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Central Philippine University

College of Nursing
Jaro, Iloilo City



The Christmas season reminds us that blessings are best when shared. Three
days before Christmas, the CPU College of Nursing organized an outreach program for
the folks of Brgy. Malunang, Zaragga, Iloilo City. As a person who was raised and
taught in a Christian institution, I always saw the beauty of "outreach programs" as
special opportunities to give and help. Due to COVID-19 and the pandemic, we did not
have any exposure to the communities, but December 22 was the day I saw what
community health nursing was all about. I saw the reality. When I was there, I saw how
supportive the people are, from the barangay officials, to the people of the community
and even the children. Everyone was willing to participate. I taught myself that this
barangay is a dynamic, participatory, and responsive community.

Through the efforts of the CPU College of Nursing, we were able to provide a
small Christmas package, take vital signs, and conduct mini games for the children. I
realized how rewarding it could be to simply be with the less fortunate and make them
happy, even if only for a short period of time. I was inspired to continue in life so that I
may be of great assistance to the less fortunate. Seeing those smiles made me realize
that the activity was a success and worth doing. The outreach program made me realize
that we may bring happiness to others in small ways. We might make Christmas more
special by doing nice things for others. Being with the children was a wonderful
experience for me, especially when we made them laugh. Having the ability to connect
with less fortunate youngsters provided me with additional life lessons. I have learned
through them that happiness and contentment are choices. We have the freedom to
choose whether or not to be happy and content in life.

We all know that the Christmas season is a time for giving and sharing. We are
all aware that the Christmas season is a time for giving and sharing, which provides us
with satisfaction. I've learned in my life that true satisfaction comes from giving. Helping
others along the path pushes you to reconsider your own identity. Being able to assist
others is a privilege for us students because it teaches us how to care for people in
need, how to grasp the spirit of compassion, how to share what we have, and how to
overcome the selfishness that lurks deep within us.


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