.
Shen Yuan, of course, has questions.

kidfic, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence


“What is this?” Shen Yuan says, staring incredulously at “Complimenting me, I see. That’s just unfair, Cucumber-
the bundle in Shang Qinghua’s hands. The tiny being inside the bro.”
bundle stares right back, with their wide brown eyes, quietly
observing him. “Doesn’t mean I’m not right.” Shen Yuan raises his brow,
Shang Qinghua huffed, adjusting the bundle in his arms.
“No, I didn’t steal the baby.” Shang Qinghua shakes his
“A baby,” he answered, unhelpfully. Shen Qingqiu could see head, sighing exaggeratedly. He looks adorable like that. “Can’t
that much for himself. Where did Shang Qinghua even get one? It believe you slander me so. No, no, obviously I grew them. You
wasn’t too hard, in this world, but still — most of the ways Shen know, with solid and seeds and spiritual energy. The easy way.”
Yuan could recall involved at least a modicum of effort. “Have
you forgotten what tiny humans look like, Cucumber-bro?” “Right. That’s good then,” Shen Yuan says, almost relieved.
He didn’t believe Shang Qinghua would kidnap a child for no good
“You know that’s not what I mean,” he answers instead, reason — but he didn’t want to find out what the reason was if
suppressing the urge to whack Shang Qinghua in the head with the man did. And somehow, growing a child like a plant actually
a fan — it wouldn’t do to hurt a child who had nothing to do with made sense in this world. Though this part of the worldbuilding
Aeroplane-bro’s antics. “So it’s a human? Where did you even was more fascinating than ridiculous — which was why it was
get them?” mentioned only a few times, and in passing.

“Eh,” Shang Qinghua shrugs. The baby in his hands reaches He looks at the baby again. They look back and smile at
up to grab at the loose strands of hair that seem to escape Shen Yuan, moving a hand in his direction. It is pretty sweet.
his updo every time he tries to wrangle his hair into anything.
Shen Yuan has to admit, it’s somewhat adorable. “The baby’s Shang Qinghua hisses at his hair being tugged, as the baby
human enough now. At least it’s supposed to be? If I didn’t mess seemed to manage to grab a few of his locks.
anything up, at least.”
Shen Yuan smiles back at the baby. Shang Qinghua whines,
“You’re avoiding the question,” Shen Yuan stated, shifting misinterpreting it, “Go on, laugh at my misery, Cucumber-bro.”
his gaze up, to stare at Shang Qinghua instead. “What did you
do? Please tell me you didn’t steal a baby, at least?” Shan Yuan doesn’t dignify him with a response.

“Cucumber-bro!” Shang Qinghua exclaimed in mock “Why did you grow a baby, again?”
offence. The baby in his arms giggled at his erratic movement.
“You, of all people, should know better than to suspect me.” “We~ell,” Shang Qinghua says, slowly, “It was a bit of an
impulsive decision…”
“I, of all people, would know exactly how capable you are
of anything you put your mind to,” Shen Yuan countered. “Decision that required nine months of continuous effort,
just like a pregnancy would,” Shen Yuan noted, “But, go on.”

28 29
“That was pretty mean,” Shang Qinghua pouted. The baby my arms full.”
cooed, as if to agree with him. And maybe it was — but it was a
fair clarification. “It really was an impulsive decision, It’s just “Oh, but we talked,” Shang Qinghua’s smile grew wider,
that the continuous decision to continue was more thought “Remember how you were sighing over Luo Binghe and Liu
out. I do know that kids are plenty of responsibility. I oversee Qingge’s kid at their wedding?”
a whole gaggle of older ones on my peak, just like you do, you
know.” “I do recall being spectacularly drunk,” Shen Yuan narrows
his eyes at the man, “because someone thought it a good idea
“Could’ve fooled me.” Shen Yuan did not mean that at all. to bring a bunch of exotic wines to the ceremony.”
Shang Qinghua did only complain about An Ding Peak Lord duties
all the time. Which he maintained was Aeroplane-bro’s karmic “It was an inspired idea, you have to agree,” Shang Qinghua
punishment for writing them as such. “Still doesn’t explain why protested, raising his hands placatingly, “Much more fun that
you decided you needed a kid.” way.”

“Aw, but just look at them? How can we not need this “I agree to nothing. Especially because you didn’t have the
precious being in our lives?” decency to warn me.”

“That’s a good reason to keep the kid, not to get one.” “So that’s your only complaint?”

“So we are keeping them?” Shang Qinghua asked hopefully. “Doesn’t matter,” Shen Yuan says stubbornly, “Next time,
ask me when I’m sober.”
“Obviously.” Did he really think so little of Shen Yuan? That
was a concerning thought. “Next time?” Shang Qinghua asks, with genuine surprise.

“You’re not exactly easy to read, Cucumber-bro,” he “I do like dealing with kids,” Shen Yuan shrugs, “And it’s
grumbled, before adding with a smile, “I’m glad.” pretty neat to grow up with siblings, I can tell you that much.
Not like we can’t support a few kids.”
“I think I’m happy to have this tiny human in our lives too,”
Shen Yuan said, reaching out towards the baby, “Let me hold “I’ll start planning immediately, then,” Shang Qinghua
them?” says, in a sing-song manner.

“You just like raising kids,” Shang Qinghua laughed, “You’ll do no such thing until I verify that you know how to
offering the kid to him carefully. “I knew you would approve.” take care of one,” Shen Yuan replies sternly.

“Doesn’t let you off the hook for not talking about it with “Your lack of belief wounds me.”
me beforehand,” Shen Yuan frowned at him, cradling the baby
in his arms carefully, “You’re so lucky I can’t reach my fan with ”Then prove me otherwise,” Shen Yuan shrugs.

The baby coles in agreement.

30 31
These Days

Written by Kuku

Tianlang-jun is an ages-old, powerful Demon Lord who used to rule all of
demon-kind… And impressive as that sounds, it’s no longer so relevant to the
modern day, where demons now live in hiding amongst humans.

Tianlang-jun doesn’t mind entirely—he’s happy with his lovely human wife,
his darling son, and his adorable nephew. But like all demons (and humans!),
Tianlang-jun must now work to earn his keep. That’s why, when he’s hired as a
daycare worker, he eagerly accepts the job…but what’s he to do when his son,
Luo Binghe, absolutely hates it?

And what’s he to do when Luo Binghe vanishes along with Shen Yuan and
Shang Qinghua, two human children, on his first day on the job? Can he explain

to the first human child’s guardian, Shen Jiu, that his son didn’t steal away Shen
Yuan to eat him? And why does it feel like the daycare owner, Yue Qingyuan,
knows more than he’s letting on? Can Tianlang-jun turn all this around in his
favour…and maybe one day make his daycare a sanctuary for demon youth?

AU - alternate universe, modern AU, daycare, little kids, fluff, family, all the main
characters are now babies and the older characters are their guardians hehe


‘Congratulations! You’ve gotten the job. We are honoured his true identity, however, he just chuckled. “I appreciate it,
to welcome you to the team…’ Yue-laoshi. Though…I have to say that the other man with you—
Shen-xiansheng, was it?—didn’t seem to appreciate my answers
Tianlang-jun’s eyes ran over the email once again, making much.”
note of all the details he had to remember. This was the first time
he’d finally landed a job after practically months of searching, “Ah, Xiao Jiu? Don’t worry about him; he’s a bit uptight,
which meant he could feel giddiness bubbling in his veins. His but he means well, and I’m sure you’ll be able to win him over
grip tightened on his phone. After Xiyan’s adoptive father cut with time. But let’s not discuss demon politics at this time; here,
her off like that, I’d better make sure this job— allow me to show you everything you’ll need…”

“Tianlang-laoshi! Welcome to the team.” Tianlang-jun listened raptly, trying his best to remember
everything from cubbie placements to first aid treatments. It
Snapping out of his reverie, he glanced up to see Yue was important that he do well in this new job—even if he was
Qingyuan, the owner of the daycare and the man who’d both more accustomed to lounging about as what was akin to demon
interviewed and given him his new job, smiling at him. His grey- royalty.
black eyes were crescented slightly, shining with gentle mirth,
and his lips were curled as he stuck out his hand. Still, he felt motivated just remembering the night before,
when his darling Su Xiyan had celebrated with him on his at long
Tianlang-jun grinned back and shook that hand. “Hello, last successful job hunt, providing wine and a delicious feast.
Yue-laoshi. Thanks a bunch for this opportunity.” Her usually stoic face had broken out into a warm smile as she’d
patted him on the back, telling him she believed in him.
“Oh, there’s no need to thank me. I enjoyed your application
quite a lot.” The man then added in a quieter voice, “In fact, I And as for their little ones… Well, Luo Binghe and Zhuzhi-
think you’ll do plenty of good for our daycare, given your more… lang had been excited enough enjoying the party—that was until
forward views on demons.” he’d actually told them they would be attending the daycare
Tianlang-jun paused. As a demon himself, he of course
knew how difficult it was currently for demons in the modern Zhuzhi-lang had taken it in stride of course—the small,
world, attempting to blend in and live disguised as humans. He’d silly snake didn’t seem capable of not taking things in stride
even once been a Demon Lord, ruling over his demons out in the when it came to following Tianlang-jun—but Luo Binghe had
open in a relatively peaceful society—broken only occasionally immediately protested, refusing to leave his loving family and
by battles with other demons and cultivators—before things take part in the big, scary world. Luo Binghe had been so teary-
had changed. It was thus only natural that he wouldn’t have eyed even on this morning that Su Xiyan had promised she’d
denigrated his own kind, but he appreciated the forward- do her best to calm him before bringing him and Zhuzhi-lang to
thinking of these humans all the more for it. class with the rest of the students.

Rather than voice all of that out loud and risk exposing Tianlang-jun sighed to himself as he gathered some

34 35
supplies he’d need for the first day of class. Perhaps…I really Thwack.
have spoiled the little guy too much, causing him to refuse
school so strongly like this… I wonder if he’ll be okay later? Jolting back, Tianlang-jun rubbed his forehead as a rock
dropped to the floor and rolled away. Somewhat stunned,
He unfortunately couldn’t dwell on it much further, as Yue he blinked from Jiuzhong-jun to Sha Hualing. “Was that…a
Qingyuan was glancing at the clock and exclaiming suddenly, slingshot?”
“Ah, the students will be here any second now. I best get back
to my own classroom, but good luck with everything!” “Yeah,” Jiuzhong-jun said, smiling down at his daughter.
“She’s a firecracker like that.”
“Wait!” he tried. “What do you recommend I—?”
Tianlang-jun managed a chuckle before looking to
But the door was already swinging shut behind him, Linguang-jun. “And you? Do you also have a tiny prince who’s
leaving Tianlang-jun to stare with outstretched claws. actually a firecracker?”

“—Do if I have a son who’s not happy about attending…?” “Nah,” he said dismissively, already shoving the child
Sighing, he lowered his hand and shook his head. I’ll just have accompanying him forward. He barely even glanced at the boy
to handle this myself. Come on, Tianlang-jun—think of good as he said, “This is my nephew Mobei-jun, and if anything, he’s
dads like Hui Tai Lang from that cartoon your kids are always more like a pillar of ice than some firecracker. Do with him what
watching, and what they’d do… you will.”

As he mulled over the answer, the door opened again and “Ah.” He sure doesn’t sound very enthusiastic about his
the high-pitched shrieking of children filled the room, along with nephew. Tianlang-jun glanced down and smiled but didn’t lower
the pitter-patter of tiny feet. Tianlang-jun started and whipped himself all the way this time, having learned his lesson from
around, only to be greeted by a few familiar faces—people that Sha Hualing. “Hello there.”
he recognized as actually being demons.
The boy just glared back at him.
“Jiuzhong-jun, Linguang-jun,” he greeted, arching an
eyebrow in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting you two to have “I can see the pillar of ice aspect,” he finally joked, when
children to enroll.” it seemed as if Mobei-jun wasn’t going to speak.

“Tianlang-jun. This is my little princess Sha Hualing,” “Room for one more?”
Jiuzhong-jun announced, revealing with a flourish the small girl
whose hair was done up in many braids. Turning, he brightened as soon as he saw the loves of his
life walking toward him. “Xiyan! Binghe, Xiao Zhuzhi! Welcome
“Hello,” he said jovially, crouching down to grin at her. to the class~”
“Nice to meet you, little one. I’m Tianlang-laoshi, and I’ll be—”
Su Xiyan smiled as she approached, the children trailing
behind her with their hands in hers. “How’s the new job so far?”

36 37
“Not bad,” he replied. He smirked and leaned in closer. “But to her. “You guys go ahead and say your goodbyes. I’m going to
I think it’ll be even better if my wife gives me a good luck kiss~” handle this.”

She lifted a book and blocked his lips, shaking her head in “Jiayou,” she called after him.
amusement. “Let’s try and be professional,” she chided dryly.
“Jiujiu, I can help too,” Zhuzhi-lang added quietly, quickly
Tianlang-jun just grinned back at her before kneeling to scrambling after him.
open his arms for the boys who were staring up at him with
big eyes. “Hey, kiddos~ You two look so cute in the daycare And so the chaos began as Tianlang-jun settled into his
uniforms! Look at your little caps~” new role as a caretaker, trying to keep Mobei-jun and Sha Hualing
out of trouble. Thankfully, Zhuzhi-lang proved to be quite the
“Hi, Jiujiu,” Zhuzhi-lang said softly, his lips curling shyly as little helper, but Tianlang-jun found that neither of the other
he was scooped up. demons respected him at all. Sha Hualing seemed determined
to try and “kill” him, while Mobei-jun exploded at the drop of a
“Baba,” Luo Binghe added, gripping him tightly around his hat.
neck and burying his face in the older man’s clavicle. “I want to
go home.” Currently, he was attempting to separate Mobei-jun from
fighting some human kids that had refused to stop hogging the
“Awww, Binghe—the day’s barely even started. Let’s give slide—a task that proved a lot harder than he’d like it to be.
it more of a chance, okay?”
“Stop, stop, stop.” He grabbed the tiny ruffian by the
The boy let out a muffled protest that had Tianlang-jun collar and dragged him off one of the weeping humans. Lifting
ready to try and further soothe him, but a loud noise suddenly him into the air, Tianlang-jun frowned sternly at him. “Here we
sounded from the front and he glanced up. don’t beat other kids up, got it?”

The adults had just left, and seemingly having realized Mobei-jun shot him a frosty look, his face dark, and began
there was not much adult supervision, Sha Hualing and Mobei- kicking his short, stubby legs in an attempt to escape. Tianlang-
jun had already begun to wreak havoc. The former was giggling jun could already feel a mild ice creeping up his foot, causing
gleefully as she dodged the not yet fully developed ice powers him to hiss in mild pain.
of Mobei-jun, and Tianlang-jun furrowed his brow.
That was also when something began tugging on his khaki
“Hey, hey!” he tried scolding, despite deep down feeling shorts. “Baba,” a small voice called.
actually rather impressed by the mess they’d managed to make.
“No fighting in the daycare!” “Not now, Binghe,” he said distractedly, still facing off
against Mobei-jun. “Baba’s busy—why don’t you go find Xiao
The two ignored him completely, causing him to groan. He Zhuzhi and play?”
looked back at Su Xiyan and handed Luo Binghe and Zhuzhi-lang

38 39
“But Binghe wants Baba,” the boy insisted, and Tianlang- of the holes, another voice piped up:
jun could hear the tears that were forming in his voice.
“That’s dangerous, you know.”
He stifled an exasperated sigh—this was going to be the
third tantrum Luo Binghe had thrown all day—and shifted his “I don’t care,” he retorted with another sniffle, lifting his
attention to his son. “I know you want Baba to play with you, other foot.
but Baba also has to look after everyone else, okay? So I can’t
just—ow!” “Wait, don’t do that,” the newcomer said, grabbing him by
the pants leg. “You shouldn’t—”
While he’d been distracted, Mobei-jun had kicked him
square in the face. “Let me go!”

“Son of a—ugh!” He immediately swung his arm down and As Luo Binghe thrashed, the two of them began teetering
let go of the kid’s collar, which allowed Mobei-jun to jump to the backwards and the boy pulling on him let out a startled yelp.
ground and take off. “Mobei-jun! You get back here!” he yelled “Shang Qinghua, help!”
as he chased after the boy.
Someone else let out a squeak and rushed forward, but
Luo Binghe was left standing there alone with giant it was already too late. Luo Binghe and the boy fell backwards
pearls beginning to leak from his eyes. “Baba…” He sniffled as onto the gravel, with Luo Binghe squeezing his eyes shut and
his fingers began to curl into fists. “Baba doesn’t care about flinching…
Binghe anymore… Baba abandoned Binghe!” That was when he
began bawling. Before realizing that he didn’t feel anything.

“Tang-di,” Zhuzhi-lang murmured, his golden eyes wide Blinking open his eyes, he shifted his face to the side and
and eyebrows creased. “Jiujiu didn’t mean to…” saw that his technically unwanted companion had cushioned
his fall. He was also grimacing, eyes screwed shut with his
“No! Baba doesn’t want Binghe anymore!” the other boy giant glasses hanging off his face, and he had his arms wrapped
wailed, rubbing at his eyes. “Then I don’t want Baba anymore around Luo Binghe’s torso.
Luo Binghe gasped and began scrabbling to get free.
“Ah, hey! Ow, ow, ow!” the other boy cried, letting him go
Luo Binghe ran past Zhuzhi-lang, ignoring his cousin’s as Luo Binghe’s elbow jabbed into his side.
cries. He made his way to the chain-link fence that surrounded
the playground, unsure where he was going but knowing that “S-S-Sorry,” he stammered, quickly kneeling to bow
he had every intention of running away. Just as he clasped the profusely. “A-Are you okay?”
metal with his hands and began trying to hook his foot into one
“I’m fine!” He sat up and began rubbing his back while his

40 41
eyebrows drew together and he pursed his lips at Luo Binghe. think demons are awesome!”
“What about you?”
For a moment, Luo Binghe only blinked, not having
He blinked, taken aback that this human boy would ask expected such an answer. Then, slowly, his expression lit up
after him, when he was the one who was more likely hurting. with a hopeful twinkle in his eye, and he closed the gap between
“I-I’m okay.” him and his saviour completely. Grasping his hands, he asked
breathlessly, “Really?”
“But why were you crying and trying to run away?”
“Yeah! I like them because Jiu-ge told me they have all
Hearing that, his shoulders slumped and he looked down these strong powers that they can go like pew pew pew with!
at his hands, which clenched into fists on his knees. “I…” And I bet the really big ones can even make things go ka-boom!”

“Did you see some scary demons? Is that why you were “They can! They really can!” he confirmed eagerly,
crying?” the third boy—who Luo Binghe had pretty much already squeezing his hands.
forgotten was there, although now he recalled that his saviour
had called him “Shang Qinghua”—asked, his eyes huge and eager His saviour beamed back at him. “Do you like demons too?”
yet also filled with apprehension. He reminded Luo Binghe of a
wide-eyed hamster. “Mn!”

“Demons?” he echoed. “That’s so cool!” His fingers slipped free so that he could
clap an enthusiastic hand to his chest. “I’m Shen Yuan, and this
“Mn!” his saviour confirmed, immediately brightening. is my best friend Shang Qinghua! What’s your name?”
He readjusted his glasses, which seemed to gleam under the
sunlight as he leaned in closer to Luo Binghe, whispering loudly, “I’m Luo Binghe,” he replied, smiling a huge smile. “And…if
“Shang Qinghua and I were trying to sneak into the daycare you like demons, I can show you a tiny secret…”
because I heard my Jiu-ge complaining about there maybe being
secrets like demons here, and I wanted to see!” Shen Yuan’s eyes widened. “What is it?”

Luo Binghe stared back at him, biting his lip. Is Baba going Luo Binghe didn’t even give himself a chance to hesitate,
to be found out? He could hear his brain playing back all his unlocking his abilities and allowing his human disguise to fall
father’s lectures about how, as demons, they needed to lay low away. His eyes flashed a brilliant scarlet as his demon mark
because humans were afraid of them and how if they were ever manifested itself on his forehead, and he flicked his fingers to
exposed, they could lose their homes and be separated from create a very small ball of red fire. He knew his features weren’t
their mom and be kidnapped by the government. Luo Binghe as prominent as a full demon’s, since he was half-human—for
gulped. “You’re…not scared?” example, his dad’s canines were a lot sharper and he had pointed
ears and his eyes were even always a brilliant ruby, unlike Luo
“Nope! Why would I be?” The boy grinned back at him. “I Binghe’s usual black—but he figured this would be impressive

42 43
enough. sharp as he snapped, “Don’t give me that attitude! What have
you done with my boy Shen Yuan!?”
He peeked shyly at Shen Yuan. “What do you think?”
“Shen-xiansheng, I really don’t know where your little
“You…” The human’s mouth had fallen open, and he was brother could be,” he attempted to placate again.
blinking rapidly. Disbelief filled his voice as he whisper-shouted,
“You’re a demon!?” “You—!”

“I’m a half-demon!” he said proudly. “My baba is a full one “Xiao Jiu, let’s not be hasty now,” Yue Qingyuan tried,
though, and he’s really really powerful. Mama says he’s a Demon placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “We don’t yet know
Lord.” if Tianlang-laoshi had anything to do with his and Qinghua’s
“That…is…amazing!” Shen Yuan burst out.
“Didn’t have anything to do with—!” He cut himself off in
“And scary,” Shang Qinghua piped up, but even he seemed frustrated rage. “He’s clearly a demon just out to snatch up all
to be in awe. our kids for his own nefarious means! What are you still calling
him a laoshi for!?”
Luo Binghe felt his lips stretch even wider. “I can show you
more stuff, if you want,” he offered, a hopefulness colouring his “It’s not like demons are really known to eat humans
tone and his cheeks. anymore,” Tianlang-jun said dryly, but that only earned him
another baleful glare.
“You better find him soon, or I’m going to—”
When he nodded, Shen Yuan’s gaze sparkled like the sun.
“Then let’s go! Show me everything please! I’m sure nobody’s He just barely managed not to roll his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.
going to notice if we’re gone for a bit…” You’re going to get me arrested and sued and my life destroyed
and everything else that comes with it. I know; you’ve already
ranted about this.”

“Where is Shen Yuan!?” Shen Jiu looked about ready to punch him in the face, but
Yue Qingyuan quickly pulled him away and began murmuring
Tianlang-jun resisted the urge to drag his hands down his placatingly to him.
face, but couldn’t stifle his groan.
Tianlang-jun sighed and rubbed his temples. He’d been
The man who was currently glaring at him with his hand so busy trying to make sure that the other kids stayed out of
slammed down on his desk, was a lithe man with long legs and trouble, he hadn’t expected trouble to find him. Especially since
sharp hazel eyes, though his beauty was offset by a twist to his he currently couldn’t find Luo Binghe either.
lips that transformed him into a blade. His voice was similarly

44 45
He wasn’t too worried about his son because Luo Binghe you okay?”
had always been capable, and even with his separation anxiety,
he was a good kid who rarely got into trouble. But he was still “I am! Better than okay, actually—because I made a friend!”
worried overall—even more so because Luo Binghe had gone
missing at around the same time as Shen Yuan and Shang Tianlang-jun followed his adoring gaze to where Shen Yuan
Qinghua. was still being interrogated by a furious Shen Jiu. The human
boy appeared sheepish as he fidgeted and explained that he
As he tried to think of what could’ve happened, there was and Luo Binghe had gotten wrapped up in playing after Shen
a gentle pulling on his Hawaiian shirt. “Xiao Zhuzhi?” he asked, Yuan and Shang Qinghua snuck into this section of the daycare
glancing down at the boy who’d appeared by his side. from their own section.

He appeared anxious, his brow furrowed, as he pointed at Shen Jiu rubbed the area between his eyes as he listened,
the window. shaking his head. “I cannot believe you, Shen Yuan,” he muttered.
“Just…kids these days…”
Tianlang-jun frowned but followed his finger…before
gasping and leaping upwards. “That’s…Shang Qinghua! One of “Sorry, Jiu-ge…”
the missing children!”
The man let out a sigh before lifting his head to face
Shen Jiu and Yue Qingyuan both spun towards the window, Tianlang-jun again. “It would appear,” he said stiffly, “that I owe
and sure enough, there was Shang Qinghua crying as he ran you an apology.”
around the playground away from Mobei-jun.
“It’s alright,” Tianlang-jun replied. He let Luo Binghe down
The three adults burst out the door, surveying the and rubbed the back of his neck. “It also appears that I’m not all
playground…and it didn’t take long for Shen Jiu to shout, “Shen that great at this job anyway… I didn’t even notice my own son
Yuan!” He surged forward and picked the young boy up, whose going missing right away, and Binghe hasn’t been a fan of this
hand slipped from Luo Binghe’s as a result. set-up from the beginning, so maybe I should just step dow—”

“Jiu-ge?” he gasped. “Wait.”

“Binghe!” Tianlang-jun also called. The duo turned to Yue Qingyuan, who was gazing down at
something with a small, fond smile on his face.
“Baba!” As soon as his father lifted him, he looped his arms
around his neck and squeezed. “Baba isn’t too busy for Binghe Tianlang-jun tracked his eyes to see that Luo Binghe had
anymore?” quickly rejoined Shen Yuan, hugging him and chatting excitedly.
Tianlang-jun’s eyes widened at the sight.
“Mn,” he said softly. His throat felt slightly tight. “I’m
sorry, Binghe. Baba never should’ve been too busy for you… Are “I wouldn’t be so quick to give up,” Yue Qingyuan continued,
placing a reassuring hand on Tianlang-jun’s shoulder. “From

46 47
what I’ve seen, you’re a good dad, and I believe in your abilities father. “Binghe likes it here.”
as a caretaker. Look; you’ve made these children happier than I
ever saw them in the other classes.” “Me too,” Zhuzhi-lang agreed quietly.

Tianlang-jun looked around the playground. The children Tianlang-jun chuckled, lifting them both into the air. “That
did indeed seem to be having fun. Mobei-jun had caught Shang settles it then! We’ll stay here!”
Qinghua but was no longer beating him up, instead forcing the
human to sit beside him while he gripped his collar, and there As the kids cheered at that, Tianlang-jun gazed out at his
seemed to be a peacefulness to his stoic face that wasn’t there new “empire” with a giant grin. His heart filled with delight at
before. Sha Hualing was cackling, swinging from the trees, how his new job had worked out after all.
showing off to some human children who’d come out to see
what all the ruckus was about. Zhuzhi-lang was standing right Xiyan will be so happy too, he thought, squeezing Zhuzhi-
beside his uncle, smiling at him and offering some supplies he lang and Luo Binghe tight. We finally have a place where we
may need later. belong, and…I’ll make sure that other demons feel like they can
belong here too. He paused momentarily, seeing Luo Binghe
And of course, there was Luo Binghe and Shen Yuan, who shifting to talk more with Shen Yuan, and the joy in Tianlang-
were beaming at the adults with their hands intertwined. jun’s system seemed to grow both stronger and softer, and he
laughed. Making this a place just for us…and for those willing to
Tianlang-jun shifted his attention inquisitively to Shen Jiu. accept us as we are.

The man huffed, folding his arms. “I suppose…you have

done an adequate enough job for your first day,” he finally
stated, his voice stilted. “I may still find your background
somewhat suspicious, but…” His eyes softened as they landed
on his younger brother. “I haven’t seen Shen Yuan so happy in a
long time, so I won’t object to you staying.”

Tianlang-jun raised an eyebrow at the gruff yet approving

words, and his lips quirked upwards. “Well…that leaves just one
more thing…” He turned to Luo Binghe and Shen Yuan, gesturing
for them to come nearer. As soon as they were close enough, he
wrapped his arms around his son and nephew, asking, “Binghe,
Xiao Zhuzhi… It’s up to you two now. Do you want me to keep
this job and keep coming to this daycare?”

Luo Binghe glanced at Shen Yuan and at his family,

breaking out into a huge smile. “Mn!” he confirmed, hugging his

48 49
He is a God - mine,
heavenly amidst flowers,
I devote myself.
All We
Can Do Is
Written by corduroyserpent

Su Xiyan can take deadly poison…it’s parenting she worries

Su Xiyan/Tianlang-jun, Su Xiyan & Luo Binghe,
Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Fluff


Being a parent does not come naturally to Su Xiyan. Tianlang-jun huffs an amused breath. “You still do.”

She hasn’t been a mother for long enough to believe she’s Zhuzhi-lang is stone faced as he takes a half a step back.
incompetent by any means. Her child is healthy, despite the “If there is nothing else Junshang or Maiden Su requires…”
way he was brought into this world. And safe, despite his trip
down the freezing river just after his birth. And loved, though “Did you hear that, baobao?” Tianlang-jun addresses
this goes without saying. Binghe. “Zhuzhi-lang is so scared of you he’s trying to leave
after only an incense time.”
But Su Xiyan is under no illusions regarding the simple
fact that she was never supposed to be a mother. Su Xiyan raises an eyebrow. “Is it not your blatant flirting
that’s sending him away?”
“Maiden Su.” There’s a tinge of panic in Zhuzhi-lang’s
gentle voice. The baby squirms in his arms, tiny face scrunching “Can’t be. He’s sat through worse. Remember our fifth
up in a clear precursor to tears. “I don’t think the young master date?”
likes me.”
She does. An unavoidable blush dusts across her cheeks,
Su Xiyan’s smile is mild, barely there at all, as she gestures though her face stays impassive.
for Zhuzhi-lang to bring him over. She’s still on bed rest; the
poison that should have taken her life has drained her of energy, Tianlang-jun continues, “I find it unbelievable that Zhuzhi-
left her limbs shaky and mind fuzzy. She’ll recover her strength lang would sit through that and yet be unable to stand a basic
in time. But for now she appreciates Tianlang-jun’s steady hand innuendo.”
at the small of her back to help her sit upright.
“It’s a healthy combination of both,” Zhuzhi-lang assures.
“He can sense your fear,” she teases as Zhuzhi-lang “Please excuse me.”
carefully places the wriggling child in her arms. She settles him
against her chest, making sure to support his head. He gradually He bows and leaves, gingerly closing the door behind him.
calms enough to blink round, clear eyes up at her. The footsteps don’t continue once he’s out of sight. Su Xiyan
and Tianlang-jun share a look. They both know he’s standing
“Then I best not hold him again,” Zhuzhi-lang says gravely. guard just outside.

“Are you truly so frightened of your cousin?” Tianlang-jun “Don’t worry, baobao. He’ll get used to you.” Tianlang-jun
pokes at one of Binghe’s soft cheeks. “He doesn’t even bite yet.” has moved on from squishing Binghe’s cheeks and instead plays
with his son’s tiny hands in an obvious effort to get Binghe to
“Junshang is teasing me. Surely human children don’t wrap those little fingers around one of his own.
Su Xiyan leans her head on Tianlang-jun’s shoulder,
“I did,” Su Xiyan deadpans. watching her beloved mess around. His smile is radiant when
Binghe finally curls a chubby fist around his pinky.

54 55
“Ah, Xiyan look!” together, keeping the thought to herself. If it wasn’t for those
fishermen who found him floating along the Luo River…
“I’m looking.”
Su Xiyan inhales slowly through her nose, holding her
“He’s marvelous,” Tianlang-jun sighs. “I can’t believe breath for a long moment before releasing it. Logically she
we made this. You made this. That’s incredible. And he’s so knows there is no point in dwelling on events that have already
small. Baobao, you’re so small!” He shakes his finger slightly in passed, but she can’t help wondering what might have happened
excitement. Binghe grips tighter and Tianlang-jun laughs. “And if she had lied to her shifu. If she had agreed to trick Tianlang-
clingy already. Just like your mother.” jun and then run off with him instead. What would it have been
like to have a child not named by a stranger for the icy river he
“Liar,” Su Xiyan says. “You’re the clingy one.” was found floating on?

The arm Tianlang-jun has around her waist tightens as he Not that she’s picky about names. Honestly, it’s probably
snuggles closer. “No, that doesn’t sound right. I’m notoriously better that her son doesn’t carry her family name. But still…
fickle with my affections. Ask anyone.”
Binghe’s eyes are closed, he’s fallen asleep with his hand
Su Xiyan doesn’t dignify this with a response. Tianlang-jun still wrapped tight around Tianlang-jun’s finger. Su Xiyan doesn’t
has been passionate and eager to show his love for as long as look away from his relaxed face as she quietly asks, “Should we
she’s known him. It’s laughable to think he can be any other way. call him by another name?”
His thumb slowly strokes along her side, casual and intimate.
And it’s because of this small tenderness that Su Xiyan finally Tianlang-jun’s brow pinches. “Is Luo Binghe not good? The
realizes that something is different about him. She decides nice humans who found him were already calling him such but
to chalk her belated awareness up to the fact that she’s still if Xiyan doesn’t like it…”
recovering but…the usual pinch of Tianlang-jun’s sharp nails
is absent. Su Xiyan blinks, then glances down at the hand held “I have no problem with it. I just thought you might wish to
captive by their son. The nails are all blunt. follow demonic naming conventions.”

“You cut your nails,” Su Xiyan observes. Tianlang-jun pulls a face. “Demonic names are only so-
so.” He rests his hand on their son’s chest, careful not to allow
“Mn? Oh! I did, yes. I figured the usual two wouldn’t be his finger to slip from Binghe’s sleepy grip. “I much prefer your
good enough in this sort of situation. I don’t want to hurt him human ones.”
by accident.” Tianlang-jun’s dark eyes hold a seriousness not
often displayed. “I can’t bear the thought of any harm coming The corners of his lips turn up as he simply watches their
to him, no matter how insubstantial. It’s dangerous enough for son sleep. And Su Xiyan thinks, He’s going to be a good father.
him to merely exist in a world like this.” There’s no uncertainty; she knows without a doubt that he will
He nearly didn’t exist at all. Su Xiyan presses her lips

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She wishes to have the same faith in herself. in that vaguely inhuman way he’s prone to. “Is there something
I can help you with?”

Su Xiyan wordlessly bounces the hiccuping child in her

“Binghe.” Su Xiyan grasps her crying toddler under his arms.
arms and hefts him to rest against her hip. “Will you tell me
what’s wrong?” “Ah. Yes, um…” Zhuzhi-lang rushes to set the books down
before stepping closer. He anxiously curls his fingers against
Binghe only wails louder and though Su Xiyan’s impassive his palms. “Young master…hello…”
expression gives nothing away, her heart speeds up with a
sudden and terrible helplessness. She has always been reticent. A curious snake peeks its triangular head out of his collar
It is difficult for her to express her emotions, but this does not and slithers out to twist around his shoulder. Binghe watches its
stop her from feeling things just as deeply as anyone else. slow movements with wide eyes. He sniffs, rubbing his hands
against ruddy cheeks, and mumbles, “Tang-ge.”
She understands that children cry because they lack
the means to communicate exactly what they need. She also “Yes?” Zhuzhi-lang sends Su Xiyan a vaguely panicked
knows that it doesn’t mean she’s a horrible mother if she can’t look. This isn’t the first time Binghe has addressed him as such
figure out why he’s crying, nor differentiate his—supposedly, if but Zhuzhi-lang seems taken aback whenever it happens.
Tianlang-jun is to be believed—different types of cries. But she
doesn’t feel good about it. Binghe’s breath hitches as his tears begin to slow. He
holds out his arms and Su Xiyan wastes no time in handing him
She strokes a soothing palm down Binghe’s back and goes over to Zhuzhi-lang. Her nephew has gone stiff; he awkwardly
in search of her husband. He has always been able to calm their shifts Binghe against the side of his chest furthest from the
son when no one else can. Not bothering to check anywhere snake but Binghe shakes his head and reaches for it.
else, Su Xiyan heads straight for the library. He’s either in there
or singing under a tree somewhere. She hopes it’s the former. “Ah, careful!” Zhuzhi-lang chides as Binghe grabs a fistful
of venomous serpent.
“My love,” Su Xiyan calls as she enters.
Binghe pouts; a big, fat tear drips down his chin. Before
Zhuzhi-lang startles, nearly dropping the stack of books the waterworks can start up again, Su Xiyan calmly adds,
he’s in the process of putting away. “Oh, Madam Su! Junshang “Zhuzhi-lang isn’t telling you not to touch. He means you need
isn’t here.” to be gentle.”

“Do you know where he is?” Su Xiyan raises her voice “Gentle,” Binghe slowly repeats.
slightly to be heard over Binghe’s continuing sobs.
“Mn. So you do not hurt it.”
“I believe he’s at his book club.” Zhuzhi-lang tilts his head
“Oh.” His fingers loosen and he begins to stroke the poor

58 59
snake with as much care as a two year old can muster. “Right now it is, yes. This little one was recently basking.”
Off Binghe’s furrowed brow, Zhuzhi-lang continues, “That
“There you go.” Su Xiyan lets out a slight exhale, relieved means lying in the sun to get warmer.”
that the worst appears to be over. She still isn’t sure why he
was crying in the first place but as long as he’s calm now… “Why?”

“Don’t worry, Madam Su.” Zhuzhi-lang’s clever eyes meet “Well…”

hers. “No matter how firm his grip is, my snakes know better
than to attack the young master. No harm will come to him. I Su Xiyan crosses her arms, content to observe as Zhuzhi-
was merely surprised.” lang sates Binghe’s curiosity. She finds the measured cadence
of her nephew’s voice to be calming and it seems she’s not
Su Xiyan blinks. “I’m not worried.” the only one. Judging by Binghe’s growing smile and his rapid
questions, he has all but forgotten his recent distress.
“Ah, apologies. You just looked a bit…um, never mind.”
Zhuzhi-lang averts his gaze to focus on the child in his arms. She is, of course, glad to see the return of his happiness. But
she also can’t help wishing—as she often does—that parenting
Su Xiyan regards him thoughtfully. She is almost positive came more naturally to her. That her voice was gentler or her
that her feelings of inadequacy have not shown on her face but expressions softer or…
Zhuzhi-lang is perceptive. He tends to pick up on things others
don’t. “Madam Su,” Zhuzhi-lang calls.

“Thank you for your concern,” she says. “It is welcome, Su Xiyan puts aside her melancholic musing to raise an
even if unneeded.” inquiring brow.

Zhuzhi-lang purses his lips, the tips of his ears going red. “Young master wishes to be held by his mother now.”
“Why do I feel like Madam Su is teasing me.” Zhuzhi-lang adjusts his grip, already prepared to transfer the
child over.
“Because I often am.” She places a hand on the back of
Binghe’s head and he looks up at her with freshly dry eyes. “Is The corners of Su Xiyan’s lips curl up, just slightly. She
Binghe feeling better?” takes her son into her arms and presses a kiss to the top of his
head. Even if she isn’t adept at knowing what upsets Binghe, at
He nods, still stroking the snake with clumsy yet deliberate least he doesn’t seem to hold it against her.
“Mama.” His little hands fist into the fabric covering her
“Touching scales always makes me feel better too,” shoulders; his face is turned up expectantly. “Again.”
Zhuzhi-lang shyly clears his throat, “when I’m overwhelmed.”
Dimples appear on Su Xiyan’s cheeks as she complies,
“It’s warm,” Binghe murmurs. brushing her lips against the crimson demon mark in the middle

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of his forehead. “Does your father let you?”

“Mmhm!” Binghe has already jumped down and begun to

make his way over. “Baba says I’m the best at it.”
Su Xiyan isn’t sure how she got herself into this mess but
she’s nothing if not thorough. She will manage to complete this Su Xiyan gives him one of her rare smiles. “Then how could
near-insurmountable task if it kills her. I possibly refuse?”

“Baba washes it first,” Binghe pipes up helpfully from his She finds him a stool to stand on and helps him tie back
seat at the small table near the edge of the kitchen. his sleeves. There is an adorable, determined set to his brow as
he sets up his workspace. He starts to rearrange the vegetables
“Yes.” Su Xiyan puts down the bowl of rice. “Of course he but stops abruptly, holding up the ginger. “It isn’t peeled.”
“...I thought you might want to do that.”
She has watched Tianlang-jun make congee before but her
focus tends to slip away whenever he explains how it’s done. “Oh.” Binghe shrugs. “Okay!”
In Su Xiyan’s defense, her shifu never allowed her to learn the
culinary arts or anything resembling homemaking. Her entire Su Xiyan exhales quietly. She wishes Tianlang-jun were
life has been spent with a sword in her grip and other people to here to help.
cook for her.
She doesn’t feel entirely comfortable leaving Binghe to his
Also her husband’s hands are…distracting. To say the least. own devices so while her son uses a spoon to scrape the skin
How is she supposed to pay attention to recipes or technique in off a piece of ginger, she sets about boiling water—she knows
the presence of those? to do that much—and returns to watch him cut vegetables.

Binghe swings his legs back and forth, resting his cheeks His pace is slow and steady, prioritizing uniform slices over
in his palms as he watches Su Xiyan pour water into the bowl. speed. Su Xiyan is glad to see him taking his time. He pushes
She doesn’t feel judged, necessarily. But she does worry Binghe the slivers of ginger aside and moves on to the scallions, biting
can tell she has no idea what she’s doing. his lip in concentration as he makes sure each small piece is
approximately the same shape and size.
“Can I chop the vegetables?” Binghe asks.
It’s a familiar expression; one that Su Xiyan is currently
Su Xiyan’s gaze slides towards the large rectangular knife mimicking subconsciously. She relaxes her mouth when she
she’s set aside for the task. Considering her son is five years realizes.
old…it’s probably fine? His hands are steadier than the average
child and he is on track to form a good cultivation base under She waits until Binghe has set the knife down before she
her watchful eye. rests her hand on his head, petting his soft hair. “You do that

62 63
Binghe returns her praise with a smile. He recently lost Tianlang-jun takes her hand and presses a kiss to her
his first tooth—one in the front—and part of his tongue pokes palm. “Happy to be back.”
through the new hole. “Does mama want more help?”
He glances at a blushing Zhuzhi-lang and the squirming
“If you’re not too busy.” child attempting to remove the hands over his face. Tianlang-
jun goes over to free his son, laughing as he picks him up. He
“I’m not!” Binghe bounces on the balls of his feet, radiating gives Binghe a kiss too, lips smacking loudly against his son’s
an excitement not dissimilar to when one of Tianlang-jun’s cheek. “I see you and your mother have been busy.”
favorite authors releases a new chapter. “I wanna help, I wanna
help!” “We made food!” Binghe exclaims. He turns to Zhuzhi-
lang. “Tang-ge, did you see? I put extra green for you.”
“All right.” Su Xiyan releases an amused huff. “You can
help.” Tianlang-jun quirks a brow. “Extra green?”

And it is in this way—with Binghe doing most of the heavy “The scallions…” Zhuzhi-lang bashfully lifts a trailing
lifting while Su Xiyan acts as his assistant—that they manage sleeve to cover his mouth. “Because of my…”
to make a glorious pot of thick white congee. It looks better
than Su Xiyan could have hoped for, and she says as much while Su Xiyan has no trouble inferring Binghe’s thought
watching Binghe sprinkle his carefully chopped scallions on top. process on this one. She swallows down a chuckle. “Binghe is
so thoughtful.”
“Made with love.” Binghe grins. “So it’ll taste good too.”
“Um. Yes.” The pointed tips of Zhuzhi-lang’s ears are red.
Su Xiyan’s chest fills with warmth. “Mn. Binghe is right.” “Thank you.”

“What is Binghe right about?” Tianlang-jun’s black robes “So young and already teasing your cousin with aplomb.”
swish around his ankles as he enters, Zhuzhi-lang at his heels. Tianlang-jun adjusts his hold, hefting his giggling son onto his
shoulder. He winks at Su Xiyan. “We’ve raised him well.”
“Most things.” Su Xiyan tilts her chin up for the kiss she
knows is coming. Not one to disappoint, Tianlang-jun captures Yes, Su Xiyan thinks, I’m trying to.
her lips in his version of a chaste peck. Which is neither chaste
nor as brief as a peck. She playfully nudges Binghe’s chin with the knuckle of her
index finger while her other hand finds its way to rest against
Zhuzhi-lang rushes to cover Binghe’s eyes. Tianlang-jun’s lower back.

“Welcome home,” Su Xiyan says once they have broken All she can do is continue to try.
apart. She cups Tianlang-jun’s cheek, stroking her thumb along
his cheekbone briefly.

64 65
Written by Yumi Hamano

Madam Lan escaped the Lan sect on night and raised her sec-
ond son by herself. She met Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze
by chance and their sons became friends. At the news of her
friends’ death, she ventured to Yiling to take the boy under her
wing and raised both of them together.

Canon divergence, Soft baby wangxian, Madam Lan deserved
better, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian growing up together



It had been many years since Bai Liqin left Cloud Recesses. “A-Zhan, do you remember Wei Ying?” Bai Liqin asked
She was pregnant with her second child at the time but could once they returned home. The boy nodded, looking around
not bear the idea of being separated from yet another child. expectantly. She knew they made fast friends, but never
expected him to be this excited to see him again. “Something
She would have taken Lan Huan with her if she could, but happened to Auntie and Uncle Wei, so we are going to find Wei
her escape was a hasty move. Ying. How does that sound?”

Sometimes, Bai Liqin regretted leaving behind her first Lan Zhan nodded. It wasn’t the first time she was going to
child with her husband, despite his promise to keep him safe. fly with Lan Zhan on her sword, but the last time she did so, he
But when she saw Lan Zhan look up at her with his chubby was barely able to walk at two years old.
cheeks and soft gaze, Bai Liqin knew that she would not be able
to have that if she stayed. Luckily, Yiling wasn’t too far from where they lived but
still took a day and a half with frequent breaks to ensure Lan
She was humming to herself as she walked to the market Zhan was not motion sick and well fed. When they arrived in
for some vegetables for tonight’s soup. But when she arrived, she Yiling, the sun was still high in the sky but it would set soon if
could hear furious whispers everywhere. Her heart constricted they didn’t hurry.
at the idea of the Lan clan finally discovering her hiding spot
and here to take away her son. However, nothing could prepare She went to an inn and paid for a room before they walked
her for the grave news about her good friends. back out into the streets. Bai Liqin tried to ask around for a
boy around her son’s age, but everyone either brushed her off
When Lan Zhan was three years old, Bai Liqin met Cangse or said all street kids look the same. Lan Zhan moved with his
Sanren, Wei Changze, and their adorable son, Wei Ying, who was mother as she asked around, his grip firm around her hand.
the same age as her second son. They became fast friends just Because of this, she knew the exact moment Lan Zhan let go
like their sons. The couple promised to visit again when they and she spun around to look for her son.
passed by the area, but it was impossible now.
Lan Zhan was a quiet and obedient child that would not
Bai Liqin tried to ask about Wei Ying’s fate, but no one have run off for no reason. He must have found Wei Ying.
heard anything about a child in the rumours that floated around.
Bai Liqin apologized as she went against the flow of
She knew the couple would leave Wei Ying in town or people to find where her son weaved to. Before she knew it,
somewhere safe if they left on a night hunt. Worried for the boy, she was standing in front of an alleyway. Her son was standing
she abandoned her dinner plans and went to the school. There next to a dirtied child, who was holding the mantou like it was
was a scholar in the village that started up a school for the gold. The wild curls of hair looked the same as what Bai Liqin
children in the village and the next town over. His wife was the remembered, but she couldn’t say for sure until she stepped
one she left Lan Zhan with if she was joining rogue cultivators closer enough to see his features under layers of dirt.
in night hunts.
Wei Ying was scarfing down the food like he hadn’t eaten

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in days. Judging from the state of his robes and what appear to They made their way back to the inn but Wei Ying stopped
be bite marks on his arms and legs, Wei Ying was not well taken short when the innkeeper yelled at him. Bai Liqin was about to
care of. pull out her sword when Lan Zhan spoke up.

“A-Zhan,” Bai Liqin admonished. Her son looked up at her “If you do not want our business, give us back our coins
with a guilty expression and looked down at his feet. Lan Zhan and we’ll leave.”
knew that he was wrong but did not apologize, which meant
that he thought he didn’t do anything wrong. “Next time, can Her son just turned six a few months ago. Bai Liqin barely
you tell A-Niang before you leave?” held herself together as the innkeeper turned three different
shades of red before slamming their money on the counter and
“Nn,” Lan Zhan replied. Then she turned her sights to Wei barking at them to leave.
Ying. He finished eating the mantou and looking at her with
wide eyes. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if the child As they went to find a new inn, Bai Liqin strained her ear
remembered her. to hear what her son was whispering to Wei Ying. From what she
could hear, it sounded like Lan Zhan was trying to comfort the
“Wei Ying, do you remember me?” she asked softly. boy. She could piece together the story, but Bai Liqin wanted
them to be in a more private place before asking.
“Mm, Auntie Bai and A-Zhan!” Wei Ying said brightly. Bai
Liqin was happy to see that despite the hardship Wei Ying no The next inn they found shot Wei Ying dirty looks but
doubt endured, he was still able to smile. The world was cruel to accepted their payment and brought bath water to their room.
orphaned children and she refused to let Wei Ying become one
of them. Wei Ying’s clothes were basically rags, but Bai Liqin was
never one to waste anything so she kept it to wash later. Even
“Would you like to come with Auntie?” Bai Liqin asked. rags have their use in her house.

Wei Ying nodded and she reached out to hold his hand but Lan Zhan originally waited in the room for them to finish,
stopped when he flinched. When she asked him what was wrong, but Wei Ying looked incredibly distressed when she picked him
he shrunk into himself, looking timid unlike the bright child she up to place him in the bathtub. Bai Liqin called over her son in
remembered. Even Lan Zhan’s small brows were furrowed. hopes of raising Wei Ying’s mood. It was amusing seeing a naked
child in tears and her fully dressed son promising to hold Wei
“A-Ying is dirty,” he finally said in a small voice. Bai Liqin Ying’s hand so he doesn’t slip and drown.
opened her mouth to tell him it was nonsense, but Lan Zhan was
quicker to reach out and take Wei Ying’s hand into his. Then, he  Bai Liqin did her best to wash out the matted hair while
looked up expectantly at his mother for her hand. Warmth filled Wei Ying scrubbed the rest of his body with his one free hand.
her heart as the children talked, though it was mostly Wei Ying
talking and Lan Zhan’s short replies. It took a while but Wei Ying’s hair was free of grime and
tangle while the bathwater looked too murky to see the bottom

76 77

of the tub. Wei Ying was dressed in Lan Zhan’s clothes, which Zhan and tried to split it but the older boy refused to take it.
sat loosely on his tiny frame despite being the same age. Once again, Lan Zhan piled jiaozi into Wei Ying’s food bowl, which
caused him to whine about still eating his bao before having
Bai Liqin had no frame of reference for how long her a chance to eat jiaozi. Bai Liqin knew that the quiet nature of
friends had been dead. Wei Ying looked malnourish and was her home was going to change with Wei Ying. It was a welcome
hungry when he was given the mantou. change since it felt too quiet at times. She would think back to
her time in the Gentian house before her son reminded her that
At dinner, she had to coax him to eat. He would take the she escaped.
smallest pieces of meat and vegetable after polishing the rice
in his food bowl. When he said he was full, both mother and son “Wei Ying, would you like to come home with us?” Bai Liqin
piled more food into his bowl. Wei Ying sputtered at the food in asked when they finished the food.
his bowl but ate it anyway. Bai Liqin saw that Lan Zhan ended
up piling more food in his friend’s bowl instead of his own. “Home?” Wei Ying questioned, then grew anxious again.
She trusted her son to eat enough to keep himself from being Even Lan Zhan holding his hand didn’t seem to ease his worries.
hungry. “But mama and baba told me to wait for them. A-Ying left instead
of waiting for them. What if they can’t find A-Ying?”
There was only one bed in the room, so the boys took one
side of the bed while Bai Liqin took up the other side. She knew Bai Liqin pulled the teary-eyed child on her lap and patted
that Wei Ying was a cuddler, so Bai Liqin was expecting to hold his back to help calm him.
Wei Ying while her son slept on his back. However, by the time
she finished cleaning up and packing so they were ready to “Wei Ying, I don’t think your parents will come back,” Bai
leave tomorrow, the two boys were asleep and cuddling with Liqin said, her own eyes watering at the heartbreaking whimper.
each other. “But if they are, they will come visit and they will see you again,
okay? Remember how your mama and baba are friends with
Bai Liqin smiled at the scene, crawled into bed herself, Auntie Bai? I will take care of you until then, how does that
and wrapped her arms around both boys, sandwiching Wei Ying sound?”
in the middle.
“Is that okay with A-Zhan?” Wei Ying asked. The two of
  them turned to the standing boy, who nodded furiously. Bai
Liqin couldn’t hold back her laugh while Wei Ying gave a big
In the morning, Wei Ying was almost impossible to wake teary smile. Lan Zhan gave his own small smile as he held Wei
up. Yet when the breakfast was delivered, Bai Liqin found the Ying’s hand again.
boy sitting up sleepily on the bed with his hair sticking up in
all different directions. She giggled to herself at the sight but  
waved the boy to join them for food.
Against all odds, Bai Liqin raised Wei Ying along with her
Wei Ying noticed how he got an extra bao compared to Lan son. It was always difficult as a single mother with a son, but

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now she has an additional liability. Bai Liqin loved him with all talisman and spent a good amount of money for inventory to
her heart and didn’t regret taking Wei Ying with her back to sell.
their quaint village. Under her care, Wei Ying would grow up to
remember the love his parents showered him in and know that They struck a deal and Bai Liqin found herself with enough
he is loved by Lan Zhan and herself. money to commission two swords, one for each boy. They
already outgrew the wooden swords she carved for them, but
Regardless of what the two boys became in the future, she could not afford to have two real spiritual swords welded
Bai Liqin supported them wholeheartedly as she knew that they for them at the time.
were both set on a righteous path.
Bai Liqin only acquiesced to them joining her on a night hunt
They both had a strong cultivation base, likely due to their after both boys showed mastery over archery and proficiency
parentage. There was only so much that Bai Liqin could teach with talismans. At 12, they joined her on their first night hunt.
the two boys so she was glad that passing rogue cultivators It was a disturbed grave with less than 20 walking corpses, but
were willing to share a few tips and tricks with them. it took a toll on the boys who relied on talismans after their
quivers ran out. At 13, they both received their swords and their
Wei Ying was skilled with talismans. When he was younger, courtesy names. They both insisted that Bai Liqin was the one
he wanted to draw talismans and used them for the most to bestow their name, not needing fancy ceremonies.
mundane things like burning logs for cooking. When he got older
and learned of more powerful talismans, he started creating They both learned of Lan Zhan’s origins and the paternal
his own. While most were a resounding failure, there were a few side of his family. Lan Zhan was surprised to learn that he has
that he succeeded and it helped their daily life immensely. an older brother and other family. But, now understood why his
mother insisted that he tell people his family name was Bai,
With his talismans, he sold them for cheap to the people though she also told him his name was Lan.
of their village to help with the household finances. Bai Liqin
huffed that Wei Ying shouldn’t be doing that at 10 years old, but Wei Ying, now Wei Wuxian, swore to protect Lan Zhan, or
appreciated the extra income. now Lan Wangji, and received a playful punch to the shoulder.

Bai Liqin owed a debt to the school for teaching Wei Ying Bai Liqin said that after they mastered using a spiritual
along with Lan Zhan. She originally repaid them by procuring sword, they could join her on a real night hunt. She did not want
supplies from other towns on night hunts, but she felt like to shield them from reality forever if this was the path they
her service was not enough to cover for two boys. The couple chose to walk but was not going to send them to their death.
insisted that her services were enough, but she knew that they
were already doing her a favour with Lan Zhan. Now, with the As expected, both boys were quick to learn how to wield
extra money Wei Ying earned, she could slowly repay the slowly their blade as an extension of themselves. Lan Wangji was the
growing debt. first to learn how to fly, though Wei Wuxian was not far behind.
However, it was Wei Wuxian who learned how to direct his
Then, a travelling merchant caught sight of Wei Ying’s sword with his qi first, making it weaving around trees before

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summoning it back to his hand. Lan Wangji mastered it the next fine and the older teen nodded to rely the same. Wei Wuxian
day. opened his mouth to say something, but the steady footsteps
towards them gained their attention instead.
In Spring, after Lan Wangji turned 14, the three of them
participated in the boys’ first proper night hunt. “On behalf of the Gusu Lan sect, I thank you for your aid.
There were more corpses than we had anticipated. We will
Since then, the two boys have been involved in big and compensate you both for your help,” the leader of the group
small night hunts, always accompanied by others. At first, Bai said with a respectful bow.
Liqin was always with them to supervise and protect them. In
time, they proved their skills and she started to let them go to Wei Wuxian, who grew up with Lan Wangji, knew the
learn and explore the world on their own. Bai Liqin knew they identity of the leader with his familiar face before he had even
were destined for great things and so she will guide them along given his name. The leader likely came to a similar conclusion,
the way and hope they remember the way home. but with Lan Wangji frozen beside him, Wei Wuxian made the
They were both still young in her heart, but Bai Liqin knew
that they were growing into dependable young men. Wei Wuxian “There is no need for compensation. We would never turn
was good at information gathering with his people skills. Lan our backs to those in need. If we knew that a Great Sect was
Wangji was good at instant decision making as he was level- handling the problem, we would not have stepped in,” Wei Wuxian
headed. The two of them balanced out each other. said diplomatically, strategically placing himself between the
leader and Lan Wangji. This did not escape the other man as his
  smile tightened.

Wei Wuxian knew that they should be heading home, but “May I know your names to properly thank you at least?”
neither of them could leave in good conscience at the sounds
of swords clashing. “This one is named Wei Wuxian, a simple rogue cultivator,”
Wei Wuxian bowed low enough to be respectful. “My companion
Wei Wuxian barely registered the bright white robes is–”
among the corpses when he threw himself in front of an injured
cultivator and started fighting. He smiled when he spotted Lan “Bai Wangji.”
Wangji’s dark robes on the other side of the fight. There were
a number of injured men before they stepped in and the fight Wei Wuxian’s eyes never left the man, thus catching the
ended quickly with their aid. flash of sadness in his gaze.

One of the white robed cultivators was shouting orders as “This one is named Lan Xichen, heir of the Gusu Lan sect.
Wei Wuxian bounced over to Lan Wangji cleaning his sword. If you wish to visit Cloud Recesses, our gates are open to you
Wei Wuxian smiled at Lan Wangji to communicate he was

82 83
Shixiong? Where are you?
I do not get this question!
Shixiong, please! Help me!

Gifts of the
Written by Sid

Life isn’t at all how Shang Qinghua
expected it to turn out. He’s certainly not

Shang Qinghua/Mobei-jun, Slice of
life, Pets, Modern AU, No Powers AU,
Character study, Fluff



‘See you in bed,’ Shang Qinghua said, bending down to his husband, and in-laws would keep being the horrible excuses
kiss Mobei on his way to their bedroom. He had his laptop in one for human beings they were.
hand and his favorite thermos in the other, the yellow custom-
made one decorated with Bamboosprout’s cute anime art At least family lunch wasn’t happening at the Qiu estate,
representing their whole little horde. he told himself while pushing the door to their room open: they
were still very salty about Mobei stealing Zhuzhi-lang away to
Because of Bamboosprout’s legendary shyness, give the green tree python to Tianlang. Granted, it was only one
commissioning them was notoriously difficult. Still, Cucumber- month ago and it was far from the first time his boyfriend did it,
bro had managed to do so, then gifted him the thermos for his but Linguang and the Qius were terrible human beings who had
birthday. no business taking care of any living beings.

‘I shouldn’t take too long,’ Mobei answered, eyes not Shang Qinghua stopped right in his tracks when his gaze
leaving his screen. He was editing a new video, one of a still fell upon the bed. He looked at the hour displayed on the clock
unfortunately common occurrence of Shen Jiu perched on a just under the window, the display mocking and accusatory. He
shelf, his paw ready to push a cup noodle plushy on top of Luo should’ve known the living room had been a little too quiet.
Well, he sighed loudly, this was what his life had been for
The husky-chow mix had managed to fit all of his body but a while, he didn’t know why he was even surprised. Truly, he
his big head into Shen Jiu’s part of the cat tree. An impressive should have gotten used to it by now, adapted his schedule, but
feat, but also the reason Shen Jiu was annoyed. But then again, time, for Shang Qinghua, was an elusive thing he couldn’t keep
the cat was also just an asshole who disliked Luo Binghe. track of. Thus, variations of this scene happened far too often.

‘Take your time, I want to get some words in before I This time, Yue Qingyuan had secured the prime real
crash.’ estate that was the top of the bed, spread all over the pillows.
A very fluffy gray and black tail came from under his belly, the
Every Friday afternoon was a full house at Kafeizhou: only visible part of Shen Jiu who had burrowed under both the
with Tianlang, Liu Mingyan and A-Jiu there, it was likely that samoyed and pillows.
time would be spent gossiping and arguing in their designated
corner of the coffeeshop rather than writing. Shang Qinghua Being an asshole, one of the most assholish cats Shang
was certainly looking forward to it: any excuse to avoid thinking Qinghua had ever seen and fitting his namesake far too well,
on how to get himself out of the corner he had written himself Shen Jiu was whipping his tail on Luo Binghe’s happy face. The
into was great. Especially since it would be followed by dinner husky-chow mix let out a loud string of happy woofs and tail
with the whole gang, then karaoke in the evening. wagging furiously when he saw Shang Qinghua standing at the
feet of the bed. Still, he didn’t move to free up some space.
Exactly what he needed just before the mandatory lunch
with Mobei’s family the day after. A hangover would allow him to Liu Qingge would certainly not move either, not when he
have something to fill his head with while his boyfriend’s uncle, was sprawled on his back, pressed next to Luo Binghe’s belly,

96 97
paws up in the air. That one was on Mobei, who had decided to name him
after Tialang’s terrible, terrible son. Luo Binghe, the dog, had a
Shen Yuan, for some reason, had decided that the top of flame-shaped reddish brown mark on his forehead. At the time
Luo Binghe’s head would be a better roosting place than his Mobei had stolen him from his uncle, Luo Binghe, the human,
tree. Even though he was wild and had his own murder. One that was in this period of his life where he had decided that drawing
gleefully served as a backup cawing orchestra to the horde’s a big red flame-shaped huadian on his forehead was a great
morning chorus. fashion idea; the asshole had managed to launch a trend that
was still going pretty strong.
Overall, the five of them were spread all over the top half
of the bed. In their defence, it was what they did every night at Mobei had made the best choice with the name: it would
1am sharp. In their offense, it meant there was no place left for never not be funny to watch Bing-ge’s offense at his fur didi’s
Shang Qinghua to lay down in his own bed, much less for both incessant need for attention and husky sense of drama. Like
Mobei and he. Luo Binghe didn’t embody Bing-ge perfectly.

‘All of you,’ he said, once he had their attention. ‘Are ‘We should really have gotten a bigger bed,’ Shang Qinghua
thieving unfilial sons.’ told Mobei when he heard the door open.

The effect was lacking. Arms slipped around his waist and he let himself be pulled
back against his boyfriend’s chest. It didn’t last though. Mobei
Luo Binghe answered with three woofs, then turned to stuck his forever cold fingers under his shirt, the unfair bastard.
give a lick to Liu Qingge. He put a bit too much strength and With his hands occupied, Shang Qinghua had to wiggle out of
the bunny rolled a bit, waking up grumpy and hopping away to his grip and thus couldn’t escape the hair ruffling that would
scratch at his tail. Yue Qingyuan merely continued his happy tangle his curls.
panting, a drop of drool falling on one of Shang Qinghua’s pillows.
Shen Jiu, of course, was too busy lounging under Yue Qingyuan ‘Bold of you to assume they wouldn’t manage to take over
to bother with the rest of the world. it too,’ the other answered before he retrieved Shang Qinghua’s
phone from his hoodie pocket and snapped a picture of the
This time, Shen Yuan was the worst, letting out a few bed stealers. ‘Come on,’ he added after, bending down kiss his
judgmental caws along with an even more judgemental stare. temple. ‘Let’s get the futon out.’
Shang Qinghua could even hear his human counterpart’s
judgemental voice telling him that if he wanted to have his
share of the bed, he should get in earlier like everyone else did.
Shang Qinghua was opening his laptop when he heard a
Truly, he was far too accurate with his guesses when pitter-patter of paws, soon followed by Luo Binghe’s loud woofs
he chose to name animals after people. Which, admittedly, he heralding the arrival of the horde.
always did. He couldn’t be blamed for Luo Binghe however.

98 99
Shen Jiu sprinted between Binghe’s paws, making the He would have to get to Kafeizhou after the morning walk.
poor dog trip on Shen Jiu’s way straight to Shang Qinghua’s lap, He would have to suffer through Bing-ge’s critical stare from
trying to settle on the keyboard. The hellion took his refusal over the counter; his writing group had chosen Friday afternoon
with his usual grace: pawing at his face with a hint of claws to meet to avoid his shifts. Especially because Bing-ge would
while purring. snitch to Cucumber-bro, who then wrote long-winded rants
they would put their best efforts into ignoring.
Luo Binghe, once he regained control of his paws,
proceeded to lie across Mobei and set his head over Shang It was quite chaotic, but then so was his home life.
Qinghua’s knees.
Luo Binghe, Yue Qingyuan and Shen Jiu were rescues with
Liu Qingge, never bothering with manners, just stepped separation anxiety who needed their fair share of attention.
over the husky-chow mix on his way to the spot between Linguang and the Qius had certainly left scars on them and, as
Shang Qinghua and Mobei’s pillows, flopping on his side, his Shang Qinghua kissed Shen Jiu’s forehead, he was so thankful
butt against his boyfriend’s face. Not that it disturbed him, he that Mobei had managed to remove them. Them and all the
continued tapping away on his phone while petting the bunny other pets they hadn’t kept.
and sending a flurry of fur everywhere.
It was fortunate that, when his boyfriend – though not
Shen Yuan, who had absolutely no chill, swooped in with yet at the time – had started a channel both on YouTube and
a caw and appropriated the space left between Luo Binghe and Bilibili to show off Liu Qingge, it had fast become popular. Shang
Liu Qingge. It also happened to be between Shang Qinghua and Qinghua was sure that Mobei being gorgeous helped too.
Mobei. Meaning there would be no cuddling his boyfriend to
sleep this night. He pouted. Not long after they had began dating, his partner had
brought him to the Qiu’s for one of their monthly lunches. He
It morphed into a smile when Yue Qingyuan, the best and had squirrelled Luo Binghe away then. Only one month later –
only good boy of the lot, padded to them. Like the polite dog the Qius hadn’t yet realised that Luo Binghe hadn’t escaped but
he was who won every obedience contests he was in— and been stolen – Shang Qinghua had found Yue Qingyuan roaming
every other contest he was in—he walked around the futon to around the estate by himself, after another family lunch. Maybe
lay down under the low table on Shang Qinghua’s right, body he wasn’t the Qiu’s to begin with, but with their track record…
pressed against his side and snout pushing gently at Shen Jiu At the time, Mobei couldn’t fit another big dog on top of Luo
in his lap. Binghe and Liu Qingge in his flat so Shang Qinghua had taken Yue
Qingyuan. Shen Jiu was the last of the steals they had chosen
Shang Qinghua rewarded him with a lot of scratches to keep, a bengal-maine coon mix whose stunted growth was
behind the ears, eyes on the last line he had written. There would a testament to his previous owners’ shittiness: he was small
be no more words he would be able to squeeze out of his brain enough that he could ride on Yue Qingyuan’s back.
tonight, not when his mind wasn’t in it at all. Shen Jiu pawing at
his fingers whenever he began typing didn’t help either. Mobei had wanted to take him in, but his first introduction
to Luo Binghe had been a disaster: Shen Jiu had been extremely

100 101
skittish while Luo Binghe far too excited. They were lucky that Binghe in turn. Moving in together, with everyone getting along
Shen Jiu and Yue Qingyuan had a love at first sight kind of thing relatively well, was something they had slowly been working
going on, because Shang Qinghua could take the little ball of towards for the past two years. It was a testament to their
spite in instead of having to look for a foster family or a forever progress that they were all able to sleep together when, in the
home. beginning, they had had to watch Luo Binghe and Shen Jiu like
hawks if they didn’t want to find the former torn to ribbons.
Shen Yuan had joined at some point. Shang Qinghua
suspected he had tasted Mobei’s food in Luo Binghe’s bowl Fortunately, Shang Qinghua was amongst the lucky people
one day, then proceeded to come back to steal his share. While able to make their own schedule: he could be there to support
his boyfriend didn’t have Luo Bing-ge’s cooking skills, what he and help Mobei in his lifetime mission to fuck with his uncle
cooked for the pets’ meals and snacks looked like chef food. and take care of their fur babies, with his writing ventures not
It was certainly better than the fast food and junk food he and suffering for it. On the contrary, it was an open secret amongst
Shang Qinghua usually chose to feed upon, unless they were their friends that most of what he wrote was heavily inspired
mooching off Bing-ge’s cooking. His words, not theirs. Bing-ge by their children’s antics.
often needed test subjects for his new recipes and food tasting
reaction videos and they were happy to give him a hand. This wasn’t what he had expected his life to be: certainly
not when he had been a child, with parents so poor he barely
They had long since accepted the comings and goings of saw them because they were swamped with work so they could
the crow, especially since he got along well with all the pets, provide. Then, he had day-dreamt about being a good filial son
even with his corvid mischief. Often, the rest of his murder stuck and studying to become a lawyer, doctor or engineer; something
around on the balcony, lined up like a peanut gallery, playing that would pay him well enough they would never have to worry
around, providing a cackling commentary and occasionally about the roof above their head or the hunger clinging to their
coming in to pull at Luo Binghe’s tail. Eventually, they had just belly. He had begun writing stories at that time, as a form of
begun putting a bit of water and food for them outside. escapism.

Moving in together should have meant not seeing them Growing up had been hard because life was difficult for
again, but Shen Yuan had just moved his murder to roost in the poor people and time had made it even worse for his parents.
trees of the park across the road. He had begun university much older than the other first years,
ghost-writing for far too many people to make money to add
The introduction of every pet to Mobei’s Moshang account to what little he got out of his shitty part-time job. Learning to
had only made his popularity skyrocket. Being paid to take care juggle his jobs, his study workload, and helping his family had
of their horde certainly helped to get them the best – they been hell.
deserve nothing but the best – without Mobei having to pull
from his inheritance. Meeting and befriending the Shen twins had been a
blessing for the lonely loser he had been. He would never ever
They had all come a long way since, Shang Qinghua tell them that he had cried himself to sleep when Cucumber-bro
thought, a smile on his lips as he petted Liu Qingge, then Luo had invited him home for that one winter holiday, introducing

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him to their father, Mobei. grew larger when the twins sent him disgusted emojis — A-Jiu —
and a long diatribe – A-Yuan. Tianlang, Qingyuan and Liu Mingyan
They didn’t use the dad word, didn’t need to use it. Even sent thumb-ups while Luo Bing-ge put an emoji without a mouth.
though the twins now had their own flat with A-Jiu’s partner He used it on every couple picture Shang Qinghua put online. He
and Mobei moved with Shang Qinghua into a new flat, they had suspected it was because the man was still salty that Mobei
made sure to keep a room for them there. It was used more was in a relationship while Luo Bing-ge, seducer extraordinaire,
often than what Shang Qinghua had first expected. Still he was was still fumbling around in his attempts at seducing A-Yuan,
relieved and overjoyed that his best friends had a safe place and had to contend with Liu Qing-ge on top of that.
they could crash in anytime they needed.
His life wasn’t anything he had expected; it was so much
He sighed, closed his laptop and put it on the low table. more. Even when he was being woken up at dawn by Luo
Binghe’s dramatic hungry cries, Liu Qingge scratching his hair,
When he looked to the left, Mobei’s face was illuminated Yue Qingyuan pawing at his shoulder, and Shen Jiu’s morning
by a mix of the moonlight and his phone screen. He was unfairly cat breath over his face. Shen Yuan and his murder provided
pretty. His boyfriend smiled when he caught him watching: a the soundtrack.
tiny thing, a slight upturn of his lips that Shang Qinghua had
only been able to spot with a lot of time and observation. Mobei was already up and preparing their meal, grinning
at him from over his shoulder when he heard Shang Qinghua
He ignored Luo Binghe and Shen Jiu’s respectively noisy groan.
and clawy outrage when he dislodged them to turn on his side
so he was facing Mobei. Assholes, the whole lot of them.

The other passed him his phone, showing his new post. It
was a picture of their stolen bed, then one of Shen Jiu slaloming
between Luo Binghe’s legs. The third was Shang Qinghua
surrounded by their fur – and one feathered – babies.

It hadn’t even been an hour yet and already there were

thousands of likes and comments, most of them he knew to
be supportive. He took Mobei’s phone and lifted it. It took him
a few tries to get the right angle so everyone fit. He couldn’t
help the grin as he took a few pictures, then a few others where
Mobei and he were holding hands and a final one where they
were kissing.

He was born shameless so the grin didn’t falter when he

uploaded the pictures on his personal instagram. If anything it

104 105
A Place
Called Home

Written by Prince_kun

Wen Yuan has never complained about the run-down
orphanage they call home. However, everyone that works
there has only ever wished for the children to find homes with
good families. One day, a young couple drops by in search of
a potential child to adopt. An older child. This might finally be
Wen Yuan’s chance at a home….that is unless their friends do
everything in their power to keep Wen Yuan from leaving.


rated T, kidfic, rule 63, verbal bullying, mention of past

miscarriage, grief, mourning a loss, nb characters, alternate
universe - modern day, adoption au—please use some
suspension of disbelief, Lan Jingyi being Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling is
Jin Rulan.


When Wen Ning caught sight of the expected couple, he been?” Wen Qing asked.
turned to his sister.
“Pleasant.” Lan Zhan answered before Wei Ying but the
“They’re coming,” he said simply. word came out as if wanting to say tired instead.

His sister, with hands at her hips, sighed. “Go fetch Yuan. “We’re ready, sister.” Wen Ning announced when he turned
I hope he makes a good impression.” the corner of the hall.

She said the last part more to herself than to Wen Ning. “Excellent. Follow me.” Wen Qing said and they walk down
From what she knew, this rich couple was looking to adopt a two corridors. On their way down, the couple walked past a door
child so as to spoil them nonetheless. However, they had come labeled “Yuan, Jingyi, Rulan, Zizhen”. At the sight of the names,
by the orphanage multiple times in search of a child and had Wei Ying’s grip on Lan Zhan’s arm tightened the smile having
left every appointment seeming distraught. slipped off her face.

It was this couple’s last appointment at the orphanage They reached a brown door at the end of the hall. Wen Qing
their agent had told Wen Qing when scheduling the appointment. turned and quickly noticed the expression on Wei Ying’s face.
“Yuan’s one of our more reserved children but their performance
Looking at the wall, she noticed more of the paint had in school is excellent. Yuan is also musically inclined but I’ll let
started peeling off. Wen Ning would have to take a look at that them tell you more about that themself.” Wen Qing said.
in his free time. She then look at the roof and noticed that the
water stains had gotten larger. She’d have to contact her uncle A smile returned to Wei Ying’s face. She looked up at Lan
and have him check the pipes. Unlike others, this orphanage Zhan who was already looking down at her. “Ready?” Lan Zhan
didn’t receive the kind of government funding she wished it did. asked.
It was too late to try to make repairs that could take weeks to
fix. Wei Ying nodded and the two were led into the room by
Wen Qing.
Through the door walked a very elegantly dressed woman
in a white pantsuit with another more jovial woman dressed in a At the center of the room was a table with four chairs. In
red sundress with black sneakers while clinging to her partner’s one of the chairs sat a child that looked like they could not have
arm like an accessory. been over the age of eight or nine. The moment Wei Ying laid
eyes on them, she instantly felt her heart stop for a moment.
“Good morning,” Wen Qing said to the couple as she bowed. She almost wondered if time had stood still because the next
moment she knew Lan Zhan was trying to get her attention.
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying returned the bow. Wei Wuxian gave
Wen Qing a big smile. “Good morning. I hope you’ve been well.” Lan Zhan turned to her and talked her back to the door.
Noticing this, Yuan’s eyes began to water but they said nothing.
“Very good. Thanks for asking. How has your stay in Yiling Lan Zhan looked firmly into Wei Ying’s eyes. “If you don’t think

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you can do it because it’s too soon…we can always cancel the calm and collected.
contract with the agency and adopt later.”
Wen Yuan nodded hesitantly, their gaze never leaving
“I want to do this. It’s time to move on from the past.” Lan Zhan’s line of sight. Lan Zhan looked as if every movement
and spoken word Wen Yuan made and said was being heavily
“Wei Ying can grieve. It’s only been a little over thirteen dissected and scrutinized.
months since…” Lan Zhan stopped dead in her tracks looking
down at Wei Ying’s flat stomach. Wen Yuan gulped. “I…I was brought here after my popo
passed away. She was in charge of my care since my parents were
“Thirteen months is long enough. I’m tired of grieving and not in a suitable condition to properly care for me themselves.”
crying and…Lan Zhan, just please, I think this is the best way to
move on.” Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan with a worried gaze. “Lan
Zhan, your parents also had conflicts with properly caring for
Lan Zhan let out a long, defeated sigh. Crossing the room, you and your older sister, right?”
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying rounded the table. Yuan stood up and
bowed to them. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying bowed in return before “Mn,” Lan Zhan said, “We were removed from their care
taking a seat. and placed into an orphanage too.”

“Why are you crying?” Wei Ying asked as sweetly as she An unexpected trail of goosebumps ran up Wen Yuan’s
could. arm. It suddenly occurred to them that they’d never expected
the possibility of their new parents to be “orphans.” Their eyes
Not realizing they had let tears drop, Wen Yuan quickly seemed to glisten anew.
dried up the tears with the back of their hand. “It’s nothing.”
They said almost in a whisper. “What about you? Are you an orphan too?” Wen Yuan
asked, abruptly.
Lan Zhan tucked a loose strand of hair behind Wei Ying’s
ear. At the sight of this, Wen Yuan blushed. “Yuan, don’t ask such rude questions. Madames, please
forgive the child. They—” Wen Qing started but was quickly cut
Wei Ying shot a glance in Lan Zhan’s direction but smiled. “I off by Wei Ying.
apologized if we caused you any emotional distress. I tend to get
a little emotional myself when I come for planned visitations.” “No, no. It’s fine. I should have expected this since I
brought it up,” Wei Ying said with a warm smile. She turned
Wen Yuan pondered this but nodded. Their gaze met first to Wen Yuan, “To answer your question, yes, I’m an orphan
Wei Ying, who was smiling, and then moved to Lan Zhan, who too. After my parents died in a work-related accident, I was
had an unreadable look on her face. put in foster care and, later, adopted by the family that was
fostering me.” Wei Ying bumped Lan Zhan’s shoulder playfully
“We’ve read so much about you which is why we wanted and continued, “As terrible, tragic, and lonely as being orphaned
to get a chance to know you in person,” Wei Ying said, her voice

112 113
can be, sometimes I think being orphans is one of the things “What a hard question for a ten-year-old, Lan Zhan! Is this
that brought us together.” a job interview?!” Wei Ying said flabbergasted.

Wen Yuan nodded and smiled a small smile. “I–I’ve always “No, but it’s an interview nonetheless. I want to know
wanted a pet to accompany me. We aren’t allowed pets here the expectations they have for us as their potential adopted
because others might have allergies.” parents,” Lan Zhan answered smoothly.

Wei Ying’s smile wavered. “As long as it’s not a dog, I’m Wen Yuan understood then. “I want to be adopted into
sure we can make it work.” a family that will love and shows care for me. Also, one that
appreciates my existence. I don’t care about much else, to be
“Wei Ying suffers from severe cynophobia,” Lan Zhan honest.”
Wei Ying looked close to tears. Lan Zhan nodded and
“It’s not severe.” continued, “What do you aspire to do once you’ve completed
your studies?”
“You run away screaming at the sight of Jin Zixuan’s
chihuahua.” “M-my dream is to study music but I know that it’s not a
financially feasible career path so I plan to study music as long
“Chihuahuas are vicious.” as I can before I have to change course.”

“She carries the dog in her purse.” Lan Zhan’s face remained unreadable with the exception
of the few twitches at her brows and upper lip. She gave an
Wei Ying was rendered silent. She turned away from Lan “mn” before nodding. Wen Yuan noticed Wei Ying’s cat-like smile
Zhan with a pout. Wen Yuan burst out in a fit of laughter. Upon which gave a hint their answer had made Lan Zhan unsteady
hearing the joyful laugh, Lan Zhan’s hard face softened and a and, for some reason, they were pretty sure it was a good thing.
small smile surfaced. Lan Zhan squeezed Wei Ying’s shoulder
and Wei Ying also giggled a little. “You know, Lan Zhan had her doubts about you before
coming here but the more you talk the more you slide into her
“I can be a little childish sometimes,” Wei Ying said, a blush approval which can be difficult to win,” Wei Ying said as she
crawling up her cheeks. “But I wouldn’t be myself if I wasn’t! started braiding a strand of Lan Zhan’s hair while looking over
Take me as I am or not at all, that’s what I said to Lan Zhan on at Wen Yuan. “I highly suggest you keep talking about yourself.
our first date; however, you could say the same rules apply in You seem like you have some interesting things to share.”
this situation.”
“I…I…I also like painting, reading, and hanging out with my
“I would like to ask questions,” Lan Zhan said, “What do friends—the other kids in the orphanage. My roommates are
you hope to gain from your adopted family?” kind to me and have helped me come to understand and accept
who I am. I’m thankful to have the experience of having them
“Gain?” Wen Yuan asked, confusedly.

114 115
around.” I’m sure Lan Zhan would love to give feedback.”

Wei Ying smiled warmly. “It’s nice to hear that you have “Wei Ying can give feedback too.”
friends here. We would have been a little worried if you were
completely isolated.” “You’re much more musically talented than I am.”

“At least, if I’m adopted, I’ll be able to come to visit them,” “Alright, it’s been an hour,” Wen Qing announced, “Let’s
Wen Yaun said eagerly. Wen Qing, Wei Ying, and Lan Wangji all wrap it up.”
shared a concerned look before turning their attention to Wen
Yuan. “An hour already?!” Wei Ying said, deflating in her chair.

Wen Qing was the first to speak up. “Yuan,” she started, “I have one more question,” Wen Yuan said, “Why are you
“If you’re adopted by these madames, I don’t think you’ll be able looking to adopt?”
to visit us…often.”
This was a question that had been on Wen Yuan’s mind
“Why?” Wen Yuan asked, concerned. since the very beginning. Why hadn’t such a charismatic couple
had a baby of their own or a surrogate? And why adopt an
“We live quite far from here,” Wei Ying said bluntly. “I know older child and not a baby? Didn’t young couples typically want
Lan Zhan makes a decent buck but it would be very expensive babies?
to take frequent trips back and forth, nonetheless.”
The question seemed to catch the young couple off-guard.
“Where do you live?” Wen Yuan asked, trying to hold back The pregnant silence was cut in by Wen Qing, “Yuan, don’t you
the tears that threatened to spill out of their eyes. remember the rule we have about asking—”

“We live in the city of Gusu. Lan Zhan’s adopted uncle runs Wei Ying suddenly looked up at Wen Yuan and smiled warily,
the top private school there with an amazing music program “It’s fine! It was another good, fair question.” After a pause, Wei
that—” Wei Ying said but was cut off by Wen Yuan’s low voice. Ying continued, “We lost our would-be son over a year ago in a
car accident…my uterus didn’t make it out in the best shape
“‘I’ve heard of it. Gusu’s music program is known for either.”
making amateurs into prodigies,” Wen Yuan looked up at Lan
Zhan, studying her face. All traces of tears had disappeared Lan Zhan sighed deeply and Wei Ying hugged Lan Zhan’s
from Wen Yuan’s eyes. Only excitement and hope could be seen arm, “By that time, Lan Zhan had already had hers removed
in them. They said, “Do you think I—my music—have potential as but I don’t blame her. She was following her queer heart.” After
a musician?” another small pause from Wei Ying, Wei Ying continued, “You
asked why adopt? The last thing I want to think is that I’m
“We don’t know. We’ve never heard you play,” Wei Ying replacing my would-have-been firstborn so I told Lan Zhan no
said giggling. “But next visit, feel free to play something for us. babies and, to be honest, I think Lan Zhan is more content that

116 117
I didn’t want a baby.” Lan Jingyi slapped her forehead. “She won them over!
She’s definitely getting adopted!”
Wen Yuan was taken aback by the sudden flood of
information and emotions. Tears escaped their eyes. “I’m so Suddenly realizing her error Lan Jingyi backtracked and
sorry to hear that. I didn’t mean to make you confess all of that tried to apologize but Wen Yuan told her not to worry about it
to me.” and hugged her, seeing her best friend on the verge of tears.
“You know, I use she/her too.”
“It’s alright. The truth was bound to come out. I mean, the
nursery is still set up at home so it’s not like it’s a well-kept “But you told us you feel most comfortable using ‘they/
secret,” Wei Ying said her smile wavering. them’,” Lan Jingyi said and Wen Yuan gave their friend a squeeze.

Lan Zhan got up and assisted Wei Ying pulling her close as “I know you care and I appreciate that,” Wen Yuan said
she got up. “Let’s end it here for today and return another day with a tiny smile.
this week.”
“So…can you tell us about how it went now?”Jin Rulan
Lan Zhan then turned to Wen Qing and said, “My agent will repeated putting her hand under her chin.
be contacting you.”
“They were very nice and we had a lot in common,” Wen
She watched as Wen Ning helped the young couple leave Yuan said.
as Wen Qing escorted Wen Yuan back to their room.
“I got that feeling when I was talking to them. Like, damn,
why are they interviewing me and not Yuan?” Ouyang Zizhen
When Wen Yuan returned to the room, where their
roommates were standing by the door waiting for them. Wen Yuan put a hand on Zizhen’s shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll
find someone that makes you feel like family.”
“It’s that same couple that’s talked to almost everyone
here, isn’t it?” Lan Jingyi said, her arms crossed over her chest. Ouyang Zizhen grinned and said, “At our age, I doubt it. We
got lucky this couple was not looking for a baby or toddler. But
“Spill it,” Jin Rulan said, sitting at the edge of the top of congratulations, Yuan.”
one of the bunk beds.
“Don’t say that yet. We don’t know if it’s going to happen
“Don’t hold back for our sake. We want every detail,” and I don’t want to get my hopes up,” Wen Yuan said.
Ouyang Zizhen chimed in.
Lan Jingyi sighed and said, “I’m going to do some
Twiddling their thumbs, Wen Yuan flushed. They said, “It’s undercover work and see if I can figure out what the status is.”
not a big deal. We just talked like any other adoption interview.”
“A-Yi don’t—” Wen Yuan started but Jingyi quickly popped

118 119
open the door and ran out. Ouyang Zizhen shrugged and tailed down the hall.
Lan Jingyi. Wen Yuan sighed as they heard Jin Rulan’s feet hit
the floor. Wen Yuan blushed as they watched Jin Rulan push her “What did they say?!” Lan Jingyi demanded to know
braids back behind her ears. She grabbed Wen Yuan’s wrist and Ouyang Zizhen and Jin Rulan also looked curiously at Wen Yuan.
the two left the room together.
“They…they’re very serious about potentially adopting
me,” Wen Yuan started, “They planned for another meeting
before signing.”
The four of them poked their head out from behind a
corner. “Gosh, they are serious if they already brought up signing!”
Ouyang Zizhen wailed.
“Do you hear anything, Jingyi?” Ouyang Zizhen asked.
Lan Jingyi grimaced. Looking completely deflated she
“Yeah, Madame Wen is speaking to someone on the phone. congratulated Wen Yuan and hugged them.
I think I heard Yuan’s name! Quick, Yuan, get closer! Now’s your
time to find out!” Jingyi said to the group. “Is it selfish that I don’t want you to leave?” Jingyi said
through tears as she hugged Wen Yuan tighter.
With a sigh, Wen Yuan scooched as close as they could.
Ouyang put a hand on Jingyi’s shoulder. “Jingyi, we know
“That’s great to hear! I’m glad this visit was to their liking. it’s going to be hard without Yuan but…”
So, we can plan for a signing?” Wen Qing said with a rare smile
on her face as she wrote down some notes. “But what? Aren’t you sad A-Yuan’s leaving too?” Jingyi
said pulling her shoulder away.
Wen Yuan froze upon hearing the word “signing”. Their
legs wobbled and, all of a sudden, they felt like they weren’t “I am but—”
getting enough oxygen.
“But nothing! You obviously don’t care enough,” Jingyi
“Ah,” Wen Qing said putting her pen down, “I’m sure Yuan said, crossing her arms over her chest.
will be so happy to hear. The kids usually get very excited when
they get a second meeting before signing…Sounds perfect. “Jingyi, I’m sure you’ll find a nice family,” Wen Yuan said
We’ll see them in a week.” but quickly realized the grave error they’d made.

Wen Yuan’s eyes widened and they quickly retreated. Jingyi pulled away from Yuan. Through her broken voice,
When they were about to turn the corner, Wen Yuan tripped she said, “I can’t believe you’d say such a terrible, ugly lie just
on their shoelaces, almost falling forward completely on the to con me into feeling better. I’m happy for you but can’t I also
ground. Wen Qing turned her head but saw nothing since, by feel unhappy for myself? How many interviews have I had
that time, Wen Yuan had already turned the corner and started compared to you and Zizhen? None! Have some empathy for me
too, A-Yuan!” Lan Jingyi cried harder, her hands now covering

120 121
her face. Wen Qing spoke to the couple for a moment before Wen
Ning went back to fetch them. Wen Yuan straightened up, a
Wen Yuan’s throat became dry. The door suddenly opened smile forming on their face as Wen Ning guided them out.
and Wen Qing stepped in. She put her hands on her hips. “What
is going on here?” she asked. “Hi again,” Wei Wuxian said excitedly upon laying eyes on
Wen Yuan. She clung to Lan Zhan’s arm as she continued, “we
Jingyi trembled a little and quickly made her escape hope you don’t mind sitting with us and talking for a bit again?”
before answering. Ouyang Zizhen was about to run after her but
was caught at the shoulder by Wen Qing. Wen Qing asked the Wen Yuan shook their head.
question once more. And the group confessed everything.
Lan Zhan smiled upon seeing the instrument case. “Will
Wen Qing sighed and gave A-Yuan a hug. “Jingyi will recover. you be playing for us, today?” she asked and Wen Yuan nodded.
Don’t worry too much about it, Yuan. Everyone is so happy for
you. From what the agent said, they’d gone to orphanages in Before anything else could be said, there was a series of
two other cities before this one and have never once requested young voices heard in the back. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying shared a
a second meeting. So, they seem a bit picky as if they are look just as the Wen siblings did. Wen Ning headed back to see
looking for ‘the one’. They seemed very serious and probably what was going on. Before he reached the hallway entrance, Lan
see something special in you.” Jingyi, Jin Rulan, and Ouyang Zizhen popped out. Ouyang Zizhen
looked like she was trying and failing to restrain Lan Jingyi and
Wen Yuan sobbed into the crook of Wen Qing’s neck with a Jin Rulan.
smile. They couldn’t wait for the week to be done with.
Upon seeing everyone in the front, Ouyang Zizhen blushed
and released Lan Jingyi and Jin Rulan. She waved hello awkwardly
to the couple that had interviewed her, waved back just as
The week zoomed by faster than anyone expected. Ouyang awkwardly, and ran back to her room. Pouting, Lan Jingyi’s arms
Zizhen kept Wen Yuan in high spirits while Wen Yuan could tell crossed over her chest. Jin Rulan’s brows furrowed as a pout
that Lan Jingyi was trying her best not to be upset with the also formed on her face. Wen Yuan could tell that Lan Jingyi was
situation at hand. Jin Rulan seemed rather neutral to the whole visibly distraught though they were trying to mask it.
thing but Wen Yuan caught Jin Rulan’s glares and glances every
so often making them question whether that was an accurate “Excuse me for a moment,” Wen Yuan said to Lan Zhan
read of Jin Rulan’s recent more reserved response—which was and Wei Ying.
unlike Jin Rulan.
They turned to their roommates and asked if there was
At the sound of the front door’s click, Wen Yuan’s heart an issue. “I don’t have an issue with you, A-Yuan.” Lan Jingyi
skipped a beat. Their head peaked out of the corner and sure started then turned their attention to the couple, “But I have an
enough, the couple had returned. He held the black instrument issue with them.”
case in one hand and close to their chest.

122 123
Wei Ying was taken aback. She pointed to herself and Lan her watch, down to the ground, and to the door. Just from one
Zhan said in a baffled tone, “Us?! But we don’t even—” look, Wen Yuan could tell Lan Zhan was uncomfortable and who
wouldn’t be? Wen Yuan bit their bottom lip as they set down the
Before Wei Ying could finish what she was saying, Lan instrument and approached their friends, warmly embracing
Jingyi interrupted her. “You’re part of the problem! Do you want each of them. Lan Jingyi’s sobs quieted as she slowly and
to take my best-friend-and-roommate-of-all-times away from quietly bowed in apology. Still shaking, she shuffled back. Jin
me?! To the last moment, I’m going to fight you to keep—!” Rulan gritted her teeth and ran off without saying a word.

“Lan Jingyi, what is this nonsense? Apologize and go back Wen Yuan turned to the couple to see them looking
to your room,” Wen Qing said in a sharp voice. shaken, particularly Wei Ying. Lan Zhan whispered things like
“Don’t forget they are just children. They don’t know…” and
“Why? Does nobody care about my feelings too?” Lan “What they said isn’t true. You’d do a great job…”
Jingyi said through shaky tears.
“Please accept my apology,” Wen Qing said, “I wasn’t
Wei Ying weaved her warm fingers into Lan Zhan’s cold, aware that—”
stiff ones. Just as she was about to whisper something to Lan
Zhan’s ear, Jin Rulan scowled. “It’s fine,” Wei Ying said as she hugged Lan Zhan, “I just
forgot…We’ve been where they are…and having that thrown in
“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you two from the chats. your face burns.”
You’re that couple that’s been orphanage hopping,” Jin Rulan
said with disgust, “I bet as soon as Wen Yuan’s adopted you’ll Lan Zhan squeezed Wei Ying’s hand and asked, “Do you
enjoy a few months together and then toss them aside like a want to go back to the hotel?”
used rag.”
“I—I really wanted to hear Yuan play. But…I don’t know
Wen Yuan winced. if that’s a good idea anymore. I can tell all of this has greatly
troubled you, Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying said with a sad wavering smile
“Or worse, you’ll come to love A-Yuan so much you end up and glassy eyes. Wen Yuan could tell that this time Wei Ying was
replacing that kid you had! We aren’t replaceable!” Jin Rulan the one trying to be strong for Lan Zhan.
yelled tears starting to stream from her eyes.
Wen Yuan frowned. “You should go,” They said hesitantly
“If we were a family…” Lan Jingyi choked through sobs, “if in a hushed tone, “Come back when you’re more comfortable
we were a family you’d probably still try to separate us.” and I can play for you.”

“Jin Rulan! Lan Jingyi!” Wen Qing said in a louder voice. Wei Ying looked over at Lan Zhan who nodded. “Alright
She then turned to the couple and apologized for their unruly then,” Wei Ying said as she grabbed a few tissues from the
behavior. tissue box offered to her by Wen Ning. “We will see you again
another time.”
Lan Zhan’s eyes were narrowed, her eyes flickering from

124 125
The couple walked out and Wen Yuan ran off. If we were family, you’d probably still try to separate us.

They passed Ouyang Zizhen in the hall and headed for We aren’t replaceable!
the single, gender-neutral employee bathroom. They locked
themselves in the bathroom and huddled in a corner on the floor. In the course of a few hours, Lan Zhan felt as if she’d just
They leaned their head against the tiled wall, feeling a pulsing been metaphorically smacked by a group of kids that had yet to
headache come on as their chest began to ache like something reach a pubescent age. She couldn’t imagine the kind of trouble
had been ripped from within. Their face burned red as silent they’d be in once they were teens, especially the loud one that
tears streamed down their cheeks like a running faucet that roomed with Wen Yuan. Thinking of the energetic young girl,
couldn’t be shut off. Lan Zhan had a feeling in her gut that made her sigh. She picked
up her phone and dialed.

“A-jie, it is me,” she said when she put the phone to her
The moment the hotel door closed behind Wei Ying, she ear. “I have something I would like to ask…”
sped off like a bullet toward the bathroom and locked herself
inside. She heard her wife calling to her from the other side but
didn’t have it in her to face her.
After a little over a week since the incident, Wen Qing
Why am I so weak? She thought as she crawled into the can’t help but stare at the phone on her desk with her hands on
bathtub and let the cool tears run down her red puffy, overly her cheek. Its ringer has either stopped working or that couple
warm cheeks. was so taken aback by what happened that they are having
second thoughts. She wouldn’t be surprised if it were the latter
“Wei Ying!” she thought she heard Lan Zhan say for what as opposed to the former. With a heavy sigh, grabbed the phone
could have been the tenth time. and dialed.

Doing the best she could to take some deep breaths, she “Nie Huaisang speaking,” the person on the other side of
looked up to the empty ceiling and then toward the door. “I—I’m the line said.
fine Lan Zhan. Really,” she said and sniffled lightly. “I–I need
some time for myself…Please.” “Hi,” Wen Qing started, “I would like to get an update on
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. For Wen Yuan’s sake.”
On the other side, Lan Zhan’s hand clenched and
unclenched. With a look of defeat in her eyes, she walked away Nie Huaisang was quiet for a moment then said, “Ah, yes, I
from the bathroom door and sat on the large luxurious bed. heard about what happened. They are still discussing the matter
From her handbag, she pulled out her phone and looks at it for amongst themselves. They should have a decision at the latest
a while. She needed to make a call but she wasn’t sure what to tomorrow.”
say yet. Sitting alone in the quiet, the children’s words sunk in:
“Thank you,” Wen Qing forced out.

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“No, thank you,” Nie Huaisang said and hung up. “What?” Lan Jingyi said, still holding A-Yuan.

Wen Qing slammed the phone down. Her head snapped up “Their back, Yuan! That couple’s back! They’re looking for
at the sound of the click of a door. Someone had heard and it you,” Zizhen announced with glee.
was more than likely one of the kids…she rubbed her temples
as she leaned back into her chair, praying this ended well. Wen Yuan instantly stopped crying, their face lighting up
like a lightbulb. Lan Jingyi froze, a smile creeping onto her face.
“Go. You’ve been waiting all week for this,” she said.

Lan Jingyi could tell that her roommate had been crying “Wait!” Zizhen said as she grabbed A-Yuan by their sleeve.
again when she saw Wen Yuan enter their room and got a good Grabbing a brush off the top of the shelf, she quickly ran it a few
look at their face. They’d been crying all week and usually in times through A-Yuan’s hair before nodding and letting Yuan go,
the bathroom or in their room while everyone was away. Wen watching as her friend ran out.
Qing and Wen Ning had tried to comfort them but their words
seemed to have caused more trouble than helped dull the pain.
Lan Jingyi couldn’t come to look A-Yuan directly in the eyes
most days. Thankfully, Ouyang Zizhen was able to do most of “Yuan will be so happy to see you again,” A-Yuan heard
the talking and comforting that no one else could. Jin Rulan just Wen Qing say as they turned the corner.
glared bitterly the first few days but on the fourth day, she too
apologized to Wen Yuan and asked for forgiveness. Lan Zhan’s arm was wrapped around Wei Ying’s shoulder.
Wei Ying wore some jeans, a matching jacket, and a tie-dye
“I’m really sorry, A-Yuan,” Lan Jingyi said for what seemed tank top underneath while Lan Zhan wore a loose button-up
like the fiftieth time in a week. ocean blue silk blouse, white pants, and a gold belt. A-Yuan was
enamored by their beauty like they had been the first time. The
“You don’t need to apologize,” Wen Yuan said, their cheeks moment Wei Ying spotted A-Yuan, she smiled.
puffed, eyes red and swollen, and voices hoarse.
“Yuan,” she started, “it’s nice to see you again.”
“Of course, I do. Just look at you!” Lan Jingyi said as she
pointed at A-Yuan. “You look worse than a deflated balloon.” A-Yuan nodded as they walked slowly toward Wei Ying and
Lan Zhan then, all at once, bolted toward them and embraced
Wen Yuan shrugged. “I’ll get over it.” the couple.

Lan Jingyi wrapped her arms around her friend who started Lan Zhan stiffened at first but then relaxed and patted
shaking and sobbing in her arms. “It’s alright,” she whispered. Yuan on the head while Wei Ying returned the embrace.

Just then, Ouyang Zizhen burst into the room. “You guys “I can’t wait to take you home! Gosh, why does paperwork
will never believe this!” and processing have to take so damn long?!” Wei Ying groaned.

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“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said, “We have to wait for the court It looks like both you and Yuan will be going to a new home
hearing.” together.”

“But I want my kids now!” Wei Ying complained. Lan Jingyi’s legs wobbled as she approached her soon-to-
be adoptive parents. They hadn’t interviewed her once and yet
Kids? Wen Yuan thought. Had they heard right? they chose to adopt her based on the contents of her file and
their first impression, which was not a good one in her mind, to
“That reminds me,” Wei Ying started. “where are those say the least. She threw her arms around them and mumbled
troublesome roommates of yours…” ‘I’m sorry’s and ‘thank you’s over and over again through tears.

“I have three…” Wen Yuan said. Wei Ying ran a hand through Lan Jingyi’s hair trying to calm
her as Lan Zhan said, “There’s no need for such words.”
“The loud ones,” Lan Zhan said looking unimpressed.
“Yeah, it took us a while to realize you were right Jingyi.
“Jingyi…” Wen Yuan whispered as they pulled away from Families shouldn’t be separated. So we’ve made arrangements
the embrace and looked around only to find that Lan Jingyi was to adopt the family since family, even a found family, should
slowly approaching them, her head down towards the floor. always stick together.”

When she got to them, she bowed to Lan Zhan and then to Lan Jingyi trembled as she looked over at Lan Zhan who
Wei Ying, apologizing for her unruly behavior. said, “‘Family’. ‘Adoption’. These words are other words for
love. We’re trying to tell you that we want to love you.”
Wei Ying smiled as she put a hand on Lan Jingyi’s shoulder.
However, Lan Jingyi’s eyes had been glued from the floor to Lan Upon hearing that Lan Jingyi cried harder but calmed a
Zhan’s stony face. little when Yuan wrapped their arms around her. The two jumped
and yelled together in excitement.
“We have a rule in the house,” Lan Zhan started, “about
throwing insults around so casually.” Wen Qing leaned next to Wei Ying and said, “Wait until they
find out the other two are coming with them.”
“Lan Zhan, be nice.”
Wei Ying’s lips formed into the biggest smile she’s had
“There will be punishment if you hurt Wei Ying’s feelings since her accident. She leaned into Lan Zhan’s hold.
again. Do we have an understanding?” Lan Zhan asked giving
Jingyi a hard look. “Happy?” Lan Zhan asked.

Lan Jingyi looked at Lan Zhan confusedly and then at Wen “Very,” Wei Ying said as their lips met in a quick peck.
Yuan who also seemed confused. “Plus, now your wish of being a ‘baba’ will come true.”

Wen Qing smiled as she said, “Congratulations Jingyi. “Mn,” Lan Zhan said as she and her wife watched their
soon-to-be kids rejoice.

130 131
a stranger
Written by Koschei

Shen Yuan just wants to scare people in peace. A certain
archival assistant makes things more difficult than they should

Alternative Universe - The Magnus Archives fusion,
Monster Shen Yuan, Not-Them Shen Yuan, Humour



“Shizun, Shizun, where are you?” researching what they are first, or at least putting them away
from those not in the know? It might have made Shen Yuan’s
Shen Yuan sighs, as soon as he hears Luo Binghe’s voice. life easier, but it was an infuriating mistake.
The sound of footsteps is not far behind. No doubt the man
would find him sooner than later. He wouldn’t even mind it too Shen Yuan straightened, trying to look normal, ruffling
much — the man was pleasant company, despite how annoying around Shang Qinghua’s desk for a statement he could pretend
everything about his attitude was — but he had a terrible sense to be looking for. He didn’t have to — he suspected that even if
of timing or appropriate reactions to things. Luo Binghe had found him beating someone to death with a pipe,
he would only offer to help hide the body — but Shen Yuan had
Could a monster prepare to scare their boss in peace standards, damn it, and an overly friendly co-worker wouldn’t
for once in this cursed Institute? Or anyone, really. Seriously, change that.
he swears, something about it is too wrong even for a temple
dedicated to the Eye. As if the employees in the archives are “There you are,” Luo Binghe says, clapping his hands
subjects to examine, not unwitting and unwilling devotees. cheerfully, upon seeing Shen Yuan, “Has Shizun had lunch yet?”

He hastily puts the cassettes into Shang Qinghua’s desk, Shen Yuan rolls his shoulders in agitation, not bothering
making sure the drawers don’t look tempered with. They took to suppress the urge to cover his face with loose papers in
a while to unlock too — it’s not like Shen Yuan needed to break his hands — oh, how he misses the times when carrying a fan
into anything for a long time, really — and maybe he’s just a around was never questioned. “Didn’t I tell you not to call me
little exasperated by that. that? It’s getting ridiculous.”

But his latest victim just really got on his nerves. Shen Yuan “I’m happy to call Shizun by his name instead, if he were
almost suspected him to be one of the Spiral’s despite knowing to tell me,” Luo Binghe smiles, politely as always, and somehow
for sure the man was all too human with how Luo Binghe drove it’s more infuriating that a smirk would have been. Then, he
him mad, never reacting like a normal human should. adds, “I’ll take it as a no then? Let’s go out together.”

It was supposed to be an easy assignment — something “It’s still Shen Qingqiu,” Shen Yuan says, without any hope
routine, something Shen Yuan did nearly as easy as breathing that his colleague would listen. The fact that he wasn’t was
(even if he didn’t technically need it). Get in, eat an archival very much the point — but Luo Binghe should have acted scared
assistant, scare another one, mark the Archivist. The first step about it, or question his own sanity, at least, not behave like
should have given him the worst trouble. nothing of note had happened.

But getting into the Magnus Institute was the easy part, Or smile about actual Shen Qingqiu being replaced, and
despite all logic. And Shen Yuan almost wished he was to welcome the imposter with open arms, as soon as he saw an
impersonate the Head of the Institute (despite knowing too unfamiliar man claiming to be him, as the case might have
well how impossible it was) just to improve the security in this been. And the roses he occasionally greeted Shen Yuan were
institution. Seriously. Who accepted random artefacts without definitely a baffling overkill.

134 135
There was a reason Shen Yuan was resorting to cluing the A crush that might or might not be reciprocated. Luo Binghe
Archivist into his nature with the recordings of Shen Qingqiu — is the most interesting human Shen Yuan has met in a while, so
and it wasn’t a desire to help the man along in his search for really, who could blame him for getting a little attached? Not
suspicious people in the Institute. that anyone needed to know.

“Of course, Shizun,” Luo Binghe smiles, and drags Shen And it’s not like Shen Yuan can really help his lanky frame
Yuan out of the office by his hand. When did he even have the regardless. Not when the real him is practically made of sticks.
time to grab it? And why hasn’t Shen Yuan noticed it? He knows
better than to let his guard down around anyone. “What are you “Are you sure?” Luo Binghe asks doubtfully.
in the mood for?”
And Shen Yuan caves to his worry. “You can pick the
“Tea,” Shen Yuan answers simply. He needs food even restaurant then.”
less than he needs breathing — at least one is useful for fooling
those around him on an everyday basis. And, he supposes, if The smile on his companion’s face is nearly blinding.
he must admit, he is rather fond of the beverage and all the Wide enough that Shen Yuan looks for the marks of Spiral on
different treats that tend to accompany it. Even if he still firmly him again. Just in case. But no, the most prominent is still the
maintained that the tea in ancient times was better — that, or Lonely, followed closely by the Eye, and a hint of Stranger.
the traditions around it (hard to say, sometimes).
The last two are expected, but the first makes Shen Yuan
Luo Binghe frowns. “Are you sure? I never see Shizun eat want to question the man. Why someone so open and bright has
much. Are the restaurants around London not to your liking? been affected by isolation so deeply. But that’s the Eye rubbing
And Shizun is so tiny too,” he frets, “Do you not have proper food off on him from too much time at its temple.
at home? Should I make you something? I’m good at cooking, I
promise.” Shen Yuan doesn’t need that information. Not if he wishes
to remain a stranger to Luo Binghe. Which is just his nature.
He looks like he might say something else, before Shen
Yuan stops him.

“I don’t normally eat lunch. And this is just how I look,”

he says, managing to sound neither exasperated, nor fond. It
wouldn’t do to admit to either. “Stop worrying needlessly, you

Really, the fact that he hasn’t eaten in a while is completely

Luo Binghe’s fault. Shen Yuan would be more than sated with
his fear if the man had any, instead of this weird not quite crush
on him.

136 137
all the beauty
that’s been lost
(wants to find us again)

Written by tinycutefauna

After everything that happens at the Guanyin Temple, Jiang
Cheng learns what it means to heal, and finds a new love and a
new connection along the way.

Hurt/Comfort, Post-canon, Dancing, Jiang Cheng-centric,
Jiang Cheng/Lan Huan, Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling, Soft Jiang


When all was said and done after what happened at the know what to do with was how his anger was slowly seeping
Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng, hollowed out once more, brought away. There was no Jin Ling to fight with (no Wei Wuxian,
his nephew back to Lotus Pier. Perhaps it was not right for him shijie, a-niang or a-die), no cultivation world to rebel against
to do so—with the death of Jin Guangyao, Jin Ling would now as he fought to keep his sect alive (it was thriving now; the
have to step up as the next Sect Leader Jin—but Jiang Cheng culmination of all of Jiang Cheng’s blood, sweat and tears—the
didn’t give a fuck about what was right at the time. He pointedly consolation prize for surviving when nothing else did), no news
refused to think about how it reminded him of when he had first of demonic cultivators that needed his input to be put down
brought his nephew to his home all those years ago, after losing (his reputation scared them off from Yunmeng and the other
the little family he still had after the war. Jin Ling seemed more sects hated his intrusions enough to have their own measures
concerned for him rather than himself but it didn’t matter, in place by now). It felt like the heat of his fury had died out
he just needed the security of knowing his nephew was safe in the wake of all that had happened and he had nothing left.
before he would have to let go of him for good. It wouldn’t be Maybe less than nothing.
long before the Jin sect sent its elders to claim Jin Ling from
Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng was unused to having nothing left. When
the Wens had come, he had had his siblings. When he had lost
In the following days, Jiang Cheng hovered around his them, he had his sect and his nephew to look after. Now, neither
nephew, more intensely than he had done for a long time, too needed him—his second-in-command and the sect elders he had
afraid to let him out of his sight. They fought about it—they carefully chosen over the years could take over for however
fought about everything these days—and then made up, and Jin long he had to leave, and Jin Ling had sent him away after
Ling finally let himself grieve yet again for more family loss. that first visit to Koi Tower he had taken with Zidian sparking,
Jiang Cheng didn’t know what curse had laid upon his family that challenging anyone who dared oppose his nephew (Jiang Cheng
his nephew had lost another parent for him—an unforgivable as knew it was for the best since they couldn’t afford rumours of
that man had been, he had raised Jin Ling too. him taking over the Jins but it hurt to be away from his only
remaining family).
All too soon, Jin Ling left for his now permanent home at
Koi Tower and the familiar sick feeling of upset and bitterness Finally, after one too many days of Jiang Cheng barely
rose up in Jiang Cheng’s chest at how no family of his remained dragging himself out of bed and then doing almost nothing
in his home. He had been trying to get used to the idea but all day with a numb heart and mind, his second-in-command
then he (that man, his once-brother) had returned to life and dragged him to a mind healer. When Jiang Cheng had grown
abruptly forced change Jiang Cheng had been unprepared for. up—well, before the Wens and the Sunshot Campaign anyway—
Not that, Jiang Cheng remembered with a faint sense of horror there hadn’t really been a lot of mind healers. He’d only heard of
underneath his grief and anger, Wei Wuxian was someone he them in passing, mentioned in conversations about sects that
could continue to rage against. He had no right to, after Wei focused on healing. None of the major sects had them since
Wuxian had given him his golden core (had irrevocably changed they focused more on military power. But, after the war, the
him—against his will—just like the Wens). cultivation world changed irrevocably, if only in the death and
trauma the war left behind.
However, all that set aside, what Jiang Cheng truly didn’t

140 141
Jiang Cheng wasn’t the only one who had lost everyone he then retreat to his room to cry like he had never done for many
knew nor was he the only one who still struggled with those old years. Like he perhaps should have done long ago. It was rough
losses over a decade later. However, he was one of the few in his to realise how his stress over others wasn’t normal and how
sect who had not done anything about it. His second, Xiang Ru, he still let others’ perceptions of him shape his own. It was…
was a woman who had joined his sect during the war and had emotional. It healed him in places he hadn’t known he was hurt.
stayed afterwards, fully committed to the sect for being one He sent Jin Ling to meet with the mind healer too. After his own
of the few who didn’t discriminate against her for her sex. She talks with the man, he could see how his nephew needed that
compensated for his shortcomings and was the one who had kind of support as well.
invited a mind healer to stay with their sect permanently, and
ensured that all disciples and the servants were looked after. And that was how, three years after the events of the
He had been able to fight her on this for a long time—using his Guanyin temple, Jiang Cheng found himself at more ease than
nephew and responsibilities as an excuse for being busy—but he had known was possible, in a better relationship with his
he finally gave up. nephew than he had even thought possible, and an acceptance
of himself and his actions that made life easier to bear. It was
The meetings with the mind healer were… overwhelming. empowering to learn how to be better and reassuring to know
He knew that the man was proficient at his job—he had seen it was not too late for him to learn. He accepted his turbulent
disciples’ moods visibly improve even as they left meetings feelings regarding his shixiong, letting their relationship settle
with him in tears—but he had not understood the point of it into neutrality—if Wei Wuxian wanted them to be close again, he
all until he met with the man. It felt like someone had ripped could reach out but Jiang Cheng wouldn’t hold it all against him
his ribcage open with their bare hands and squeezed his heart anymore. He still confronted demonic cultivators, but with less
as he was forced to confront himself and his feelings time rage powering through him. He still led his sect, but with a better
and time again. There was a very simple philosophy of… not understanding of his own personal importance to it. He was still
‘attempt the impossible’ but ‘be kind to yourself and others’ Jin Ling’s uncle, regardless of how frequently or infrequently
which felt almost like the same thing. Again and again, he made they were able to meet. And he learned how to dance.
Jiang Cheng confront his beliefs and actions and brought them
up before him like no one else had done for him since his family
had all died—perhaps even before then. It felt somewhat like
someone had used Zidian to jolt his heart into feeling again. Learning how to dance hadn’t been an outcome he had ever
expected nor was it a skill he had ever considered adopting into
Over the years, Jiang Cheng had learned some kindness his repertoire. In fact, if anyone had ever told him beforehand
when he had been in a position to extend it to others, and his that dancing was a skill he would pick up, he would have laughed
most trusted disciples had helped with that. Where he had once in their face. But… it came upon him so unexpectedly that he
sharpened himself to a sword’s point for the sake of battle, he didn’t realise how deep in he was until he was well past the
had gentled his hands to be able to cradle children and correct point of diving back up for air.
juniors. Still, he had not learned how to face himself for all he
was, flaws and cracks and strengths and all. He found himself It had started because of his junior disciples and the
taking days off from leadership to just talk to the man and meddling of his second in command, because of course it did. He

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had a soft spot for children which his sect unabashedly exploited hadn’t expected that their sect would let them go since he was
and Xiang Ru couldn’t keep her nose out of his business if she sure one or the other was sect heir, and they were both capable
tried. For the latest annual Lotus Pier Harvest Festival, a few of enough to be senior disciples and have responsibilities within
his juniors decided that not only did they want to sign up for the their sect. Maybe they had just reorganised things to be able to
performances that the sect held every night for the week of visit? It was still odd to have them join in when they never had
the festival, they also wanted to do a dance that none of them before but Jiang Cheng didn’t think too hard about it.
had experience with and asked Xiang Ru’s help. Being who she
was, she redirected them to him and he had to face a group of In fact, Jin Ling had asked them to go to Lotus Pier on his
10-year-olds looking up at him pleadingly as they begged for behalf as he had realised he had been remiss in his duties as
help. a nephew. Since taking up the mantle of sect leader, he had
missed many festivals and events at Lotus Pier as he was too
It wasn’t like he didn’t have time—his sect was as organised focused on his duties to remember when they occurred. But
as he could make it and he had reliable senior disciples who when he had heard from his contacts at Lotus Pier that his
could handle most of their work by themselves. All he had to do jiujiu was taking new juniors around Yunmeng to prepare for
was delegate the check ups for the festivals and organisation to the Lotus Harvest Festival, he had remembered the times he
people who he knew could handle it. And the mind healer he had had been who his jiujiu took with him when touring his territory.
been talking to insisted that he should take more opportunities All of a sudden, he was ashamed of how he had not spared a
to do things for the enjoyment of it rather than just because it thought for his jiujiu, with no family left, left behind in Lotus
was something he had to do. So he ended up accompanying the Pier. So he had asked his friends to visit Lotus Pier and made as
juniors in their trips to the library as they searched for forms of many trips as he could himself before his official visit to Lotus
dance they could perform for the festival, and as they visited Pier for the festival. It was on one of his visits when all four
the theatres in the Yunmeng area to watch dance troupes. It was of them had gathered in Yunmeng, accompanying him and the
surprisingly fun, even as he ended up supervising increasing junior disciples, that Lan Jingyi made a comment that found
large parties of disciples as the others found out that he was Jiang Cheng a new love.
accompanying the excursions of his juniors.

It wasn’t long until his nephew caught word and started

dropping by to ‘help the Jiang Sect’ (accompany his jiujiu) as a They had been watching a ribbon dance whose performers
way to ‘strengthen sect relations’ (take a break from his own would later act as their teachers. Though his first group of
sect politics and get his jiujiu to spoil him). And, with his nephew disciples had long since picked the dance they wanted to
came his little gaggle of friends. Ouyang Zizhen showing up perform and now spent most of their time practising it, he had
wasn’t a surprise—for some reason, the boy had latched onto ended up extending his offer to others, even though not all of
Jiang Cheng and sometimes showed up even without Jin Ling (to them were trying to learn a dance for the festival and some
ask for his advice as a sect leader to a sect heir, of all things). had just joined him for fun; Jiang Cheng humoured them since
What was more surprising were the two Lan disciples showing it was surprisingly enjoyable. One of the performers had flicked
up despite Jiang Cheng seeing those two follow his nephew out a ribbon out in a manner reminiscent of a whip as they
around for almost every other night hunt the boy went on. He acted out a battle, and Lan Jingyi had laughed that it wasn’t

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dissimilar to how the famous Sandu Shengshou wielded Zidian. himself wandering back to his private pavilion to pick up his
For some reason, that had stuck in his nephew’s mind and, after ribbon and work through the motions again. He knew it was a
the performance, as they watched some of the disciples try out dance that primarily women performed and had no intention
dancing with ribbons, he insisted that Jiang Cheng join them. of performing for anyone but sometimes, he found himself a
little frustrated at his progress without the lack of musical
Jiang Cheng had no wish to act like a fool in front of accompaniment. How could he be sure he was dancing correctly
everyone but Jin Ling wouldn’t let it go. Soon enough, the rest without music to guide him? It was fine when he was taking his
of them were egging him on and Jiang Cheng sighed deeply as lessons because his teachers would arrange for the music but
he gave in, figuring it wasn’t worth his energy to try to fight he could hardly ask anyone he knew to indulge him in something
them on the matter, and they would give up on it soon enough. like this.
And… he was both right and wrong. Most of them stopped paying
attention as soon as he handed two dowels with some short Nevertheless, he persevered, learning how to dance with
ribbons attached and he failed to get them to fly out like Zidian longer ribbons without tangling them up, speeding up and
would. However, he himself was entranced by the ribbons, and slowing down his movements on his whims, adding flourishes
his nephew watched him subtly. when he felt like them. He would find someone to play for
him eventually—until then, he would keep dancing. The flow
It really was completely different from wielding Zidian— of purple satin through the air and the strain of his body had
Zidian was a spiritual weapon that followed his wishes and was become addicting and he found himself packing them along
powered by the golden core spinning in him. These ribbons were with the rest of his things even when he travelled. And that was
attached to dowels that he had to move precisely to get them precisely how he found himself in trouble.
to flow right. Furthermore, he had to independently be able to
get his footwork right to be able to truly dance with them. It After the festival had taken place, there had been a
strained his muscles in ways different from wielding Sandu and discussion conference at Cloud Recesses and he hadn’t been
Zidian. It was... surprisingly difficult and fascinating. One of the able to resist the lure of his ribbons while packing for travel.
performers came forward to guide him, startling him out of his After a long day of arguments and logistics and gossip and bland
focus. Impulsively, he requested further lessons with the ribbon food, he had sought refuge from all the gathered cultivators
at a later time, as he was still here as a supervisor for his sect’s by escaping to the same back hills he had in his youth when
disciples. As he ironed out the details of the lessons, he missed he had studied at Cloud Recesses and was running away from
Jin Ling’s face lighting up at seeing his jiujiu find a new hobby. his shixiong. Of course, Wei Wuxian no longer sought him out to
bother (he only looked Jiang Cheng’s way when the sect leader
couldn’t see him and quietly thought about rebuilding bridges)
but there were still countless other people to avoid.
Even though the mind healer was working with him on
his tendency to overwork himself, Jiang Cheng found himself After finding a secluded clearing unreached by the sounds
practising with his ribbons at all odd hours of the day. He had of people, Jiang Cheng dug out his ribbons from his sleeves’
slowly picked up paperwork again and started teaching the storage and, under the warm light of the setting sun, began his
advanced disciples’ class but in his spare moments, he found usual routine. With his attention held fully by the feel of the

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ground under his feet, the ribbons jerking in his hand and the
wind rushing through his ears and robes, he completely failed to
pick up the sound of weary footsteps treading in his direction.
Those footsteps belonged to the Lan sect leader, Lan Huan, still
in seclusion, taking his evening walk where he wouldn’t be seen
by anyone else.

He had been strongly encouraged to not stay in the hanshi

all day during his seclusion and, upon the forceful pushing of his
brother and new brother-in-law, he had taken to walking in the
evenings to get some sunlight and fresh air before curfew while
everyone else was preparing to wrap up their daily activities. He
was aware of the discussion conference happening, however his
uncle had allowed him to not attend and he had been carefully
avoiding meeting any of the cultivators that were attending.
However, as he made his way through his usual path, there
was an unusual sound coming from a clearing that drew his

He let his footsteps sound out as he walked to the clearing,

allowing whoever was there to pick up on his presence and
make themselves scarce, but the sounds continued on. So, he
stepped out into the clearing and found his breath taken away
by the sight of the fearsome Sandu Shengshou, whip-sharp in
battle, gentled by the sunset and swirling fabric. The satin of
the ribbons and the silk of his robes caught the light and the
wind and flowed like water around him. His movements were
slow and purposeful and there was a look of unmistakable,
unfiltered joy on his face despite his eyes being closed to the
world around him.

Lan Huan felt enthralled as he found himself unable to

move, mouth dry and heart beating fast as the Jiang sect leader
kept dancing in front of him. When Jiang Cheng finally stopped,
the grin on his face lingered as they caught each other’s eyes
and hearts. There was a connection in that moment that they
had not felt before in their lives, and it felt solid in the air
between them. It was a promise for a brighter future.

Jazz Bar

Written by Star

— Wei Wuxian, a part time barista, falls in love with his stoic
nepotistic boss, Lan Wangji.
Come and enjoy the beauty of their story.

Romance, Fluff, First Love


Wei Wuxian got an earful—again. He couldn’t wake up early nepotism to core. It is not that he didn’t see Lan Wangji being very
even if his life was dependent on it. He hates the morning air, morning great at the work he does—in fact he knows Lan Wangji works
smell, morning taste. Everything regarding the word, morning. overtime everyday.

Even good morning, he despises it. He just despises the concept of nepotism and anyone who has
grown into power because of it.
“Why the fucking hell would someone wish someone good
morning? That’s wrong on several levels. Can’t that person However, his colleague slash best friend begs to differ. He
understand I’ve woken up not for the greatness in the morning, googles his eyes the moment Lan Wangji enters the Jazz Bar. Wei
but rather for the duties which cry my presence. I need the peace, Wuxian would shut every hurtful comment he has regarding the
instead you butt in with the goodness of the morning.” morning essence the moment he sees this lavender-smelling Lan
Wangji walk in.
Nie Huaisang—his colleague—hummed and nodded. He wasn’t
listening or anything, because he knew this was the usual Wei Wuxian. It was like this: Lan Wangji had the key to all answers Wei
He always curses the morning which gave him another reason to Wuxian withheld. He never spoke up in Lan Wangji’s presence. Let
wake up from the bed. alone even breath.

If only Wei Wuxian had a bed attached to his waist all the time, However, today seemed to be Nie Huaisang’s bad day. Did he
without feeling the weight, he’d enjoy his life to its max. step on a cat’s tail or break a mirror? For Lan Wangji is actually late
for the first time in his life.
Nie Huaisang stared longingly towards the door. He couldn’t
believe he was saying this but, he missed his boss immensely at the Nie Huaisang tapped his legs impatiently. He couldn’t bear
moment. Wei Wuxian for the day. He already got scolded by his brother, Nie
Mingjue, for not working properly.
That boss was the only person who could shut Wei Wuxian up.
The moment he steps into the cafe, regardless of where Wei Wuxian Wei Wuxian, surprisingly, shut up after a minute. Nie Huaisang
is, that man in question runs and attends the boss immediately. raised his head from making a drink to a customer and stared at
Wei Wuxian in confusion. That’s when he noticed that Lan Wangji had
Who was this boss? The infamous, nepotistic owner of the entered.
cafe they work for, Lan Wangji.
Maybe because Nie Huaisang was too engrossed in his
His father is unwell, so all the goodwill and asset of this Jazz thoughts, he didn’t hear the bell ringing as the door was pushed. He
bar was passed onto this ‘elegant, cold, typical boss-like person’, scoffed internally and chuckled lightly before giving the drink to the
Lan Wangji. customer.

Nie Huaisang could almost feel the nausea building in his He spoke in a feeble yet firm voice, “Wei-Laoshi, people are
stomach the moment his boss entered. He hated this concept of coming for drinks. Careful, don’t mistake the drinks again.”

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Wei Wuxian would go into trance the moment Lan Wangji could only afford such musicians to keep the bar lively. However, to
stepped in and once he gave a customer a coffee with lime and differentiate this bar from the rest, the owner, Lan Wangji, ensured
chocolate mixed in it. The customer gave a really good hearing which only jazz or slow music was played.
grabbed Lan Wangji’s attention for a moment.
Wei Wuxian softly hummed to the music and gave everyone
Wei Wuxian got more nervous at that time and started spilling their drinks. Almost everyone had their drinks and food in hand as
drinks after drinks. Lan Wangji couldn’t bear it and he spoke to Wei they settled down.
Wuxian—for the first time—advising the latter to go back home.
Wei Wuxian checked the register to count the money to check
Possibly the first time in a very long while, Nie Huaisang saw Wei if he misplaced anything in a hurry. While he was doing so, he heard
Wuxian genuinely sad. Not like the sadness he holds every morning a voice, “One caramel macchiato.”
complaining, but a sense of disappointment spread throughout him
as though it was an aura. Wei Wuxian almost stumbled down when he heard this voice,
he looked up and came in contact with the elegant man who stared
It has been weeks, but Wei Wuxian still gets embarrassed at back at him very indifferently.
the slightest mention of that incident. Hence, even if he is in trance,
he’ll ensure he gives the right drink. Wei Wuxian lost his speech for a second as he slowly realised
the person standing ahead of him was the person he had been
Or he instructs Nie Huaisang to keep an eye on him when Wei gushing and crushing over for the past few months—Lan Wangji.
Wuxian gives the wrong drink.
“H-Hi,” he squeaked out as the initial surprise died down. He
That’s the reason for the former incident of Nie Huaisang later mentally slapped himself as to why he was so surprised. Of
subtly warning Wei Wuxian about the drinks. course, Lan Wangji could order drinks, it’s his restaurant after all.

Wei Wuxian nodded before he looked up through his soft bangs Lan Wangji just ‘mn’-ed in response, as Wei Wuxian closed the
which fell right on his nose. He stared at the elegant man who would register and started making the drink this ‘young master’ asked for.
sit in the corner of the cafe everyday as if it was his place of safety.
In Wei Wuxian’s eyes, Lan Wangji was a young master. Not in
Wei Wuxian had the urge to go and clean the place where Lan the spoiled brat way. Wei Wuxian hardcore disagreed that Lan Wangji
Wangji sat. However, he was occupied with customers. was using nepotism to reach the riches of his life.

It was just the usual morning rush of Monday. Unlike Nie Huaisang, Wei Wuxian knew that Lan Wangji was
situated as the supervisor of such a small branch of the cafe to test
There was a big line of customers, and most of the seats were Lan Wangji’s managerial abilities.
occupied. The music continued playing in the background. It was live
music played by one of the infamous underground musicians. Lan Wangji was the second child of the famous Lan family.
They were a really rich family, but for Lan Wangji to work as head
This jazz bar place was neither too big nor too small. Hence, they

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of such a boring small cafe, which doesn’t even contribute 0.75% of He knew it was all impossible. Yet, he expected it.
the annual income of the Lan Family.
So coming back to the point why Wei Wuxian thought Lan
Not only that, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had surprisingly Wangji was a young master was because he has this childish naivety
talked before. It was the day Nie Huaisang had to take a day off from in him.
work, hence Wei Wuxian took up the bar drinks job for that night. Lan
Wangji started getting drunk at the third or fourth drink. Lan Wangji’s behaviour was righteous, up-right, and ethical.
It was really perfect that he almost resembled a certain type every
He mumbled some stuff, which Wei Wuxian did a great deal woman would fall in love for.
of ignoring. He was still a man with ideals, he didn’t want to take
advantage of this situation with Lan Wangji and ask for information. Except, Wei Wuxian wasn’t a girl and he still held that type.

However, Lan Wangji’s mumbling started getting clearer as he Lan Wangji stared at him in a very stoic way as Wei Wuxian
spoke with a rough and thick voice about his family’s situation. prepared the drink he was ordered, almost nervous.

Wei Wuxian was surprised that Lan Wangji opened up just like Wei Wuxian prayed that his shaking fingers weren’t visible
that. It wasn’t that he didn’t expect, he just thought Lan Wangji to others, especially not Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian bit his lower lip
thought of Wei Wuxian as someone else and told him. subconsciously, worried about the situation. He finally was done
with the drink.
He felt inappropriate and spoke in a soft voice, “I am Wei
Wuxian, you know that right?” He passed it to Lan Wangji and said in the most normal voice
he had, “Here’s your drink. On house!”
What Lan Wangji told later made Wei Wuxian’s heart flutter for
more than a second, “I know. That’s why I am telling you.” Lan Wangji stared at Wei Wuxian as if he was expecting
something more from Wei Wuxian which of course, Wei Wuxian
This was when Wei Wuxian realised that Lan Wangji spoke a lot couldn’t comprehend.
more frankly and detailedly when he was drunk than when he was
sober. He just thought Lan Wangji was stunned when he said ‘on
house’ when the entire cafe was Lan Wangji’s. It was completely
Since this incident took place after the big mishap of drinks, unnecessary, it wasn’t like Lan Wangji would pay anyways.
Wei Wuxian felt a little warm. His boss didn’t hate him even after
that big problem he created. His boss actually trusted him with some Lan Wangji blinked before speaking softly, “Thank you.” He
good deal of information. walked away elegantly back to the home—as Wei Wuxian refers to it
as—and continued working.
Hence, right after that day, he and Lan Wangji got closer than
ever. Although to other’s eyes it felt like a normal boss-worker Wei Wuxian audibly sighed and stared at the back facing him
relationship, Wei Wuxian hoped it was something more. and wished he had the courage to go up and just confess his love.

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He definitely knew that Lan Wangji was straight. Wei Wuxian shrugged his thoughts away and started cleaning
the tabletops. He clearly needed his bed at the moment.
A disciplined, strict and righteous person being gay? Ridiculous.
That’s beyond comprehension. He smiled softly as he saw a small drawing left by a kid on the
table. It looked really cute. He didn’t have the heart to wipe it off, but
Wei Wuxian knew this, he understood it. he had no choice.

It wasn’t like he wasn’t gay. He coined himself as bisexual He frowned a little as he wiped the artistic creations of brilliant
rightfully. youths in China. After what felt like 30 minutes, Wei Wuxian finally
came to the last table, where Lan Wangji was working.
Wei Wuxian shook his thoughts and gave his usual bunny smile
to every customer and gave them their orders in the right way. He wore glasses—must be anti-glare glass—as he typed into
his laptop softly but loud enough.

Wei Wuxian walked and spoke what he revised for 30 minutes,

Wei Wuxian knew he should never trust Nie Huaisang. “Are you done? I have to clean the area.”

Nie Huaisang ran away back home that afternoon. His brother Lan Wangji stopped working as he stared up with his elegant
asked him to come back home and he went away. eyes which made Wei Wuxian’s heart skip a beat. He calmed himself
at the sight as he gave a brilliant smile as a follow up.
Nie Huaisang told Wei Wuxian to take care of his work before
fleeing from work. Even Lan Wangji had given him the second half of Lan Wangji was about to speak when a loud thunder came
the day off. Wei Wuxian groaned that he had to work all alone. from outside. After a moment, rain started pouring down. He looked
outside and frowned, whereas Wei Wuxian let out a soft groan.
The bar gets quieter during the night, hence the doors close
by 6:30 or 7 pm in the evening. Wei Wuxian started winding up the Lan Wangji’s ears got sensitive to that sound. He trembled
area. It wasn’t that he had never done this before, but Nie Huaisang slightly but still held back from speaking. He had always felt it scary
was the one in charge for this. talking to this man ahead of him.

Wei Wuxian had other work to do after leaving the jazz bar. Wei Wuxian was a puzzle he could never solve, which made him
Namely, cleaning his house and setting up for a night binge, so he keen to solve faster and get over the problem. However, as he tried
can enjoy some parts of the day at least. solving the problem the puzzle changed its hardness and made Wei
Wuxian a tougher open book to read.
Wei Wuxian despise for the morning was never a hidden fact.
He internally even knew that Lan Wangji had known about this fact. Lan Wangji genuinely liked the carefree attitude of Wei Wuxian.
He could never be like that. He was a very gentle and disciplined
Wei Wuxian had squeaked in the cafe long ago that he hated person since his birth. He never let his emotions out so easily.
mornings when Lan Wangji entered and stared at him.

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His emotions would be easily manipulated with the moment This was why Lan Wangji would try his best to come everyday
they are in contact with others. Being in top position is always risky to see Wei Wuxian. Sharp 9 am in the morning.
and scary.
Lan Wangji’s nose scrunches every time Wei Wuxian gives his
However, with Wei Wuxian it was entirely different. best smile to other customers. But he knows, the real smile is shown
when it is genuine from the heart, which reaches the eyes.
Wei Wuxian clearly heard him speak a lot of incoherent stuff
(which he definitely regretted later) regarding his family. Wei He never saw such a smile from Wei Wuxian to others before.
Wuxian could have used these emotions to manipulate them in a way Always to himself. This gesture was another treasure for Lan Wangji.
he wanted. Used him to get the peaceful mornings he yearned and
mourned for. He wished to ask Wei Wuxian out on a date, but as cliche as it
sounded to himself, he was scared.
Yet, all Wei Wuxian did was try to distance himself away from
Lan Wangji, not let any of those words Lan Wangji say reach his ears. Even Lan Wangji himself didn’t know why he was scared of
asking Wei Wuxian out. Clearly their feelings were somehow mutual.
Even after they reached his ears, Wei Wuxian didn’t even speak
out to anyone, not even his best friend (that Lan Wangji thought he The way Wei Wuxian glitches the minute their eyes come in
was) Nie Huaisang. contact with each other, and for various reasons, Lan Wangji knows
this feeling is mutual.
It was very secretive, as if Wei Wuxian didn’t let anyone see
his vulnerable sight. As if Wei Wuxian only wanted this vulnerable However, he is scared.
side for himself.
He doesn’t know how he sees and thinks of Wei Wuxian, it
Lan Wangji’s heart swayed at the smallest of small gestures might not be his true self.
by Wei Wuxian. Unbeknownst to the man in question himself, Wei
Wuxian had successfully snatched Lan Wangji’s heart. Lan Wangji couldn’t be blamed for his suspicions. Ever since his
childhood he has always met people who had profit in their hearts.
It just followed up as the two spent days together ever since He could read such greedy eyes the minute he saw them.
Lan Wangji spoke out in a drunken way.
However, he had never seen Wei Wuxian’s eyes be like that.
Lan Wangji’s eyes would spur in Wei Wuxian’s direction the
moment he entered. He could see the eagerness in those eyes. Lan Wangji’s trail of thoughts were interrupted with a soft
Nobody had given such eyes to him before. voice, “Lan er-ge, I am really sorry, but can I stay in the cafe for
another few minutes until the rain settles? I don’t have an umbrella.”
Lan Wangji never saw people give raw emotions to him before.
So raw as if the person had cut his heart out and showed it to Lan Wei Wuxian regretted the moment he spoke out those words.
Wangji that he had no underlying motive. He was waiting for rejection. How could an employee be so bold to
ask such a request?

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Wei Wuxian bowed his head the moment Lan Wangji looked Lan Wangji sighed and sweeped the bangs falling on his nose,
from the window to him. back. He should go for a haircut, he thought.

Lan Wangji spoke, “As you wish.” He thought this was finally the time he could confess his love
and take him out on a date. The environment was perfect.
Wei Wuxian shot his gaze up and met those gentle eyes. He
definitely didn’t expect that response. Lan Wangji isn’t that stoic, It was raining, and they had a whole fucking bar for themselves.
heartless man after all. What else to worry about? He thought.

Lan Wangji spoke, “I am not that heartless, I understand. Stay He saw Wei Wuxian come back with the hot chocolate in his
here until the rain goes down. I am staying here for the same reasons hand. His fingertips were slightly pink, probably he got his fingers
anyway.” burnt.

Wei Wuxian looked away embarrassed that his thoughts were Lan Wangji took the cup from his grasp and placed it on the
read out loud. Lan Wangji found that small gesture cute. The way Wei table before he said, “Thank you.”
Wuxian’s fingers would curl in and fiddle with each other when Wei
Wuxian is embarrassed. Wei Wuxian gave the ‘real smile’ — Lan Wangji called — as he
spoke, “Any time for you.”
Lan Wangji internally hoped he was the only person who knew
of this habit of Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian’s smile froze for a second before he corrected it
hurriedly, “N-No w-what I-I meant was that… that you are my boss.
Wei Wuxian slowly looked back and said, “Then you can stay, So any time!” Wei Wuxian almost ran back after saying that.
I’ll clean your table before leaving. Do you want coffee?”
Although Wei Wuxian went back behind the counter, he was
As if Wei Wuxian read Lan Wangji’s mind, yes he needed hot still visible to Lan Wangji. The latter could see the former’s fingers
chocolate. Very desperately. tremble a little as the man bowed his head in resignation.

Lan Wangji is a caffeine addict. He can live without eating food Lan Wangji bit his upper lip and frowned. He clearly had a
and drinking water, but he can’t live without caffeine. chance right now, why can’t he just say it!

Being seen out like this by Wei Wuxian made him feel a little Lan Wangji huffed at himself. He really tried his level best to
embarrassed. He didn’t like letting his emotions show out just like get up and ask Wei Wuxian out.
that, for anyone.
It was so hard for Lan Wangji to even say the word ‘date’
But Wei Wuxian isn’t anyone. Hence, Lan Wangji just shrugged out aloud. This can’t keep going, how would it be if they got into a
it away. Before he could answer Wei Wuxian twirled in his heels and relationship but he can’t do his best?
walked behind the counter to make the drink.
Lan Wangji mentally remembered the lines and got up—leaving

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the sizzling hot coffee on the table—and walked to the counter where “Then why are you taking me out? To tell me I am fired in a nice
Wei Wuxian was counting notes and accounting. way? I am sorry Lan er-ge, I am a really bad employee, but trust me
I can be good. I’ll try…”
Wei Wuxian looked up from the sound and spoke, “You need
something?” Wei Wuxian’s next words were not allowed to come out as he
felt a tug on his shirt and his lips smashed against another pair of
Lan Wangji stared at the money in his hand and spoke, “Why soft lips.
do you count money all the time? Do you think we don’t trust you?”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes went completely wide at that. His ears went
Wei Wuxian counted the last bit and placed it back in the numb and his heart tingled to the sky’s extreme. He couldn’t believe
cashier and closed the drawer. Lan Wangji mentally scolded himself what was happening until he felt a tongue intrude into his mouth and
for not asking the right questions. started kissing him harsher.

“It is a basic necessity as an employee of yours to deliver the Wei Wuxian finally responded back to the kiss and hugged Lan
best job from my end. I could be honest and get the amount inside Wangji’s neck as the kiss deepened.
the cashier, but let’s just say I don’t trust my mind well..”
Lan Wangji broke the kiss and stared at the dark orbs of Wei
Wei Wuxian was about to start another conversation about Wuxian and spoke, “I can’t believe you are so dumb.”
himself when he almost stopped himself but was stopped by a voice,
“What do you say about tomorrow night?” Wei Wuxian frowned as Lan Wangji continued, “I want to take
you out on a date, not because I want to fire you.”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes bulged out for a second. He gulped his tiny
voice trying to peep out as he said, “Excuse me?” Lan Wangji stared at Wei Wuxian’s eyes before he completed
his sentence, “It is because… I like you.”
Lan Wangji spoke, “Tomorrow night at 9, don’t be late. I’ll text
you the address.” Lan Wangji was about to leave when he heard Wei Wei Wuxian would’ve tripped down if not for his hands hugging
Wuxian speak. Lan Wangji’s neck dearly. If not for the table in between them, Wei
Wuxian would’ve fallen on Lan Wangji’s chest by now.
“You mean like there is a meeting?” Wei Wuxian’s voice almost
broke because of how he was speaking. Lan Wangji couldn’t believe “I… you like me?!” Wei Wuxian almost screamed. Lan Wangji
himself, how could Wei Wuxian be so dumb? didn’t have a chance to clarify to this dumb person before he felt a
pair of lips on his own. Lan Wangi smiled for the first time since Wei
He spoke, “No… Wei Ying. I mean to take you out on a date.” Wuxian had known him amidst the kiss.

Wei Wuxian almost fell down at that. His knees went weak. He The rain outside didn’t reduce but it increased, as these two
spoke, “L-Lan er-ge, are you firing me?” enjoyed each other’s company.

Lan Wangji frowned and asked, “Why are you asking me that?”

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Written by Aki

It is a beautiful day in Cloud Recesses, the sun is out, the wind
is cool, and the birds are singing.
And Wei Wuxian’s youngest grandchild is up to mischief.

Post-canon, Family, Fluff, Slice of life


It is a beautiful day in Cloud Recesses, the sun is out, the Ah, good times, good times. He should find a way to bring
wind is cool, and the birds are singing. everyone around to visit Jiang Cheng. It’ll be fun to have the
whole family together.
Wei Wuxian is kneeling next to a flower bed, grumbling
as he adds more compost under a stubborn peony bush that Snapping out of his plans to annoy his shidi, he holds onto
has so far refused any of Wei Wuxian’s coaxing into blooming. If his knees as he bends over to see what has her in a tizzy. Ah, he
he had known that peonies were so temperamental, he’d have can see how she could make that mistake, the tadpoles don’t
never planted it! have legs yet and look more like fish than like frogs.

–That’s a lie, his beautiful Lan Zhan looks so bewitching “Those aren’t fish.”
wearing peonies in his hair, of course he is going to keep planting
the dastardly plants and out-stubborn them into flowering.– “No?” she stares at him, wide-eyed with surprise and
curiosity. She looks so much like A-Yuan when he was a baby
“Grandpa! Grandpa! Look!” that Wei Wuxian can’t resist and reaches out to squish her
Wei Wuxian groans as he straightens his back, his waist
twinging with pain after so long in one position. Heavens above “They are baby frogs!” he informs her and she gasps,
but he’s getting old! This body of his is turning traitor as he looking at the tadpoles with renewed interest.
ages. Truly, no one suffers like he does!
“Frogs have babies?”
Then he turns to see his darling granddaughter, sweet
little Wenyin, with her round little face and dimpled little hands, “All animals have babies.”
the very image of his A-Yuan back when he was a baby. And just “Cranes?”
like her father, there’s nothing Wei Wuxian can do to keep her out
of the mud and dirt. Honestly, he has long given up on keeping “Yes.”
children clean –sometime after their third child he decided it
was a lost cause and just let them go at it– knee-deep in the
lotus pond, bending over so that her face is an inch from the He shivers but answers an affirmative. She turns
dark water. pensative, holding her chin with a muddy hand and leaving a
dark mark that he’s going to have to make her wash later.
He grins, having a suspicion of what he’ll find, but plays
along and goes to see what she wants to show him. “What about crabs?”
“What did you find, YinYin?” “Crabs have babies too, all living things have babies.”
“Fishies!” she points at the water and he kicks off his She puts her face close to the water and squints.
boots, wading in to take a look. The cool water tickles his skin
and brings back memories of his childhood at Lotus Pier, hazy “Frog babies don’t look like frogs.”
summer days when he and his shidis did nothing but horse
Wei Wuxian chuckles and picks up her braid before it can
around in the water.

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fall in the water. With years of experience to call upon, he swiftly “Alright then, not a mud monster. But a very muddy girl,”
binds the braid around her head while she completely ignores he chuckles and taps her itty bitty nose, laughing out loud when
him in favor of this new, fascinating, discovery. she goes cross eyed over the black patch now covering her
nose. “Lets get all cleaned up and then have some snacks.”
“Grandpa, were are their parents?” she looks around in
concern, “were they abandoned?” “Os-man-thus cakes!” she cheers, completely forgetting
her earlier upset and clapping her hands. Wei Wuxian laughs
Wei Wuxian sighs in a mix of amusement and regret, ever again.
since she learnt her beloved auntie had been abandoned by her
parents, she has been worried of the same happening to anyone “Yes, yes, osmanthus cakes, greedy little brat,” he says
she encounters. fondly as he carries her into the house.

Thankfully, she didn’t think for a second that her own His Lan Wangji, being the genius and thoughtful husband
parents would abandon her. Wei Wuxian is proud of Sizhui for that he is, anticipated the need for them to bath after their
raising his daughter with so much love the possibility wouldn’t playtime outside, and left them a tub filled with hot water to
even enter her mind. enjoy.

“Their parents went to get some food, I’m sure they’ll “You’re falling!” he says, playfully letting go for a fraction
return shortly.” of a second before catching her again, she screeches with
“Hmm,” she gives him a skeptical look that makes him
laugh and rub her back comfortingly. “Don’t make me fall!” little Wenyin holds onto his arms
tightly but grins so wide her eyes are little new moons.
“When the sun starts going down you’re going to hear
their parents call their children for dinner.” “Oh nooo, you’re so heavyyyy,” Wei Wuxian pretends to
complain and drops her a couple of inches again, she squeals
“You promise?” she stares at him with her enormous and laughs again, kicking in the air.
brown eyes and he almost melts in a puddle of goo at seeing
her worried little face. Finally, he sets her inside the warm bath and she looks
“I promise,” then he licks his thumb and rubs the mud off
her face, making her scrunch her nose and try to avoid him. “Grandpa, the water doesn’t have froggies here.”

“No! Gross!” “No, this is not their home,” he explains patiently, grabbing
a little bowl to start dumping water on her – somehow also
“Who’s gross, you filthy little mud monster?” he asks and muddy – hair.
she stomps her foot, inadvertently splashing them both with
mud and water. “Hm,” she says, holding her chin in a thinking pose. Wei
Wuxian has to hold back his snickering, she’s starting to stroke
“I’m not a mud monster!” her lips wobble dangerously and her chin as if she had a goat-tee just like her great granduncle.
Wei Wuxian smiles and grabs her under the arms to pick up. The resemblance is uncanny.

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Oh this is hilarious! He has to make sure to be around when “Ah, what a filial child, feeding your grandpa,” then he
they’re both in the same room to see them do it at the same smiles wide and eats the cake from her hand, pretending he’s
time! going to chomp her fingers.

One clean lil’girl later, he sets her down next to the table She squeals and pulls away as fast as lightning, Wei Wuxian
with some toys and the plate of osmanthus cakes. happily munches on his cake and grins at her suspicious look.

“Are you going to be a good girl and stay here?” he asks But she takes another cake and offers it.
her seriously. She nods several times, making her doll nod as
well. “Good, grandpa will be right back.” So he pretends to chomp her again. She crosses her arms
and looks at him sternly.
He doesn’t need to bathe really, just a quick wash of his
arms and legs and a swift change of clothes. He’s a little out “Grandpa! Don’t eat me!”
of breath after hurrying and he bemoans the terrible fate of “But you’re such a sweet little girl! How can I resist?” he
growing old. bats his eyelashes innocently and has to fight back the urge to
Thankfully, little Wenyin is not like some of her aunts and cackle at her adorable little glare.
uncles used to be, who’d dash away and get into mischief the “No eating me!”
moment he looked away.
“I’ll staaaarve,” he whines and falls on his side, pretending
Back then they were specially prone to mischief when his to be dying. Little Wenyin is used to his antics and turns away
husband, traitor of traitors, was the one looking after them. with a huff.
Really, Wei Wuxian had been appalled at the sheer cheek of Wei Wuxian smirks and looks at her through his lowered
his husband! Pretending to be a stern and outstanding Lan sect eyelashes, he just has to wait for a minute or so in silence and
member, and letting their children get into all sorts of disasters then…
behind his back.
“Grandpa?” she turns back to him with eyes wide in
And people would never believe him when he said it was concern.
Lan Wangji who let them run wild like that! The injustice of it all!
Wei Wuxian doesn’t answer.
Huffing in long suffering annoyance, he quickly returns to
little Wenyin’s side, smiling at her cheeks, stuffed full of cakes “Grandpa, are you well?” she scoots her little butt closer
and looking like a chipmunk. and lets her guard down.

“Lil’piggy, lil’piggy, can I have some of your food?” he “AHA!” he jumps and grabs her, capturing into his arms.
teases and sits down next to her. “MY PRISONER!” he cackles and starts tickling her mercilessly.

Sweet Wenyin nods several times and picks a cake, She squeals, kicks and squirms, trying to get away.
offering it to him. Wei Wuxian feels himself melt.
“NO GRANDPA NOOO,” she begs for mercy and he soon

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stops, mostly because he doesn’t want her to throw up on him. It seemed that he only just closed his eyes when he feels
That is an experience he doesn’t feel like repeating. her start to climb out the bed.

“Alright, alright, no more playing, let’s have some tea and “Shh, xiao-guniang, we have to be quiet and let grandpa
cakes,” he gives his peace offer and she pouts. sleep,” Wenyin tells her doll as she, not too gently, clambers
over Wei Wuxian and slides down the other side, landing on the
“I eated! You played!” floor.
“Fine, grandpa is at fault, come now, don’t be angry with Wei Wuxian pretends to still be asleep, even giving a loud
this old man,” he coaxes her for a few minutes, so she soon snore that sends her into a fit of giggling.
stops being grumpy and starts eating her snacks again.
When the pitter-patter of her footsteps starts leaving,
“Grandpa is not old, great granduncle is old.” Wei Wuxian opens his eyes and gets up, silently following her.
Wei Wuxian snickers and kisses the top of her head. She takes the bowl from next to the bathing tub and goes
“Don’t tell him that.” outside. It doesn’t take long to figure out what she’s doing and he
covers his mouth with his hand as she slowly and painstakingly
“I know, I’m not stupid.” starts scooping up the tadpoles from the pond.
“Of course, you’re a smart little girl.” “Grandpa will give you lots of food and warm baths and
tickles!” she tells her little prisoners as she brings them back
Full of tea and snacks, little Wenyin starts yawning. Wei
and dumps them in the, thankfully now cold, water. Then she
Wuxian takes a look at the shadows outside, it is about time for
dashes back outside.
a nap.
Wei Wuxian keeps an eye on her, lamenting the mud she
“’m not sleepy,” she says as he lays her down on the bed
trails into the house, but too amused by what she’s doing to
and climbs after her.
stop her.
“Of course not, but grandpa is sleepy,” he pretends to
When it seems like she’s not going to be wandering outside
yawn. “Stay with me for a little bit, yeah?”
anymore, he hurries back to the bed and pretends to be asleep.
“Grandpa! Wake up!” she shakes him and he pretends to
“Good girl, so filial.” startle and looks around with sleepy eyes.

She falls asleep within seconds and he smiles, slowly “Whaaaa?” he says, rubbing his eyes, little Wenyin laughs
brushing her hair with his fingers as he watches her sleep. at him.

What a sweet child. “Grandpa you slept sooo looooong,” she complains
adorably and he smiles and pats her head.
He closes his eyes as well and dozes off, lulled to sleep by
the warmth of the day and the tiredness from all the excitement. “Grandpa is old and needs to recover his strength,” he

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lies shamelessly and sits up. “And what has my naughty YinYin “Come now, we don’t want granddad to get sad if he sees
been doing while grandpa slept, hm?” he teases as he tickles all this, do we?”
her chin.
She vehemently shakes her head at that and he guides
She quickly ducks her head to stop him. her to where the cleaning supplies are.

“I’m not naughty! I’m good!” she huffs and stomps her, He has no illusions that she will be of any actual help, but
once again muddy, foot. she should be getting into the habit of cleaning up after herself
“Yes, yes, YinYin is the gentlest and sweetest little girl,”
he tugs at her braid and grins when she huffs at him, then she So after a quick wash of her muddy feet again, this time
seems to remember something and perks up. just outside, since right now the bathtub can’t be used, they
grab some rags and a bucket of water and begin cleaning the
“Grandpa! I have a gift!” she says and takes his hand, mud off the floors.
pulling him to get up.
The carpet is better to be left for the laundry people.
“A gift? What kind of gift?” he plays along, following as
she takes him behind the screen towards the bathing section, Halfway through, his husband and their eldest boy arrive.
he hides his grimace at all the mud around.
“BABA!” Wenyin screeches in glee and shoots off towards
“Look! Friends!” she says, pointing inside the bathtub. her dad, who quickly picks her up and puts her on his hip.

He obediently leans in and pretends to gasp in surprise. “Hello my little flower, did you behave for your grandpa?”

“Oh dear! How did they get in here?” “Yes! I’m a good girl!”

“They moved in to be your friends!” she says, puffing out Lan Sizhui smiles at that, “I’m happy to hear that,” then he
her chest and very pleased with herself. turns to Wei Wuxian, “did she behave?”

“Well, I won’t say no to some new friends,” he answers, “Of course! She’s an obedient and filial little girl!” he
snickering at the half dozen or so tadpoles now swimming answers from his place in between his husband’s arms and the
inside his bathtub. son of his heart gives him an indulgent smile. “I’m happy to hear
Seeing them there has given him an idea.
“Wei Ying,” his husband calls him and he turns back to
“As happy as I am to have new friends, perhaps we should give him a smile.
clean up these friends’ mess?” he raises an eyebrow and she
looks around at her muddy trails all over the floor. “Hello handsome~” he winks and smiles happily when Lan
Wangji kisses his forehead.
“Oh,” she frowns adorably and he leans down to kiss the
top of her head. “A good day?”

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“The best day!” “I always look at you like this.”

“Good.” “Exactly! How can I handle such a thing?!” he continues

playfully complaining, and Lan Wangji shakes his head in fond
Lan Sizhui clears his throat and they turn to him as one. exasperation before going behind the screen to prepare a bath.
“Wei-gege, father, I will be taking this little one home now. Then he stops.
Have a good evening.”
Wei Wuxian leans forward eagerly.
“Good evening, Sizhui, Wenyin,” Lan Wangji pats her head
and she grins widely at him. “Wei Ying,” his husband’s voice sounds a little hesitant
and he has to do all he can to not snicker.
“Sweet dreams to both of you!” Wei Wuxian waves at
them while they follow them outside, watching and continuing “Yes, love of my life?” he asks, smiling like butter couldn’t
to wave as they make their way back towards their own home. melt in his mouth.
From her father’s shoulder, Wenyin also keeps waving back at
them. Lan Wangji returns and gives him a patient look, “we have
It isn’t until they have disappeared beyond the treeline
that they stop waving and Wei Wuxian leans into his husband’s Just the way he says that makes the corners of Wei
embrace once again. Wuxian’s mouth tremble.

“Aah~ I’m so tired~” he whines and allows himself to be “Your granddaughter thoughtfully brought in some friends
swept off his feet by his strong, handsome, silver-fox of a for us.”
husband. “My hero~” he teases, kissing his cheek and curling “Our new friends’ parents must be worried,” Lan Wangji
his finger around the end of the forehead ribbon. plays along, raising an unimpressed eyebrow.
“Always,” Lan Wangji says with a firm nod as he carries Wei Wuxian bursts into laughter.
him into the house and sets him down on a cushion next to the
table. “Have you eaten?” “YOUR FACE AHHAHAHAHA LAN ZHAN AHAHAHAHA,” he’s
howling, clutching his stomach and rolling around like he has
“Just had some snacks so I’m not hungry yet,” he chirps never seen something so funny.
up in response.
Lan Wangji patiently waits for him to stop.
“Good,” he answers, the little wrinkles at the corner of his
eyes as he smiles give him a soft look that makes Wei Wuxian “Aww darling, don’t look so put upon!” he says as he sees
melt. the annoyance in Lan Wangji’s face. He quickly gets up and takes
his face between his hands, quickly pecking a dozen kisses all
“Lan Zhan, warn me before you look at me like that!” he over it as he speaks. “I know you don’t like slimy things, I will
clasps his heart and almost swoons when it makes his beloved get them out of your hair really quick! You should’ve seen her
husband chuckle. face though! She was so hopeful! I couldn’t bear to tell her to

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take them out!”

Lan Wangji patiently lets himself be kissed all over, holding

Wei Wuxian’s waist and bringing him close.

“Forgive your foolish husband for his teasing?” Wei Wuxian

asks, pressing their foreheads together.

“There’s nothing to forgive,” Lan Wangji answers sweetly

and then shivers, a brief flash of disgust appearing in his face.
“Get them out.”

Wei Wuxian cackles again and goes to do as bid.

Every Moment

Written by Yumi Hamano

Wei Ying was recalling fond memories of his married life
realizing that their 50th anniversary was soon.

domestic life, soft and fluff, sad ending, major character death,
married wangxian


Wei Ying thought it was a big deal. It was their 50th Three adopted children and eight grandchildren later, 50
anniversary, which meant he was married to Lan Zhan for a married years had passed by and Wei Ying couldn’t be happier.
whole 50 years. He may be hobbling around with a walking cane but it didn’t stop
him giving Lan Zhan pecks on the cheeks because his husband
Married at the young age of 22, they were already parents needs to know that he is loved at all times.
to the recently orphaned cousin of their friends, Wen Qing and
Wen Ning. The couple knew that people were concerned that Lan Zhan still bought him flowers on the first day of
they were rushing into marriage too early after dating for only each month, brightening their living room before they started
3 months. But prior to their mutual confessions, they were best pressing the flowers into bookmarks together. At first, they
friends since they were both 15. did it for fun and as a keepsake. Then, their eldest daughter
suggested they sold the bookmarks for charity and even built
As high school graduation dawned on them, the then best them a website to handle everything.
friends had their own idea of their future.
Now with each bouquet, they kept one bookmark for
Lan Zhan gave up on any ideas of romance and prepared themselves and sold the other ones to donate the proceeds to
himself to take care of Wei Ying on the side, as a friend. Wei Ying, a different local charity or community service.
on the other hand, was going to cling to Lan Zhan for as long as
he could until the other man was married. He couldn’t be too Wei Ying’s hands are no longer as nimble as they were
clingy with a married man. In fact, neither of them considered when he was younger. Lan Zhan’s eyesight was starting to fail
dating or being married to the other, much to their friends and him, making the man squint to focus. But the two of them work
family’s dismay. together with patience and joyous laughter each time.

It had taken Wei Ying being really drunk and started crying Sometimes, their children would come over with their
about Lan Zhan being married to a beautiful woman and having partners to help. Their youngest daughter was the artistic one
beautiful children for Lan Zhan to realize that his feelings of the three, so she was more than happy to help. Her girlfriend
weren’t as one-sided as he originally thought. was less well versed in the arts, but Wei Ying always joked that
anything she made was better than what two old men could
Wei Ying woke up the next day with a terrible hangover hope to accomplish at their age.
but he got a boyfriend out of it. He was definitely more whiny
and needy than usual since Lan Zhan loved to take care of him. When Wei Ying told his husband their 50th anniversary
was coming up, Lan Zhan smiled gently in his own quiet way and
Being married for so long, they had their shares of told him that he knew. Wei Ying huffed in response.
arguments and fights as any normal couple. Their biggest fight
lasted three days. It ended because Wei Ying missed the comfort Even in their elderly years, Lan Zhan’s memory was far
of his husband at night and Lan Zhan missed his welcome back superior to Wei Ying’s spotty memories.
kisses after a long day at work. Wei Ying couldn’t even remember
what they were arguing about after three lonely days. Wei Ying picked up scrapbooking 30 years ago, long after

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they kept albums of photos. Originally, he kept everything on his Wei Ying did the same with his second eldest child,
hard drive due to his limited phone storage space, but after a presenting the gift at their housewarming party two months
technological scare, Wei Ying had his photos backed up digitally after the wedding. Their youngest child decided not to get
in three places and then printed out and kept in albums. married, so Wei Ying gifted them the scrapbook after they
moved in together and celebrated their 5th year together.
It was also nice to look back to sit on the couch, cuddled
against his husband and flipping through pages of their It wasn’t until later that Wei Ying discovered that Lan Zhan
memories. was also making a scrapbook, but one for them.

After their oldest child graduated and entered the Wei Ying knew about his memento box where he had
workforce, Wei Ying found himself wanting to document every keepsakes, that started with throwaway stuff from Wei Ying’s
step of his journey. Scrapbooking was his answer to track his teenage years to gifts and trinkets from special occasions and
development from when they adopted him as a toddler and vacations. One year, Wei Ying made a treasure box at a workshop
watch him grow into the fine young man he became. Lan Zhan for Lan Zhan’s collection.
was helpful to pointing out details that Wei Ying had already
forgotten over the years. Aside from the pointers, he didn’t do It was a delightful surprise on their 30th anniversary and
much since he knew it was Wei Ying’s project and it was his way they started working on a new one together. It was the fifth
to record all his precious memories. one in the collection because Lan Zhan was a sap that recorded
nearly everything of their life together. He was sure that if
Wei Ying didn’t wait until he finished the first one before Wei Ying did not make separate ones for their children, their
he started on the other two. They had three wonderful children collection would be in the double digits.
and they all deserved to be loved equally. Their youngest child
was a little spoiled princess that demanded for her scrapbook They planned their 50th anniversary together. After one
to be pink with lots of sparkles and jewels. Ignoring her eight- year of double surprise disaster, that luckily worked out after
year-old request, Wei Ying did choose a pink floral theme for pushing the dinner reservation after the orchestra performance,
hers. the couple decided to plan their celebrations together so they
didn’t have a clash of events again.
When their oldest was married, Wei Ying gifted the newly
wedded couple the scrapbook he made over the years. He even It started as a small family dinner, but it ended up being
documented the couple at the end but didn’t add it until the two a larger event since Wei Ying wanted to celebrate with more
of them started talking about settling down before the proposal people.
was made. After all, Wei Ying didn’t want all his hard work to
go to waste if it was going to end in heartbreak. Lan Zhan, as “It’s our 50th anniversary, Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying laughed,
the all-knowing father, said that the two of them would have a the twinkle in his eyes never faded with age. “I think we deserve
loving marriage but Wei Ying refused to believe it until he saw something special, not just for us. Besides, we’re going to have
it. to deal with little gremlins running around too. Peaceful dinner
plans are not on the table unless they all manage to find a

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babysitter.” beverages, much to Wei Ying’s sadness, but some of the
younger ones drank in moderation. There were some arguing
“Not hard,” Lan Zhan countered, but crossed out their over mahjong while everyone else broke out into smaller circles
initial plans to work on the grander plan Wei Ying wanted. At to chat.
this rate, they were going to have to book a banquet hall but
Lan Zhan wasn’t opposed to it. Then the evening group started pouring in and the venue
got louder. Some of the volunteers that Lan Zhan worked with
Wei Ying always thrived where there were people, even were bright eyed young adults, not yet used to formal events.
when his bones creak with his excited movements.
Lan Zhan couldn’t blame them for sputtering in surprise
In the end, they booked a banquet hall for a gathering and at some of the people gathered in the banquet hall, as both Wei
dinner after. The gathering was more for friends and family so Ying and himself were involved in higher society before they
they could talk and catch up, while some of them sit down for decided a quaint lifestyle fit them after retirement.
some mahjong. Dinner was the more formal event where their
acquaintances and colleagues were also invited and make it He did have to admit that it was nice to see some of his
the big celebration Wei Ying wanted. coworkers after all these years since his retirement. Lan Zhan
rarely kept in contact with people in his life outside of family.
They left the decoration of the venue to Nie Huaisang, a Even then, Wei Ying was often the bridge that kept contact with
retired event planner. After all, he was the one to help them everyone. The man was a social butterfly and Lan Zhan was
with their wedding and many events after. They trusted that he more than happy to allow him to take over in the socialization
knew what they wanted, and deliver it with a nice red bow. department.

The day of celebration was a chaotic success, which is As the night went on, some of their guests got fairly drunk
what happens when Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang are together. and there was impromptu dancing. Wei Ying would have joined
Lan Zhan had already said goodbye to his peaceful days when them on the dancefloor if Lan Zhan didn’t hold him back. His
his heart decided Wei Ying was the one for him and there could bones were not able to handle that kind of level of movement
never be another. Nie Huaisang was always a silent and lurking and flexibility no matter how much Wei Ying claimed he could.
presence in his life, but grew louder and braver when Wei Ying
was involved. The two of them were a chaotic gremlin duo that Wei Ying was having the time of his life surrounded by
got into mischief, but always escaped from being caught. Lan people he loved and other acquaintances, but he was married
Zhan was unfortunately included as an accomplice since Wei to Lan Zhan long enough to tell the man was reaching his limit.
Ying would rush to tell him what grand prank they managed to As the old men they were, they retired early in the night and
pull off. wished everyone to continue having a good time before they left.
The other nice thing of not being the event planner meant that
It started off as a normal gathering when their children, Wei Ying could escape anytime he wanted and not worry about
grandchildren, and friends arrived in the early afternoon. clean up afterwards. He would have cackled at the thought if he
The older generation weren’t able to indulge in the alcoholic didn’t feel like his energy levels were also flagging.

188 189
He used to make fun of Lan Zhan’s nine o’clock sleep
time, but as he grew older, Wei Ying found himself abiding by it
willingly. The only positive thing about his early bedtime was he
got to sleep together with Lan Zhan at the same time instead of
crawling into bed later.

Wei Ying was glad that they were able to have a grand
celebration for their 50th anniversary, as there will never be

“Lan Zhan, didn’t you say you would be with me until

we’re both gray and old. We might be gray, but we only begun
our elderly journey,” Wei Ying said with flowers in his hands. “If
I’m honest, I always thought I would go first since I was the one
doing reckless shit and getting sick all the time. Maybe that
was the problem, you never got sick so your immune system is
weak as shit.”

Wei Ying laughed humorlessly before a cough racked his


“I don’t think I have to wait long to join you,” Wei Ying

said after the coughing subsided. “I don’t have my wonderful
husband taking care of me and now I’m getting sick again.”

Silence was his only answer.

“Wait for me, Lan Zhan. I won’t let you be alone for too
long,” Wei Ying said as he placed down the flowers. “It’s lonely
here without you. I can’t wait to see you again.”

Member Messages
| imagined tHis sCene in
my heAd, no one diEd, meAnS
| sWeAr.

- Papermelon - Rubes

Hi peOpLe, | am sTar. This is my flufF makes tHe

firSt wanGxiAn fic reAlLy. ResT
are losT in wipS. | hope yOu
worLd go roUnD
alL like it! :3c

- Star - Aki

WanGxiAn has conSumed

| got notHin my minD anD | haven’t
kNowN peAce sinCe

- Atlas - Dani

|’m so gLad | got to

conTribute to tHe zine! | had
ThanK yOu for
lotS of fun makinG myselF everytHinG! >w<
sad wHile | dRew my piEce :’)

- Zappychild - Mari

ThanK yOu so mucH to tHe

MxTx CreAtive Space modS TiAnXi hapPy family Au's
for orGanizinG tHe zine!
It was a lot of fun worKinG are my lifebLoOd.
on tHis.

- Hayate - corduroyserpent

“Our feElinGs are oUr mosT genuIne

patH to kNowLedGe…[W]e musT keY
Don't be afRaId, go inTo tHose feElinGs anD begin
anD make memoriEs. to…examine tHem for new waYs of
unDerStanDinG oUr exPeriEnCes.”
—AudRe LorDe

- Eijio - Prince_kun
tHat was reAlLy fun!! time for a
tHanK yOu alL so mucH
264810285 hR nap | LOoOVE ThIS reAd hTsav
for alL yOur harD worK
for every sinGle zine <33 am | rigHt ZINE’S ThEME

- ottistry - reiiii1111 - Momo - Baobei

My conTributiOnS to tHis zine

were jusT my exCuse to
HuA ChenG is my Can't waIt to It’s my firSt time sPreAd my Sv daYcare Au
parTicipate agaIn getTinG feAtured in a
litTle meOw meOw. zine anD | toOk on a
nexT yEar :) (wHicH yOu can finD unDer tHe
lot. While | tHoUgHt |’d tag #sVsSsDemonDaYcareAu
bit on more tHan | ��
bTw )

coUlD cHew, tHe wHole mWahahaha~

- Kisse - Koschei pRocesS was inCredibLy
But alSo |'m genuInely so exCited to get to
100/100 wilL not do agaIn parTicipate in yEt anotHer zine witH everyOne!
It's pRetTy coOl seEinG my pRogResS sinCe tHe
(but 100/100 wilL enD up doInG agaIn anywaY)! pReviOus zines, anD everyOne is so talenTed. |'m
so gLad to be inDulGinG in my Sv bRaIn rot witH
alL of yOu! ♥

- Sid - Kuku
DesPite tHe sTrugGle to get it
finisHed, it was an abSolute FirSt zine
bLasT to worK on an ilLusTratiOn
for DeE's (RiAnitida's) fic! | wilL
forever love dRawinG wWx in milesTone--- GET!!
hurT/comForT sCenariO's

- Milou - Citti *tapS mic*



- Yumi
SinGle Dad WeI WuxiAn is a gem
MosHanG is basicalLy to pLaY aroUnD witH, anD |'m so
deligHted | got to do so witH
wHat holDs my life my deAr fRiEnD Mil! If yOu like
togetHer WeI WuxiAn, yOu betTer eAt some
cHocolate for us.

- Moyitaro - Aditi Nair

*imitatinG ZuzHi-LanG* | AM ThE ANgSt ThAT IS

hisS hisS APpROoOaAaChIiIiNnNgG

- Vebira - Lycia

KisSes anD love to tHe | have had JiAnG ChenG anD LiU QinGge
bRaInRot ever sinCe | reAd mDzS anD
MxTx cReAtives serVer anD sVsSs anD tHere's no esCape <3
esPeciAlLy tHe modS for
orGanizinG tHe zine!
💕 HapPy to be parT of tHis zine!

- C - tinycutefauna
Kids These
Milou Days Kuku Eijio C
SVSSS modern AU,

Instagram @keemitsu Twitter @kukuandkookie Twitter @Eijio_chaaan Tumblr @itsc

daycare, all the
main characters are
now babies and the
older characters are
their guardians

Twitter @Xiluyye hehe

AO3 @kuku88 Twitter @worse_name
by Milou by Eijio by C
by Kuku
by Kuku by C

The Wei All We A Place

To Yuan Aditi Nair Can Do Is corduroyserpent Lycia Called Home Prince_kun
Try rule 63, verbal
bullying, mention of
Alternate Universe - past miscarriage,
Modern, Single
Parent Wei Wuxian, Twitter @rianitida Su Xiyan/
Tianlang-jun, Twitter @strawhatpudding Instagram @LyciaScr grief, nb characters,
alternate universe -
modern day,
Wei Wuxian Su Xiyan & Luo
& Wen Yuan Binghe, Canon adoption au

AO3 @rianitida AO3 @corduroyserpent Twitter @LyciaScr

Divergence, Fix-It, —please use some
Fluff suspension of

by Aditi Nair by corduroyserpent by Lycia by Prince_kun

ottistry Moyitaro Atlas Vebira

Tumblr @ottistry Twitter @Moyitaro Instagram @peachy.cranes Tumblr @vebirascanvas

Twitter @ottistry Twitter @oh_cut_to_black
by ottistry by Moyitaro/Siku by Atlas by Vebira

Gifts of the
Mari Citti unexpected Sid Zappychild
Shang Qinghua/

Twitter @Mariana_00C Twitter @artbycitti Mobei-jun, Slice of

life, Pets, Modern
AU, No Powers AU,
Art @lunaskia Twitter @zappychild

Other/Fandom @syderion
by Mari by Citti by Sid by Zappychild
by Sid

welcome Grandpa!
remain a
surprisesstranger Koschei Dani reiiii1111 Look! Aki
(things that shouldn't
be a surprise)
Wei Wuxian &

Twitter @Koschei21652332 Tumblr @wangjiplayingwangji Twitter @yreiiii_1111 Tumblr @akinohikari

Alternative Universe
Shang Qinghua & - The Magnus Post-canon, Family,
Shen Yuan, kidfic,Archives fusion, Fluff, Slice of life
Alternative UniverseMonster Shen

AO3 @Koschei_B Twitter @Bunguang_jun Twitter @aki_no_hikari

- Canon DivergenceYuan, Not-Them
Shen Yuan,

by Koschei by Dani by reiiii by Aki

by Koschei by reiiii

Baobei Momo Kisse Papermelon

N/A Instagram @dakumomo Social Media @kissecatte Instagram @cris_tea_n

Twitter @dakumomo18 Twitter @cris_tea_n
by Baobei by Momo by Kisse by Papermelon
all the beauty
Hayate that's been
lost before
(wants to find
us again)

Twitter @kudryavka2626 Tumblr @tinycutefauna

Post-canon, Jiang
Jiang Cheng/Lan
Huan, Jiang Cheng
& Jin Ling, Soft
Jiang Cheng Twitter @tinycutefauna
by Hayate by tinycutefauna

Jazz Bar star In
Every Moment
Another Yumi Hamano
Lan Wangji/ Canon divergence,

Caard Twitter @yumichanhamano

Wei Wuxian, domestic life, soft Soft baby
Romance, Fluff, and fluff, sad wangxian,
First Love ending, major Madam Lan
character death, deserved better,

married wangxian Lan Wangji and
Wei Wuxian
growing up
by star by Yumi Hamano
by Yumi Hamano

Rubes Prints:
Merch Colouring Page: Koschei
Tumblr @zrw._.draws Chi Atlas Atlas
(too much
to preview)

Twitter @Zora83243106 Twitter @chisie3 Rubes

Sticker Sheet: Memopads:

Rubes Yumi Hamano
Thank you for
Not how long,
this year,
but how well
and the past
you have lived is
three years of
the main thing.
our server zines.

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