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NAME OF STUDENT_________________ GRADE: 11 ----

TIME: 90 Minutes DATE ________

This Examination has 50 items. Each item is worth 1 mark. Please read the
instructions carefully before attempting the questions.

Total 50 marks

You are required to do all questions

Do not turn over until you are told to do


Directions: Read each of the following sentences.

Choose the common noun from the options below. Circle your choice

1 My family and I went to the circus yesterday.

a) And b) family
c) Went d) to

2 John Bill Ricketts staged the first circus performance in the US on April 3, 1793.

a) Circus b) April
c) Staged d) U.S.

3 Isaac Van Amburgh began the tradition of taming jungle cats in 1830.

a) Of b) Isaac Van Amburgh

c) Tradition d) began

4 PETA is a group that believes that circus animals are treated cruelly.

a) Group b) PETA
c) Cruelly d) treated

5 The static or fixed trapeze act is performed on bars and ropes that mainly stay in
. place.

a) Mainly b) is
c) Performed d) bars (5mrks)

Directions: Read each of the following sentences.

Choose the proper noun from the options below. Circle your choice.

1. Charlie Chaplin studied the art of clowning.

a) Charlie b) art
c) studied d) clowning

2. Americans call a clown's act a gag while Europeans call it an entree.

a) clown's b) act
c) Americans d) entree

3. I saw a circus from China featuring a performer who spun many plates on

a) featuring b) plates
c) China d) performer

4. Hoppy the Clown exaggerated how hard it was to ride his unicycle.

a) Hoppy b) unicycle
c) exaggerated d) hard

5. Emmett Leo Kelly was a famous clown who created \"Weary Willie,\" the hobo

a) famous b) clown
c) hobo d) Weary Willie

Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined word in each


1. Babies’ feet are very small. ( heavy, little, big)

2. I have a rich uncle who gives me lots of money. (poor, mean, wealthy)

3. There is a big tree in the park. (small, hard, huge)

4. The cup fell from his hand and broke. (bright, dropped, stay)

5. We had a difficult time getting over the hill. (hard, bold, still)

6. He had a huge bag on his back. (heavy, little, big)

7. The boy could not lift the chair, he was too feeble. (weak, strong, fast)

8. Nobody in grade 8 can catch Jasmine, she is too fast. (slow, quick, hard)
9. John is brave, he is not afraid of anything. (hard, bold, still)

10.Mary got very timid when she finally met her new teacher. (brave, bold, shy)

Underline the pair of antonyms in each row. One is done for you.

Good love praise hate joy

1. Cold snow hot windy

2. real true right false

3. now none begin end

4. dull good bad live

5. door enter exit go



Instruction: Read each passage and answer the questions based on them.

The government of Grenada organized medical teams and relief supplies for areas

which were severely hit by hurricane Ivan. A government spokesperson said that

tons of food, medicine, and clothing would be needed by the people of Grenada.

The prime minister indicated that help was being sought from other Caribbean

countries. The government spokes person reported that hundreds, if not thousands,

of homes were badly damaged by the hurricane. The number of deaths and missing

people were not yet known. Thousands of people were left homeless because of the

severe damage.

1. What was the name of the hurricane?

a. Ivan

b. Gilbert

c. Sandy

d. Albert

2. Which country is mentioned in the news story?

A. Jamaica

B. Cuba

C. Grenada

D. Trinidad

3. From where was the prime minister seeking help?


B. Caribbean

C. Europe
D. Africa

4. What was the extent of the damage?

A. Minor

B. No damage

C. Severe

D. Just a little bit

5. What items did the people need?

A. Food

B. Medicine

C. Clothing

D. All of the above

6. How many people were left homeless?

A. Dozens of people

B. Hundreds of people

C. Under 1000 people

D. Thousands of people

7. What was the immediate need of the people?

A. Money

B. New shoes

C. Shelter

D. A better government

8. How many persons were dead or missing?

a. Dozens

b. Hundreds

c. Thousands

d. Unknown
Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch.
Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then
took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a
new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in
the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went
straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with
her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said.

1. What type of job does Paul do?

a. A policeman
b. A waiter
c. A Farmer
d. A politician

2. Alice is a
a. kind woman
b. shy woman
c. tidy woman
d. messy woman

3. What relationship do Paul and Alice have?

A. They are friends
b. They are husband and wife
c. They are cousins
d. They do not know each other

4. Who are the two main characters of the passage?

a. Paul and his muddy boots
b. Alice and the garbage bag
c. Alice and Paul
d. the washing machine and the dinner table

Crack! Thunder struck and rain poured. Max stared blankly out the window,
trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather. He was beginning to
lose it. Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sobs. His mother
comforted him, “There, there, Max. We’ll just find something else to do.” She
began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered him a
sandwich. Max snapped, “I don’t wanna sand-mich!” A flash from the sky lit up
the living room. Boom! Mom sighed.

1. Why is Max upset?

a. He can’t get to fly his kite
b. His kite was lost
c. He was hungry
d. He was afraid

2. What was Mom planning on doing today?

a. Going Shopping
b. Having a picnic
c. Dancing in the rain
d. Cook dinner

3. What went “Crack!” in the passage?

a. The kite
b. The thunder
c. The rain
d. The ligthning


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