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Prepared by: Date

Job Title: Signature:

Contact No: Email Address:

Inquiries related to Cybersecurity Response to inquiries

1. Where does Cybersecurity Group sit in the


2. What are the metrics (KPIs, KRIs) used by

Cybersecurity Group?

3. In relation to metrics, are there reports being

submitted to Risk Management Group? Are there
reports being submitted to Executive Management?
How frequent is the reporting occur? 

4. How do you manage cyber risks (including who

does what and when)? From identification,
assessment, analysis to treatment? Please expound
how these cyber risks are translated/reflected to
enterprise-wide risks.

 5. Who monitors these risks? How does Cyber

Group ensure treatment (either mitigation or
acceptance) are applied?

1. Do you have a Security Operations Centre? If not,

who's doing monitoring and incident response?

2. What is the coverage of the monitoring? (i.e.

devices/apps being monitored, 24/7 or 24/5 or 8/5,

3. What are the various software/tools/solutions used

for Monitoring?

4. What are the security detection

capabilities/solutions in place? Kindly indicate the
coverage of each security detection capability.

5. What are the proactive effort on

detecting/preventing cybersecurity threats? Kindly
specify the enablers (i.e. tools, program/process)

6. Kindly discuss your incident response procedure,

from Preparation-Identification-Containment-
Eradication-Recovery/Restoration-Lesson Learned

7. How do incidents are being reported to Senior

Management? (Describe who does what and when,
escalation matrix and corresponding thresholds)
1. Have you encountered any cyber security incident
which may have directly and/or remotely affected
your financial systems?

2. Kindly provide the details, what happened, when it

happened and the duration of the incident, how was
it resolved, and the impact to the organization?

1.Can you describe your program for Security

Awareness? Kindly list the activities and frequency of

2. Have you conducted any Social Engineering

Exercise to evaluate the security awareness of your

3. Can you describe the process/procedure if an

employee would like to report a suspected phishing
email/scam or malicious link? And once it's reported,
what are the steps being taken before closure?

1. How does Management assess its internal

accounting controls in light of risks arising from
cyber-related frauds (e.g., BEC scams, spoofing,
phishing, etcetera)

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