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1. Why are human and animal representations so rare in Islamic art?

A. They are considered to be an attempt at imitating the work of God.
B. It is considered offensive to represent sentient beings in art.
C. It is considered bad luck to represent animal and human figures.
D. They are not considered beautiful enough to be represented in art.

2. Islamic art and architecture are connected to people of what faith?

A. Byzantine
B. Muslim
C. Jewish
D. Christian

3. Which of the following statements about Moorish Architecture is NOT true?

A. It did not use human or animal figures in its surface decoration and instead created distinct
abstract forms
B. It was never used on religious structures and had no connection to religious meaning or
C. It was found in places like the tip of North Africa and Spain, areas where the Moors were in
D. It was a style used to create many brick and stone structures in the Maghreb in the 13th century

4. How did Moorish Architecture arrive in America?

A. It originated in Latin America
B. It was brought by the Arab armies
C. It arrived through the expansion of Islam
D. It was brought by the Spanish conquerors and missionaries

5. Most of the characteristics of Moorish architecture were conceived:

A. To protect the land against Catholic armies
B. To make construction simpler and reduce costs
C. In response to the religious percepts of Islam
D. To show the power of men over nature

6. The Mughal Empire ruled over what region?

A. The Arabian Peninsula
B. The British Isles
C. The Mediterranean Basin
D. The Indian Subcontinent

7. Except in Shah Jahan’s work, what was the most common material used in Mughal architecture?
A. Red sandstone
B. White marble
C. Black marble
D. Black volcanic rock

8. Which of these was NOT a major part of both Islamic and Mughal architecture?
A. Symmetry
B. An aesthetic of subtlety
C. The interplay of geometric shapes
D. A high amount of detailed ornamentation

9. An Alcaraz is which kind of structure in Moorish Architecture?

A. A Christian church
B. A form of grand mosque
C. A fortress complex
D. A residential common dwelling

10. In mosques, this is often built to complement the prayer hall and accommodate more worshippers.
A. Iman’s room
B. Dome
C. Ablution area
D. Courtyard

11. What is the name of the distinct decorative element in Moorish and Islamic architecture that features
curving graceful, intertwined lines and vaguely foliage-like forms?
A. Arabesque
B. Alhambra
C. Calligraphy
D. Murqarnas

12. What is a murgarnas?

A. It’s a panel covering with only decorative calligraphy
B. It’s a decorative element with the human figure in it
C. It’s colorful glazed tile work that creates a flat smooth surface
D. It’s a distinctive type of honeycomb vaulting

13. Of the following, which is one reason for calligraphy becoming so important as decoration in the
Islamic world?
A. They were the first people who developed written language and were very proud of the fact
B. It reflected the idea of writing as the word of God, and images of people and animals weren't used
C. It was effective decoration for ceramic tile, which is the only place it was used in Islamic art
D. It was an easy and fast type of decoration to make, so artists could quickly learn calligraphy and
use it on many surfaces

14. Arabesques differ from the geometric patterns in that arabesques are created by combining:
A. Letters and words
B. Animal symbols
C. Irregular geometries
D. Vegatal elements and lines

15. Which list represents three important design elements found in Islamic art?
A. Calligraphy, geometry, fanciful angels
B. Geometry, animals, foliate or vegetal forms
C. Calligraphy, geometry, foliate or vegetal forms
D. Calligraphy, human figures, geometry

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