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Andres.- hello,how are you?

Oscar.- i´m fine

Isai.- mee to

Andres.- what do you want to do this weekend?, i thought we could go see a movie

Isai.- thats sounds Good

Oscar.- what do you suggest?

Andres.- we could see a horror movie

Isia.- i dont know i´m not a fan of horror movies

Oscrar.- i´m not either

Andres.- how about an action movie?

Oscar.- that sounds intersting

Isai.- i agree

Oscar.- we could go to cinepolis?

Isai.- i agree. I heard there is a promotion on weekends

Andres.- what else can we do after the movie?

Oscar.- we could go to a bar?, i heard that a blues band is performing

Isai.-really? I´m not a fan of blues music

Andres.- yeah, neither am i

Oscar.- well maybe we can go to a restaurant?

Andres.-i like that idea

Isai.- we can go to the new thai restaurant

Oscar.- i don´t really agree, i´m not a fan of thai food

Andres.- really? I think thai food is Delicious

Isai.-or we can go to a seafood restaurant?

Oscar.- I like it, we can go to Mr. Shrimp

Andres.- i dont like that place because the service was too slow

Isai.- i think so, too

Oscar.- ok, we could go eat tacos

Andres.- i agree.
Isai.- i know a place near my house

Andres.- alright lets go then

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