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Waves Topic 4 [68 marks]

Two loudspeakers A and B are initially equidistant from a microphone M. The

frequency and intensity emitted by A and B are the same. A and B emit sound in
phase. A is fixed in position.

B is moved slowly away from M along the line MP. The graph shows the variation
with distance travelled by B of the received intensity at M.

1a. Explain why the received intensity varies between maximum and [3 marks]
minimum values.
movement of B means that path distance is different « between BM and AM »
movement of B creates a path difference «between BM and AM» ✓
superposition «of waves» ✓
maximum when waves arrive in phase / path difference = n x lambda
minimum when waves arrive «180° or π » out of phase / path difference =
(n+½) x lambda ✓

Examiners report
This was an "explain" questions, so examiners were looking for a clear
discussion of the movement of speaker B creating a changing path difference
between B and the microphone and A and the microphone. This path
difference would lead to interference, and the examiners were looking for a
connection between specific phase differences or path differences for maxima
or minima. Some candidates were able to discuss basic concepts of
interference (e.g. "there is constructive and destructive interference"), but
failed to make clear connections between the physical situation and the given
graph. A very common mistake candidates made was to think the question
was about intensity and to therefore describe the decrease in peak height of
the maxima on the graph. Another common mistake was to approach this as a
Doppler question and to attempt to answer it based on the frequency
difference of B.

1b. State and explain the wavelength of the sound measured at M. [2 marks]
wavelength = 26 cm ✓

peak to peak distance is the path difference which is one wavelength

this is the distance B moves to be back in phase «with A» ✓

Allow 25 − 27 cm for MP1.

Examiners report
Many candidates recognized that the wavelength was 26 cm, but the
explanations were lacking the details about what information the graph was
actually providing. Examiners were looking for a connection back to path
difference, and not simply a description of peak-to-peak distance on the graph.
Some candidates did not state a wavelength at all, and instead simply
discussed the concept of wavelength or suggested that the wavelength was

1c. B is placed at the first minimum. The frequency is then changed until the[2 marks]
received intensity is again at a maximum.
Show that the lowest frequency at which the intensity maximum can occur is
about 3 kHz.
Speed of sound = 340 m s−1
2 » = 13 cm ✓
f =« λc = 0.13
=» 2.6 «kHz» ✓

Allow ½ of wavelength from (b) or data from graph.

Examiners report
This was a "show that" question that had enough information for backwards
working. Examiners were looking for evidence of using the wavelength from
(b) or information from the graph to determine wavelength followed by a
correct substitution and an answer to more significant digits than the given
A loudspeaker emits sound waves of frequency f towards a metal plate that
reflects the waves. A small microphone is moved along the line from the metal
plate to the loudspeaker. The intensity of sound detected at the microphone as it
moves varies regularly between maximum and minimum values.

The speed of sound in air is 340 m s −1.

2a. Explain the variation in intensity. [3 marks]

«incident and reflected» waves superpose/interfere/combine ✓
«that leads to» standing waves formed OR nodes and antinodes present ✓
at antinodes / maxima there is maximum intensity / constructive interference
/ «displacement» addition / louder sound ✓
at nodes / minima there is minimum intensity / destructive interference
/ «displacement» cancellation / quieter sound ✓

Allow a sketch of a standing wave for MP2
Allow a correct reference to path or phase differences to identify constructive /
destructive interference

Examiners report
ai) On most occasions it looked like students knew more than they could
successfully communicate. Lots of answers talked about interference between
the 2 waves, or standing waves being produced but did not go on to add
detail. Candidates should take note of how many marks the question part is
worth and attempt a structure of the answer that accounts for that. At SL
there were problems recognizing a standard question requiring the typical
explanation of how a standing wave is established.
3aii) By far the most common answer was 2800 Hz, not doubling the value
given to get the correct wavelength. That might suggest that some students
misinterpreted adjacent minima as two troughs, therefore missing to use the
information to correctly determine the wavelength as 0.24 m.
b) A question that turned out to be a good high level discriminator. Most
candidates went for an answer that generally had everything at a lower
intensity and didn't pick up on the relative amount of superposition. Those
that did answer it very well, with very clear explanations, succeeded in
recognizing that the nodes would be louder and the anti-nodes would be
quieter than before.
2b. Adjacent minima are separated by a distance of 0.12 m. Calculate f. [2 marks]

wavelength = 0.24 «m» ✓
f = « 0.24 =» 1.4 «kHz» OR 1400 «Hz» ✓

Allow ECF from MP1

Examiners report
2c. The metal plate is replaced by a wooden plate that reflects a lower [3 marks]
intensity sound wave than the metal plate.
State and explain the differences between the sound intensities detected by the
same microphone with the metal plate and the wooden plate.

relates intensity to amplitude ✓
antinodes / maximum intensity will be decreased / quieter ✓
nodes / minimum will be increased / louder ✓
difference in intensities will be less ✓
maxima and minima are at the same positions ✓


Examiners report

An experiment to investigate simple harmonic motion consists of a mass

oscillating at the end of a vertical spring.
The mass oscillates vertically above a motion sensor that measures the speed of
the mass. Test 1 is carried out with a 1.0 kg mass and spring of spring constant k1 .
Test 2 is a repeat of the experiment with a 4.0 kg mass and spring of spring
constant k2 .
The variation with time of the vertical speed of the masses, for one cycle of the
oscillation, is shown for each test.

3a. Calculate the frequency of the oscillation for both tests. [1 mark]
1.3 «Hz» ✓

Examiners report
ai) The majority managed to answer this question correctly.
aii) A very well answered question where most worked correctly from the
formula for the period of oscillation of a spring.
aiii) Quite a few answers had vmax from the wrong test.
aiv) Most common answers were a correct 2 peak curve, a correct 1 peak
curve and a sine curve. Several alternatives were included in the MS as the
original data provided in the question was inconsistent, i.e. 44 J is not the
maximum kinetic energy available for the second test, and that was taken into
account not to disadvantage any candidate´s interpretation.
b) Many got the first three marks for a correct Doppler shift calculation from
the correct speed. . There were very few good correct full answers, might be a
question to look at for 6/7 during grading.

3b. Deduce k1 . [2 marks]

m1 m2
k ∝ m OR k1
= k2

0.25 OR 14 ✓

Examiners report

3c. Determine the amplitude of oscillation for test 1. [2 marks]

vmax = 4.8 «m s−1» ✓
x0 =« ωv = vT

= 2π
» = 0.61 «m» ✓

Allow a range of 4.7 to 4.9 for MP1

Allow a range of 0.58 to 0.62 for MP2
Allow ECF from (a)(i)
Allow ECF from MP1.

Examiners report
3d. In test 2, the maximum elastic potential energy Ep stored in the spring is [2 marks]
44 J.
When t = 0 the value of Ep for test 2 is zero.
Sketch, on the axes, the variation with time of Ep for test 2.

all energy shown positive ✓
curve starting and finishing at E = 0 with two peaks with at least one at 44 J
curve starting and finishing at E = 0 with one peak at 44 J ✓

Do not accept straight lines or discontinuous curves for MP2

Examiners report
3e. The motion sensor operates by detecting the sound waves reflected [4 marks]
from the base of the mass. The sensor compares the frequency detected
with the frequency emitted when the signal returns.
The sound frequency emitted by the sensor is 35 kHz. The speed of sound is 340 
m s−1.
Determine the maximum frequency change detected by the sensor for test 2.

read off of 9.4 «m s−1» ✓

use of f' = f( v±vu ) OR f' = f( v±vuo ) ✓


f = 36 «kHz» OR 34 «kHz» ✓
«recognition that there are two shifts so» change in f = 2 «kHz» OR f = 37
«kHz» OR 33 «kHz» ✓

Allow a range of 9.3 to 9.5 for MP1

Allow ECF from MP1.
MP4 can also be found by applying the Doppler effect twice.

Examiners report

A longitudinal wave travels in a medium with speed 340 m s−1. The graph shows
the variation with time t of the displacement x of a particle P in the medium.
Positive displacements on the graph correspond to displacements to the right for
particle P.

4a. Calculate the wavelength of the wave. [2 marks]

T = 4 × 10−3 «s» or f = 250 «Hz» ✓
λ = 340 × 4. 0 × 10−3 = 1. 36 ≈ 1. 4 «m» ✓

Allow ECF from MP1.

Award [2] for a bald correct answer.
Examiners report

Another wave travels in the medium. The graph shows the variation with time t of
the displacement of each wave at the position of P.

4b. State the phase difference between the two waves. [1 mark]

«±» π2 /90° OR 32π /270° ✓

Examiners report
4c. Identify a time at which the displacement of P is zero. [1 mark]

1.5 «ms» ✓

Examiners report

4d. Estimate the amplitude of the resultant wave. [1 mark]

8.0 OR 8.5 «μm» ✓

From the graph on the paper, value is 8.0. From the calculated correct trig
functions, value is 8.49.

Examiners report
A standing sound wave is established in a tube that is closed at one end and open
at the other end. The period of the wave is T . The diagram represents the
standing wave at t = 0 and at t = T8 . The wavelength of the wave is 1.20 m.
Positive displacements mean displacements to the right.

4e. Calculate the length of the tube. [1 mark]

L = « 34 λ = » 0.90 «m» ✓

Examiners report
4f. A particle in the tube has its equilibrium position at the open end of the [2 marks]
State and explain the direction of the velocity of this particle at time t = T8 .

to the right ✓

displacement is getting less negative

change of displacement is positive ✓

Examiners report

4g. Draw on the diagram the standing wave at time t = T

. [1 mark]

horizontal line drawn at the equilibrium position ✓

Examiners report
5a. Calculate the wavelength of the wave. [2 marks]

T = 4 × 10−3 «s» or f = 250 «Hz» ✓
λ = 340 × 4. 0 × 10−3 = 1. 36 ≈ 1. 4 «m» ✓

Allow ECF from MP1.

Award [2] for a bald correct answer.

Examiners report
5b. Determine, for particle P, the magnitude and direction of the [3 marks]
acceleration at t = 2.0 m s.

ϖ = « 2Tπ = » 2π
OR 1. 57 × 103  «s−1» ✓
a = «ϖ2 x0 = (1. 57 × 103 ) × 6 × 10−6 = 14. 8 ≈ »15 «ms−2» ✓
«opposite to displacement so» to the right ✓

Examiners report

5c. State the phase difference between the two waves. [1 mark]
«±» π2 /90° OR 32π /270° ✓

Examiners report

5d. Identify a time at which the displacement of P is zero. [1 mark]

1.5 «ms» ✓

Examiners report

5e. Estimate the amplitude of the resultant wave. [1 mark]

8.0 OR 8.5 «μm» ✓

From the graph on the paper, value is 8.0. From the calculated correct trig
functions, value is 8.49.

Examiners report

5f. Calculate the length of the tube. [1 mark]

L = « 34 λ = » 0.90 «m» ✓

Examiners report
5g. A particle in the tube has its equilibrium position at the open end of the [2 marks]
State and explain the direction of the velocity of this particle at time t = T8 .

to the right ✓

displacement is getting less negative

change of displacement is positive ✓

Examiners report

5h. Draw on the diagram the standing wave at time t = T

. [1 mark]

horizontal line drawn at the equilibrium position ✓

Examiners report
6a. Describe two ways in which standing waves differ from travelling [2 marks]

energy is not propagated by standing waves ✓
amplitude constant for travelling waves OR amplitude varies with position for
standing waves OR standing waves have nodes/antinodes ✓
phase varies with position for travelling waves OR phase constant inter-node
for standing waves ✓
travelling waves can have any wavelength OR standing waves have discrete
wavelengths ✓


Examiners report
A vertical tube, open at both ends, is completely immersed in a container of
water. A loudspeaker above the container connected to a signal generator emits
sound. As the tube is raised the loudness of the sound heard reaches a maximum
because a standing wave has formed in the tube.

6b. Outline how a standing wave forms in the tube. [2 marks]

«sound» wave «travels down tube and» is reflected ✓
incident and reflected wave superpose/combine/interfere ✓

Do not award MP1 if the reflection is quoted at the walls/container

Examiners report
6c. The tube is raised until the loudness of the sound reaches a maximum for [1 mark]
a second time.
Draw, on the following diagram, the position of the nodes in the tube when the
second maximum is heard.

nodes shown at water surface AND 23 way up tube (by eye) ✓

Accept drawing of displacement diagram for correct harmonic without nodes

specifically identified.
Award [0] if waveform is shown below the water surface

Examiners report

6d. Between the first and second positions of maximum loudness, the tube is[2 marks]
raised through 0.37 m. The speed of sound in the air in the tube is 320 
m s−1. Determine the frequency of the sound emitted by the loudspeaker.
λ = 0. 74 «m» ✓
f = « λc = 0.74
= »430«Hz» ✓

Allow ECF from MP1

Examiners report

A vertical solid cylinder of uniform cross-sectional area A floats in water. The

cylinder is partially submerged. When the cylinder floats at rest, a mark is aligned
with the water surface. The cylinder is pushed vertically downwards so that the
mark is a distance x below the water surface.

At time t = 0 the cylinder is released. The resultant vertical force F on the

cylinder is related to the displacement x of the mark by
F = −ρAgx
where ρ is the density of water.

7a. Outline why the cylinder performs simple harmonic motion when [1 mark]
the «restoring» force/acceleration is proportional to displacement ✓

Allow use of symbols i.e. F ∝ −x or a ∝ −x

Examiners report
This was well answered with candidates gaining credit for answers in words or

7b. The mass of the cylinder is 118 kg and the cross-sectional area of the [2 marks]
−1 2 3 −3
cylinder is 2. 29 × 10 m . The density of water is 1. 03 × 10 kg m . Show
that the angular frequency of oscillation of the cylinder is about 4. 4 rad s−1 .

Evidence of equating mω2 x = ρAgx «to obtain m
= ω2 » ✓

ω = √ 1.03×10 ×2.29×10
3 −1
OR 4. 43« rad s−1 » ✓

Answer to at least 3 s.f.

Examiners report
Again, very well answered.

The cylinder was initially pushed down a distance x = 0. 250 m.

7c. Determine the maximum kinetic energy Ekmax of the cylinder. [2 marks]

«EK is a maximum when x = 0 hence»
EK, max = 2 × 118 × 4. 42 (0. 2502 − 02 ) ✓

71. 4 «J» ✓

Examiners report
A straightforward calculation with the most common mistake being missing
the squared on the omega.
7d. Draw, on the axes, the graph to show how the kinetic energy of the [2 marks]
cylinder varies with time during one period of oscillation T .

energy never negative ✓
correct shape with two maxima ✓

Examiners report
Most candidates answered with a graph that was only positive so scored the
first mark.
The solid line in the graph shows the variation with distance x of the displacement
y of a travelling wave at t = 0. The dotted line shows the wave 0.20 ms later. The
period of the wave is longer than 0.20 ms.

8a. Calculate, in m s–1, the speed for this wave. [1 mark]

v=« =» 250 «m s –1»✔

Examiners report

8b. Calculate, in Hz, the frequency for this wave. [2 marks]

λ = 0.30 «m» ✔
f = « 0.30 =» 830 «Hz» ✔
NOTE: Allow ECF from (a)(i)
Allow ECF from wrong wavelength for MP2

Examiners report

8c. The graph also shows the displacement of two particles, P and Q, in the [2 marks]
medium at t = 0. State and explain which particle has the larger
magnitude of acceleration at t = 0.

acceleration is proportional to displacement «and Q has larger displacement»

Examiners report
One end of a string is attached to an oscillator and the other is fixed to a wall.
When the frequency of the oscillator is 360 Hz the standing wave shown is formed
on the string.

Point X (not shown) is a point on the string at a distance of 10 cm from the


8d. State the number of all other points on the string that have the same [1 mark]
amplitude and phase as X.

3 «points» ✔

Examiners report

8e. The frequency of the oscillator is reduced to 120 Hz. On the diagram, [1 mark]
draw the standing wave that will be formed on the string.
first harmonic mode drawn ✔

NOTE: Allow if only one curve drawn, either solid or dashed.

Examiners report

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