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Nama : Seno Setyawan

NIM : 2202112013
Prodi : Pendidikan Fisika


Electromagnetic waves are waves that can propagate even if there is no

medium. Electromagnetic energy propagates in waves with several measurable
characters, namely: wavelength/wavelength, frequency, amplitude/amplitude,
speed. Amplitude is the height of the wave, while the length of the wave is the
distance between the two crests. Frequency is the number of waves that pass
through a point in one unit of time.

The frequency depends on the speed of the wave climbed. Since the
velocity of electromagnetic energy is constant (the speed of light), wavelength and
frequency are inversely related. The longer the wave, the lower the frequency, and
the shorter the wave, the higher the frequency.

Electromagnetic energy is emitted, or given off, by all masses in the

universe at different levels. The higher the energy level in an energy source, the
lower the wavelength of the energy produced, and the higher the frequency. The
different characteristics of wave energy are used to classify electromagnetic

According to Christian Huygens (1629-1695) a Dutch scientist, stated that

light is basically the same as sound and is in the form of waves. The difference
between light and sound lies only in the wavelength and frequency. In this theory
Huygens assumes that every point on a wavefront can be considered as a new
source of waves and the direction of this wavefront is always perpendicular to the
wavefront in question.

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