Independent Work Week 5 Valentina Acosta..

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Independent Work Week 5

Valentina Acosta 152004201
Melba Lucia Moreno

Universidad de los llanos

School of Economics
Public Accounting
June 2022

1) From Independent WK week 2 where you talk about a family member of what
he/she has done lately or you
Today I want to tell you about my mom, her name is Nury Reyes. She is 53 years old and
has been a volunteer for the Colombian Civil Defense since 2008. She joined the relief
organization because she has always liked to help others.
At the Civil Defense she was trained in first aid, acquiring basic knowledge that allows her
to stabilize a patient, relieving pain and anxiety until he is attended by medical personnel.
She also took courses related to disaster risk management, social action and environmental
During the rainy seasons in Villavicencio there are usually floods that affect the welfare of
many families living near those tributaries, and from the head office they call volunteers to
be available for any event, my mom almost never refuses.
A few years ago, there was a major flood emergency, causing the neighborhoods near the
tributaries of the municipality were severely affected and my mom was working with her
colleagues for about 5 days in a row, without resting, conducting censuses and delivering
humanitarian aid to all the victims.
She was also attending to the emergency of a bus that went off the road on the Bogotá -
Villavicencio highway, in which most of the passengers died. An experience that marked
her life because she says it was very sad to see such young children in those conditions.
As I was telling you, she never refuses to help others. One day a man who was working
installing an internet network on a pole was attacked by bees, when he ran away my mom
was passing by with my brother, and when they tried to help him they were stung too. My
mom and brother were hospitalized for 2 days due to the stings. It was a good thing it didn't
happen. When the worker recovered, he told them how grateful he felt because even though
they were also at risk, they helped him selflessly.

We will also tell you about my uncle Carlos Humberto Torres, who has passed away but we
remember him with love and affection, he was 24 years old when he started working in the
SEM (Malaria Eradication Service), his position was fumigator, he worked for 40 years in
the department of San Jose del Guaviare, where he always went to fumigate farms
throughout the department, for each farm it took him about 2 or 3 days traveling on
horseback, however his work had to be done regardless of the weather.
He fumigated each farm to eradicate mosquitoes and mosquitoes, proud of his work he
always did it with love no matter the distance he was, he was away from home for 3 months
to fulfill his work, in these runs he knew all the rivers, streams, and had transportation
difficulties, sometimes because of rains when crossing the rivers he lost his belongings and
even his horse.
Over the years he was promoted to area supervisor, where he managed staff and supervised
the work done by his collaborators, in this way he was getting to know very well the whole
area of San Jose del Guaviare and little by little he was organizing a sketch of the
Department of all the points he had traveled to fumigate, he had rivers, high and low parts,
and exact places where the farms were located, when he finished he sent it to Bogotá to the
main office of cartography for review and verification by air, because there was no map of
San Jose.
After a few months this map was verified and approved by experts in this subject, and
obtained recognition for his excellent work and effort.
Today we remember my uncle Carlos as a man dedicated to his work, and the love he had
for his department regardless of the experiences in the sun, rain, day, night, or even endure
hunger, all this caused an illness in his body, leading him to death, we always remember
him with love.

2) From Week 4, submit the 3-group Dialogues with an Accounting real Life
situation. Please Upload this one in this week
Partner 1- Heidy Sierra
Partner 2-Valentina Acosta
Accountant- Lina Beltran
Lawyer-Laura Muñoz
Heidy: Hi Valentina How are you?
Valentina: Hi Heidy, good thank you, and you?
Heidy: Well Valentina, I have already found the accountant and the lawyer who will guide
us through the process of creating the company.
Valentina: amazing! We meet tomorrow?
Heidy: Perfect, in the boardroom.
Next day
Lina: Nice to meet you, my name is Lina Beltran, accountant by profession, I have 20
years of experience and I will be advising you in your project.
Laura: Nice to meet you, my name is Laura Muñoz, I have 15 years of experience as a
lawyer in corporate law and I hope we can meet your expectations.
Heidy y Valentina: Nice to meet you.
Lina Beltran: Well, the first step to create a company is to have a business idea, tell me
what is your idea?
Heidy: Our company will be dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of sportswear.
Laura Muñoz: Having clear the idea, have you studied the feasibility of the project?
Valentina: Yes, initially we conducted a market study and based on a financial simulator
through which we made an estimate of the initial investment, production and sales
necessary to reach the break-even point in a period of no more than 2 years and a half.
Lina: Are you the only partners? Because that is an important issue if you need more
money for the initial investment.
Laura: Additionally you need to share values and mutual trust, so it is better to look at the
mistakes you have to avoid when choosing your venture partners.
Valentina y Heidy: Yes, we know.
Laura: The next thing I want to know is have you already chosen the name of the
company? Because that is the first information that will reach anyone who comes in contact
with your company.
Valentina: Yes, we already have the name, we know it is important for the company's
internal and external clients.
Heidy: Yes, we know that the name has an impact on the first impression that people will
have of our business.
Laura: The following would be the choice of the legal status of the company is another
important step in the creation. This is based on three aspects: taxation, liability and required
Lina: First of all, they have to choose between the physical personality or the legal
personality and the type of commercial company, such as the Limited Company, the Joint
Stock Company, the Limited Partnership, etc.
Laura: It is also necessary to know the address where the factory and the commercial
premises will be located. And finally we will proceed to make the corresponding
registrations of the company before the DIAN and the chamber of commerce.
Valentina: Thank you very much, these days we are contacting each other.
Heidy: Thank you very much, see you soon
Lina: Good bye, I'll be waiting for you
Laura: See you later, good day.
Valentina: Hi Heidy, how are you?
Heidy: Hi Valen, thank you and you?
Valentina: What are you doing?
Heidy: I am checking that we need to hire the staff to start work next week.
¿Can you call the accountant and the lawyer to take care of the process?
Valentina: I went ahead and called them, I knew you were going to ask us to start the
process as soon as possible. They are on their way.
Lina: Good afternoon, Mrs. Valentina and Mrs. Heidy.
Heidy y Valentina: Good afternoon Mrs. Lina.
Lina: ¿How are you today?
Heidy y valentina: Very well, thank you.
Laura: Good afternoon, sorry for the delay.
Heidy: Good afternoon, Mrs. Laura.
Lina: Mrs. Valentina told me that you want to start the legal procedures of the company.
Heidy: That's right, since we need to start working with the new personnel next week.
Laura: And they have already decided who will be the legal representative and the name of
the company, and don't forget the basic information that we mentioned before.
Valentina: Yes, I will be the legal representative, the name of our company will be
Women's sport simplified anonymous society.
Laura: That is very good, let's start with the contract of incorporation of the company and
we will go to the notary's office, then we will go to the Dian, for the tax registration and to
the chamber of commerce so that it is legally constituted.
Lina: ¿What is the initial investment capital with which you will start?
Heidy: Our initial contributions will be distributed as follows:
First in cash we have $65,000,000, second a commercial space for $86,000,000.
Lina: I see that you already have the data very clear, so let's start with the paperwork, with
Mrs. Laura we are going to prepare the necessary documents.
Valentina: I am so excited about this new project.
Heidy: You are not the only one, this is a new beginning.
Mrs. Laura and Mrs. Lina, for the hiring of employees, what is the necessary
Laura: A labor contract is required, I would advise a fixed term contract for a short trial
period and then decide how long to leave, the employee must have their national identity
Lina: In addition you need to implement electronic payroll, and report social security
payments, to avoid future demands from the UGPP.
Valentina: Thank you very much for this information, now we still have to decide which
system we are going to implement, for accounting records, inventories and payroll, what
program do you recommend Mrs. Lina?
Lina: There are several programs, such as SIIGO, AGIL, SIESA, ALEGRA, WORLD
OFFICE, there are many more, for an SME like this one, I would recommend SIIGO or
Heidy: Oh! there is always a great variety of programs, with my partner Valentina we will
start to find out about these two, which one is the best one.
Valentina: Yes, as soon as we do that process, we can contact you to start managing the
accounting, Mrs. Lina.
Lina: Of course it would be a pleasure, then we are waiting for you, and may this new
project give you many benefits.
Laura: It has been a pleasure Mrs. Valentina and Mrs. Heidy, may this project continue to
grow a lot, you already have my contact if you need any other service. Have a very good
Lina: I am leaving too, have a nice day.
Valentina: Thank you very much for your collaboration, I am happy with your work.
Heidy: Have a nice day both of you, thank you very much for all the advice.
3) Practice Past Perfect Continuous from the link below and show evidence
1. We'd only been walking for about ten minutes before it started to rain.
2. Mandy was exhausted by the time she went on holiday because she'd been working
over 55 hours a week.
3. The flat was lovely and tidy because my flatmate had been cleaning
4. Colin and his wife hadn't been living in their home long before Colin changed jobs
and they had to move house again.
5. Many European countries had already been taking action to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions prior to the Kyoto Protocol in 1990.
6. Before the recession, the economy had been growing at a rapid pace.
7. Five suspected terrorists were arrested earlier today. They had been hiding in a
London basement.
8. We hadn't been talking long before I had to leave to catch my train.
9. Paul and Debbie have broken up. They hadn't been getting on well for some time.
10. If it hadn't been raining so heavily, I would have gone running.

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