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A pleasant day to everyone.

I am Karlo Aranda, a research presenter from

Mindoro State University Bongabong Campus, with my co-authors: Mr. Uriel
M. Melendres, Bernie V. Malvar, Jr., and Ericka Clarisse Peralta. Our research
is entitled "Web-Based Resident Record Monitoring and Management System
with Data Analytics.

The barangay, the smallest government unit in the Philippines, oversees

several operations. The researchers feel that a systematic records
management system is crucial to prevent issues from manual document
processes because the barangay office contains essential records of its
residents. A barangay typically employs a manual file-based system that
houses various barangay data. Due to the transaction's manual nature,
challenges arise when organizing, tracking, and monitoring transactions,
which makes it more difficult for the barangay to deliver improved public
services. To support this claim, the researchers interviewed some barangay
personnel in Malitbog, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro. These were the results
of the interview:
1) The manual way of recording through notebooks and logbooks, which
is prone to lose or damage;
2) population monitoring is not regular. This irregularity results in several
problems like when there is an urgent need for this data, the Barangay
personnel cannot provide accurate data.
3) Processing and releasing the document will take too much time,
inconveniencing the Barangay constituents.

The main purpose of the study is to:

 Provide an efficient platform for record management of the Barangay.
 Automate the issuance of different documents released by the
 Provide significant data analysis for the implementation of Barangay.
 It offers a backup database that is quick and simple to find a resident's
record in.

The development method used by the proponents was the Rapid Application
Model (RAD) Model.
Agile development, characterized by the rapid application development
methodology, is focused on iterative releases. With rapid application
development, the emphasis is on smaller sprints where small incremental
pieces of a project are delivered. Overall this helps speed up project
deliverables as rework is not needed due to changing requirements or
business needs.

Requirements Analysis and Planning

This phase is equivalent to a project scoping meeting. Although the planning
phase is condensed compared to other project management methodologies,
this is a critical step for the project's ultimate success.

System Design
Once the project is scoped out, it's time to jump into development, building
the user design through various prototype iterations.
This method allows developers to tweak the model until they reach a
satisfactory design.

During the testing phase, the solution must be checked closely against all
client requirements to ensure that it functions as required.

Once your finished product is ready to go live, you need to train users on its
use and ensure that all of the correct data is loaded.

After training and transitionary periods, the software is maintained and
regularly evaluated to assess any shortcomings or potential improvements.

In system testing and evaluation, the evaluation questionnaires were

adapted from the ISO 25010 Software Quality Standard criteria such as
Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, Compatibility, Usability,
Reliability, and Security. The proponents implement 4 points Likert scale in
every indicator as a mean range and verbal interpretation. 4.00 – 3.50 as a
verbal interpretation as Strongly Agree, 3.49 – 2.50 as a verbal
interpretation as Agree, 2.49 – 1.50 as a verbal interpretation as Disagree,
and 1.49 – 0.00 as a verbal interpretation as Strongly Disagree.

This is the Resident Sign-up page. If you don't have an account or have
registered yet, you must sign up and register to access the system. Enter
the first name, middle name, last name, email address, password, and PIN.
This pin protects your data and helps keep unauthorized users not opening
your account even if your QR Code ID is stolen or lost. After the signing-up
process, you can proceed to the policy and agreement page, where the
agreement of the resident and administration is stated.
Checking the box means the resident has read and understood the Policy
and Agreement for Automated Resident Record Monitoring and Management
System, then click Next. After that, you must edit the personal information
needed to fill it out correctly. Since the information is inputted already, click
next. On this page, you need to upload any valid ID or certificate that will
certify that the personal information that was inputted matches. Then click
submit. The admin will check the registration created and assess that
information are correct, the admin will approve it, and the resident will have
access to the system. The residents must log in to make a certificate
requirement from the barangay office. The admin will receive and generate
the certificate request by the resident. The admin has a dashboard that
monitors the number of pending, approved, and disapproved requests, the
total population of the resident per sitios/purok, per category, the number of
male and female residents, registered and non-registered voters, and others
through descriptive data analytics. The system will help the barangay official
monitor the population and grievances of the barangay.

This is the Summary of Evaluation Results using ISO 25010 for it every
criterion, Functional Suitability has an average weighted mean of 3.48,
Performance Efficiency has an average weighted mean of 3.62, Compatibility
has an average weighted mean of 3.58, Usability has an average weighted
mean of 3.42, Reliability has an average weighted mean of 3.44, and
Security has an average weighted mean of 3.51. The Overall Weighted Mean
of the Evaluation has 3.51, which respectively shows the respondent
strongly agreed that the developed system was constructed, tested, and
implemented as well with the standard needs of the respondents.

After the development and evaluation of the system, the proponent

concludes that:
1) Barangay Malitbog now has an efficient platform for its record
management wherein the admin can easily track and organize each
transaction through the system.
2) The issuance of different documents released in Barangay Malitbog are
now automated. The residents can request any documents from
Barangay anytime and anywhere.
3) The system also helped the Barangay determine each resident's status
(e.g., employment status, civil status, gender, etc.) through data
analytics of the system.
4) The results from ISO 25010 show that the system meets its standard
criteria in terms of functional suitability, performance efficiency,
Compatibility, Usability, Reliability, and Security.
5) The Barangay Malitbog officials can quickly locate each resident's
records since the system itself have a backup database.

That would be all; thank you for listening, and God bless.

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