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SF-12 Summary

1. In general would you say your health is:

In general, health is good

2. Limitations on moderate activities due to health

Not limited in moderate activities

3. Limitations on climbing several flights of stairs due to health

Limited a little in moderate activities

4. Accomplished less than you would like due to physical health

Accomplished as much work as would like (unaffected by physical health)

5. Were limited in the kind of work or other activites due to physical health
Not limited in kind of work or other activities in last week (unaffected by physical health)

6. Accomplished less than you would like due to emotional problems

Accomplished less work than would like due to emotional problems

7. Didn't do work as carefully as usual due to emotional problems

Works as carefully as usual (unaffected by emotional problems)

8. During the past week, how much did pain interfere with your normal work?
No interference of pain with normal work

9. Have you felt calm and peaceful?

Felt calm and peaceful a good bit of the time

10. Did you have a lot of energy?

Had a lot of energy some of the time

11. Have you felt downhearted and blue?

Felt downhearted and blue a little of the time

12. Physical health or emotional problems interfered with social activities?

Physical or emotional health interferes with social activities none of the time

PCS-12 (Physical Score):

54.02145 (difference from USA population average 4.021450000000001)
Graphical PCS-12 (Physical Score):
Graphical difference from USA pop. avg.

MCS-12 (Mental Score):

46.04113 (difference from USA population average -3.95887)
Graphical MCS-12 (Mental Score):
Graphical difference from USA pop. avg.

Pertinent Negative Pertinent Positive Pertinent Positive

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.

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