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We don’t just share knowledge. We educate.


A few lines about 24/7 Campus being the

Techademy initiative. A few lines about 24/7
Campus being the Techademy initiative.
A few lines about 24/7 Campus being the
Techademy initiative. A few lines about 24/7
Campus being the Techademy initiative. A
few lines about 24/7 Campus being the
Techademy initiative.
01 Introduction
Institutions in India that wish to start online universities or offer courses to students online need to adopt either the Swayam platform or a
platform of their choice. Non-Swayam platforms must comply with directives outlined by the Government of India.

This document explains how 24/7 Campus as a Non-Swayam platform complies with the UGC parameters for Non-Swayam platforms set
forth by the Government of India for institutions.

24/7 Campus addresses this document to the respective Registrar/Dean/VC/ Chancellor at the universities to demonstrate its
adherence to the
Part 1 - The Process of MOOCs Development and Delivery
Part 2 - Provisions for Assessment of a Non-Swayam Platform
Part-3 - Parameters for Assessment of Non-Swayam platform

Government of India adopted the MOOCs concept to supplement the formal education system in the country from high school to higher
education, named aptly as the “Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds” (SWAYAM). It hosts various courses based
on curriculum, continuing education and skill. SWAYAM is the indigenous platform of the MHRD, GOI providing an integrated portal and
platform for hosting Massive open online courses (MOOCS) developed under the aegis of NME-ICT.
Instructions for MOOC Development and Delivery

MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are such online courses which are developed as per the pedagogy
stated herein and follow the four-quadrant approach consisting of video , text, self-assessment and learning more.

Course: shall be of two types: credit courses and non-credit courses.

I. Credit Course shall mean a course which is taught for at least one semester as a part of a PG Programme in Indian
II. Non-Credit Courses shall include courses like awareness programmes, continuing education programmes or of a
specific skill set as an independent course, which are not part of any set curriculum

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