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A. hardest B. harder C. more hard D.

most hard Directions: Read the given statements comprehensively, then encircle
the letter with the BEST answer.
45. The kittens play with each other happily. Which word in the sentence is an
1. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?
A. Message B. Sender C. Technology D. Receiver
A. kittens B. each C. play D. happily
2. In the communication process, decoding takes place
A. by the sender C. when replying
B. within the message D. by the receiver
3. An error or mistake in a document due to encoding is a sample of a barrier.
A. True B. Maybe C. False D. It doesn't tell
4. This is the process by which one exchanges ideas, facts, opinions, or
emotions withanother person.
A. Talking C. Communication
B. Reporting D. Conversation
5. This is the element of communication which refers to the one initiating the
A. Receiver C. Channel
B. Sender D. Context
6. This is the means or tool by which a message is transmitted.
A. Noise C. Channel
B. Context D. Sender
7. Johnny has a habit of ignoring the message of his mother. Which element is
referring toJohnny's response to the message?
A. Channel B. Participation C. Context D. Feedback
8. When we convert a message into actions, it is called . 16. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want to gather data or the
consensus ofothers to be able to provide information.
A. decoding B. encoding C. listening D. feedback loop
A. Small Talk C. Light control Talk
9. This is the response of the decoder once the message conveyed reaches
him/her. This can be a frown, a smile, or a verbal comment. B. Search Talk D. Heavy - Control Talk
A. Message B. Medium C. Noise D. Feedback 17. This talk is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people.
This createsdefensiveness on the part of the receiver and is rarely, if ever,
10. Communication skills are helpful in appropriate.
A. teaching B. asking questions C. listening D. all of the above A. Heavy – Control Talk C. Search Talk
11. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the B. Light Control Talk D. Small Talk
sender ofthe message?
18. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
A. Kyla B. Margie C. grocery store D. ingredients
A. Emotional Expression C. Control
12. The School Principal gives his speech during the first School Recognition
program. Whois the receiver of the message? B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction
A. Recognition program B. the parents C. The Principal D. the students 19. The President delivers his State of the Nation Address.
13. It is an example of an audience feedback? A. Emotional Expression C. Information dissemination
A. Laughter C. Half-closed eyelids B. Control D. Social Interaction
B. Silence D. all of the above 20. James greets May; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
14. One function of communication is to exercise restraint or direction A. Motivation C. Social Interaction
formally orinformally.
B. Information dissemination D. Control
A. Control C. Motivation
21. Mona shares her personal frustrations with Chona.
B. Social interaction D. Information dissemination
A. Emotional Expression C. Control
15. It is that type of talk that refers to the tactful use of power to get results
and may beused to motivate people. B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction

A. Straight Talk C. Light Control Talk 22. Which proponent of the communication model says that communication is
B. Heavy - Control Talk D. Search Talk
A. Schramm Model C. Shannon-Weaver 26. Nene was worried about the children, so she told _____ husband not to accept
the job offer.
B. Charles Osgood's Model D. Dance
A. his B. her C. Their D. my
23. This theorist refers transmission model of communication as that involves signal.
A. Shannon-Weaver C. Schramm 27. Anna and I met a friend of ____ at Robinson’s yesterday.

B. Charles Osgood's D. Dance A. ours b. us C. Ourselves D. them

24. He showed communication as a dynamic or two-way process in which there is 28. Dishonest people should be ashamed of _______.
interactiverelationship between the source and the receiver of the message.
A. himself B. him C. themselves D. them
A. Osgood C. Shannon
29. Each plan has ____ merits.
B. Schramm D. Weaver
A. it B. its C. it’s D. their
25. Which functions of communication was described in this
situation:“I’m so glad that you came into my life.” 30. Igor’s nipa hut was destroyed ________ by typhoon Peping.

“I like you so much! A. altogether B. All together C. altogether D. At all

“Are you false teeth? It’s because I can’t smile without 31. _______ wiring is the cause of the sudden blackout.
A. Lose B. Lost C. Losing D. Loose
Expressing one’s ambition
“I want to finish up my studies with good grades to be 32. Several elements must be transmuted to see the real implications of this event.
accepted in agood university.”
A. surpassed B. estimated C. changed D. summed
Expressing a need
“I need you in my life.” 33. Thank you for your candor, Mr. Secretary.

Expressing prayers A. honesty B. frankness C. shyness D. courage

“We pray for those who suffered a broken heart from their 34. The pair of scissors ________ on the table.
A. was left B. were left C. was leaving D. is leaving
A. Social interaction
B. Motivation 35. Bread and butter _______ our daily food.
C. Emotional expression
A. is B. are C. were D. am
D. Information dissemination
36. The famous singer and composer _________ arrived.

A. have B. has C. will D. is

37. Many a man ________ to be rich and famous.

A. desire B. desires C. is desiring D. desiring

38. Joan lives ________ Santillan Road.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

39. Maggie will be ready to leave _____ about thirty minutes.

A. in B. on C. D. to

40. Mrs. Navarro said that __________________.

A. “The Chemistry II exam will be next Wednesday.”

B. ”the Chemistry II exam will be next Wednesday.”

C. the chemistry II exam will be next Wednesday.

D. “The chemistry II exam will be next Wednesday.”

41. If I ________ a president, I would live in malacañang.

A. was B. am C. should be D. were

42. If I ____ the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life
as well as you have.

A. should B. had C. have D. would have

43. He is the _________ of the two brothers.

A. most tall B. taller C. very tall D. taller

44. Today we practiced _______ than we did last Friday.

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