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University of San Carlos

Department of Physical Education

P. del Rosario Street, Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Fax: +63 (32) 255 4341 | Website: usc.edu.ph


December 07, 2022

Warmest greetings!

As a requirement for my subject Research 02, I, Maria Sandra Jacalan Naval, a 4 th year
student taking up Bachelor of Physical Education in the University of San Carlos – South
Campus, am conducting a survey for my thesis entitled, “Physical Activity Engagement: Effects
on Academic Achievement of the Special Needs Education Specialization in Early Childhood
Education-Montessori Education (SNED ECED MONT ED) Major Students in the University of
San Carlos - School of Education”.

I would like to ask for your permission in allowing me to conduct a survey for my thesis.
The survey would be scheduled at a time that would be suited to your schedule, lasting only 5 to
10 minutes. There are no known or foreseen risks to taking part in this study; participation in the
survey is completely voluntary. The only usage of the submitted information will be for
academic purposes, and it will all be maintained in full confidentiality.

If you agree to participate in my survey, please sign the form below. I would be
extremely grateful for your consent.

I sincerely appreciate your interest and cooperation with this research.

Stephany Sato Bendebel

Respondent’s Signature Over Printed Name

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