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Independent Work Week 4

Valentina Acosta 152004201
Melba Lucia Moreno

Universidad de los llanos

School of Economics
Public Accounting
June 2022
1) From worksheet No 2 (Future Tense) do Task 1, exercise 1, 2, and 3
conjugating sentences into A, N, Q and WHQ
Task 1. Write sentences in going to future.
1) he / get up / early
Positive: He's going to get up early
Negative: He's not going to get up early
Question: ¿Is he going to get up early ?
2) they / do / their best
Positive: They're going to do their best
Negative: They're not going to do their best
Question: ¿Are they going to do their best?
WHQ What: ¿When are they going to do their best?
¿What time are they going to do their best?
3) you / learn / French
Positive: You're going to learn French
Negative: You're not going to learn French
Question: ¿Are you going to learn French?
WHQ What: ¿When are you going to learn French?
¿What time are you going to learn French?

2) Explore 3 different links from Worksheet No 2 (Future) and show

evidence of doing them to practice at home
Going To: Grammar Quiz! Trivia Test
Questions and Answers
1. When are you going to leave Tomorrow.  My flight is in the morning.
2. You have to pay for tomorrow. Don't worry. I'm not going to forget.
3. Do you have any plans? Yes, I'm going to meet some Friends.
4. The interviews for the new manager position were yesterday. I think Jaime is going to get
the job.
5. This suitcase is too heavy for me. I'm going to carry it for you.
6. What are you going to drink? I'm going to have a diet Coke.
7. This is my e-mail address. Thanks. I'm going to send you the pictures tomorrow.
8. Are you going to travel this weekend? No, I have to work on Saturday.
9. Argentina is playing in Brazil tomorrow. I'm sure they're going to lose
10. My plain arrives at 7:30. Ok, I'm going to meet you by the information desk.
11. What time does the game start? I am I going to call the movie theater and check?
12. Do I need to bring an umbrella? No, I don't think it's going to rain
Future Simple Quiz
1. He wil arrive on time.
2. Will your folks leave before Tuesday?
3. We won't get there until after dark.
4. We will see what your father says.
5. I don't think I'll go swimming today.
6. It will snow tomorrow.
7. We won't know until we get there.
8. I'll be back before Friday.
9. Will you be at the rehearsal on Saturday?
10. I'm going to the grocery store. I think I'll buy a turkey.
Will-future or going to-future – Exercise 2
1. What are your plans for the weekend? I am going to hide a geochache.
2. Doris is always late. I'm sure she is going to be late tomorrow, too.
3. Would you like tea or coffee? I will have coffee.
4. Watch out! You are going to hurt yourself.
5. The friends are going to stay in tonight. They are grounded.
6. It's starting to rain. I will put up the umbrella.
7. Look! They are going to wash the car.
8. I don't think they will spend their holidays by the sea again.
9. If you don’t stop bullying her, I will tell the teacher.
10. It’s 5 o'clock already. We are going to miss the bus.

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