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Course code: Psy-6103 Total Time duration 3 hours

MS III Advanced-Data Analysis I QUALITATIVE (Final Term) Total marks 50

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Section I (Multiple choice questions 15 marks) Return Mcq after 15 mint

Encircle the best option

1. What is the aim of grounded-theory analysis techniques?

a) To ensure that researchers report accurately trends in the data and different aspects of
the data.
b) To ensure that researchers enter into intimate contact with their data and bring it in line
with current theory.
c) To ensure that researchers enter into intimate contact with their data and bring into
juxtaposition different aspects of the data.
d) To ensure that researchers produce results that are in line with current theory.

2. Grounded-theory analysis is an example of the hypothetico-deductive method.

a) True
b) False

3. Which of the below statements is true of discourse?

a) Discourse could be found in interview data.
b) Discourse is language at a level which is broader than a sentence.
c) Discourse is how language operates in real-life communicative events.
d) All of these.

4. Which of the below data sources is most appropriate for grounded-theory analysis?
a) Self-report questionnaires.
b) An unstructured focus group transcription.
c) A structured interview.
d) All of these.

5. What is the advantage of using a computer package when conducting grounded-theory

a) Data can be searched and codes automatically applied line by line.
b) It is a more precise and reliable method of analyzing data.
c) It allows for categories to be quickly re-coded and searched.
d) All of these.
6. In which stage of the research is the theory (grounded theory) built?
a) Transcription.
b) Coding.
c) Data collection.
d) Categorisation.
e) All of these.

7. At what stage is the literature review completed when doing grounded-theory analysis?
a) After data collection, but before coding, to aid the coding process.
b) At the beginning of the research process in order to aid the formulation of ideas and
c) Lastly, in order to prevent analysis becoming theory-driven.
d) After coding but before categorization, to aid the labelling of categories.

8. According to the grounded-theory approach, in what way might theories be tested

a) By applying the developed categories to new data and statistically examining the fit.
b) By the closeness of the fit between the categories and the data and by the closeness of
fit between the categories and new data.
c) By the fit between the categories and the data and by applying the categories to new
d) None of these.

9. Spot the false statement out of the four below.

a) Discourse analysis can be used to analyse anything from newspaper to a clothes
b) Discourse analysis does not treat language as if it were representational.
c) Discourse Analysis is built on the idea that truth and reality are identifiable through
d) Language is seen as socially situated in Discourse Analysis.

10. In discourse analysis you are looking at the meaning produced in the context of
speech. You should be looking at why a particular version of reality is being constructed,
and what this version accomplishes.
a) True
b) False
Scenario-based question (11-15)
Question 11
A 3rd-year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how
overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your
advice. She is from Pakistan and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic
analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative
surveys to collect the data.
Q11) The fact that she is Pakistani…
a) Is certainly going to give her a biased perspective, and she has to be very careful not to
let it contaminate her reading and interpretation of the interviews
b) Means that she is going to be more empathetic to her participants
c) Means she needs to think about how her experiences as an overseas student have
informed her perspective and analysis and account for how that has influenced her
research in her write-up the research
d) She can only speak to Pakistani students because she can only understand their

Q12) If she conducted interviews...

a) She should develop an interview schedule in advance and stick to it completely
b) She should try and respond to what the interviewee says to create more information
c) She should ignore any signs of participant distress
d) She should conduct at least 50 interviews
Q13) What would be one of the practical advantages of using qualitative surveys rather
than interviews?
a) It would provide her with richer data
b) It would allow her to collect a much larger sample
c) She could conduct the survey online and not have to transcribe her data
d) It would be great for controlling extraneous variables
Q14) when using thematic analysis to analyse her data at first she identified mainly
‘semantic’ codes. Semantic codes...
a) Capture the surface meaning of the data
b) Capture a more conceptual/researcher-driven interpretation of the data
c) Are more objective than other types of codes
d) Are the most difficult codes to construct

Q15) if she is successful in her research, she should be able to...

a) Provide us with a rich detailed description, showing us the different facets and
complexity of the participants’ experience
b) Repeat the research at another time in another setting and get precisely the same
c) Generalise her findings to the wider population of overseas students
d) Predict which type of overseas students is likely to succeed in their studies
Answer Key

1. c 2. b 3. d 4.b 5. c 6. e 7. c 8. c 9.c 10. a

11. a 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. a

Course code: Psy-6103 Total Time duration 3 hours

MS III Advanced-Data Analysis I QUALITATIVE (Final Term) Total marks 35

Section II (Short questions 2 marks each)

Attempt any 1
1. Fundamental concepts of grounded theory
2. Semantic and latent approach

Section III (Short questions total 18 marks)

Each Question carries 3 marks
1. Distinguish between emotional and relational analysis.
2. What is the purpose and scope of discourse analysis?
3. What is coherence in discourse analysis?
4. How do you define the steps of content analysis?
5. How do you establish reliability and validity in content analysis
6. Differentiate conventional and direct content analysis

Section IV (long question 15 mark in total)

Long question (7.5 marks)

Ava is one of “Ex Machina” ‘s central characters. This character is quite interesting and
complicated at the same time. Though she is an artificially created robot, she is very similar
to a human being. Moreover, it can be claimed that Ava managed to become better,
smarter, and even more moral than Caleb and her creator Nathan (Friedman & Kavey,

Nathan considered Ava just another ambitious project and didn’t realize that Ava has
consciousness allowing her to be independent of her creator. She wanted to be free, while
Nathan had his own plans and wanted to erase her personality. As a result, Ava used Caleb
and manipulated him with the help of romantic relations (Macdonald et al., 2015). She had
access to all the information in the world and was able to be more feminine than any other
woman in the world. Therefore, it was easy for her to make Caleb fall in love and start to
think irrationally. Ava considered Nathan as a threat to her existence, and he was the only
human being she knew before meeting Caleb. As a result, she believed that every human
being posed a threat to her existence, and when she decided to leave Caleb locked inside the
mansion, she didn’t feel any empathy towards him.

Though Ava has acted quite violently, it is impossible to blame her. She has consciousness
identical to humans, and she has free will. Thus, it is inhumane and cruel to manipulate a
robot with free will and use it as a slave, even if you have created it. The robot that is
thinking, feeling, and acting like a human should have the same rights and freedom as a
human being; thus, all actions made by Ava can be justified because freedom is one of the
most important values, and no one has right to limit freedom of a conscious being.

1. How do you thematically analyse the above line

Long question

Attempt any one

1. How do you elaborate grounded theory in qualitative research?
2. How discourse analysis can be done in qualitative research

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