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A Beautiful Mind
1. Describe SCHIZOPHRENIA in your own words.
Schizophrenia. While watching the movie, The Beautiful Mind is about a problem that affects how a
person thinks, sees, feels, and behaves. They are somehow “lost in reality”. In the video, it has been seen
that during the peak of the disorder, it started to affect his personal life, family, health, and even his job.

2. After watching the movie, what are your realizations about your
personal attitude towards patients with Schizophrenia?
Before watching the film, I view schizophrenia patients as people who are “buang-buang”. For me, it
was the easiest way to classify, define, and identify them. These are the people I often see on the streets
who loiter on the streets wearing dirty clothes, unhygienic, and often teased by the “tambays”.
After I watch the video, I realized that it was wrong. I realized a part of me did not exhibit a trait a
psychiatric nurse should have – a nonjudgmental attitude. It made me understand schizophrenia including
what is actually happening in the patient’s mind.
These humans do not deserve to be labeled as “buang-buang” but to be treated with respect, equality,
and care. In schizophrenia, we do not condemn the person itself but the problems associated with their

3. What Signs & Symptoms of Schizophrenia did the main character

Visual Hallucinations (These are Parcher, Charles, and Marcee)
Paranoid (The part where there are government officials chasing Nash)
Blunted/Flat Affect
Inappropriate Reactions
Apathetic Attitude
Not caring about their hygiene and appearance
Violence to self (Attempted to pluck out an implant in his arm)
Violence toward others (Pushes wife while holding baby)

4. List all interventions portrayed in the movie and give a short

description of each intervention.
Insulin Shock Therapy
Nash is given insulin to induce a comatose condition that lasts between 15 and 60 minutes while
receiving treatment at a mental health facility. The outcomes are horrifying, as the film depicts. Our lesson
in psychiatric nursing would tell us that this procedure is no longer employed since it has lost its credibility.
According to American Psychological Association, a treatment for schizophrenia, rarely used after
1960, in which hypoglycemia was induced by intramuscular injection of insulin to produce a temporary
coma. Inductions might last for 15 to 60 minutes, and a full course of treatment typically involved numerous
coma inductions over a given period.
Antipsychotic Medication (Thorazine)
In addition to insulin shock therapy, John is also required to take medication to treat his crippling
schizophrenia. Although there is no cure for schizophrenia, there are drugs and therapies that can help
people manage their symptoms and lead normal lives.
There are antipsychotic drugs being used, such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine). It treats several kinds
of mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It functions by maintaining a
healthy level of dopamine in your brain, a chemical that aids in controlling mood. Yet the patients' loss of
white blood cells is one of the negative effects. Some drugs are known to interact negatively with other
drugs, even natural remedies. Moreover, weaning the patient off of these drugs is challenging.
Family Therapy
Family therapy for schizophrenia typically includes education, stress reduction, emotional processing
and regulating as well as structured problem-solving. The group will work together to improve their
knowledge of the illness and its management.
According to the National Institute of Health, Principal findings have proven that family therapy has a
positive impact on the patient's recovery, with a significant reduction in readmission and relapses, as well
as an improvement in their social functioning.

5. What lessons have you learned after watching the movie?

The movie is an excellent and realistic representation of the experience of those who suffer from
schizophrenia, and it has the power to create global awareness to inform people of what's understood
about this disability.
This film successfully conveys to the audience the complexities of schizophrenia. Despite the fact that
the scenarios might not always properly capture what actually happened to John Nash, they nonetheless
present theories and information regarding schizophrenia. Without the aid of medication, John was able to
put his schizophrenia into remission, which appears to be something that few medical professionals are
aware of. The film also included all the accurate theories and scientific findings from the 1950s and 1960s,
which helped the audience have an accurate understanding of what was understood about a condition
like schizophrenia at the time.


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